King of Gods

Chapter 1057


Suddenly Nangong Sheng’s eyes opened, and the invisible evil looking strength slowly spread out.

“I’m going to meet with Kun Yun”

Zhao Feng sound transmission.

Talking to Half-God Kun Yun is one thing. On the other hand, Zhao Feng also wants to meet Yufei.

Also, during the period of Zhao Feng’s return, Zhao Yufei stayed in the Thirteenth Prince camp and established many achievements for him. Zhao Feng must also stop.

“I will go, Silent Killing Hall is not for me”

Nangong Sheng whispered.

Nangong Sheng’s Realm is too high. The assassination mission in Silent Killing Hall can reach his level. One or two a month can be considered good.

In addition, often walking around Silent Killing Hall, Nangong Sheng also heard a lot of front-line intelligence: recently the battlefield situation has developed rapidly, the battle level has gradually increased, and even the great accomplishment Saint Lord has appeared.

It seems that going to the battlefield is more interesting than staying at Silent Killing Hall.

“Well, get ready, set off in a month”

Zhao Feng indifferently said.

Regarding the contradiction between Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, Nangong Sheng knows some.

Zhao Feng also deliberately tried out Nangong Sheng. As a result, Nangong Sheng heard that Zhao Feng was going to see Kun Yun. He did not show his intention to help himself, but paid more attention to the enemy and slaughter.

It seems that the last fight with Jiuyou Temple, Nangong Sheng was affected by a lot of influences. During this period, he absorbed a lot of Evil God’s Power to improve strength, which caused his originally stable reason and temperament to begin to tilt.

In addition, Zhao Feng also needs to prepare for a month.

Zhao Feng thought, and entered into the Left Eye Space.


Zhao Feng was delighted.

At this time, Zhao Feng chose to copy the item which was Precious Materials with high quality in his middle grade and Golden Pattern.

Unexpectedly, it took five days, mysterious golden sphere, to copy Precious Materials in this way.

However, correspondingly, these days, Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will has been in the middle and lower levels, within the body Origin Energy has a large loss.

Eye Strength Will affects the power of Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique, while Origin Energy affects everything at the Zhao Feng Matter level. If the loss is serious, the underlying foundation may cause damage and it is extremely difficult to treat.

According to the value of the Earth Spirit Golden Pattern, Zhao Feng roughly estimated, and then raised the item one level up, it is estimated that Zhao Feng can copy the limit.

“Almost equivalent to a Heaven Rank middle grade Divine Weapon”

Zhao Feng was startled.

In other words, as long as Zhao Feng is given enough time and resources, Zhao Feng can even directly copy Divine Weapon in batches.

Similarly, Zhao Feng also confirmed that it is impossible to copy God-Slaying Arrow to take advantage of this ability.

Next, Zhao Feng’s consciousness sank into the mysterious golden sphere, and the next moment came to arrived Immemorial Dreamland.

There are only a few Golden Wing Red Tigers near the pool in Immemorial Dreamland.

Zhao Feng had issued an order long ago for other Golden Wing Red Tigers to explore the terrain of the entire forest.

“Master, there is no other threat found in this forest except a Rupturing Earth Wild Ox Clan and Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.”

The leader of Golden Wing Red Tiger Clan, reported to Zhao Feng about the recent exploration.

“Master, this is the searched resource”

Golden Wing Red Tiger from his small world, took out many exotic materials, a strong medicinal scent, and immediately exuded.

“not bad”

Zhao Feng collects all of these Immemorial Precious Materials.

In Zhao Feng’s Bewildering Space Realm, there are many unknown treasures, all of which were obtained in the Black Wind Valley subterranean last time.

These unknown treasures, Zhao Feng did not dare to take them out for others to identify, but can only store them.

“What is the odds of success when we attack the mad cows?”

Zhao Feng asked.

Earth Rupturing Wild Ox ranks more than thirty in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List than the Golden Wing Red Tiger. There is a certain gap between the two.

“Now that Master strength is growing, we have 50% odds of success”

The leader of Golden Wing Red Tiger, thought about it and answered.


