King of Gods

Chapter 1050

In the forbidden area behind the Ruler Palace, there are many forms of isolation. The garrison is strict. The quiet inside is as if nothing exists.

In one of the secret halls, a tri-color Wind Thunder stream of light burst out from time to time.

at this time.

In the Crystal Nucleus Space at Zhao Feng dantian, the three colors True Blue, blue, green, and red are running fast and surging.

At one point, a crack appeared above the Crystal Nucleus Space.

A trace of three-color True Yuan leaked out from it, entering into the Zhao Feng’s body, but the overwhelming majority of Wind Thunder True Yuan, still deposited under the Crystal Nucleus Space, continued to operate with some wonderful rhythm.

“First, break the Crystal Nucleus Space, pull out some True Yuan, and then integrate the heaven and earth rules that you master Profound Truth into the True Yuan sea …”

Zhao Feng turned on God Eye and did every step very accurately.

At the time of Zhao Feng’s retreat, the newly released assassination mission, already, made Silent Killing Hall the focus of all the assassination forces on Continental.

A mission release point under Silent Killing Hall.

“Finally there are some interesting assassination missions”

The corner of Nangong Sheng’s mouth brought an evil looking cruel smile.

Under the leadership of Great Emperor Ku Ying, he has a good grasp of the action process of the killer, but he is completely uninterested in those ordinary assassination missions.

After Nangong Sheng left, all the killers and assassins all around were relaxed.

“Who is this person? The strength is unfathomable.”

“Don’t tell me is a super killer that reproduces the Continental domain? Otherwise there can be no such heavy murderous aura”

“It seems that the man was fancy with these three newly released tasks.”

Some killers and assassins were terrified of Nangong Sheng’s performance.

But soon, the attention of these people turned to ‘Spirit Pill’.

The assassination missions issued by the mysterious forces, from Spirit Blood Essence Pill to Essence Blood Dan, and then to Spirit Pill, can cause a sensation, especially the newly appeared ‘Pure Blood Saint Spirit Pill ,, Even the ordinary Saint Lord can hardly resist its temptation.

However, such a generous reward is naturally accompanied by extreme danger.

Those three newly released assassination missions are enough to stop more than XNUMX% of the killers.

And recently, Nine Nether Palace already took measures to monitor and protect members who appeared on the assassination list.

Not long ago, a killer assassinated an important member of the Nine Nether Palace affiliate.After receiving the Essence Blood Dan, he was immediately killed by the Nine Nether Palace executives. Then the Essence Blood Dan fell into Nine before taking it. In the hands of Nether Palace.

The assassination targets of these missions themselves have a good strength, and they are the middle and senior members of Nine Nether Palace.

But under heavy money, there must be brave men, some great limits are approaching, and the Great Emperor and Quasi-Saint Lord who are anxious to break through may try. After all, Rare Treasures that can increase the probability of assault Mystic Light Realm are rare in the world.

When the new assassination mission in Silent Killing Hall was released, it didn’t take long for Nine Nether Palace to be angry at another part of the Continent, in the mountains of Jiuyou.

Nine Nether Palace Aura’s quiet terrifying inside a secret palace.

“Ruler Palace is too unbridled, this time actually announced the task of assassinating the senior staff of Nine Nether Palace.”

“Hmph, not satisfied with small gains, a force that has just been established, actually acted recklessly against Nine Nether Palace”

In the great hall, a few angry voices suddenly sounded. The master of these voices, at least the Great Emperor Quasi-Saint Lord, many of them are Mystic Light experts. It is hard to imagine how angry Nine Nether Palace was at this incident.

“I don’t know, ‘Spirit Pill, Blood Purification, is there a medicine efficacy?”

A Quasi-Saint Lord whispered lowly mumble.


Ahead, Saint Lord Mo Yuan suddenly coldly snorted, and the field suddenly fell silent.

For this action of Ruler Palace, Nine Nether Palace also released many assassination missions in the same way, but because the mission reward is not as good as those medicine pill, the effect is not very obvious.

But now the ‘Spirit Pill of Purifying Blood’, even some Quasi-Saint Lord present at the Nine Nether Palace, are a little stunned.

“Reported by Elder Mo Yuan”

Below, a top Great Emperor, half kneeling.

“According to the information, Zhao Feng already did not show up for more than a month, and the forbidden area behind Ruler Palace was suddenly strict …”

Many Elders were present, lost in thought.

don’t tell me Ruler Palace What’s new?

“According to some clues, the subordinates speculate that Zhao Feng may be breaking through Mystic Light Realm.”

The top Great Emperor, continues.


Suddenly, many experts did not hide the powerful aura. There was a choking depression in the entire hall, as if even Space had completely solidified. Some ordinary Great Emperors even felt breathing difficulties and blurred consciousness.

If it weren’t for this spy who once again mentioned Zhao Feng’s Realm, many people present would have even forgotten that Zhao Feng is just a Quasi-Saint Lord.

A Quasi-Saint Lord has actually established such a huge force that forced Nine Nether Palace to this extent.

And Zhao Feng’s Battle Strength, everyone on the scene knew it.

If you let Zhao Feng breakthrough Saint Lord, it will be even more troublesome in the future.

“Can he succeed?”

A red-haired man in a black robe said lowly.

Everyone froze. Zhao Feng’s body was only in his twenties, and Zhao Feng’s Soul was only in his thirties. Is such a young Mystic Light Saint Lord possible?

“Which Elder would like to follow me to Ruler Palace?”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan’s voice sounded.

