King of Gods

Chapter 1016

Outside the great hall, the three Ji Family disciples and Great Emperor Gui Lin battled with dozens of armored guards.

Zhao Feng didn’t plan to let them in, so he left a dozen black armor guards to practice their hands outside.

These black armored guards are all Peak King or Great Emperor Realm. They are under the command of Saint Lord Black Shark, and they are also very professional killers. The combat experience is richer than all kinds of evil men here.

“Try this move, Black Wind Ghost Claw”

Great Emperor Gui Lin’s black giant claw on the back of his hand, flickering strange cold glow, terrifying Ghost Dao malevolent aura.

咻 hu hu

Dozens of black claw marks suddenly appeared, like the sharp Blade Edge, flying out of chaos.

Bang Bang

The four black armor guards were fussed by the Great Emperor Gui Lin this move, and the body black armor was cut with many sharp gaps.

“Hehe, this Inheritance Holy Item is really good”

Great Emperor Gui Lin insight This Inheritance Holy Item has been around for a long time, and now it is the first actual combat. He continues to try a variety of Secret Technique and attack methods.

On the other side, three disciples of the Ji Family cooperated with each other and collided with the remaining black armor guards.

Among them, Ji Lan is assisted by restraint and disturbing Illusion Technique, and Ji Wuye and Ji Tianming are performing Attack Type Soul Illusion Technique.

“Purple Star Magic Land”

Ji Lan’s both eyes diffused a layer of purple star magic mist, covering the black armor all around.

Suddenly, the Spiritual Will of these black armored guards were disturbed and frequently made mistakes.

“falling stars”

In Ji Wuye both eyes, suddenly burst out, like blue and purple towering flames.


On the Soul level, countless stars burning blue-violet flames, hiding the sky and covering the earth, roared, soaring, making people collapse, unable to resist.

Ji Wuye’s variant, Purple Star Eye, is the strongest of the three.

The battle outside the teleportation great hall naturally attracted all the experts in the Spirit Palace.

“What happened in the teleportation great hall?”

“I feel the battle of the digital Mystic Light Saint Lord, we still don’t come near”

Due to the power of the Heavenly Mystic Light in the hall, many experts just watched from a distance, using Spiritual Sense to observe the situation in the hall, and dare not set foot in it.

However, an old man in gray with a serene expression walked slowly to the teleportation great hall.

“I don’t know if teleportation formation is still usable”

Gray man old man expression as usual, looked towards Ji Family disciple in front of the chaotic battle with the black armor guard.

At this point, at the entrance of the great hall, Saint Lord Black Shark stormed out.

“Ready to go”

Saint Lord Black Shark’s voice sounded, and the black armor guard outside, immediately backed away, ready to leave with Saint Lord Black Shark.

“You are all Zhao Feng’s associates, all die for me”

Saint Lord Black Shark looked towards Ji Family. Three disciples and Great Emperor Gui Lin, and a gray man not far away, both eyes appeared fierce.


The mighty Saint Lord of Opening Heaven came suddenly, and the whole palace was ringing in snap.

Ji Family Third Disciple and Great Emperor Gui Lin, under the might of Saint Lord, felt the whole body was stagnant, Bloodline True Yuan could not flow, and the pressure of terrifying seemed to squeeze them into pieces.

Suddenly, the power of Saint Lord disappeared, and Ji Family Third Disciple and Great Emperor Gui Lin were suddenly relieved.

“Teleportation formation is still working”

The gray man’s old man expression was indifferent, and suddenly spoke.


Saint Lord Black Shark complexion shocked, heart beating, forehead cold sweat straight.

This old man actually destroyed his Saint Lord so easily

He didn’t perceive the Realm of the old man carefully just now, just thinking that the other party must be with Zhao Feng. Since standing outside, the Realm must not be high.

But at this time, he perceived it carefully, but found that he could not see through the Realm of the old man at all.

Ji Family Third Disciple and Great Emperor Gui Lin, holding their breath, looked towards the gray man.

They only know that Saint Lord Black Shark is Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, and this old man seems to be stronger than Saint Lord Black Shark.

The Saint Lord Black Shark complexion was complicated. At this time, he did not leave, but was chased by Zhao Feng and the Saint Lord in the sky, and was dead.


Saint Lord Black Shark did not expect that Zhao Feng also brought such a powerful expert, and his both eyes showed a bit of ruthlessness.

Suddenly, a dozen of his men, Soul of the body began to swell, a crisis of destruction, brewing.

Hong long long

These dozens of black armored guards simultaneously burst out, terrifying the power, destroying all the great hall entrances.

“The old convention avenged you”

Saint Lord Black Shark turned into a dark awn and darted away.

“come back”

In the center of the explosion, an old voice came out.


Heaven and earth is suddenly dim, invisible Will, penetrating a void.

“how is this possible”

Saint Lord Black Shark’s body stopped midair, unable to make a half step forward, his body was bound by an invisible ultimate strength.

The smoke dissipated, and the old man in the gray coat was not damaged. His eyes were like standing water, looked towards Saint Lord Black Shark.

In front of three disciples of Ji Family and Great Emperor Gui Lin, stood a huge blue gold body.

“Thank you, Zhao Feng”

Great Emperor Gui Lin is glad.

It turned out that Zhao Feng had already rushed out when those guards exploded, running Saint Thunder Body and Protection Thunder Glow, blocking the explosion power before the crowd.

More than a dozen King Great Emperor Soul Self-destruction, even Zhao Feng couldn’t bear it.

At this moment, Zhao Feng looked towards the old man in the gray clothes not far away, and his heart was shocked.

