King of Gods

Chapter 1011

“Young Master Zhao, please”

Elder stood in front of the Purple Star Tower, respectfully.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng entered into the Purple Star Tower among the voices of many disciples.

At this time, Zhao Feng didn’t need to worry about the number and time limit of enters into the Purple Star Tower, so he went directly to the Eighth Layer, which is suitable for Saint Lord’s cultivate layer.

Of course, at this time, the effect of the Eighth Layer on Zhao Feng’s was greater than it was.

Eighth Layer is a cultivate place suitable for Saint Lord, and naturally includes Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, small accomplishment, and great accomplishment.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will fell to the lowest level of the lower Mystic Light Realm due to the split soul.

The Purple Mist Power of Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer should correspond to Mystic Light small accomplishment.

There are five futons in the Eighth Layer, and there is no one at this time.

“Fortunately, there is the Purple Star Tower, which can help me condense Soul Will quickly.”

Zhao Feng casually sat on a futon.

“Soul Dividing Secret Art” is the Soul method of condensing Soul. The original idea of ​​this method is: after splitting two Souls, it is equivalent to twice the cultivate speed, and the two Souls can be merged to a certain degree. Soul Will increased to another height.

However, Soul split by Zhao Feng, because of the integration of Eye of Death, it is impossible to integrate into Zhao Feng’s Soul ontology.

The original idea of ​​”Soul Dividing Secret Art” was indeed to condense Soul, but he was used by cloned Feng Feng as Clone Secret Skill.

Zhao Feng runs Perfection-level Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art, condenses Soul Will, and uses it as a wholeheartedly, insight into others.

In Left Eye Space, there is only 20% of the Thunder Calamity Strength in Half-God’s skull.

Zhao Feng was also part of the Thunder Calamity brand because of Soul’s division.

Thunder Calamity branding is a big trump card for Zhao Feng’s. At this time, it was weakened, which had a big impact on Zhao Feng’s.

In the Left Eye Space, many of the ideas that Zhao Feng differentiated began to lead Thunder Calamity into Soul.

At the same time, in Zhao Feng’s hands, only a small part of the charred wooden block of the Contain Strength of Ancient Thunder was left, and the Strong of Ancient Thunder above, because the storage time is too long, the Thunder power carrier is not working, and it is almost dissipated.

Zhao Feng said nothing, turned the idea, and introduced the Strength of Ancient Thunder into the Thunder Soul Body.

Time passed, this time, Zhao Feng stayed in the Eighth Layer for ten hours, and then he got up and left.

After returning to his residence, Zhao Feng took a break and entered into the Immemorial Dreamland.

“Since you want to shape the magical world, it must be better in Immemorial Dreamland.”

Zhao Feng tastes the sweetness of arrived Wind Thunder small world.

Even if the Imperial Family Tomb is not a legacy space of Immemorial, in the Continental, Zhao Feng’s Immemorial Wind Thunder small world is much larger than the ordinary Great Emperor’s small world.

However, most of the characters that Zhao Feng is fighting with today are Saint Lord. Under their small world projection, Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder small world should be able to resist completely.

Therefore, the level of the magic city small world is also best to be equal to the Wind Thunder small world.

The last time Zhao Feng cultivated the Purple Star Tower, he fully pushed forward the steps of shaping the fantasy world.

Today, Zhao Feng is directly shaping the small world.

“The core of the fantasy world is you”

In Zhao Feng’s hand, a bright Pure Crystal bead appears, deep and deep inside, exuding moving bizarre energy.

This God Crystal was obtained by Zhao Feng in the Black Wind Valley forbidden ground, but the energy in this God Crystal was slightly lost.

But even if only half of it is energy, it is a treasure of heaven and earth for Zhao Feng.

God Crystal, that is the crystal of the strength of True God.


In Immemorial Dreamland, Zhao Feng hundred zhang around his body. There was a faint mist of purple magic, which contained various buildings such as mazes, castles, fountains, and black clouds over the maze.

Zhao Feng’s fantasy world small world, released to the outside world, is very solid state, but at this time in Immemorial Dreamland, it is transparent.

First, Zhao Feng mosaics God Crystal, cautiously.

In addition, Zhao Feng originally obtained the items under the forbidden ground of Black Wind Valley, which were all extremely precious treasure. Zhao Feng chose a dark black ink stone from it.

Zhao Feng didn’t know exactly what this stone was, but its whole body exudes amazing Spiritual Strength, and after Zhao Feng’s repeated research, he found nothing wrong.

So Zhao Feng inlaid this piece of black ink stone next to God Crystal.

Many of the treasures obtained in the Black Wind Valley Forbidden City did not even know their names.

However, the value of these treasures made Zhao Feng dare not take them out for identification, so they had to be put first.

In this way, Zhao Feng kept contacting at his residence, the private pavilion of Saint Lord Star Devil, and the Purple Star Tower.

Zhao Feng Soul’s strength and horizons have gradually improved, and the shaping of the small world has also proceeded simultaneously.

More than a month later.

Zhao Feng’s “God Secret Art” cultivate to the Eighth Layer Perfection, but the prototype of Phantom City has not been completed yet.

The small world is a very complicated project. Just like Zhao Feng originally shaped the Wind Thunder small world, it took a year and a half.

Zhao Feng estimates that it takes at least a year to shape the magical world.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness suddenly moved.

“Very good, Zhao Wang mixes in Underworld Ghost Sect!”

Zhao Feng and Zhao Wang are separated by a distance of several states, but they can still be directly contacted, and even Zhao Wang can pass part of the picture to Zhao Feng.

Soul Clone is, in all respects, stronger than Dark Heart Seal.

