King of Gods

Chapter 1035

Dozens of people on the Dragon Wings felt the spirit of Ghost Dao baleful yin all around terrifying, and they were totally disheartened. Immediately they operated True Yuan to resist.

Several of them, Venerable and Half-Step King, tried their best to resist the erosion of this evil spirit, but for a moment, their whole body was pale, their flesh and blood gradually disappeared, and only a skeleton skeleton fell down.

“Saint Lord … adult Lord Lord spare the life”

The leading middle-aged man, immediately kneeled at midair, shook his whole body.

“Master Saint Lord, I don’t know when we offend you …”

The other Great Emperor and King were also immediatly on the ground, begging for mercy.

Secretly, several people kept communicating with sound transmission to analyze the bad thing they had done, which led Mystic Light Saint Lord to get rid to deal with them.

At the feet of the crowd, the dragon-winged bird hissed for a while, and the vitality of the body began to disappear.

“Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation has been completed, you are impossible to escape”

A Ghost Dao Saint Lord wearing the Black Armor, Gloomy.

Dozens of people on that dragon-winged monster were suddenly stunned, and the Ghost Dao Saint Lord said that what everyone suddenly thought of, blond youngster simultaneously looked towards behind.

“Master Saint Lord, we are here to deal with him”

The green hair chief immediately said.

“Master Saint Lord, let us out, we help the master deal with this kid”

The remainder immediately echoed.

Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation In the four corners, three Saint Lords and one Quasi-Saint Lord, they ignored these dozens of people and stared at Zhao Feng.

“Nine Nether Palace sent you?”

Zhao Feng put away Wind Flame Chariot, floating stand formation center, expression indifferent.

As soon as he left King Meng City’s letter and left Meng City, he encountered an interception. Obviously, everything was planned.

“Nine Nether Palace”

After hearing these three words, the few people beside Zhao Feng felt a chill rising from the soles of their feet, such as trapping an icehouse.

Nine Nether Palace’s rules of conduct are known to the Great Heaven Dynasty.

They couldn’t imagine what exactly this youngster did, which led Nine Nether Palace to dispatch three Saint Lords to besiege.

“People who die, knowing no more is useless”

Another whole woman, Cold Qi, an old woman shrouded in cold Qi, complexion is as pale as white bones and eerie.

Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation is a Ghost Dao trapped Killing Array created by the top of Nine Nether Palace. If four invincible Great Emperors chair this array, they have the ability to fight Saint Lord.

Today, three Saint Lords and one Quasi-Saint Lord preside over the battle. The Saint Lord who killed Mystic Light small accomplishment is also with no difficulty.

“Hurry Killing Array”

Black Armor Saint Lord whispered.

Three Saint Lords and one Quasi-Saint Lord, simultaneously operated a special method, and slapped the black flame on the formation flag.

Hu hu hu

In the blood-red Hell Space, countless baleful yin ghosts appeared, with pale faces and pale and gloomy claws, all the creatures in Killing Array.

One of the dragon-winged monsters was attacked by a baleful yin ghost, and the whole body flesh disappeared at a speed visible by naked eye, turning into a bone.

At the same time, his Soul floated out and quickly became a weak baleful yin ghost under the influence of Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation.

“Fourth child”

The Great Emperor with his green hair suddenly shuddered.

Even the Great Emperor expert can’t stand a ghost attack in this Killing Array.

And there are six or seven hundred baleful yin ghosts in the whole great formation. It is hard to imagine how many Great Emperor and Quasi-Saint Lord have been killed by this great formation.

Zhao Feng said nothing, immediately operated Saint Thunder Body to resist the baleful yin Ghost Qi in this great formation.

“Really strong, this youngster”

That green hair Great Emperor, feeling the infinite repression of the power, True Yuan Bloodline was almost stagnant.

Only then did he understand how powerful the objects they were robbed.

Even if the people at Nine Nether Palace don’t come, they will be picked up by this youngster. In short, they will definitely die.