This gray man, with no difficulty, binds the Saint Lord Black Shark. Its true strength is at least the great accomplishment Saint Lord or Saint King.


Saint Lord Black Shark In the mighty restraint of the old man in the gray coat, he can’t help himself, and slowly returns to the ground.

Saint Lord Black Shark despair, he didn’t expect Zhao Feng to have such a powerful helper, the assassination mission failed, he had no way to escape

“Haha, let’s die together”

Saint Lord Black Shark face twisted for a while, the whole body strength was compressed to a point, and it exploded instantly.

“Not good, be careful …”

Facing the Self-destruction of Saint Lord Black Shark, even Zhao Feng, dare not neglect.

Zhao Feng unfolded his wings and Wind Thunder small world, rolled up Ji Family Third Disciple and Great Emperor Gui Lin, and quickly escaped into the sky.

Hong long long

Near the teleportation great hall, it turned into a ruin, and many of the lively Great Emperor were injured by the aftermath of the explosion.

Even Saint Lord was Self-destruction, and the expert who looked around suddenly disappeared.

The gray man, standing to, Will, the invisible Wei Li, guarded it without any damage.

“Many thanks Senior gets rid, stop this killer”

Zhao Feng thanked him.

Regardless of whether the old man intentionally or accidentally, if he does not get rid, Saint Lord Black Shark is likely to escape.

“Little brother, teleportation formation in great hall, should be able to use it”

Asked the old man in gray.

Zhao Feng Left Eye The teleportation great formation sweeping towards the rear, there is a layer of defense formation near the great formation. Although it was destroyed, the vein structure of the teleportation formation does not seem to be damaged.

“Formation is not damaged and should be usable”

Zhao Feng landed on the ground and released Ji Family Third Disciple and Great Emperor Gui Lin from Wind Thunder.

“Zhao Feng, we need to leave as soon as possible”

Old Ying sound transmission.

Old Ying, Ninth Prince and the others, distance explosion center is far, not at all how much damage.

However, at this time, Old Ying, Ninth Prince, and Saint Lord were injured, and their already was exposed.The place is very unsafe. Take the old man in the gray coat for example. The strength is unpredictable. If it is an enemy, they will Dead.

They must immediately rush to the battlefield and report this to Imperial Clan.

“Senior, if you don’t mind, you can leave with us”

Zhao Feng felt that the old man had no malicious intentions, and offered to invite.

“No more, I have to wait for my disciple”

Grey man old rejected Zhao Feng’s invitation.


Zhao Feng and Ji Family disciple, Great Emperor Gui Lin, and the old man in the gray clothes left.

Ancient teleportation formation on stage.

Old Ying is inlaid with Top Rank Primal Crystal Stone in each groove, and flickering on the platform suddenly starts to appear white, countless formation Silver Marks, outline and extend.

Saint Lord and Old Ying in the sky, looked towards this mysterious unpredictable old man in gray clothing, fortunately in his heart, fortunately he is not an enemy.

At the same time, they felt that Saint Lord Black Shark’s luck was too bad.

But at this moment, not far away, a white silhouette ran towards the gray man.

When the girl hits the snow white gauze, she has a beautiful beauty like pure white lotus, clear water autumn eyes, black eyebrows Qiong nose, showing a smile, giving a sense of tranquility.

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly shook, looking towards this picturesque innocent girl.

Rao is a acquaintance with Zhao Feng who is accustomed to beautiful women. They are deeply attracted by it and have an inexplicable familiarity.

Just like the moment when the Thiefing Cat unveiled Liu Qinxin in the Green Flower Territory Great Lake Competition, the thrilling beauty was enough to make anyone feel lost for a short time.

“What a nice view”

Great Emperor Gui Lin’s eyes were dull and looked towards that white-clothed girl.

Even Ji Lan was attracted to it.

Similarly, the Ninth Prince group of white-clothed girl looked towards teleportation formation, their eyes fixed on Zhao Feng body.

That blonde gold pupil and temperament gave her a sense of intimacy.

The next moment, Ninth Prince Zhao Feng and the others disappeared on the teleportation formation platform.

“Master, I bought a niced ancient zither arrived”

white-clothed girl smiled with a crescent moon.

“I’ve been absent-minded, and actually dropped the piano”

Old man in gray said lightly.

“Little girl, why are you here?”

“Don’t hide, Little Fairy, we sincerely want to be friends with you, hehe”

Suddenly there were two men’s jokes, and two big men jumped out.

The two big men were both Quasi-Saint Lord Realm. When they saw the old man next to the girl, they didn’t feel much threat, so they didn’t care.

“Trouble again for the teacher”

The gray man showed a helpless smile.

white-clothed girl coquettishly lightly red, showing a hint of awkward smile.

old man The ordinary left eye suddenly changes color, and a dark shadow emerges from it.

This black shadow is only in the state of Soul. The body is also covered with many dense spells, and his face is similar to the Saint Lord Black Shark that has just been several points of.

“what is this?”

The two big guys who followed the white-clothed girl were shocked.

Such a weird scene gave him an extremely unknown feeling.

Suddenly, Soul of Saint Lord Black Shark rushed out, and a Saint Lord-class terrifying Soul Will rushed out.


They were shocked and horrified, and immediately fled.

Roar …

The two men fell to the ground, Soul fell, and then Soul of Saint Lord Black Shark turned into a black light, blended into the gray man’s Left Eye.

“Let’s go, teleportation great formation is available”

Old man and girl in gray clothes, walking ancient old platform.

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