King of Gods

Chapter 1113

“The old man has a Secret Technique. Once it is successfully applied, it can gather the strength of the descendants of God Eye and generate the power of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth. It may be able to threaten this True God. Of course, this Secret Technique old man has not tried So I can’t guarantee … “

Saint King Samsara slowly said.

Two great dynasty many experts, expressions

Even Half God Dragon Emperor, who didn’t see much before, had great interest.

There was such a legend that Eight Great God Eyes came together to summon the ‘Supreme Ancestor Eye’, which was able to Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth and rebuild the order of the universe.

Of course, this is just a legend, Eight Great God Eyes is impossible to appear in the Continental domain, and the authenticity cannot be proved.

But at this moment, Saint King Samsara’s approach seems to be a little similar to this legend.

However, Saint King Samsara’s method is to gather the strength of God Eye descendants, and the number of God Eye descendants is unlimited.

“Saint King Samsara, is there such a way?”

Half-God Annihilation was shocked, and he was the first to hear about this Secret Technique.

“The old man has not tried it, and the success of the old man is not sure …”

Saint King Samsara expression is heavy.

“Then try it”

Half God Hidden Dragon said directly.

Although Saint King Samsara does not dare to guarantee the success rate, once it is successful, it may really have the power of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, which will be their only way to deal with True God Tian Fa, otherwise, the two great dynasty will only go Perish.

Half God Dragon Emperor also ordered nodded.

Many experts of the two great dynasty have a little more expectation.

Of course, the exchange of people is just that among the several Half-Gods in the small range, the rest of the two great dynasty and the True God Tian Fa did not know the method of Saint King Samsara.

“Please show up all God Eye descendants of the two great dynasty”

Saint King Samsara sound transmission.

“Well? Like Myriad Forms Saint Lord from Human Race?”

A sweep of Half God Hidden Dragon Spiritual Sense found that Myriad Forms Saint Lord was not in the divine corpse.

“禀 Lord Half-God, Myriad Forms Saint Lord was captured by Zhao Feng?”

Like Saint Lord Ta Tian of Human Race, immediately said

“Zhao Feng, surrender Myriad Forms Saint Lord”

Half-God Annihilation is shouted directly.


Zhao Feng, expression startled while observing the battle while cultivate.

Suddenly, Half-God Annihilation of Serene Moon Dynasty asked Myriad Forms Saint Lord for himself?

“Zhao Feng little brother, release Myriad Forms Saint Lord for the time being. This is also done to deal with True God Tian Fa …”

Saint King Samsara and Zhao Feng sound transmission tell the story.

“Sure there is this Secret Technique, the strength of the descendants of Eight Great God Eyes?”

Zhao Feng is also very interested in the Secret Technique of Saint King Samsara.

“Myriad Forms Saint Lord, controlled by me”

Zhao Feng coldly said.

How could it be for him to surrender Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

It was because of Myriad Forms Saint Lord that Zhao Feng was as miserable as Half Race Ju Meng of Human Race, how could he easily surrender now.

Zhao Feng’s attitude slightly displeased the seniors of the two great dynasty Half-Gods, but at this time they were not convenient to say anything, otherwise it would not be good for True God Tian Fa to notice what

Zhao Feng releases Myriad Forms Saint Lord, and operates most of the ideas, enters into the mind of Myriad Forms Saint Lord for full control.

“Myriad Forms Saint Lord is controlled by the whole body and mind, so that I can equivalent to my use of Myriad Forms Saint Lord to participate in this operation …”

Zhao Feng was slightly excited.

In the Eye of Samsara’s Left Eye, the round of black wire coils suddenly spun up.

Subsequently, a black robe silhouette appeared, his face pale, the gods did not abide by the house, and one-eyed dress.

“Zhao Feng”

Great Emperor of Death immediately growled.

But all of him is bound by the Eye of Samsara, unable to move, and cannot run any strength.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon within the body, an aura of God Eye descendants, erupted immediately.

Many great dynasty experts have noticed that this aura, expression is slightly shaken. Why does the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon within the body have aura of God Eye descendants?

“Black Flood Dragon, let Eye of Destiny come out”

Saint King Samsara said directly.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon doesn’t know yet.

But Bai Lin, who was within the body, guessed things that others didn’t know, based on various signs.

A bland white clothed woman from the source space of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.


Bai Lin called directly.

“Bai Lin”

Great Emperor of Death has a slightly crazy look, and there is a trace of sadness in memory.

“All this is a choice for the teacher”

Great Emperor of Death said with some remorse.

Bai Lin, who showed his true face, looked towards Zhao Feng with an ice-cold face, and showed his clear killing intent.

“Eye of Destiny”

Many great dynasty experts, expression shocked.

Eye of Destiny, Eight Great God Eyes has the lowest battle strength, but the most mysterious and elusive God Eye.

So far, many experts present have not heard about the descendants of Eye of Destiny, but the descendants of Eye of Destiny are beside them.

Many experts have finally figured out why the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon can go all the way in divide corpse and avoid all crises.

As soon as Zhao Feng expression condensed, he discovered the existence of Eye of Destiny when he played against the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

For Bai Lin, Zhao Feng also had the heart to kill, but at this time, there was no way to kill.

For the Great Emperor of Death, Zhao Feng doesn’t matter. The opponent’s alert can’t pose any threat to himself. Moreover, the Great Emperor of Death is very pitiful now.

