King of Gods

Chapter 1103

Beside an antique pavilion.


A layer of empty silver shadows overlapped in void, and the silhouettes of Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat slowly emerged with a wave of space.

“Close call, now almost two Great dynasty half God Level characters come in.”

Zhao Feng felt a touch of urgency.

If Zhao Feng encounters the Expert of the Great Heaven Dynasty, they will no doubt be able to get their asylum, of course, except for Half God You Hai.

But together with the Great Heaven Dynasty’s Half-God, Zhao Feng’s opportunities are also reduced to the limit. After all, human Half-God may protect Zhao Feng, but never give up great opportunities and precious treasures to Zhao Feng.

Therefore, Zhao Feng decided to act alone.

And before, Zhao Feng was in this Space, leaving a lot of Space coordinates, as long as it was cautiously, the problem was not big.

At this moment, Zhao Feng recalled the picture of meeting Xin Wuhen just now.

The silhouette in the platinum palace was Xin Wuhen, which still shocked Zhao Feng and couldn’t believe it.

At the same time, Zhao Feng began to think about what Xin Wuhen said to him, “Zhao Feng, time is not long, every building here is an opportunity, pick one based on your feelings.”

This sentence feels like Zhao Feng’s. All the opportunities here are arranged by Xin Wuhen.

Of course, this is not the point. There are two points that make Zhao Feng really think about this sentence.

First point: Xin Wuhen said that time is short. Zhao Feng speculates that the opportunity here may only exist for a certain period of time, or for other reasons, it has to be suspended

Second point: Xin Wuhen said that there are many opportunities here, let Zhao Feng choose one.

There are so many opportunities here, why does Xin Wuhen say that Zhao Feng should pick one? Or, you can only pick one

“Don’t tell me that there are certain restrictions here that one can only enter into a building and get an opportunity?”

Zhao Feng speculated this conclusion.

If this is the case, Zhao Feng is really happy.

When he first entered this place, Zhao Feng resisted the temptation. Instead of do as you wish enters into the buildings here, he looked around and used the Bewildering Space Realm to leave the space coordinates.

Regardless of whether Xin Wuhen’s statement is true, just in case, Zhao Feng must treat it as true.

In addition, Zhao Feng also thought.

Since Xin Wuhen is in the Platinum Pavilion, does this mean that there is an opportunity for Xin Wuhen.

On the other hand, it also proves that Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat’s vision is correct. The Platinum Palace is the biggest opportunity here, but only belongs to Xin Wuhen.

Later, Zhao Feng opened God Eye and observed all around.

“Every building is an opportunity, and naturally I can’t choose too bad”

Zhao Feng said firmly.

On Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a layer of pale gold ripples permeated.

Those buildings penetrated by Zhao Feng a glance were ignored by Zhao Feng directly.

call out

Zhao Feng cautiously flies in a wonderful space lined with various buildings, and observes every building all around.

At some point, Zhao Feng saw a small wood house with a Half-God from Entire Nether Cult.

After the Half-God enters into the little wood house, he took away almost everything he could search.

But when this Half-God left the wooden door, his body disappeared into a tough space rule.

“Sure enough, one person can only get one opportunity”

Zhao Feng is thankful again.

According to the situation on the optical path, Zhao Feng speculated that this Half-God should be forcibly teleportation to leave the place and go elsewhere in the divine corpse.

At the same time, Zhao Feng was very puzzled, how could Xin Wuhen know this.


Small Thieving Cat once again throws up the ancient coins in his hand for divination

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat waved his paw to point a direction for Zhao Feng.

“OK, believe you”

Zhao Feng still trusts the division of Small Thieving Cat.

Moreover, when Zhao Feng saw the Platinum Pavilion, the division of Small Thieving Cat also pointed in that direction.

call out

Zhao Feng moved towards Small Thieving Cat’s direction, cautiously moving forward.

During Zhao Feng’s watch of Arrived Tie Family Half God Scarlet Blood, Zhao Feng remained immovable and waited for the other party to leave before proceeding.

“There don’t seem to be any particularly strange and magnificent buildings”

Zhao Feng whispering after flying a distance.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng stopped.

“This clock tower”

Zhao Feng’s eyes locked a huge clock tower.

The azure light clock tower is much bigger and brighter than other buildings here, but it is far worse than that magnificent platinum palace.

But the reason why this clock tower really attracts Zhao Feng’s is that Zhao Feng’s Left Eye can’t penetrate the clock tower.

Zhao Feng pushed the perspective ability of Left Eye to the limit and could only penetrate a part of the periphery of that clock tower.

“This clock tower is anything but ordinary, and its structure is a bit like the product of Heavens Secret Clan”

Zhao Feng definitely said.

Later, Zhao Feng came to the clock tower and was ready to take a closer look at the distance.

At this moment, on the other side of the bell tower, a silhouette came out.

“Zhao Feng”

The huge Alien Race silhouette complexion was startled and excited.

Half God Ju Meng was also observing this clock tower. This clock tower was very special and isolated from Spiritual Sense, so he didn’t realize that Zhao Feng was behind the clock tower at first.

“Half God Ju Meng”

Zhao Feng shuddered.

