King of Gods

Chapter 1049

After a long time, Saint Doctor Yu Ling opened her eyes and shooked her eyes.

The effect of this mysterious water solution was incredible. After drinking that little bite, her life level was improved, a certain amount of Lifespan was added, and the Soul Concept was condensed.

If it is alchemy at this time, Saint Doctor Yu Ling is sure to make a higher Grade qualitative medicine pill.

“This kind of Bloodline with Golden Wing Red Tiger is a little bit old-fashioned, and made the medicine pill called Little Friend”

Saint Doctor Yu Ling said after calming down.

At this time, she felt that she really underestimated this junior.Every time Zhao Feng took out something, it was Rare Treasures that had never appeared in the Continental domain, and she was so excited.

“Senior is Ruler Palace alchemy, and like other members, it will give certain awards based on Senior’s performance”

Zhao Feng knew that Saint Doctor Yu Ling was very interested in the mysterious pool water that Zhao Feng took out, said with a smile.

Although there is a pool of water in Immemorial Dreamland, he cannot easily take it out, otherwise it will only promote Saint Doctor Yu Ling’s desire.

Later, Zhao Feng left the Medicine Pavilion and returned to his own pavilion.

“Bi Qingyue, send information about the frontline battle situation, as well as assault Saint Lord information”

Zhao Feng communicates commands directly through the Dark Heart Seal.

On the second day, someone sent Zhao Feng what he wanted.

Zhao Feng runs Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art, all the information books, all float all around, page-by-page automatically flips up.

“Myriad Forms Saint Lord returns to the battlefield. All Saint Lords in the Meng City all around base come together and temporarily resist them. Then the Great Province of Lan Province, the great accomplishment Saint Lord, comes down and fights them back …”

Zhao Feng expression fretting.

Sure enough, Myriad Forms Saint Lord returned to the battlefield after his injuries were restored, with the aim of seeking revenge on Zhao Feng.

At this time, the Battle Hall of Lan Province seems to have been aware of it, and secretly issued orders, so all around the Saint Lord-level Battle Strength of other great accomplishments, quickly rushed to Meng City and temporarily resisted Myriad Forms Saint Lord. Thirteenth Prince wanted to make a stab at it. No

In the end, the Saint Lord of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment came and repelled Myriad Forms Saint Lord, so Meng City did not fall behind.

However, due to the battle between Myriad Forms Saint Lord and Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, the war level began to increase. Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment began to appear on the battlefield. The Expert of Small Origin Core Realm slowly retreated to the battlefield and became Support staff.

“Yufei is also coming to the battlefield?”

Zhao Feng expression was surprised.

Upon closer inspection, Zhao Feng found that Zhao Yufei came to the battlefield at the time when Zhao Feng left.

At this time, Zhao Yufei, because of his Bloodline, the cultivation base advances were very fast, and it broke through to Mystic Light Realm.

Zhao Yufei stayed in the city of Thirteenth Prince. Although he just wanted to sharpen the strength, he also established a lot of achievements for Thirteenth Prince …

The war has developed into the near future. The bottom Battle Strength of the two great dynastys has suffered extremely serious losses. The number of people on the battlefield has begun to decrease, and the level of the war has been increased by one point.

For example, Xuanyuan Wen, Luo Zun, Shi Yulei, Ji Bai, Jiang Hao, etc., who had participated in the Crown Prince Trial’s Peak Level genius, have also begun to appear on the battlefield.

Later, Zhao Feng flipped through the battlefields of the other two states, and the basic situation was roughly the same as that of Lan Province.

After reading the relevant information of the front battlefield, Zhao Feng began to read the information about assault Mystic Light Realm.

These materials and information are basically the experts after the success of Assault Mystic Light Realm. The notes left by the notes are very similar.

After reading these materials, Zhao Feng has a lot of new ones, and then it is time to prepare for assault Mystic Light Realm.

First, Zhao Feng took out the last few types of Fire Attribute Precious Materials and ran “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” to consolidate the Eighth Layer Wind-Thunder of Fire again.