Zhao Feng frowned.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng and five Bee Emperor went all out to defeat this Golden Wing Red Tiger. Now Zhao Feng breakthrough Mystic Light Realm, one person can defeat the Golden Wing Red Tiger leader.

The leader of the Golden Wing Red Tiger naturally understands this, but it is such a result. It can be seen that the mad bull, some out of the ordinary.

“Looks like I should cultivate you”

Zhao Feng said slowly.

Zhao Feng wanted to dig up the Immemorial Dreamland resources, mainly relying on the enslaved Immemorial Demon Beast.

Since Zhao Feng enslaved these Golden Wing Red Tigers, he has neglected to train them.

You know, this Golden Wing Red Tiger leader, in fact, has only the Realm of Mystic Light small accomplishment, but it has the strength of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

And its Soul Will is actually Mystic Light small accomplishment, so when Zhao Feng was only Quasi-Saint Lord, he could rely on the strength of Soul to defeat him.

However, it is really difficult for Zhao Feng to cultivate Golden Wing Red Tiger.

The Golden Wing Red Tigers here almost all reach Saint Lord Realm. They live in Immemorial Dreamland, and their abilities are very strong in all aspects. What should Zhao Feng cultivate them?

In the end, Zhao Feng made a decision.

“Let all Golden Wing Red Tigers run out of energy in this pool and then attack Rupturing Earth Wild Ox Clan”

Zhao Feng said after taking some pool water.

If you want to train Golden Wing Red Tiger, you can only rely on the resources of Immemorial Dreamland.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also decided to use the ‘Copy’ ability to start copying the Immemorial resources and increase the Battle Strength of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

“After the successful defeat of the soil mad cow tribe, after that, they started to advance to the area behind the forest.”

If you want to get resources, you have to keep exploring.

Golden Wing Red Tiger ordered nodded and understood Zhao Feng’s ambitions.

After speaking, Zhao Feng left Immemorial Dreamland.

“Bi Qingyue, after a while, I will go to the front battlefield …”

Zhao Feng communicated with Bi Qingyue through the Dark Heart Seal and began to explain everything.

Later, Zhao Feng also discussed with Saint Lord You Ye the future development path of Silent Killing Hall.

Then, Zhao Feng came to the Medicine Pavilion of Saint Doctor Yu Ling and took out a Golden Wing Red Tiger again, and handed it to her in three pots of Immemorial Dreamland.

After returning to the restricted area, Zhao Feng took out the Immemorial medicine ingredients from Immemorial Dreamland.

“Juling Lian Soul Grass can condense Soul Will and heal Soul trauma. It is also a great medicine ingredient for Soul Dao Spirit Pill …”

This soul grass is the most precious Soul Dao Rare Treasures.

After taking it, Zhao Feng felt a strong Wood Type Soul Strength in Soul slowly spreading out, nourishing Zhao Feng’s Soul, and accompanied by the power of Wood Type Concept, appeared in Zhao Feng’s mind.

A month later, Zhao Feng opened both eyes, and an invisible spiritual energy spread out.

“Soul Will has been improved, far more than Profound Opening Light small accomplishment”

Zhao Feng was a little happy.

Taking Soul Rare Treasures in Immemorial Dreamland for the first time, medicine efficacy is unexpectedly good.

The ordinary Soul Treasure in the Continent domain can be fully absorbed by Zhao Feng for up to five days, but the soul grass in the dream Taiwan stock market, Zhao Feng has spent such a long time, showing its strong medicine efficacy.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s also appeared in front of several Immemorial Precious Materials, which were all closed by Zhao Feng for one month, using mysterious golden sphere, Copy.


Zhao Feng’s silhouette appeared directly outside the great hall, and Nangong Sheng has been waiting here for a long time.

“Set off”

Zhao Feng said.

The armband in Zhao Feng’s hand waved on the spot, and the silhouette of the two suddenly faded and disappeared in a layer of empty silver shadow.

If only Zhao Feng was alone, Zhao Feng could shuttle the distance of a single province every time, and then resume consumption. About five days later, he could come to the front battlefield.

But this time, Zhao Feng also carried a Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment, which greatly increased the consumption, so the shuttle distance must also be shortened.