Zhao Feng’s perspective ability cannot penetrate this clock tower, and Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Sense is also blocked, so Zhao Feng also did not notice that Half God Ju Meng on the other side of the clock tower.

“Distance is too close to use Bewildering Space Realm”

Zhao Feng was tense and felt a crisis of death.

First, Bewildering Space Realm needs teleportation in a stable Space. Second, Bewildering Space Realm is not an instant teleportation, and it takes half the time.

With such a close distance, Half God Ju Half can kill Zhao Feng dozens of times.

“It can only be this way”

Zhao Feng led Small Thieving Cat into the bell tower with the door open.

When Zhao Feng enters into the bell tower, the gate of the bell tower is immediately closed.

“Haha, where do you run away”

Half God Ju Meng laughed, turned into a dim light, and entered through the crack of the door that was about to close.

He also did not expect that his luck was so good that it would be so simple to meet the person he wanted to kill.

“Abominable, he came in too”

Zhao Feng complexion was slightly shaken and somewhat stunned.

Zhao Feng originally thought that once he entered into the building, the bell tower would be completely closed, and the second person would not be allowed to enter into the building. Just like that platinum palace, when Zhao Wu was inside, Zhao Feng Can’t break in anyway.

Now it seems that Zhao Feng is thinking wrong.

Zhao Feng Feiyu saw many treasures along the clock tower floor, and he didn’t have time to pick them up.

In Zhao Feng’s hands, a dark silver Ancient Bow and a dark golden arrow appear.

Zhao Feng pulled the bowstring directly and fired the inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow.

Bang jeer

I saw a huge dark golden arrow, running through everything, dragging the terrifying dark gold energy storm, and flew down.

“Do you want to hurt me with this gadget?”

Half God Ju Meng smiled.

In his view, Zhao Feng was impossible to escape at this time. It was not too late to find Zhao Feng when he killed Zhao Feng.

In the hands of Half God Ju Meng, a dark red mutilated giant axe appears.

Divine Power surged and Half God Ju Meng blocked Divine Weapon in his hand.


The terrifying energy storm swept away instantly.

The rest of the items in the clock tower were intact.

“go to death”

Half God Ju Meng laughed heartily, waving the missing giant axe, splitting a dark red wave blade.

call out

Zhao Feng quickly hid behind a white railing.


Half God Ju Meng’s attack was blocked by the white railing in front of Zhao Feng, leaving no trace.

“Small Thieving Cat”

In this critical situation, Zhao Feng asked Small Thieving Cat for help.

Because Zhao Feng knows that Small Thieving Cat has a Divine Tool in his hands. If Small Thieving Cat uses this Divine Tool, it should not be a problem to rebuild Half God Ju Meng.

As long as he can re-create Half God Ju Meng, Zhao Feng will have a chance to breathe and use Bewildering Space Realm to leave.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat shook the head, for a while, indicates that it cannot use the strength of Divine Tool.

Zhao Feng complexion sank, and at the same time he also understood that the use of Divine Tool was very strict.

First of all, the Divine Tool needs to recognize the Lord. Once the Lord is recognized, it cannot be used by others unless the Will branding is erased.

Secondly, Divine Tool requires a period of sacrifice to fully exert its power.

Finally, the Divine Tool requires pure Divine Power to motivate.

“Don’t tell me to use God-Slaying Arrow?”

Zhao Feng was unwilling.

Even with the God-Slaying Arrow, Zhao Feng was not sure to kill Half God Ju Meng. At that time, he had to use Bewildering Space Realm to leave. This was equivalent to that, Zhao Feng completely gave up the opportunity here.

“When can you hide?”

Half God Ju Meng compostnt a smile and approached Zhao Feng constantly.


The two silhouettes climbed rapidly in the huge clock tower.

At this time, Zhao Feng already came to the top of the tower.

“this is?”

Zhao Feng expression

At the highest level of the tower, there is only one metal platform. A triangular black iron block floats on the metal platform. Numerous green glow fine lines are outlined on the iron block.

“This should be the most precious treasure in the entire clock tower.”

Zhao Feng couldn’t see what it was, and he could guess it.

“Spell it, at least what to get”

Zhao Feng reached out to the triangular iron block on the metal table, and his ideas poured into the Bewildering Space Realm, ready to take out the God-Slaying Arrow at any time.

At the very least, before using Bewildering Space Realm to leave, Zhao Feng had to get something.

However, when Zhao Feng’s palm touched the black iron block of this triangle, a burst of heavenly cyan divine glow burst out from it.

The shining cyan rays of light illuminate everything, and at the same time cover everything up.

At the same time, a mechanical ice-cold sound came from the black triangle iron block in the center: “Detection of two creatures approaching, and the scramble mode was turned on.”

“what’s the situation?”

Half God Ju Meng felt this terrifying aura of God, showing a hint of fear.


The cyan divine light dissipates, Zhao Feng and Half God Ju Meng, already appears in another Space.

The sky is Void, and the ground is paved with various metals, and there are many strange metal buildings in the distance.

Zhao Feng and Half God Ju Meng are standing on a cyan iron plate with a length of severalhundred zhang. There is a metal platform in the center of the iron plate, and a black triangular iron block is still suspended on it.

“The competition mode is turned on, the winner is eligible to try, Divine Tool recognizes the master”

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