King of Gods

Chapter 1034

After the war, Zhao Feng began to retreat.

In the battle with Myriad Forms Saint Lord, Zhao Feng was truly caught in an unprecedented crisis. He felt that he had improved in all aspects under the pressure of the long-lost crisis.

The first is Soul Will. Already is restored to the most Peak state. Maybe it won’t be long before Zhao Feng’s Soul Will can reach Mystic Light small accomplishment.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng also has a deeper understanding of the power of various attributes in Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art.

After consolidating all aspects of himself, Zhao Feng left his residence and went to the palace where Ninth Prince was located.

“His Royal Highness, what’s going on with Alien Race?”

Zhao Feng asked actively.

After defeating Myriad Forms Saint Lord and successfully occupying Meng City, everything will not be as simple as before.

Imagine that even Myriad Forms Saint Lord has failed, and the Alien Race cannot fail without action.

“At the moment, the Alien Race stronghold in front of Meng City has only sent a few high-level officers and many formation masters. They should change their strategy and defend with all their strength.”

Ninth Prince slowly said that during this time, he also sent spies to investigate the situation in the place.

Because of Zhao Feng’s, the enemy Alien Race was very afraid of the Ninth Prince army, and adopted a strategy of full defense.

However, this is also as it should be by rights. Zhao Feng repelled the strongest Myriad Forms Saint Lord in the Lan Province War Zone. If Alien Race did not choose to defend, unless they dispatched Battle Strength equal to Myriad Forms Saint Lord’s expert.

“That’s fine”

Zhao Feng felt a little relieved.

But this is only temporary. Today’s war is still in the initial stage. How powerful Battle Strength cannot be.

However, if the war situation continues to develop, the two great dynasty launch a higher level of Battle Strength, then in the Lan Province War Zone, the Alien Race should first aim at the city where Ninth Prince is located.

“In addition, I also applied for the addition of Saint Lord Battle Strength to the Battle Hall of Lan Province”

Ninth Prince added.

With Ninth Prince’s recent record, the army led by Ninth Prince, already has become the nail of the eye for Alien Race.

Once the war broke out again, facing the Alien Race with the strength of Ninth Prince, it was undoubtedly a failure.

Regarding Ninth Prince’s application, Lan Province ’s battle hall already agreed that it wo n’t be long before the new Saint Lord-level Battle Strength will join the Ninth Prince force.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded. If Saint Lord-level Battle Strength joins, he will be relieved.

“Newspaper, Letter from King Nan Feng”

Outside the hall, the voice of a guard came.

“Come in”

Ninth Prince immediately said.

A guard then handed a letter to Ninth Prince.

“Zhao Feng, it’s about you”

After Ninth Prince finished reading, he handed a sheet of paper to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng Wei Wei, Spiritual Sense penetrated into the paper, King Nan Feng’s words, immediately sounded in Zhao Feng’s mind.

“Sea Mist Pavilion’s development inland conflicts with Nine Nether Palace”

Just a few words, let Zhao Feng expression change.

What he was worried about still happened.

Although Zhao Feng is the force behind Crown Prince, Nine Nether Palace will not get rid of it, but Nine Nether Palace can create opportunities and find an excuse to target Sea Mist Pavilion.

“Hi lord, it seems I have to leave for a trip”

Zhao Feng immediately resigned.

Sea Mist Pavilion, Ten Thousand Saint Sect, and the dark murderous intention structure of Saint Lord You Ye are all cultivated by Zhao Feng so far, how can they ignore it.

“Go ahead”

Ninth Prince agreed directly.

Although he did not want Zhao Feng to leave the army, Zhao Feng had his own personal affairs and he could not force Zhao Feng to stay.

“His Royal Highness, this is for you”

Zhao Feng handed in a Spirit Pet Pocket.

A look at Ninth Prince Spiritual Sense, expression shocked. In this Spirit Pet Pocket, there are two Quasi-Saint Lord-level Earthquake Golden Ape, and two Demon Beast groups.

Zhao Feng took these Demon Beast groups with him. It was not very useful, and he was not assured of Ninth Prince here.

“Demon Beast group, leave it to His Highness Beast Taming Master.”

Zhao Feng suggested.

For Earthquake Golden Ape, there are instructions issued by Zhao Feng, and Ninth Prince can be used directly as a talisman for Ninth Prince.

Later, Zhao Feng said goodbye to some acquaintances in the army, and especially told some Commanders to look after the three geniuses of the Ji Family and the Great Emperor Gui Lin.

“Zhao Feng, I’ll go with you”

Tie Hongling is passionate.

“Your Grandfather is for you to hone on the battlefield. If you leave the battlefield, go back to the Tie Family.”

Zhao Feng refused directly.

That day, Zhao Feng left Meng City and set off to the Battle Hall of Lan Province.

“First of all, we will exchange the battle points.”

Zhao Feng has a clear goal.

According to Zhao Feng’s speculation, his current merit points should be very high on the Lan Province’s merit list.

It is also very convenient to redeem materials with military merit points. For example, the earth attribute treasure required by Zhao Feng is difficult to find in the city’s trading market, but it can be directly exchanged at the military merit exchange office in the battle hall.

As soon as Zhao Feng left Meng City, someone passed the information to the stronghold of Thirteenth Prince.

“Zhao Feng finally left the battlefield”

Thirteenth Prince expression smiled.

“Once he leaves the battlefield, he will never return”

Beside Thirteenth Prince, Xi Peng of Nine Nether Palace smiled darkly.

The two stared at each other with glance in their minds, comptnt.

“His Royal Highness”

Outside the hall of Thirteenth Prince, the voice of a guard suddenly came.

“What is it?”

Thirteenth Prince frowned, being disturbed at this time made him very unhappy.

