King of Gods

Chapter 1056

“This is the true strength of Mystic Light Realm”

Zhao Feng whole body flickering crystal brilliance, a layer of dark yellow Thunder Marks, all around heaven and earth suddenly solidified, and a choking force appeared.

Wind Thunder of Earth, not at all What a powerful strength that Zhao Feng gave Zhao Feng, but doubled Zhao Feng’s defense power, and at the same time it could be combined with the power of Saint Thunder Body, so that heaven and earth must be in a certain range, enveloped in a layer terrifying is under pressure.

It is very difficult for Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment with weak strength to stand in front of Zhao Feng.

In addition, “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” Ninth Layer, there are many Earth Element Battle Skills, Secret Technique, most of which are auxiliary types of assistance. Zhao Feng also touched on and understood it.

“At this point, I may be able to continue Saint Lord Mo Yuan alone”

Zhao Feng smiled confidently.

A person suddenly gets a strong strength, not terrifying. Only when he thoroughly uses this strength, is it most terrifying.

At the time of breaking through Mystic Light Realm, neither Zhao Feng nor the injured Nangong Sheng were the opponent of Saint Lord Mo Yuan, but now Zhao Feng is confident that one person and Saint Lord Mo Yuan are in front of each other.

However, it is only with Saint Lord Mo Yuan contend, who wants to take advantage or defeat it, unless he has some important hole cards.

“Master, come from Nine Nether Palace”

Bi Qingyue gave Zhao Feng via Dark Heart Seal sound transmission.

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, immediately went out.

In the great hall, there are three Nine Nether Palace Elders, headed by Saint Lord Mo Yuan.

When Zhao Feng appeared in the great hall, Saint Lord Mo Yuan spoke directly.

“Zhao Feng, I am here today to apologize to Ruler Palace”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan said awkwardly, quickly.

“As a senior Elder of Nine Nether Palace, I abused my rights and encouraged the other Elders of Nine Nether Palace to start against the ruler of Continental 3-Star, Ruler Palace. Here, I apologize to many members of Ruler Palace.”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan said unwillingly.

But this thing really alarmed the Supreme Emperor Palace. Nine Nether Palace Supreme Elder came forward personally to punish Saint Lord Mo Yuan and let him go to Ruler Palace to apologize and resolve the matter.

Zhao Feng kept a smile and looked towards Saint Lord Mo Yuan, waiting for the following of Saint Lord Mo Yuan.

Only an apology, how could Zhao Feng accept it.

“My Nine Nether Palace is willing to give all the resources of the forces such as Dark Sky Sect and Brillant Dark Sect to Ruler Palace. I hope Zhao Feng you will let the members of these forces.”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan spoke of the compensation Nine Nether Palace was willing to give.

Bi Qingyue was a little surprised, Dark Sky Sect is 3-Star Great Sect, Brillant Dark Sect and some other forces, but also are powerful forces more than half-Star, Nine Nether Palace is willing to give all these to Ruler Palace.

Zhao Feng was silent for a moment, and such a gift did not satisfy him.

“Zhao Feng, are you dissatisfied with such a gift?”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan saw Zhao Feng’s mind, and his words were slightly ironic.

Nine Nether Palace did not object to Saint Lord Mo Yuan’s action against Ruler Palace gets rid, but Saint Lord Mo Yuan’s operation failed.

Saint Lord Mo Yuan believes that Supreme Elder will never let go of Ruler Palace.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng sooner or later was going to die, and he was so greedy.

“These resources can only let me leave. Regarding your behavior towards Ruler Palace gets rid, you can’t just leave it alone.”

Zhao Feng said directly, looking towards Saint Lord Mo Yuan.

The two Elders next to Saint Lord Mo Yuan, the complexion was angry.

Nine Nether Palace has never suffered such a loss. This time, it was helpless to take the initiative to pay compensation. This Zhao Feng was not satisfied.

“Zhao Feng, don’t bully intolerably”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan complexion was cold.

Nine Nether Palace will only use these resources as compensation. If Zhao Feng is not satisfied, Saint Lord Mo Yuan can only give up from his own interests.

“Here is Ruler Palace”

Zhao Feng angrily snorted, the invisible Will strength contains a rule Profound Truth, and suddenly came.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s body, flickering a layer of golden holy light, shining in the lightning Lightning Marks network, an invisible force of courage, spread forward.

This is the Ruler Palace, Saint Lord Mo Yuan came to apologize and apologize.

“What, this …”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan side The two Saint Lords suddenly felt that the air was extremely heavy, like a towering mountain, suppressing them, and Mystic Light Holy Force within the body seemed to be frozen and difficult to operate.

“This strength…”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan complexion sank.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s power generated by the operation of Will was as great as that of Saint Lord Mo Yuan.

The two ordinary Saint Lords on his side were completely unable to resist Zhao Feng’s mighty and forceful suppression.

Even Saint Lord Mo Yuan felt it was difficult to breathe, but while in Ruler Palace, he couldn’t get rid at this moment.

Zhao Feng side Bi Qingyue complexion was shocked, then turned into a surprise.

“Zhao Feng, let’s talk slowly about indemnity”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan put down the paragraph and looked helpless.


Zhao Feng thought of it, and regained his coercion and Will.

Just now, his Will strength mainly affected soil attribute Profound Truth, so it has a super gravity effect, and with the coercion of Saint Thunder Body, ordinary Saint Lord has almost no resistance in front of Zhao Feng.

“This Zhao Feng’s strength …”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan complexion is deep.

Just over a month later, Zhao Feng was completely familiar with the strength of Mystic Light Realm, and today’s strength is far beyond his imagination.

Subsequently, the two parties negotiated with all their heart, Saint Lord Mo Yuan took out some of his own resources, and the other two Saint Lords almost emptied their pockets.