“Eye of Annihilation, Eye of Myriad Forms, Eye of Death, Eye of Destiny, Eye of Samsara, the five God Eye descendants are gathered”

All the experts of the two great dynasty, seeing this picture, are very excited.

What happens when the strength of God Eye descendants collide together?

“Five God Eye descendants?”

True God Tian Fa felt a little bit bad.

Some things about Eight Great God Eyes. As a Wild God Region expert, he knows more about this.

And Eight Great God Eyes is the inviolable Ruler in the Wild God Region.

“Any God Eye descendants, what can you do?”

True God Tian Fa loudly shouted.

The figure of True God Tian Fa flew away, and instantly looked towards the two great dynasty camps.

“Block him”

Half God Dragon Emperor said directly.

Half-God of the two great dynasty, immediately moved away.

Never allow True God Tian Fa to hurt God Eye descendants

“I pass the tactics to you”

Saint King Samsara secretly transmitted sound to other God Eye descendants.

Shua shua

The people who received the tactics, immediately, cooperated with Saint King Samsara in accordance with the requirements in it.

“Initiate the strength of source Space?”

Zhao Feng controls Soul of Myriad Forms God Lord, enters into the Myriad Forms Space.

“Strength of Source”

The Strength of Source of Eye of Myriad Forms is Myriad Forms Strength of Source, heaven and earth. All natural Myriad Forms strength incarnation.

A colorful strength that ignored Soul Matter and Space rules was drawn out by Zhao Feng.

At the same time, other God Eye descendants have also drawn different source strengths.

While releasing this source of strength, everyone’s eyes are dim at the same time. Obviously, the consumption of Strength of Source has a great impact on the eyes.

“What is that strength?”

True God Tian Fa felt the amazingstrength in front of me, and there was no time in my heart.

Although some of these strengths are still very weak, each strength is the ultimate Profound Truth that is difficult for ordinary people to control.

When these Profound Truth strengths are mixed, True God Tian Fa does not know what, but he has a bad feeling.

“Just kill it”

True God Tian Fa coldly snorted.

“Don’t think”

“Block him”

Half-God of the two great dynasty, immediately performed various means.

They saw that True God Tian Fa was so concerned about the strength of the descendants of the five God Eyes, and everyone looked forward to it.

Hu hu hu

Five God Eye descendants, running complex fingerprints at the same time.


Saint King Samsara loudly shouted and opened Eye of Samsara.

On his top of the head, the Five Strength of Source is dominated by his Strength of Samsara, twisted together, and an inscrutable yet terrifying strange strength emerges between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, this strength twisted into a ball seems to have some kind of sublimation.


A terrifying ultimate strength suddenly emerged between heaven and earth.

This strength Void is one piece, as if it does not exist, but it also affects heaven and earth, like the ruler of the world

“Goura’s aura”

Many God Eye descendants, at this moment, feel the special aura in this strength.

“go with”

Saint King Samsara uttered a word.


At this moment, the two great dynasty Half-God teams were shocked by True God Tian Fa.

Many Half-God experts have been hit hard by a powerful Bloodline Divine Power.

“That strength?”

True God Tian Fa fixed his eyes.

When he faced the strength, his body, Bloodline, and Soul seemed to give up resistance to submit to this strength.

“What kind of strength is this?”


The two great-dynasty Half-God experts, like True God Tian Fa, are in awe, as if they are about to surrender to this strength.

“Youyun flash”

True God Tian Fa felt a sense of crisis for the first time, and immediately implemented God Level Step Technique.

Shua shua

True God Tian Fa Drag a string of gloomy silhouettes in void, and the teleportation opens a far distance.

But when his silhouette stopped, in front of him, the strength of Void mysterious and Ruler all appeared directly.

“How can it be?”

True God Tian Fa expression.

This strength is simply Annihilation time and space, ignoring everything, and directly descends on his body.


The center of the explosion formed a Ruler strength that controlled heaven and earth, and a terrifying energy storm spread.

Shua Xiu Xiu

Explode the center to form a Space black hole, draw all the Matter and Soul energy near heaven and earth void

“Good terrifying strength”

“Did you die?”

Many Half-God experts were shocked and stared at the center of the black hole storm.

At this time, the five God Eye descendants are all on the spot.

At that moment, they all seemed to Comprehension to the mysterious strength that was not detectable by others, and who was the one who said, please, they could only detect God Eye aura.

However, Zhao Feng found it amazing. At that moment, the mysterious golden sphere in his God Eye Space was trembling violently, and there seemed to be something to emerge from it.


Saint King Samsara both eyes

In order to perform this Secret Technique, the strength of three God Eye descendants must be used.

Originally, he did not want to publish this secret, but the two great dynasty are not the opponent of True God Tian Fa at all. If he loses, then all the expert alive or death here will be controlled by True God Tian Fa.

Therefore, Saint King Samsara is also very helpless.

“If this strength is under my control …”

Saint King Samsara was excited and excited.


Suddenly, a deafening noise came from the gradual black hole explosion center.

“You guys, this is in courting death”

True God Tian Fa’s exclaimed roar.

The body of True God Tian Fa, flickering directly.

A huge hole appeared in his entire body, and even the defense Divine Tool Seven Sea Devil Dragon Armor was mostly broken and dull.


True God Tian Fa spit out black blood.


The broken Divine Physique part of True God Tian Fa, slowly creeping, difficult healing.

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