Zhao Feng glanced and stared at the position of Quasi-Saint Lord on the right.

In Zhao Feng Left Eye, an amazing Eye Strength Will emerges.

Thunder Soul Body, a lot of Soul Strength, poured into Left Eye.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame emerges, amethyst light glow flows, and a trace of faint Thunder Calamity ripples.


A cloud of completely dim dark Fire with aura destroying Thunder Calamity, strikes on the head of the Quasi-Saint Lord.


The Quasi-Saint Lord suddenly exclaimed.

At the same time, the black jade crown on his head bloomed a layer of dark black rays of light to resist Zhao Feng’s Soul attack.

In the end, the Quasi-Saint Lord struggled and recovered.

“How can this be……”

Zhao Feng had his eyes fixed.

Even if this Quasi-Saint Lord has the secret of Soul defense, it will never be able to resist his Wind-Thunder Eye Fire.

“Haha, don’t waste your time, this Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation is specially prepared for you”

Another pale-haired Saint Lord smiled grimly, exuding a bleak space energy fluctuation.

“It turned out to be…”

Zhao Feng looked towards the location of Quasi-Saint Lord, which seems to have Clear Comprehension.

The Quasi-Saint Lord holds the formation flag, all around surrounds a layer of black red light flames, connecting the entire great formation.

When Zhao Feng’s Soul Eye Technique, strikes in this Quasi-Saint Lord body, this set of formula also shared some damage for it, plus the Soul defense secret, in order to survive safely.

In addition, this set of Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation also contains a share of Space Profound Truth, which means that Zhao Feng Bewildering Space Realm Space’s ability to shuttle is also unavailable.

Sure enough, the Nine Nether Palace dispatched the three Saint Lords to prepare the interception, and was fully prepared. They guard against all Zhao Feng’s tricks.

“Dead, Zhao Feng”

Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation Quartet, the four main array experts immediately urged the formation flag, controlled the baleful yin Ghost Fog at the center of great formation, and attacked Zhao Feng with all their strength.

“If you keep the God-Slaying Arrow, maybe you can live a while, it’s stupid”

The Black Armor man sneered.

According to a lot of information on the battlefield, many forces behind Thirteenth Prince determined that Zhao Feng must have used God-Slaying Arrow to repel Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

You know that Zhao Feng’s only survival to this day is largely a shock of God-Slaying Arrow.

“Oh? ”

Zhao Feng thoughtfully.

Since Zhao Feng killed Devil Lord Jiu You, Nine Nether Palace has never sent Saint Lord Battle Strength against him, but now suddenly there are three Saint Lords, one Quasi-Saint Lord.

It turned out that they all regarded the God-Slaying Arrow that Zhao Feng copied as the real God-Slaying Arrow.

Zhao Feng can’t help with a smile. Although he still has two imitation God-Slaying Arrows, it is too wasteful to deal with these small characters.


The Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation was launched with full force. Several King and Great Emperor not far from Zhao Feng did not struggle for a long time and became the nourishment of this formation.

“Thunder Soul Strength Domain”

In Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, terrifying thunder points and several dozen li suddenly plunged into invisible weight and lightning strikes.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body also incorporates a little Strength of Ancient Thunder, and has a certain restraint against the baleful yin ghost in the Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation.

Zhao Feng immediately gathered the Thunder Soul Strength Domain to protect himself for the best defense effect.

After all, ‘Thunder Soul Strength Domain, Zhao Feng has not been fully trained, and the power is not great.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, again in the Quasi-Saint Lord body.

“Your Soul Eye Technique is useless to me”

This name was Quasi-Saint Lord immediately shouted.

Having said that, he still runs Soul Will with full force for defense.

“Hehe, who said I want to use Soul Eye Technique”

Zhao Feng sketched a sneer.

A strange wave of Eye Strength envelopes the place where this Quasi-Saint Lord stands.