“Worthy to be called is Sub-Divine Tool Bewildering Space Realm, it’s really convenient”

On the way to the shuttle, Nangong Sheng licked his lips, both eyes flickering.

Zhao Feng’s gaze was faint. He looked at arrived greed from Nangong Sheng’s eyes. It seemed that Nangong Sheng’s reason and temperament were distorted by Evil God’s Power.

“Nangong Sheng, try this”

Zhao Feng takes out a pot of water from Immemorial Dreamland.

As soon as Nangong Sheng Spiritual Sense swept away, he hesitated for a while and then swallowed directly. Then, the evil aura on his body surface gradually weakened.

About ten days later, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng came directly to the battlefield.

Because Zhao Feng left Space coordinates in Meng City, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng went directly to Meng City.

But at this time, Meng City was like an air. There was only one Great Emperor, several Kings, and hundreds of Great Origin Core experts.

With Zhao Feng and Realm of Nangong Sheng, the two were hidden and no one could find them.

“It seems that the situation in the war is changing very quickly.”

Zhao Feng whispering softly.

As far as he knows, the battle on the front line is very fierce. It is no longer as simple as defending the city. Instead, it is to transform the troops into parts and start to compete for every inch of land.

Even the generals who defended the city personally led a small team into the vast battlefield, and Ninth Prince was no exception.

“Go, go to the battlefield”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng left Meng City directly.

In today’s frontline battlefields, the Battle Strength level is very high and the crisis is perilous.

Kill the enemy directly in exchange for war merit, and then become famous. Kun Yun will naturally find it, and Yufei should be the same.

This is Zhao Feng’s current strategy.

Today, Ruler Palace does not need Zhao Feng to subsidize resources. Instead, Zhao Feng uses Ruler Palace to search for resources, but this is not enough.

Just Zhao Feng’s own cultivate resources can meet the family of Saint King Grade expert. Later, Zhao Feng will also cultivate the Golden Wing Red Tiger of Immemorial Dreamland …

Sou sou

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng quickly passed the sky.

Two days later, the two came to the war zone. With Zhao Feng’s ultra-long line of sight, he quickly found an Alien Race team.

The leader is Quasi-Saint Lord Realm. Except for three Void God Great Emperor, the team is all elite King.

“Blade River Great Emperor, southwest, with conditions”

A member of the team said that he was good at investigating.

Subsequently, two Daoist shadows rushed towards them.

“Only two people?”

“These two humans are stupid, just two people dare to walk brazenly in the war zone”

In the squad, some Alien Race Kings burst into laughter.

“A bunch of idiots, run away”

The team leader’s Great Emperor complexion turned white, turned into a white spirit, and fled directly.

The concept of Daohe Great Emperor touches the level of Saint Lord. According to his perception, the two are definitely Saint Lord expert. Among them, the man with purple hair and long hair gives him a very strong sense of crisis.

“Thunder Soul Strength Domain”

Zhao Feng flew directly over the team, in the Saint Thunder Body, sending out a powerful thunderbolt of great desolate overbearing.

Suddenly, thousands of miles away, a dim thunderstorm weighed on Space, and all Alien Races staying here were directly killed by shock and no one survived.

Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder of Earth, combined with Thunder Soul Strength Domain, multiplies the effect.

Even an ordinary Mystic Light Realm expert can hardly do anything in Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul Strength Domain.

call out

Nangong Sheng saw Zhao Feng resolve all of these Alien Races and turned them into a purple blood nether glow, chasing directly to the escaping Quasi-Saint Lord.

“How is it possible, here are two such powerful Saint Lord Battle Strength? Don’t tell me that the humans have begun to fight back?”

Daohe Great Emperor witnessed Zhao Feng gets rid, his body trembled like an icehouse.

A ghost of purple blood came suddenly, the Great Emperor of the Daohe was trapped in a quagmire, moving slowly.


The ghosts of purple blood all around condensed into a purple blood claw, grabbed the Great Emperor of the Sword River, and combined the body of this Alien Race Quasi-Saint Lord with Soul crushing.

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