King of Gods

Chapter 1010

“Well, you go inland and join Ghost Dao sect, for example, some subsidiary forces of Nine Nether Palace”

Zhao Feng’s eyes turned, suddenly said with a smile.

First, Zhao Feng’s cultivate system is not good at Zhao Feng. He can only solve the cultivate puzzle of Zhao Wang Early Stage.

Secondly, Zhao Feng has fewer resources for shading and death attributes, and Zhao Feng has insufficient resources.

Both aspects, Ghost Dao sect can solve for Zhao Wang.

And Zhao Wang’s cultivate speed is very fast. It won’t be long before it should be able to mix in the sect to the high level. Maybe you can also get the secret message of Nine Nether Palace.

This is a great way to penetrate the enemy’s interior, and it should be relatively easy to get over it now in the midst of war.

Making a decision, Zhao Wang left.

Before leaving, Zhao Feng gave Zhao Wang some resources, Divine Weapon, and saved his life.

After Zhao Wang left, Zhao Feng entered into the Ji Family.

People from Ji Family immediately greeted him and brought Zhao Feng into Ji Family.

“It’s Zhao Feng. On the rumored day, it was he who entered into the Purple Star Tower Ninth Layer.”

“How is this possible, he is still the Great Emperor Realm”

“It’s unknown, maybe he has some Soul secrets, but many Ji Family children have seen him a glance to subdue Ji Shengming.”

During the walk, the eyes of Ji Family disciple were all attracted by Zhao Feng.

Especially some time ago, some Ji Family children who followed Ji Lan to the Sea Mist Pavilion, saw Zhao Feng coming, with respect and worship.

Before Zhao Feng was near the private pavilion of Saint Lord Star Devil, a voice was heard inside.

“Come in, Zhao Feng”

The Ji Family disciple who brought Zhao Feng here, retreated consciously.

“Zhao little friend, how did you get hurt?”

Saint Lord Star Devil looked towards Zhao Feng at this time, and realized nothing was wrong.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will has weakened a lot compared to when he left.

After Ji Family disciple returned, he reported everything truthfully. Zhao Feng should be very easy to deal with the two Saint Lords. Why was he injured?

“Don’t hide Senior, when I went back, I was already cultivate Soul Dividing Secret Art”

For this, Zhao Feng did not hide.

After all, Saint Lord Star Devil had already guessed that Zhao Feng would try to cultivate Soul Dividing Secret Art.

“you made it?”

Saint Lord Star Devil face surprise.

He has done a lot of research on this trick, but he still has not grasped the cultivate.

After Saint Lord condensed Clone, he would be damaged. Zhao Feng succeeded in soul fragment and Soul Will was damaged. This is also as it should be by rights.

If it fails, there is more to this injury, so Saint Lord Star Devil is very sure that Zhao Feng must succeed.


Zhao Feng ordered nodded, and he was equally pleased with the success of the first layer of “Soul Dividing Secret Art”.

Saint Lord Star Devil expression excited, immediately near Zhao Feng, “Let me see your Clone”

He didn’t expect Zhao Feng to get “God Secret Art” within a few months, and he met the requirements, and cultivate “Soul Dividing Secret Art” was successful.

Is this Zhao Feng’s luck, or is he uniquely talented in this field?

“My Clone, now elsewhere”

Zhao Feng smiled apologetically.

Coincidentally, when he came to Ji Family, Zhao Feng asked Zhao Wang to go inland to find Ghost Dao sect.

Saint Lord Star Devil complexion returned to its original state after a meal.

Generally Saint Lord, cultivate Clone Secret Skill, is for the wholeheartedly multi-purpose and doing many things at the same time.

Zhao Feng’s Clone, it’s very reasonable to be away.

Later, Zhao Feng told Saint Lord Star Devil something about Soul Clone.

After getting some information, Saint Lord Star Devil may be able to help him and promote the Second Layer.

“It’s so effective”

Saint Lord Star Devil was surprised.

Through Zhao Feng’s description, he has a certain understanding of the capabilities of Soul Clone.

If it is not too small, Saint Lord will definitely try.

But he could not act recklessly. Now that the war has begun, he may not be able to develop to any extent. As Ji Family Supreme Elder, his life is not just his own.

“How about” Soul Dividing Secret Art “Second Layer, Zhao little friend?

Saint Lord Star Devil asked.

This method is unusual, and it is difficult to find similar methods for reference.

“Not much progress”

Zhao Feng just cultivated the First Layer and Soul Will almost fell to Quasi-Saint Lord.

Even if the Second Layer comes out, Zhao Feng will not cultivate it at this time.

Therefore, in recent days, Zhao Feng has expanded his horizons and theoretical foundations by reading a lot of books to prepare for the development of the Second Layer in the future.

“The Little Friend is here, let me discuss it with you, and I have one more thing to tell you.”

Saint Lord Star Devil set aside things for Soul Dividing Secret Art.

“8th Prince already write to me, he will stand in the camp of Ninth Prince and help Ninth Prince”

Saint Lord Star Devil said with a smile.

This is what he hopes. He doesn’t want Ji Family to depart from 8th Prince and join the Ninth Prince camp.

Although the Crown Prince Trial is over and it is normal to re-select factions, it will still affect the reputation of the Ji Family.

“8th Prince?”

Zhao Feng froze slightly.

Unexpectedly, the Crown Prince Trial had just ended, and 8th Prince made a decision on allocation.

