King of Gods

Chapter 1015

Within the great hall where the teleportation formation is located.

Ninth Prince and Old Ying were besieged by five black clothed persons.

Ninth Prince is surrounded by dragon mark light glow, Battle Strength directly reaches Saint Lord, and Qinglei ancient sword in his hand, cuts out a heaven shaking Rayman, and goes away.

“such insignificant ability ”

A man with a black mask appeared with a dark green dagger in his hand, and made a slight stroke in the air. A hidden evil force, Holy Force, shattered Heaven and Mang.

“The situation is not good”

Old Ying stood with Ninth Prince behind, blood flowing from his chest, and a dozen or so accompanying corpse bodies lay on the ground nearby.

Although Ninth Prince relied on the power of Dragon Destiny to raise the Battle Strength to the level of Saint Lord, it was still not the opponent of this mask man.

In addition to the mask man, the other black clothed persons are Quasi-Saint Lord Realm, and they are also excellent killers in the Dark Secrets Corner ranking of about XNUMX.

And over the great hall.

The violent black and white Mystic Light Holy Force, criss-crossed, is booming and continuous.

great hall all around, there is a layer of great formation that isolates everything, and all terrifying collision powers resist.

“Sky Saint Saint, you will be buried here today”

A slender man wearing dark gray armor, holding a black long spear, suddenly wields a black gun.

Bang Bang

A series of huge black gun shadows shuttled wildly in the great hall.

“Saint Lord Black Shark, who sent you to assassinate Ninth Prince?”

The sky Saint King, holding a bright Pure Crystal sword, quickly swept out, chopped out a bright white sword light, and blasted at the Saint Lord Black Shark black gun shadow.

Saint Lord Black Shark, Dark Secrets Corner Killer Ranking The tenth-ranked Saint Lord killer. Unlike other killers, Saint Lord Black Shark is a brutal killer. Each time he uses fierce violence to solve the task goal.

“There is a lot of nonsense”

Saint Lord Black Shark disdain coldly snorted, long spear stabbed out suddenly, and saw a group of black tyrannical beams of light, exuding terrifying dark aura, shocking void, assault to the sky Saint Saint in an instant.


The vault Saint Lord was bombarded and hit the formation barrier of the behind.

“Sky Saint Saint”

Old Ying expression is slightly dim.

Nothing happened along the way. I didn’t expect the real crisis, but it was hidden at the end.

In other words, these killers have been ambush here for a long time, completely controlling this teleportation great hall, waiting for the arrival of Ninth Prince.

An accompanying team of guards, with the exception of Saint Lord in the sky, had been brutally killed.

And this great hall is covered by Arrange’s higher formation barrier, covering all the mighty power, and the outsiders probably don’t know anything.

“White Stream Sword Art”

The sky Saint Lord rushed out again, casting a high-level sword potential Concept, and at the same time the power of the small world projection, integrated into Space,

The whole great hall, as if shrouded in endless white light and shadow world, has a word intent.


Countless white sword shadows, with the sword of Saint Lord in the sky, simultaneously rushed towards Saint Lord Black Shark.


Behind Saint Lord Black Shark, the black air flow suddenly emerged, and the violence was extremely violent. The white light sword shadow in front of it was completely destroyed, and the Dao of Sword small world projection in the sky of Saint Lord was also damaged to some extent.

“Not good, Saint Lord is going to lose”

Old Ying was in a heavy mood.

The sky Saint Lord is far from the opponent of Saint Lord Black Shark, and Ninth Prince can’t resist the mask man for a long time.

“Old Ying, don’t worry, we have been saved”

Ninth Prince suddenly burst into joy.

Old Ying complexion startled, some already have been trapped inside for a while, if anyone comes, it should have come.

“Oh, I still expect someone to come to you”

Mask man can’t help smirk.

The isolation form of great hall all around not only isolates all momentum, but also blocks Spiritual Sense, and their plans are extremely thorough and impossible to be unexpected.