“Duanmu Family Elder and Zhao Yufei, see you outside”

The guard outside the hall said directly.

“What? Yufei is here?”

Thirteenth Prince expression was startled and somewhat at a loss.

Later, Thirteenth Prince met with members of the Duanmu Family in a temple.

“Yufei, are you here to help me?”

Thirteenth Prince’s eyes fell on the purple clothed woman body he was dreaming about.

I haven’t seen him for years, Zhao Yufei’s superb beauty makes Thirteenth Prince even more tempted, and his eyes can’t be removed.

“His Royal Highness, we are here to talk to you”

Zhao Yufei aside, Duanmu Qing in an azure robe started.

Thirteenth Prince’s heart sank a little, he knew that Duanmu Qing was Zhao Yufei’s Senior Brother, and following Zhao Yufei’s meaning, he was Duanmu Family Saint Lord who opposed his engagement with Yufei

“Please say”

Thirteenth Prince complexion gloomy.

He expected that Zhao Feng could not be removed from the Crown Prince Trial, and this would happen next.

A piece of deathly stillness in the great hall, Duanmu Qing recounts the meaning of Zhao Yufei.

“Yufei, I really like you”

The Thirteenth Prince figure trembled slightly and lost self-control.

He didn’t understand why Zhao Yufei was so desperate about Zhao Feng. As a prince of one dynasty, or even a person who might become the Great Sky Sage Emperor, what is less than Zhao Feng?

“I’m going to find Brother Feng”

Zhao Yufei complexion is indifferent, not even seeing Thirteenth Prince a glance.

Zhao Yufei also knew everything after leaving the customs. If it was not for Duanmu Qing and Saint Lord Purple Night, she would have broken with the Duanmu Family.

Later, under her fierce opposition, Duanmu Family Supreme Elder agreed to Zhao Yufei and Duanmu Qing to talk to Thirteenth Prince.

“Yufei, Zhao Feng just left the battlefield”

Thirteenth Prince can’t help smile.

“Where did he go?”

Zhao Yufei immediately asked.

“I am not sure as well”

Thirteenth Prince sneered.

“Let’s go, Senior Brother”

Zhao Yufei immediately got up.

“Yufei, don’t tell me you are going to Jiu Imperial Brother?”

Thirteenth Prince asked immediately.

He did not say Zhao Feng’s whereabouts, just to prevent Zhao Yufei from meeting Zhao Feng.

“Yufei, let’s stay on the battlefield first”

Duanmu Qing immediately persuaded.

Duanmu Family, as the faction behind Thirteenth Prince, ran into Ninth Prince’s camp, which is inevitably a little bad.

“Yufei, Zhao Feng will definitely return to the battlefield. During this time, you will also sharpen the actual combat

The voice of Purple Saint’s Remnant Spirit came.

After all, the Great Heaven Dynasty is so vast that it is not easy to find someone.

Finally, with the persuasion of Duanmu Qing and Purple Saint’s Remnant Spirit, Zhao Yufei stayed in the city of Ninth Prince.

After Zhao Yufei and Duanmu Qing left, Thirteenth Prince expression suddenly changed.

“Zhao Feng”

Thirteenth Prince was so angry that his anger rose.

He really hated that he had killed Zhao Feng in Divine Illusory Space.

Thirteenth Prince did not expect that Zhao Feng would become the biggest stumbling block in his life.

“His Royal Highness, it is impossible for Zhao Feng to return to the battlefield.”

The sound of Xi Peng gloomy and cold sounded.

“Hmph, yes, miss this time, they will never have a chance to meet again”

Thirteenth Prince slowly calmed down.

On the other side, Zhao Feng took the Wind Flame Chariot and hurried to the Battle Hall of Lan Province.

On the way, various experts and squads of forces traveled between the battlefield and the battle hall.

In the battle of the dynasty, any foreign expert or individual forces, as long as they are registered in the battle hall, can go to some cities to fight and obtain military achievements.

The amazing momentum and speed of Zhao Feng Wind Flame Chariot still made many people contact.

Suddenly, a huge dragon-winged strange bird intercepted in front of Zhao Feng. On the strange bird, there were nearly ten people with fierce eyes.

Three Great Emperor powers shrouded in Zhao Feng all around.

Seeing this situation, some other people in contact nearby etc. immediately went away, apparently they had heard about this squad of strange birds and were very afraid.

“Boy, your flying item, Ben Great Emperor fancy it”

A leading green-haired middle-aged, expression 桀骜.

Zhao Feng’s gaze was fixed on the front, the expression remained unchanged.

“What’s your kid doing, our boss talks to you?”

A Peak King saw Zhao Feng’s eyes dull. Without saying a word, he immediately agitated a hot True Yuan and got rid.

“Saint Lord?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes penetrated these people and saw two Daoist shadows flying behind.

On the way to the Battle Hall, Zhao Feng also met a Saint Lord, but at this time he suddenly encountered two Saint Lords, which made him feel a little strange.

Suddenly, the two Daoist shadows speeded up and flew towards Zhao Feng.

At this time, two Daoist rushed behind Zhao Feng.

“Three Saint Lords”

Zhao Feng realized it was not good.

Suddenly, a black formation flag appeared in the hands of these people.

The four black formation flags, standing void, each one burned the black Ghost Dao strength, and the fiercely shouted sound of heaven shaking ground came, letting one’s hair stand on end.


Suddenly, the four formation flags and black light shone, rising to thousands of high, just like the four holding the Heaven Giant Column.

A circle of nearly a hundred miles was penetrated by a black blood rays of light, and a black flame burning light cover was faintly visible on the periphery.

Zhao Feng and dozens of people on the strange bird were immediately caught in a dark hell terrifying.

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