so close!

Almost gave the opposite side a double kill!

"This wave of President Yu's Hua Mulan not only gave away blood, but also didn't even get the experience and economy of a soldier."

"It can be said that it exploded on the spot!"

"It is estimated that as long as you help General Fei Niu catch two more waves, President Yu's Hua Mulan will completely become a red super soldier."

"At that time, we just need to lie down obediently and watch the flying cow generals take off in the same place and kill them!"

When she thought of how afterglow Hua Mulan was surrounded and beaten by three people, she was furious with blood.

The corners of Zhuge Liang's mouth rose wildly!

He was the victim of Meng Tian's immortality.

I just feel so relieved!

Compared to the cheerful atmosphere on their side.

The team voice channel on Sunset's side.

It is much heavier.

"Linger, what's going on?"

"Why are you Zhuge Liangkuai who hasn't learned the second grade yet?"

Ann sighed.

It was because Ling'er's Xishi clearing line was one step slower.

In the end, Hua Mulan of the afterglow was outflanked by three people, desperate, and angered!


Just when Linger was about to say something.

Cai Wenji, who has never spoken.

But it was at this time that the microphone was turned on.

"Don't blame our Xi Shi."

"When I was level [-], I went to the wild area to help Cao Cao watch Lan, and I didn't help Xishi clear the line immediately."

"I didn't get a view of the river when I came back."


A very nice lady's voice suddenly sounded.

All the teammates were stunned.

Ting An asked subconsciously.

"Sweet Ke?"

"Hey... That's not right! Tian Tian Ke's voice is obviously not so nice..."

"Good guy! What the hell!"

"I actually met a young lady other than Tiantianke and Linger in the [-]% match of the peak match!"


At this time, because Lian Kneeling has given up the peak competition.

Tian Tian Ke, who is watching Sunset Live's live rounds.

After hearing what Ann said.

Suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched!

Just when the teammates were shocked to learn that their assistant was actually a young lady.

Yu Hui frowned.

I always felt this voice was inexplicably familiar.

It seems that I have just heard it somewhere not long ago!


He seemed to remember something.

Asked somewhat uncertainly.

"This voice..."

"Little Nurse, are you Miss Big Qiao who added me as a friend not long ago?".

Chapter 140

Hear Yu Hui's words.

A hint of surprise flashed in Cai Wenji's eyes.

Then a small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You still remember me?"

Hearing this, Yu Hui nodded.

"Your big Joe has left a deep impression on me."

"If it weren't for your Tianxiu Daqiao, my Meng Tian would definitely not have won so easily."

"Especially the handling of your last big move plus Benlang, it's absolutely amazing!"

Seeing that Sunset is still there to brag about herself.

The smile on Cai Wenji's mouth became more and more obvious.

Seeing Yu Hui's expression of praise.

Hearing that, An suddenly took a deep breath!

"Hey! Being able to be so favored by President Yu as an assistant... How good is this special?"

I heard the words of Ting An and Yu Hui.

The water friends in their live broadcast room shook their heads again and again.

A look that hates iron but not steel!

Not long after Sunset was resurrected.

After controlling her own Hua Mulan returned to the side lane.

When he saw Flying Niu's Yao, a golden light flashed.

It has already risen to level three.

As for herself, Hua Mulan, who has never touched a line of soldiers so far.

Still only one level!

"This is a fantastic start!"

Yu Hui smiled bitterly.

Get serious right away!

Just as he threw out the light sword in his hand.

Use the continuous damage of the second skill [Spinning Flower] to quickly clear the line.

The light sword in his hand fell.

The moment when he killed the remaining bloody soldiers in front of him and rose to level two.

He actually felt extremely strong heart palpitations again!

And this time, my heart is uneasy.

More intense than last time!

Subconsciously glanced at the small map.

It was really empty.

The enemy's vision has long been lost.


His eyes narrowed.

Almost at the moment when the teammates retreated and the danger signal was mad.

His Mulan uses the soldier line as the pedal.

Use the displacement of a skill [Space Slash].

With a light sword in hand, retreat quickly!

Just as Mulan's figure flickered.

Immediately, the moment when the second empty crack will be used.

"Ride the wind and spread your wings!"

Flying Niu's Yao holds a long sword, and an arc displacement quickly keeps up!

While doing damage to Mulan.

The stars on his body flickered again.

Entered the enhanced state of passive [Gift of the Stars]!

"Spread your wings into the wind!"

   At the moment when he was briefly knocked into the air by the second skill of Flying Bull's enhanced second skill [Glow? Star Chasing].

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