The mask man rushed out, dark green dagger, flickering with a deadly chill, and walked silently around Ninth Prince all around.

Can be the next moment.


The entrance in front of the great hall was suddenly blasted away.

Several black armor guards were smashed by a terrifying physique.

Zhao Feng alone, blasted the barrier, came in directly

Outside of the great hall, Ji Family disciple and Great Emperor Gui Lin pinned down other black armor guards.


The black clothed person in front of Ninth Prince suddenly screamed.

Saint Lord Black Shark and the mask man also paused for a moment.

“Zhao Feng”

Ninth Prince shouted in surprise.

Just now, he sensed the existence of Emperor Heavenly Writ. Emperor Heavenly Writ was a gift he gave to Zhao Feng’s. Because of this, he knew he was saved.

Old Ying complexion startled, why did Zhao Feng appear here?

At the same time, he also noticed that the formulation here seemed to be very easy to destroy from the outside.

“Hmph, come in and take the initiative and you won’t have a chance to go out”

Saint Lord Black Shark angrily snorted, while sound transmission to others.

Suddenly, the masked man and the remaining black clothed person who besieged Old Ying and Ninth Prince, and left Old Ying who was seriously injured, and Dragon Destiny Qi exhausted Ninth Prince rushed towards Zhao Feng.

They naturally knew Zhao Feng’s true strength, but one Saint Lord and four Quasi-Saint Lords would definitely suppress Zhao Feng.

Bang Bang

Saint Lord Black Shark suddenly launched a force, terrifying overbearing black airflow, crazy assault on the dome of Saint Lord, it seems to be resolved quickly.

“Zhao Feng, you are also on the Dark Secrets Corner assassination list, so that we can complete the two top ten assassination missions at the same time.”

The mask man was slightly excited.

The rest of the black clothed people are also uplifted, as long as they restrain Zhao Feng and wait for Saint Lord Black Shark to solve the sky Saint Lord, everything is over.

“Just by you?”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted, Left Eye’s amazing Eye Strength Will surged.

“Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain”

In the Thunder Soul Body, the infinite Soul Strength pours into the Left Eye.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, evolved into an endless Purple Gold maze world, exuding a deadly appeal.

Five people in front of Zhao Feng, subconsciously looked towards Zhao Feng’s eyes, the next moment, they felt that the Spiritual Consciousness was out of control and immediately struggled.


The mask man was steep and then backed up by dozens of steps, and Soul Will was moving full force.

While the other four Quasi-Saint Lords struggled for a while, both eyes lost the light glow, stayed on the spot, motionless.


The mask man figure was shaking, his face was incredible.

Although he hurried back and left Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique range, some effects of Illusion Technique still had a great impact on him.

The other four Quasi-Saint Lords, like fools, stood on the spot.

“How can it be”

Mask man Soul trembled.

You know, these Quasi-Saint Lords who followed them are all super killers on the Dark Secrets Corner killer list. They are no worse than Quasi-Saint Lord in the Crown Prince Trial.

At this moment, Zhao Feng had a look at him, and he immediately killed them.

“Black Shark, hurry up”

Mask male eyes reveal fright, directly sound transmission.

“A group of garbage”

Saint Lord Black Shark angrily snorted, he naturally captured the battle on that side.

Zhao Feng’s strength seems to be stronger than that of Crown Prince Trial. Such a powerful Illusion Technique is also not mentioned in the information.

Although Saint Lord Black Shark overpowered Saint Lord, it was impossible to defeat him so quickly.

“Really strong”

The joy of the Saint Lord complexion in the sky, full operation of Mystic Light Holy Force, vow to resist Saint Lord Black Shark for a while.

“Zhao Feng’s strength, has risen again”

Old Ying smiled, and depending on the situation, they were saved.