In the end, Saint Lord Mo Yuan looked depressed, and left the Ruler Palace angrily with many members.

“Bi Qingyue, make full use of these resources, in addition, send three ‘Pure Blood Saint Spirit Pill’ to Dark Secrets Corner Supreme Elder …”

Zhao Feng told the matter and left.

The resources obtained from Nine Nether Palace this time are very abundant, and they are completely worthy of all the details of a million-year 3-Star Great Sect. When properly used, the development speed of Ruler Palace will once again rise to a new level.

Similarly, Zhao Feng also understands that his strength must be improved rapidly.

The strength of a force is only related to two points, first: human resources; second: expert.

When returning to the Forbidden City Pavilion, Zhao Feng swept the place of a glance Nangong Sheng.

Nangong Sheng is in the hall where the evil looking terrifying strength shrouded all around, and it is daunting. It is not a forbidden area, but it is like a forbidden area.

Probably because of Zhao Feng breakthrough Mystic Light Realm, and showing strong Battle Strength, Nangong Sheng was stimulated, and after recovering his injury, immediately began to absorb Evil God’s Power.

As far as Zhao Feng knows, Xie Yang is the top of ‘Ancient God, Heaven Rank God Position.

As long as Nangong Sheng does not appear unexpectedly, inheriting and mastering this strength, breakthrough Heaven Rank God Position, there is no difficulty, and it may prove a higher God Position.

“Heaven Rank God Position”

Zhao Feng is also yearning for it, but at present his distance God Position is too far away.

After returning to the forbidden area of ​​Ruler Palace, Zhao Feng enters into the cultivate state.

The breakthrough Mystic Light Realm, Zhao Feng Matter’s strength, has achieved a qualitative leap, but Soul has not improved much.

Zhao Feng’s biggest reliance is still God Eye, so Zhao Feng pays more attention to Soul.The reason why Body Tempering is also to cope with the future ‘True God Thunder Calamity

In addition, Left Eye’s new ability-Copy, consumes Eye Strength Will very much. Without a powerful Soul body, Zhao Feng’s ability will also be greatly discounted.

Run “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, Zhao Feng wholeheartedly multi-purpose, start cultivate.

First of all, Zhao Feng drank some pool water, which now has less effect on Zhao Feng’s body, so most of the energy will be transferred to the Soul level.

Later, Zhao Feng’s part of the idea, began to cultivate some Battle Skill and Secret Technique in Wind Thunder of Earth.

The last part of the idea, stay in God Eye Space.

Today, Zhao Feng has two God Calamity Skulls, which means that the remaining God Tribulation Thunder Strength is doubled. Although it is still very small, it is better than nothing.

After all, something like God Tribulation Thunder Strength cannot be encountered or demanded.

But Zhao Feng did not rush to absorb the God Tribulation Thunder Strength, but began to try to use mysterious golden sphere for ‘Copy’.

Zhao Feng first copied the cultivation resources he needed, and then gradually improved the quality. He wanted to know that this’ Copy, the limit of ability.

In this way, Zhao Feng started a section length period of retreat to improve his strength in all aspects.

At the same time, Zhao Feng communicated with Bi Qingyue at any time through the Dark Heart Seal to understand the external situation.

During this period, Elder of Earth Devil Religion also personally came to the door to apologize and gave a large amount of compensation.

In addition, the battle between Ruler Palace and Nine Nether Palace has made it famous, and now it has obtained a lot of resources, and Ruler Palace can develop and expand rapidly and extend inland.

And Silent Killing Hall’s mission to assassinate Nine Nether Palace is continuing, after all, Nine Nether Palace has no evidence to prove that this was done by Ruler Palace.

For this situation, Nine Nether Palace is only taking protection and deterrence measures. Not long ago, the XNUMXth killer in Silent Killing Hall was caught by Nine Nether Palace and executed directly.

On the other side, Dark Secrets Corner is silent about the booming Silent Killing Hall.

In an instant, half a year passed.

Zhao Feng’s “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” Ninth Layer and “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” sixth layer are both consolidated at the initial accomplishment peak, Soul Will has increased, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

“Master, Half-God Kun Yun did not leave after reaching the battlefield”

On this day, Bi Qingyue conveyed this message to Zhao Feng.

Now the battlefield situation is developing very fast. After Half-God Kun Yun came to the battlefield, he found he was deceived.

Zhao Feng thought that Kun Yun might be to accumulate military achievements, exchange resources, and improve strength.

Originally, no expert for Mystic Light Great Accomplishment appeared on the battlefield. As a result, Kun Yun was so noisy, and accelerated the progress of the war. The Battle Strength level on the battlefield was increased again.

“No, I have to rush to the battlefield”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were dimmed.

Zhao Feng originally introduced Kun Yun to the battlefield, thinking that Kun Yun found that Zhao Feng was not on the battlefield, and immediately returned.

In this way, Kun Yun spends most of his time in contact, and the strength will stop increasing.

But the result exceeded Zhao Feng’s expectation. In this case, Zhao Feng could only take advantage of Kun Yun’s strength. Before it increased significantly, he actively found him and dealt with the grievances of the two.

After all, today, Zhao Feng’s strength already consolidated to Peak, and there is still talk with Kun Yun.

Otherwise, Kun Yun’s strength returns to Half-God level, and Zhao Feng is finished.

“Nangong Sheng, go to the battlefield?”

Zhao Feng offered sound transmission to Nangong Sheng.

In the past six months, in addition to absorbing Evil God’s Power, Nangong Sheng has often taken some assassination missions. At this time, he is already the No. XNUMX terrifying killer in Mystic Light Small Accomplishment Realm and Silent Killing Hall.

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