King of Gods

Chapter 1104

Zhao Feng and Half God Ju Meng are standing on a cyan iron plate with a length of severalhundred zhang. There is a metal platform in the center of the iron plate, and a black triangular iron block is still suspended on it.

“The competition mode is turned on, the winner is eligible to try, Divine Tool recognizes the master”

A mechanical sound came from the floating triangular iron block.

“Divine Tool”

Half God Ju Meng’s heart suddenly startled, both eyes stared at the floating iron on the metal platform.

Even Zhao Feng forgot his own crisis at this moment.

Although Zhao Feng can’t understand what Divine Tool is, since it is Divine Tool, it must have its uniqueness. Even if it is useless, it is not comparable to Heaven Rank Divine Weapon.

“Haha, luck is good, it can kill you and get a Divine Tool”

Half God Ju Meng burst out laughing, in his opinion, this Divine Tool must be his.

Zhao Feng complexion is slightly sinking. Although I don’t know what the ‘contention mode’ is, Zhao Feng’s winning face is indeed less.

“Make a Test”

On that metal platform, two transparent golden lights burst out at once, sweeping across Zhao Feng and Half God Ju Meng body, respectively.

“Soul Will, Mystic Light Holy Force, and physical defense have all reached Mystic Light Great Accomplishment Peak, strong blood, inflammation attribute Bloodline, unknown Eye Bloodline”

A mechanical voice sounded.

Zhao Feng expression Slightly hesitated, I did not expect that this metal platform can detect its own strength so accurately.

On the other side, Half God Ju Meng complexion was shocked. Zhao Feng’s strength was indeed far above the same rank, but he did not expect Zhao Feng to reach the level of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment Peak on all three sides.

“Mystic Light Holy Force and Soul Will have reached Saint King Peak, the physical defense is slightly stronger, and they have a higher Bloodline, giving birth to Divine Power, Low Level Half-God.”

Compared with Zhao Feng, Half God Ju Meng’s detection evaluation is no bright spot, and even makes Half God Ju Meng feel a little embarrassed.

At the next moment, on the cyan iron plate where Zhao Feng and Half God Ju Meng are located, three strands of cyan Unknown Matter each spewed out, and the group of cyan Matter was distorted and deformed, eventually forming three human-shaped mechanical slugs.

The three mechanical cymbals in front of Zhao Feng, the first standing in front of Zhao Feng, the second standing in the cyan iron plate center, and the third near the Divine Tool.

“You must not use external force to defeat the three mechanical cymbals.

That metal table, the last word came out.

Zhao Feng took a closer look at the first mechanical cymbal in front of him, Soul Will, Mystic Light Holy Force, and physical defense, which basically reached the level of great accomplishment, and also possessed a good Eye Strength.

In general, the melancholy in front of me has the same strength as Zhao Feng.

On the other side, the three mechanical cymbals in front of Half God Ju Meng are also very similar to his own strength.

“What a test?”

Half God Ju Meng suddenly cursed.

Defeating three same rank experts is indeed not difficult, and it is impossible for ordinary people to complete.

At this moment, the mechanical cymbal in front of Zhao Feng left directly, performing a wonderful and profound Step Technique, close to Zhao Feng.

“Depending on the situation, it is to defeat the three mechanical puppets in turn, instead of fighting the three mechanical puppets at the same time.”

Of the three crickets, only Zhao Feng’s mechanical crickets set off.

As long as Zhao Feng defeats the three mecha cymbals in turn and is faster than Half God Ju Meng, then he is the winner.

At this time, Zhao Feng regretted it a little bit. He should step up his time and copy more inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow.

With the inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow, Zhao Feng should be able to easily defeat these three mechanical puppets, but now the inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow in Zhao Feng’s hands has been used up.

Although using God-Slaying Arrow, it was able to defeat three metal puppets directly and obtain the final victory.

