So that he, who has only a trace of blood, will not be directly emptied by Marco Polo's two basic attacks!

"Moonlight reflects my life, and your death!"

At the same time that Luna's cold voice sounded.

Under Marco Polo's terrified gaze.

A Crescent Moon Slash swept across him directly!


Four kills!

The enemy Luna killed our Marco Polo!

When the four kills that passion to the explosion kill broadcast sounded the moment.

The water friends in the Sunset Live broadcast room all exploded!

"I'm rubbing it! Beimu's Luna has a second- and fourth-level kill? It's still a der!"

"It's outrageous! President Yu's teammates are overconfident. They can take it as soon as they see it, and they must recklessly double their advantage back!"

"Luna was originally weak before level [-], now it's good, a wave of four kills took off on the spot!"

"If it's someone else's Luna, it's better to say, it's mainly Beimu's Luna..."

"It's hard to go against this, and it gave Luna a dream start to Beimu!"

"Fortunately, it's two for four, if it's zero for four, the game can be over!"

"Brother Baozi and Brother Kouzi are still strong in this wave of extreme blood and blood. Playing Marco Polo like a monkey, this is pure technical crushing!"

"Having said that, Mr. Yu's family's mirror and Dunshan's last wave of operations are really dazzling, and it's worth looking forward to what the two of them will do next."

Just when the barrage in the live broadcast room was still heatedly discussed.

Bodhidharma with Yu Hui far on the flank is another set of combined punches.

While reducing Sun Ce's blood volume.

Also brought the line of troops into their home defense tower.

When I heard the voice broadcast of the four kills, it sounded.

He first frowned subconsciously.

Followed by the moving perspective.

At a glance, I saw Silky Luna who started to return to the city after Bei Muna killed Marco.

"It's cracked, the pocket is worthy of being the ceiling Sun Shangxiang, it's really too strong."

"I was almost fooled by Xiu, and I sent a wave of four kills backhand."

"This...I feel sorry for you..."

Feel the loss in his own Marco's emotions.

Yu Hui opened his mouth to comfort him.

"It's okay, this one can still be played, you just need to stabilize your mentality and play well."

"Although you sent Beimu's Luna to kill four times, but with me, his popularity is definitely gone."

"Double kill plus a red buff for a quad kill, the situation is not too bad!"

Saying that, Yu Hui didn't bother to hide his vision.

Directly swaggeringly let his Dharma walk into the enemy's wild area.

Go straight to Luna's red buff!

"Beimu, Mr. Yu's Bodhidharma seems to be stealing your popularity!"

Beimu, who had just returned to the spring to replenish his health, was about to go out.

I heard the slightly anxious voice of the leaves.

"Steal red?"

Beimu frowned.

"Then try your best to help me drag it out, Taiyi and I will be here soon."

Before Beimu finished speaking, Linger also followed.

"I'll go with you too!"

Hearing this, the leaves brightened.

Four packs one?

That afterglow's Bodhidharma didn't crack open on the spot?

I thought that there were three teammates behind me.

The leaves were instantly emboldened.

After he cleared the line and entered his wild area.

At a glance, I saw the vision of Sunset Dharma.


He was just as he had guessed.

Going red!

I saw Sunset Dharma's fists fall like raindrops.

Punch after punch bombarded the body of the red BUFF.

Let it's blood rush out.

The output ability of Sunset Dharma is far beyond his imagination.

But a few punches.

Red BUFF is already dying.

See this scene.

The leaves suddenly couldn't sit still.

With some trepidation, he glanced at Yu Hui's fourth-level Bodhidharma.

He knew he was a tough guy.

He was only a third-level Sun Ce.

He would definitely be kicked by the afterglow on the wall frantically.

You must know that Sunset's Bodhidharma not only took his blood.

He also ate a wave of soldier line crabs and wild birds more than him.

Simply fat to oily.

Meteorites with armor-piercing effects have long been combined.

Afterglow is a Bodhidharma with meteorite, inscription and second skill triple armor-piercing effect at the same time.

The current output can only be described by the word explosion!

Even if Sun Ce's passive [Rage Tide] comes with [-] points of armor.

Much meatier than other warside heroes.

It is also very likely that he will be knocked out on the wall by the afterglow's Bodhidharma.

Was smashed to pieces by a set of military boxing on the spot!

Seeing that the blood volume of red BUFF is very small.

And his teammates have also arrived near the high ground.

The leaves finally gritted their teeth and decided to fight!

Beat a fight, bike change bike!

As long as you successfully grab the red BUFF from Yu Hui's hands.

His Sun Ce can be upgraded to level [-], and after unlocking the ultimate move, he can fight back directly!

Think of this.

He no longer hesitated.

Before the red buff was killed, he pressed his first skill [Split the Wind and Cut the Waves]!

"Do your best to break the waves!"

I saw his Sun Ce holding the anchor in his hand high and striding forward.

Facing the forehead of Yuhui Bodhidharma, he slammed it down unceremoniously!

While causing damage to Sunset.

He also left a spring at the feet of him and the red BUFF that could erupt at any time!

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore!"

Just when the spring was about to erupt.

Yu Hui quickly pressed the next skill [Mantra? No Phase].

With the help of the displacement of this full punch.

Not only did he sprint behind Sun Ce, but he also avoided the blowup and damage from the spring's eruption.

In the backhand, Sun Ce smashed the leaves high into the air with a Soaring Dragon Fist!

"In the face of death, all living beings are equal!"

Only Dharma roared.

After accumulating the strength of the whole body, he kicked violently towards Sun Ce's position!

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