If Zhao Feng breakthrough Mystic Light Realm, Saint Lord Mo Yuan believes that at least 60% of Zhao Feng’s success is successful. You must know that ordinary Great Emperor and Quasi-Saint Lord can have four to 50% confidence, so it is already incredible. .

“Elder Mo Yuan, I am willing to be with you”

A white-haired old man immediately spoke.

“Magic Yuan, take me”

Said the redheaded black robe man, Gloomy and Cold.

Failing to True Martial Holy Land pursuit Nangong Sheng made him very aggrieved.

“Okay, Saint Lord, Saint Lord Xie Zhen, let me level the Ruler Palace with me.”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan sneered.

Originally, he was very afraid of the God-Slaying Arrow in Zhao Feng’s hands, but if Zhao Feng is really in retreat, he will wait for the final moment of his arrived assault Mystic Light Realm. One.

About Silent Killing Hall’s new assassination mission, not only shocked Nine Nether Palace.

On the other side, Dark Secrets Corner also held a secret meeting.

In an underground palace, several dark shadows floated all around a secret hall.

“The recent operation of the Siler Killing Hall by the Ruler Palace assassination organization is a huge assault on the Dark Secrets Corner.”

Diange Center, an old man with a whole body floating in dark gray Void Light, said hoarsely.

The palace was all around, and it was silent. Obviously, they also made many countermeasures to the action of Ruler Palace, with little effect.

A few days ago, the new assassination mission released by Silent Killing Hall attracted a large number of assassination teams stationed in Dark Secrets Corner.

“禀 Elder, don’t tell me we want to get rid of Ruler Palace?”

A strong Aura Shadowman asked carefully.

“Stupid, Dark Secrets Corner has always been a neutral force, how can it be so easy to get rid of other forces, so that many forces in the Imperial Court will think that we are secretly united with Nine Nether Palace”

The old man’s voice was slightly angry.

One of the reasons Dark Secrets Corner was so large at first was precisely because of its neutral attitude.

If Dark Secrets Corner rashly opponent gets rid against a powerful competition, it is tantamount to digging the grave.

And it is well known that the most contradictory with Nine Nether Palace recently is Ruler Palace, so it can be determined that these assassination missions were released by Siler Killing Hall under Ruler Palace.

The palace all around, suddenly silent

“Exactly, my grandson, need some Blood Purification Holy Spirit Pill, and in a few days, I will go to Ruler Palace in person.”

The old man who wandered the Void Light whole body suddenly said, and then disappeared in the palace.

“I didn’t expect Saint King You Mu to go out in person”

“This way, the embarrassment of Dark Secrets Corner should be resolved”

At this moment, in the Ruler Palace, Bi Qingyue is organizing a lot of intelligence information, willow brows slightly wrinkle.

“It seems that the news of Master Breakthrough Saint Lord has been leaked out.”

Bi Qingyue felt a heavy body and mind.


Bi Qingyue exclaimed.

Soon, a guard flew into the palace.

“Send these letters out”

Bi Qingyue handed out several sealed letters.

A few days later, the terrifying aura in the forbidden area behind the Ruler Palace is getting bigger and bigger. The Heaven and Earth Origin Energy of the Ruler Palace has a radius of ten thousand li. Inexplicably heavy and depressed.

heaven and earth natural phenomenon of assault Mystic Light Realm, no formation can be isolated

Sou sou

On this day, there were many sounds of broken air over the Ruler Palace, and a huge stream of aura came in front of the Ruler Palace.

“Ruler Palace, Dark Sky Sect came to visit”

The head of the underworld Saint Lord smiled vulgarly.

Before getting the permission from Ruler Palace, the Dark Lord Saint led the members of Dark Sky Sect and directly entered into the Ruler Palace range.

The guard in front of Ruler Palace can’t stop Saint Lord, the Saint Lord battle strength, and Dark Sky Sect verbally came to visit.

At this moment, several silhouettes flew in from afar.

“Isn’t this the underworld Saint Lord?”

A gloomy and cold laughter came.

I saw an aura good old bald man, with a few top Great Emperor, flying slowly.

“Isn’t this Supreme Elder of Brillant Dark Sect?”

Dark ghost Saint Lord said with a smile.

Brillant Dark Sect is also an affiliate of Nine Nether Palace. It happened to be in Yu Province. Some time ago, Brillant Dark Sect was frightened.The three top executives of Brillant Dark Sect were all members of the assassination list. Fallen alone.

Three days later.

“Palace Master Bi, King Nan Feng is invited”

The Golden Armor guard beside King Nan Feng shouted.

King Nan Feng’s eyes were calm, and Spiritual Sense hurriedly discovered a few powerful auras. At the same time, he was convinced that Zhao Feng was really breaking through Mystic Light Realm.

If it wasn’t for the letter from Bi Qingyue some time ago, Nanfeng Play could not believe it, Zhao Feng already started to assert Mystic Light Realm.

“Master, please”

A team of guards immediately came, respectfully.

It’s been a few more days.

Many experts and forces in the Ruler Palace felt far away from a shocking Devil Path aura.

“Ruler Palace, you must give me an account today”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan standing proudly heaven and earth, whole body black light.

“Let your Supreme Elder come out”

“Post a mission to assassinate Nine Nether Palace, let alone that it has nothing to do with your Ruler Palace”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan Saint Empress, the evil Lord Saint Lord and Saint Lord Xie Zhen shouted loudly, the infinite Devil Path domineering, suddenly rushed to Ruler Palace.

Just at the moment.


Above Zhao Feng’s retreat, the heaven and earth interface faintly shook up, condensing a group of bright sparkling and translucent three-color holy glories, reflecting one side of Heavens, and gradually distorting into a huge blue, green and red three-color light swirl.

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