However, the metal platform said: “The winner is eligible to try, Divine Tool recognizes the Lord”

If Zhao Feng used the God-Slaying Arrow, and finally the Divine Tool failed to recognize the master, wouldn’t it be a death.

Zhao Feng immediately urged Saint Thunder Body to release the power of Wind Thunder’s small world projection.


For the first time, Zhao Feng held a tentative mentality and was beaten back by several steps.

“The strength of the mechanical cymbals is the same as me in the Peak state”

Zhao Feng immediately concluded.

And the rules of this Space are very special. Zhao Feng couldn’t ditch Opening Heaven to Profound Truth, fight against mechanical cymbals, not at all imagined Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, but was pushed down to the limit.

“I killed Zhao Feng first, and the winner was only me”

Half God Ju Meng suddenly has a thought, soaring directly, approaching Zhao Feng.

But he just flew over the top of the head of the second megger, the eyes of the second megger, suddenly flickering rays of light, and attacked Half God Ju Meng at the same time as the first megger.

“How could this be?”

Half God Ju Meng expression panic.

It seems that if he flew to Zhao Feng’s side, wouldn’t he be facing three cymbal attack on the cyan iron plate at the same time.

Half God Ju Meng flew back to place to immediately, then the second mechanical maggot also returned to its place, the eyes of light dim.

Helpless, Half God Ju Meng can only honestly fight the first mechanical puppet.

On the other side, Zhao Feng naturally sees everything.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng integrates with the Wind Thunder Holy Force and suddenly hits a Golden Red Thunder palm shadow.

And the mechanical badger also performed a Heaven Rank Battle Skill and hit a red fire punch.


At this time, Zhao Feng went all out and did not want to go up and down with the machinery.

“It is impossible to defeat the mechanical cymbals by ordinary means”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were dimmed.

On the other side, Half God Ju Meng is also aware of this problem.

These mechanical puppets have the same abilities as the two in all respects, and their thinking is no less than that of ordinary people, and even their analytical ability in combat is more accurate.

But the only thing they lack is the hole card and the trump card.

“You miscalculated my Eye Bloodline”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

The cymbal in front of it clearly has Soul Will and a special Eye Strength, but Zhao Feng does not believe that this mechanical cymbal eye pupil can be mentioned on equal terms with Zhao Feng’s God Eye.

“Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain”

Zhao Feng first performed his strongest Illusion Technique and tried it out.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, evolved into an endless Purple Gold maze world, exuding a deadly appeal.

On the other side, the mechanical cymbals operate the Eye Strength and also perform an Illusion Technique attack.

The two invisible spiritual Dao of Illusions strength are intertwined.

The next moment, Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Illusion Technique, repelled the Illusion Technique of mechanical cymbals.


Zhao Feng complexion rejoices.

The mechanical strength of Eye Strength may be ranked in the top XNUMX in Emperor Path Bloodline. It is considered to be a very powerful Eye Bloodline, but it is never possible to mention on Zhao Feng’s God Eye mention on equal terms.

Under the influence of Zhao Feng Illusion Dao Eye Technique, the ability of all aspects of the machine was suddenly reduced.

Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm

Zhao Feng once again performed the extremely powerful Saint Thunder Body Palm Technique, slamming directly on the body of the mechanical puppet.

However, the mechanical defense of this melancholy is the same as Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng’s palm did not cause fatal wounds.

Under this palm assault, the mechanical cymbals awoke from Zhao Feng’s Illusion Dao Eye Technique.

“Phantom Assault”

Zhao Feng once again released a small Illusion Dao Eye Technique, and rushed up at the same time, wielding several red gold palm shadows.

Bang Bang

Soon, Zhao Feng was successfully defeated by the first mechanical puppet.

Not far ahead, the second mechanical eyes of both eyes suddenly flickering from rays of light, and an invisible momentum spread.

“come on”

Zhao Feng, showing no sign of weakness, rushed to the second mechanical puppet.