Crystal Nucleus, sparkling and translucent in dantian are clear, solid and hard. In Crystal Nucleus Space, the three-color Wind Thunder True Yuan surges in a single cycle, just like the turbulent ocean waves.

On the second day, Zhao Feng opened both eyes, and the aura of the body strengthened a bit.

“Wind-Thunder of Fire has reached its limit”

Zhao Feng rejoiced.

The next moment, Zhao Feng’s consciousness came to Immemorial Dreamland.

Golden Wing Red Tiger has long been accustomed to Zhao Feng’s’ sudden appearance and disappearance.

Zhao Feng came to the pool, drank a few sips of water, and opened God Eye, enters into the cultivate state.

Zhao Feng can suppress the life physique, let go of Soul, and let the pool water act on Zhao Feng’s Soul as much as possible. He opened God Eye in order to enhance the effect of this concept.

“The effect is not obvious enough”

After a long time, Zhao Feng eyes opened.

The pool water still acts on Zhao Feng’s life physique first, and then a small part of the energy acts on Soul Concept.

“Why not …”

Zhao Feng suddenly said.

Subsequently, in Zhao Feng’s body, a Soul body deep in nether purple, covered with white Thunder Marks, channeled directly into the pool.

Zhao Feng’s Soul is separated from the body, and Soul enters into the pool alone, so that the pool water will not act on the life physique.


The moment Thunder Soul Body enters into the pool, Zhao Feng judged that this magic pool was also effective for the individual Soul body.

For a while, a sense of coldness and deep coldness struck Zhao Feng’s Soul.

That moment, Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Sense perception ability, the reaction force increased several times, as if enters into an infinitely magnified, slow-flowing water world.

Zhao Feng felt that his Soul consciousness gradually diffused into this vast heaven and earth, and the small movements and changes in the whole world were captured by Zhao Feng.

A wave of heaven and earth rules, the power of Profound Truth, blended into Zhao Feng’s mind consciousness.

Zhao Feng is immersed in this Concept perception, feeling that the body and mind are becoming more and more cold and deep, as if settled on the seabed, and his mind is quiet, but he can also understand Concept and rules

In Immemorial Dreamland, some Golden Wing Red Tiger looked towards Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul Body, sitting quietly in the pool.

The aura emanating from Zhao Feng Soul is getting weaker and weaker, and the flow speed of the Thunder Calamity brand above is also getting slower, as if it is about to stop soon.

Even at this time, the ‘Dark Heart Seal’ inside the larger Golden Wing Red Tiger, Soul, seemed to be loose.

Pingping Pingping

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, suddenly beating, a burst of Will aura from the Immemorial Great Desolate source leaked out, and Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul Body immediately emitted a strong Will aura.

Nearby, a dozen Golden Wing Red Tigers showed horror, trembling to the ground, and their bodies were shaking.

But this aura of Immemorial Great Desolate disappeared after only a moment.

“Master really has the top Immemorial Bloodline”

The leader of Golden Wing Red Tiger, scaredly mumble.

“Close call”

Zhao Feng suddenly opened both eyes, and Soul immediately flew out of the pool and returned to his body.

When he woke up, he realized how dangerous he was, and Soul almost fell asleep.

At the critical moment, God Eye saved his life again.

“It seems too dangerous to do so”

Zhao Feng has a lingering fear.

Once Soul is detached from the body, it will weaken at a very slow rate, unless Zhao Feng’s Soul body reaches an unprecedented Realm height.

The strange energy in the pool is too huge, and the force of the quiet and cold Concept constantly invades Zhao Feng’s Soul’s consciousness, which almost makes Zhao Feng’s Soul stop operating and the consciousness sleeps.

“However, the power of my concept seems to be touching Mystic Light Realm.”

Blessed by misfortune, the state of being so silent to death may give Zhao Feng’s Concept the power it has never experienced.

“This way, you can start assault Mystic Light Realm”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were calm and disappeared into Immemorial Dreamland.