At this point, Zhao Wang successfully became Underworld Ghost Sect Inner Disciple with his amazing natural talent.

Ghost Dao sect is an important 3-Star force of Nine Nether Palace. The review of the sect disciple is very hasty and Zhao Wang has received almost no doubt.

However, Ghost Dao sect’s system is very cruel and cold-blooded. The internal fight of disciple in sect, turn a blind eye, as long as it is not killed.

“Young Master Zhao, Ji Lan, see you”

On that day, outside of Zhao Feng’s residence, Ji Lan’s voice sounded.

Soon, Zhao Feng opened the door.

“Young Master Zhao, your letter”

Ji Lan handed in a letter and complexion retreated.

Today’s Zhao Feng is the Supreme Elder of ordinary 3-Star forces. The most valued person in Crown Prince today is the same character as Ji Family Saint Lord Star Devil.

She never expected that Zhao Feng, who had never been to King Realm, would become like this, and it would become so fast.

Ji Lan can only warn himself and work hard for Cultivation.

During a period of contact with Zhao Feng, she found that Zhao Feng has never been slack. Even if she reaches this status, she has a strength that is far beyond the same rank, and she still has no cultivate or insight.

Zhao Feng tore open the envelope, which was a blank piece of paper, and Zhao Feng’s Soul consciousness poured into it instantly, and a message appeared in Zhao Feng’s mind.

“Old Ying’s Message”

Zhao Feng expression Slightly shake.

Ten months after the battle of the Dynasty began, Great Heaven Dynasty equalized the disadvantages because it issued a sect call, but it still did not show a great advantage.

In this case, Ninth Prince, as Crown Prince, was sent to the battlefield by Saint Sovereign Saint Empress.

One is to let Crown Prince represent the Great Heaven dynasty to improve morale on the front line, and the other is to hone Crown Prince’s Will and military strategy.

“Hehe, excuse”

Zhao Feng can’t help taunt.

If Ninth Prince stays at the Imperial Palace, he is foolproof, never unexpected, and there is a high chance of being on the throne.

If he were dispatched to the front battlefield, there would be too many changes.

“All of this should be the rest of the princes and their forces, who reacted to Saint Sovereign and planned it out.”

Zhao Feng’s voice was low.

After Ninth Prince was dispatched to the battlefield, the other princes took the initiative to ask for help and go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make contributions to the country.

Originally, if only Ninth Prince was on the front line, it might be relatively safe.

But now, several princes are heading to the front.

This war is not only a battle between the two dynasties, but also a battle within the Great Heaven Dynasty.

The reason why Old Ying sent a letter to Zhao Feng was naturally to hope that Zhao Feng would go to the front line and help Ninth Prince.

“Exactly, I also need to sharpen it in the fight.”

The letters in Zhao Feng’s hands were reduced to ashes.

Since his rebirth, Zhao Feng slaughter has killed, but at this time his strength, already To surpassed past lives, it is time to go to the battlefield to really sharpen it.

Moreover, Zhao Feng heard that the battle achievements on the battlefield can be exchanged for the corresponding Divine Weapon, Spirit Pill, or Mystery.

On this day, Zhao Feng came to the residence of Saint Lord Star Devil.

“Such a thing happened”

Saint Lord Star Devil complexion.

This kind of thing is naturally not good for Ninth Prince.

“Brother Zhao, if you ’re heading to the front, take a few of my Ji Family disciple”

Saint Lord Star Devil made a request.

Originally, the major forces did not rest assured that the Sect was too excellent in the middle-level genius, enters into the battlefield, unless it is such a peerless genius as Xuanyuan Wen, Yu Tianhao, Battle Strength Unparalleled.

Obviously, Saint Lord Star Devil trusted Zhao Feng so much that he was willing to entrust Zhao Family’s genius to Zhao Feng.

“no problem”

Although Zhao Feng felt some trouble, he agreed.

After all, during his time in the Ji Family, he was taken care of by Saint Lord Star Devil too much: countless precious books, Purple Star Tower came in and out, and also helped Zhao Feng to deceive and promote “Soul Dividing Secret Art”

Saint Lord Star Devil completely treats Zhao Feng as his Final Disciple, and Zhao Feng has nothing to return.

On the second day, three Ji Family children, Ji Wuye, Ji Lan, Ji Tianming, were waiting for Zhao Feng outside Ji Family Clan.

These three Ji Family disciples are all excellent in the middle and upper levels of the Ji Family. They are young and lack experience. They need to be sharpened.

“In the future, listen to my orders”

Zhao Feng said indifferently, running God Eye at the same time, smashing God Eye Mark on these three bodies to prevent unexpected.


The three men are unanimous.

Zhao Feng was in the Ji Family, and he has been in the Purple Star Tower Eighth Layer. His reputation is almost known to all the disciples of the Ji Family.

For Zhao Feng’s indifference and management, the three did not have any different opinions.

Their three people understand that this is Supreme Elder, giving them a chance to learn, and also a grind of life.

Ji Lan’s eyes are firm, and her fist is clenched. I don’t know when, Zhao Feng already becomes the aggressive target of Ji Lan. This will be her excellent opportunity to catch up with Zhao Feng’s.

“Set off”

Zhao Feng took out Wind Flame Chariot, which had not been used for a long time.

Although the speed of Wind Flame Chariot is not as good as any of them, it is convenient.

Wind Flame Chariot, just enough to accommodate them, and this is a very long journey.

The three Ji Family disciples take turns controlling Wind Flame Chariot, and the remaining people can take advantage of such a long period of rest, insight, and cultivation …

“The goal is the north …”

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