This time, Zhao Feng continued to use the tactics just now, and once he came up, he performed a simple Illusion Dao Eye Technique.

“Well? This mechanical badger seems to have some resistance to Illusion Technique”

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

“Don’t tell me that the last mechanized puppet was defeated by the Illusion Technique, so this mechanized puppet enhanced this ability?”

Zhao Feng guessed.

On the other side, Half God Ju Meng was anxious when Zhao Feng defeated a mechanical badger so quickly.


Half God Ju Meng’s cheeks were fierce, and a malevolent aura appeared in his hand.

This is exactly one of the cards God Half Ju Meng prepared for this divine corpse opportunity: Xue Sha Mad Demon Pill, which can make Half God Ju Meng’s ability in all aspects soar in a few moments, and a malevolent is incorporated into Holy Force aura strength, stronger lethality.


After swallows this medicine pill, the momentum of Half God Ju Meng suddenly changes, a shocking dark red malevolent aura, permeates the whole body, and a glance looks like the same Hell Devil God.


Half God Ju Meng after taking Xue Sha Mad Demon Pill, waving Divine Weapon in hand, performing ‘Sky Cleave’.


The huge red wave blade, with a monstrous malevolent aura, slammed everything and hurled away towards the machinery.

The mechanical puppet in front of Half God Ju Meng resisted for a moment and was defeated by Half God Ju Meng.


Half God Ju Meng, with a pained and mad face, rushed directly to the second mechanical puppet.

Half God Ju Meng At this time, although the Battle Strength is strong, he still has a great sense of reason. He understands that his state cannot last for too long, so he must do it quickly.

On the other side, Zhao Feng saw that Half God Ju Meng was so desperate that he couldn’t keep hiding.

“Spiritual Thorn”

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

At this time, Zhao Feng directly applied the powerful Attack Eye Technique to this mechanical hoe in front of him.

This mechanical puppet also applies the Soul Eye Technique to Zhao Feng, but Zhao Feng, who bears God Eye, has strong immunity to attack at the Soul level, so it will not be affected much.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

Zhao Feng runs a part of the Thunder Calamity brand and performs the Thunder Calamity Eye Technique.

I saw a twisted Thunder Calamity imprint, twisting and burning like a flame, carrying terrifying Soul aura, which burst into the head of the mechanical urn.


Zhao Feng blasted away and knocked the machine into flight.

At the same time, Half God Ju Meng also bombarded the second mechanized puppet, and both rushed towards the third mechanized puppet at the same time.

Bang Bang

A moment of fighting, Zhao Feng found that this metal cymbal had a certain resistance to Zhao Feng Soul Illusion Technique and attack Eye Technique.

“The strength of this metal puppet is just the same as Saint King Bi Guang.”

Zhao Feng commented.

Saint King Bi Guang, the medium Saint King in Saint King Realm, is stronger than some ordinary Saint Kings, but not as powerful as Saint King Yu Ling, Saint King You Mu.

At this moment, the battlefield between Zhao Feng and Half God Ju Meng, but the distance of more than a dozen feet, if this space has a strong suppression of Profound Truth and strength, Zhao Feng may not even be able to resist the aftermath of Half God Ju Meng’s battle. .

“Xue Sha Mad Demon Pill’s medicine efficacy will not last long, and the mechanical strength is stronger”

Half God Ju Meng is well aware of the situation at the moment.

“In that case, I will kill you first”

Half God Ju Meng cheeky.

At this point, he had already defeated two mechanical cymbals without fear of being sieged by multiple mechanical cymbals at the same time.

And from Half God Ju Meng’s point of view, it is not difficult to kill Zhao Feng.

As long as he kills Zhao Feng, and then slowly grinds down the last mechanical cymbal, he can directly win.

Thinking of this, Half God Ju Meng hardly resisted the attack of the third mechanical puppet, approached Zhao Feng, and waved Divine Weapon in his hand, he would launch attack to Zhao Feng.

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