Afterglow's Mulan also strode forward.

After pressing the second skill [Flower of Spinning Dance], he threw the light sword hanging from his waist.

He was about to walk to the position where the enemy's two remaining blood soldiers were.

Pick up the spinning light sword.

While reducing the CD of your second skill.

By the way, when grabbing Er and Fei Niu's Yao to fight against each other.

Yu Hui suddenly frowned.

I felt inexplicable heart palpitations.

It felt all too familiar to him.

It is the long-lost [Danger Prediction] skill of the system!

Just when Yu Hui subconsciously wanted to retreat.

I heard the slightly anxious voice of Shan Ling'er in my house!

"Mr. Yu, be careful!"

"The opposite Zhuge and Liu Chan finished clearing the line in the middle, and their vision disappeared."

"It should be going to the sidewalk to catch you!"

Ling'er's voice did not fall.

Then I heard Liu Chan's cheap voice sounded immediately!

"Sit tight, the first machine is on the runaway state!"

I saw the enemy Liu Chan after opening a skill [Little Overlord Shield].

He rushed in his direction like crazy!

The most terrifying is.

Behind him was a Zhuge Liang who was about to be covered with passives!

When I saw the moment of brilliance at Liu Chan's feet.

Yu Hui's eyes suddenly narrowed.

He knew that if he was shot by Liu Chan's skill, he would fly in the same place.

This fragile first-class Hua Mulan is sure to die!


He also pressed flash without any hesitation at all.

At the same time as the figure flickered towards his own defense tower.

It also narrowly escaped Liu Shan's enhanced basic attack.

But what he didn't expect was.

The three people on the opposite side are determined to kill themselves!

I saw Liu Chan roared when he saw that he was shooting empty.

"Don't be afraid, just jump over the tower! I can stun the tower!"

Liu Shan's voice did not fall.

Yu Hui heard a sound similar to the dripping of water droplets ringing in his ears.

Look up.

I saw Zhuge Liang in the skin of the enemy Shi Yutian Si, waving the fan in his hand.

Use the second skill [Time and Space Shuttle] to help Yao to kill the minions in the back row.

By the way, help yourself to stack up to five layers of passive!

"The rain is pouring!"

After triggering the passive [Strategy Moment].

Five green raindrops that look like ghostly fire, swirl wildly around Zhuge Liang's side!

Then, after locking the Hua Mulan of the afterglow as the target, he started to launch frantically!



Just when afterglow Hua Mulan's HP was quickly reduced by Zhuge Liang.

Flying Niu's Yao finally reached the second level at this time!

"' 々 The trend of flying eagles is unstoppable!"

I saw Yao moving in two consecutive arcs, quickly approaching the afterglow Mulan!

Just when Sunset was knocked flying by his enhanced second skill [Star Chasing].

Liu Chan who entered the attack range of the defensive tower.

Directly slapped it stunned.

Make the tower lose the ability to attack.

Completely blocked Yu Hui's retreat!


Finally, under Yao's enhanced basic attack slash.

Afterglow's Mulan had no choice but to be emptied of her blood.

For the first time, I gave my own blood!

When I saw the afterglow of Mulan in this one.

Not only did he not get a blood as usual.

On the contrary, the head was taken away by others for the first time.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also stunned!

"I'm going, Mr. Yu actually sent a blood? Ye Qingjie!"

"Hahaha, feng shui turns around, I didn't expect that Mr. Yu would have a day when the car overturned!"

"As expected of the Great General Fei Niu who fought against Lu, he was really young, and he actually took away President Yu's blood!"

"Who dares to cross the sword immediately, only me, General Flying Bull!"

"As for General Yao, General Fei Niu, Mr. Yu is really uncomfortable. He is probably under a lot of pressure now."

"After all... Fei Niu is the Flying General Yun Ying himself!"

It was the first time that Sunset Hua Mulan was killed.

The late mid laner Xishi and assistant Cai Wenji finally arrived at the scene!

"Hula hula!"

Cai Wenji, who is in the starry bard skin, threw her second skill bomb.

Liu Chan, who was about to slip away from under his own tower, was stunned in place!

I saw Cai Wenji's second skill stun ball bounced back and forth between the lines.

Liu Shan just broke free from the dizziness and was about to move.

He was stunned in place again!

Severely endured two tower attacks!

Seeing that Liu Chan was going to be unable to stand it anymore.

Zhuge Liang was preparing to use the displacement of his second skill to evacuate the battlefield.

But never thought that a seal of yarn binding would fall from the sky.

He actually predicted the location of Zhuge Liang's second skill, and successfully controlled it!

"Listen to me!"

I saw that Zhuge Liang was under the control of Linger Xishi.

Only like a marionette with a lost soul.

Towards Liu Chan, who was dazed and unable to take care of himself!

At the moment when the two of them overlapped.

Xi Shi directly pushed the ball of the second skill Huansha Spirit to the middle of the two.

Under the damage of the explosion of the inner ring of the sacrilege spirit.

Liu Chan, who has suffered multiple tower damage before.

Finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Powerless fell to the spot!

And Zhuge Liang was at the moment of breaking free from the dizziness.

Rolling and crawling, the second skill plus flash and crazy escape!

Finally, before the next attack from the defense tower fell.

Back in a safe place!

"Yes, yes, you can use an assistant to replace the head of a side lane, this wave of blood is profitable!"

after getting out of danger. (got Zhao)

Zhuge Liang glanced at the green blood bar that he could barely see.

I can't help but feel scared for a while.

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