Zhao Feng naturally felt that 8th Prince made such a decision and had a great relationship with Zhao Feng.

However, this is exactly the right thing. Ninth Prince is weak. With the help of 8th Prince, the overall strength and alert are approaching Thirteenth Prince.

In addition, the Yu Family seems to be the power of the 8th Prince, and it is also the main Battle Strength of the war front.

In this way, among the sect forces behind Ninth Prince, the members who went to the front line of the battlefield will have reliance and will not be targeted by the forces of other factions.

“For the news of Eye of Samsara Inheritance, I don’t know Senior, what did you find?”

Zhao Feng shifted the topic and asked softly.

This is also one of the main purposes of his visit: about the whereabouts of Eye of Samsara Inheritance.

Already more than two months ago, if you can find it, you should look for arrived.

“His whereabouts have still not been found”

Saint Lord Star Devil sighed slightly.

Zhao Feng expression was bleak, he had long been mentally prepared.

Sure enough, such a lone ranger is difficult to search, not to mention, the strength of the Eye of Samsara Inheritance is unfathomable.

“But I checked the area and suspected it was where the Eye of Samsara Inheritance lived”

Saint Lord Star Devil said again.

“Please Senior”

Zhao Feng expression

“I’ll go with you”

Saint Lord Star Devil rushed out of the palace hall, shuttled in the purple fog, Zhao Feng followed.

One day not arriving, the two came to a green emerald green bamboo sea.

There is no one here, there is only a simple bamboo house, water well, piano table, chessboard, bamboo chairs and so on.

“Concept here is truly extraordinary”

The moment Zhao Feng came here, he felt different.

Although there are only some simple and trivial items here, there are unspeakable Profound Truth aura, which is vague and profound.

“People who live inside should have just left for some time.”

Saint Lord Star Devil said.

If you check here earlier, you might get something.

Zhao Feng floated down and walked towards the bamboo house.

The layout of the bamboo house is simple and tidy, and is a common furniture item.

“Clean up very clean”

Saint Lord Star Devil said.

Eye of Samsara Inheritance, if you want to hide the trail, naturally leave no clue.

If it were Saint Lord Star Devil, it would definitely destroy everything here.

For some reason, Zhao Feng, when entering into the bamboo house, there was an inexplicable fragrance of scent that surrounded him all around, making a change in his mind.

Zhao Feng opened God Eye and swept through every item in the room. Nothing was found after all.

It seems that Eye of Samsara is a confident and cautious person.

He kept it intact without leaving any clue. Zhao Feng’s God Eye didn’t find any clues.

Zhao Feng enters from the front door, and the back door comes out.


Zhao Feng looked towards the cyan seven-string ancient zither aside.

Suddenly, in his mind, an elegant and quiet woman like a fairy in the painting, the beautiful face of the ethereal and wild goose, looked quiet and resentful.

Meow meow

The Small Thieving Cat scoops out of Bewildering Space Realm, and in its claws holds a copper coin.

This copper coin is not an ancient copper coin used by Small Thieving Cat divination, but the last layer of Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace. Liu Qinxin left that coin to Zhao Feng’s.

At this moment, this copper coin flickering with a faint white starlight, as if it were about to go out at any time.

Zhao Feng expression Great earthquake.

This copper coin has been kept by him in Bewildering Space Realm, why does it shine for no reason?

Zhao Feng held it in his hands, and he felt a deep traction.

“This piano”

Zhao Feng approached this cyan ancient zither and stroked it gently.

It’s a pity that he didn’t understand the rhythm at all.

Small Thieving Cat suddenly appeared in the hands of several ancient copper coins, ‘ding dong, one toss, fell in the hands.

“What the hell does that mean?”

Zhao Feng closed his eyes slightly.

Why did he find the place where Eye of Samsara used to live, this copper coin will react.

And what makes copper coins react is just an ordinary ancient zither.

Perhaps this is the piano of the Eye of Samsara Inheritance. The copper coin is telling Zhao Feng that Eye of Samsara can help him find Liu Qinxin? Or any other reason …

Zhao Feng held the copper coin tightly in his hands, pondered for a long time, and couldn’t figure it out.

Suddenly, a faint rays of light bloomed on Zhao Feng palm’s copper coins, and a bright white light bloomed. Zhao Feng felt on the copper coins as if there was a line of unknown fate that stretched out into the distance.

Zhao Feng stretched the arms of gets rid and slowly moved. At one moment, the shimmer on this copper coin bloomed again, and then disappeared completely.

The strength of the copper coins seems to be completely exhausted.

“There is, north …”

Zhao Feng put away the copper coins and looked north.

Saint Lord Star Devil has been standing in Zhao Feng behind, he saw Zhao Feng’s strange emotions, thoughtful and sighed in his heart, without interruption.

“Star Magic Senior, let’s go back”

After a short while, Zhao Feng flew directly.

After returning to the Ji Family, Zhao Feng still lives in his last yard and comes to the private hall of Saint Lord Star Devil every day.

Today, Saint Lord Star Devil has opened his privacy completely to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng is immersed in Soul, the theory of eye pupil, and Secret Technique world every day. Occasionally, Saint Lord Star Devil and Zhao Feng will discuss the deduction of “Soul Dividing Secret Art”.

One day, Zhao Feng came to Purple Star Tower again.

Today, Zhao Feng is granted permanent access to the Purple Star Tower.

You know, this qualification has always been enjoyed only by Ji Family Supreme Elder.

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