Assault Mystic Light Realm is a long process, ranging from one or two months to as long as six months.

Therefore, before retreating, Zhao Feng must explain everything clearly.

First of all, Zhao Feng told Saint Qing Yuue and Saint Lord You Ye about Saint Doctor Yu Ling’s refining of the new medicine pill. When the new medicine pill was refined, he could issue a higher level of assassination mission.

Regarding the assault Mystic Light Realm retreat, Zhao Feng only spoke to Bi Qingyue, the ruler of Ruler Palace, asking for nothing to be disturbed.

Inside the palace hall, Zhao Feng both eyes was slightly closed, the mind was conscious, and he released his control of the body and leapt to the far side.

Underworld Ghost Sect, a dark and gloomy interior.

Zhao Wang, with a cold and evil face, his eyes suddenly flashed a purple golden light.

Zhao Feng’s idea, when he arrived at Zhao Wang within the body, he knew everything here.

Today Zhao Wang is the first Core Disciple of Underworld Ghost Sect, just breaking through the realm of King, but in fact, Zhao Wang ’s Soul Will, alerting has reached the level of Void God Great Emperor, and it is impossible to see the general Void God Great Emperor. The clue of Zhao Wang body.

In addition, Underworld Ghost Sect Supreme Elder is also the assassin of Zhao Feng’s Deep Green Hair old man. After returning last time, he left again for a few days. So, it is impossible for Zhao Wang today, as long as he does not expose too much. What was noticed by Underworld Ghost Sect.

On the contrary, Underworld Ghost Sect is very optimistic about Zhao Wang. Junior Brother Junior Sister continues to please Zhao Wang. Deacon and Elder also care about Zhao Wang. In their hearts, Zhao Wang must be an Elder-level character of Underworld Ghost Sect. It is even possible to break through Mystic Light Realm and lead Underworld Ghost Sect to another Peak.

After confirming the situation of Zhao Wang, Zhao Feng activated the formation protection of all around the palace to isolate everything.

Zhao Feng took out the Concealed Blue Spirit Gourd and took a few sips of pool water.

A quiet and cold strength spreads Zhao Feng’s body and Soul consciousness.

“Seems not enough”

Zhao Feng for a moment.

It may be because his Soul body has been immersed in the pool water, at this time the effect of the pool water is not obvious to him.

gu lu gu lu

Zhao Feng slammed it a few more times before his Soul consciousness slowly entered into a wonderful state.

Five days later, Saint Doctor Yu Ling used Immemorial Bloodline and pond water to make a new medicine pill. Saint Lord You Ye arrived in person and took it away.

“Hehe, here, the old Dao of Alchemy accomplishment seems to have improved again”

Saint Doctor Yu Ling is very satisfied with the Spirit Pill that she refined this time.

A few days later, the brand-new assassination mission was released in Silent Killing Hall, and now the killer assassin traffic contacting Silent Killing Hall is second only to Dark Secrets Corner, becoming the second Killer Organization in the Great Heaven Dynasty.

When these batches of assassination missions appeared, the whole killer world was sensational, even the legendary killer who was silent for hundreds, thousands of years, or even nearly ten thousand years ago, was alarmed and appeared in the world.

The reward for the assassination mission at this time is a medicine pill Rare Treasures called ‘Spirit Pill of Purifying Blood’, which increases the level of life and promotes Bloodline Ancestor Transformation.It also has a certain promotion effect on Soul Concept, even in breakthrough With Mystic Light Realm, there are a few more odds that can be added.

Because of the effectiveness of ‘Spirit Blood Essence Pill’ and Jingxue Dan, no one doubts the ‘medicine efficacy’ of ‘Spirit Blood Pill’.

However, the reward is the assassination mission of this medicine pill. There are only three of them. They are assassinations of three Nine Nether Palaces with strong strength, or they are expected to break through the Quasi-Saint Lord-level expert of Saint Lord.

This was also decided in consultation between Saint Lord You Ye and Bi Qingyue. This level of assassination mission, the three already is the limit

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