Pu chi

A translucent Void Blade with a length of two zhang, a trace of destruction of Thunder Calamity Qi appeared on the surface, passing from the body of the Quasi-Saint Lord inside the body.

that moment, blood light splash

The body of this Quasi-Saint Lord was cut in half.

Then, in the body cut into two halves, a dark Yuan Soul emerged.

However, this dark Yuan Soul was immediately absorbed into the formation flag and incorporated into the Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation.

“Void Eye Slash”

The Eye Strength of Zhao Feng Left Eye fluctuated and resumed as usual.

Void Eye Slash, after Zhao Feng’s rebirth, rarely used, Nine Nether Palace naturally did not know that Zhao Feng would still move this way.

With Zhao Feng’s current strength, launch Void Eye Slash, which is almost a direct spike below Saint Lord.

However, it is useless to deal with Saint Lord. Saint Body ’s Saint Body is almost the nemesis of Void Eye Slash. Therefore, Zhao Feng rarely uses this trick today.

“this is……”

The other three Saint Lords who presided over the great formation, the complexion was shocked, and the body and mind were cold.

“Why would he still have Eye Technique at the Spatial-type Matter level?”

The white-haired Saint Lord expression was shocked.

Death Baleful Yin Spirit Formation Four people in the main formation, one died, the formation of the Willing Power suddenly decreased, while showing an unstable trend.

“go with”

Next to Black Armor Saint Lord, a man who radiates Saint Lord aura appears immediately, and his appearance is similar to that of Black Armor Saint Lord.

“Clone Secret Skill”

white haired old man complexion

I did not expect that the Black Armor Saint Lord of Nine Nether Palace has such a strong background. It is obviously just Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, but it cultivate the Clone Secret Skill.

As long as this clone of the Black Armor Saint Lord replaces the place of that Quasi-Saint Lord, and the clone of Saint Lord does not need to be afraid of Zhao Feng’s Spatial-type Eye Technique.

Of the four of them, only the Black Armor Saint Lord came from the Nine Nether Palace, and their three people came from the remaining forces behind Thirteenth Prince.

Zhao Feng complexion startled, Left Eye locked at the vacant formation flag.


Below the formation flag, a space ripples suddenly appeared.

call out

A dark silver Void Glow flashed, and the Silhouette of the Small Thieving Cat appeared, grabbing the formation flag, and smirking.

“What, Zhao Feng’s Spirit Pet …”

white haired old man suddenly exclaimed.

“Do not”

Another Saint Lord was also frightened.

A stream of silver-gray light flows into the formation flag.

Suddenly, the whole great formation, a burst of bang, among which the baleful yin evil spirits scattered.

The next moment, Small Thieving Cat waving the formation flag, came to Zhao Feng’s shoulder.

“Abominable, this cat interrupted the great formation”

white haired old man gnashing teeth.

call out

When the Small Thieving Cat used the formation flag to destroy the great formation, Zhao Feng began to operate and flew directly to the old woman covered by the overcast Cold Qi.


The Thunder Soul Strength Domain of Zhao Feng all around suddenly dispersed, suppressing this old woman.

“Go together”

Black Armor Saint Lord immediately gave white haired old man sound transmission.

Although on the battlefield, Zhao Feng’s performance is very amazing, with the ability to kill Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment.

But at this time, the three Saint Lords plus a Saint Lord Clone, combined, can definitely suppress Zhao Feng.

“it is good”

white haired old man immediately promised to come down.


Zhao Feng complexion stunned and ran the Thunder Soul Strength Domain to completely suppress the cold old woman, and patted it at the same time.

The icy cold old woman runs an icy cold Holy Force, transforming into an ice lotus immediately to meet.


Zhao Feng’s red gold palm shadow instantly crushed the ice lotus and slapped it onto the cold cold old woman’s body.


Cold cold old woman figure inverted ten zhang, spurt a mouthful of blood, incredible looking towards Zhao Feng.

“Really strong”

When the other two Saint Lords saw this scene, their eyes startedled and hesitated.

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