Zhao Feng runs the Saint Thunder Tyrant Body, the figure suddenly rises, the whole body Thunder Marks Lightning Glow surrounds, carrying terrifying saint thunder power, and immediately rushes out.

bang bang bang 嘭

The first four black clothed persons were directly hit by Zhao Feng, alive or death.

“Luminous Shadows”

The mask man stroked the dark green dagger, layer by layer of dark green Void Light, and struck Zhao Feng away. At the same time, the mask man fully operated Soul Will in case Zhao Feng’s Soul Eye Technique.

Behind Zhao Feng’s, a pair of red thunder wings spread out.

The strength of the mask man is very strong. Zhao Feng has not yet breakthrough Saint Thunder Body to the six layer, and dare not resist his attack.

call out

Zhao Feng struck a Wind Thunder arc in the air, avoiding attack, and chased after the mask man.

hu hu 咻

The mask male figure turned into a translucent shape, and again marked out several dark green Void Lights, and then escaped.

But suddenly, he felt a chill behind him.

Meow meow

A shadowy dagger pierced the mask man’s body from behind.

“What, Shadow Killing Emperor Blade”

Mask male expression shocked.

Shadow Killing Emperor Blade, even the Saint Body of Mystic Light Saint Lord, has a certain restraint.

In his moment of surprise, a deadly Soul crisis struck, and the Small Thieving Cat turned into a dark gray, looming into void.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”


A group of transparent purple golden flame seedlings, carrying countless Thunder Calamity imprints, strikers in the mask’s body

The Matter Soul level of the mask man was destroyed by a devastating Thunder Fire, which was constantly bombed.


Zhao Feng’s double wings bloomed bright red light, pushing his speed to the peak, and directly hit the male body of the mask.

The whole process was flowing, but it took two breaths.

Bang bang bang

Next, Zhao Feng approached the mask man and waved the both fists with all his strength, strikes the mask man’s Saint Body constantly.

In Zhao Feng’s Wind-Thunder of Fire True Yuan, contain Thunder Calamity, and Saint Thunder Body also has Strength of Ancient Thunder, which has a strong destructive power on Saint Body.


The mask man fell to the ground under Zhao Feng’s mighty overbearing Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist.

In the next moment, Zhao Feng flew directly into the sky and rushed towards Saint Lord Black Shark. Facing such a crisis situation, Zhao Feng would not show mercy.

“Really a bunch of waste”

Saint Lord Black Shark completely suppresses Saint Lord. As long as he gives him ten breaths, he can be sure to defeat it.

But his comrades couldn’t even restrain Zhao Feng from taking five breaths.


The sky Saint King was overjoyed.

Zhao Feng’s strength far surpassed his estimation, and actually solved the rest so quickly.


Saint Lord Black Shark turned his face, angrily snorted, turned abruptly and chose to escape.

The situation is developing too fast. If Zhao Feng displays the strength, if he joins hands with the Saint King in the sky, he will have to explain it here.


When Saint Lord Black Shark escaped, a shot swept towards Zhao Feng, a black violent light, like a fierce giant shark, rushed towards Zhao Feng.

“Block him”

Zhao Feng runs Eye Strength Will, condensing a Purple Gold Thunder Crystal, stabbing at Saint Lord Black Shark.

At the same time, Saint Lord Black Shark’s attack fell on Zhao Feng body and temporarily repelled Zhao Feng.


Saint Lord Black Shark screamed. A dark green bracelet on wrist immediately flickered out a layer of dark green light halo to relieve the Soul attack on Saint Lord Black Shark.

call out

Saint Lord Black Shark turned into a group of dark mansions and fled to the exit. Saint Lord was seriously injured and unable to stop.

“Not good”

Zhao Feng complexion changed.

The Ji Family disciple who followed him is still outside. If Saint Lord Black Shark escapes, he gets homerid rid, Ji Lan, Great Emperor Gui Lin and the others with the greatest Emperor strength, without even a trace of resistance.

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