There was also a trace of panic in the eyes of the leaves.

Because he knows it very well.

With Sun Ce's current HP, it is absolutely impossible for him to be Yu Hui's opponent!

Just when the leaves were about to use the displacement of a skill to escape back to the tower.

Bodhidharma's second skill [Mantra? Purdue] also turned on its cooldown at the same time!

. . . 0

"Your heart has deviated from the right path, and you are on the shortcut to the west!"

With the sound of breaking air after another.

Afterglow's Bodhidharma directly predicted the location of the leaf's first skill.

Resolutely hit the enemy defense tower with five punches in a row!

At the moment when Ye Ye, the blood-stained Sun Ce, fell to the ground.

He was immediately emptied of all the HP by Yu Hui's extremely fast five punches!


A blood!

Our Bodhidharma killed the enemy Sun Ce!

When I heard the system's kill broadcast sounded.

Leaves put down the phone in his hand with a face full of love.

Slammed the table!

"Damn it! I was eaten by this man again!"

"It doesn't matter if you crashed two cars in a row, he even took a blood!"

"Listen to my explanation! It's not my meal! Mr. Yu is definitely an old Sun Ce, and every time he grabs the second, he arranges me clearly!"

"You don't know how detailed he was in that wave just now. This man's scheming is really terrifying!"

Just when Ye Ye wanted to explain to the water friends in the live broadcast room the details of Yu Hui's last wave of solo kills.

want to imply them.

It wasn't because he couldn't beat Yu Hui, but when Yu Hui was too strong.

Then I heard the slightly shocked voice of the wild king Bei Muna resounded!

"What's the situation? Why is this shield mountain and mirror like crazy?"

Beimu's voice did not fall.

Ye Ye heard a series of passionate killing broadcasts madly sounded!


The enemy mirror killed our Taiyi real person!

The enemy mirror killed our Xi Shi!


Our Luna killed the enemy mirror!

Our Luna killed the enemy Shield Mountain!

Our Luna killed the enemy Mai Shiranui!

When the viewing angle moves down.

I saw the corpses lying all over the ground in the blue area of ​​my house.

And as if it had just gone through a war.

Only the blood-skinned Luna and Sun Shangxiang were left.

The leaves only feel that the whole person is stunned!



I was writing Beimu, and I swiped on Douyin when I was bored, and suddenly saw the story of Peeking Muniao... Knife.

Chapter 132

"Sorry brother, this wave of mine is mine!"

When I saw Beimu Luna got three kills.

The mirror only felt a thump in her heart.

Immediately he said reproachfully.

"I should have accepted it as soon as I met Lan, but when I saw Luna, who was still bloody in Beimu, I went straight to her..."

"greedy, greedy, this wave of my pot!"

Hear the words of your own jungler.

Shiranui Wu also sighed.

"I see that you and Dunshan's operations are directly full, and they almost killed four."

"It's a pity, my first-level Huo Wu's lane clearing speed is incomparable to Xi Shi's, and her support is one step behind her."

"I don't dare to be greedy in this wave. If I give up the line and go directly to support, we may be beaten by us for zero for four."

"Hey, compared to these top players, my consciousness is still a little worse after all!"

I feel the self-blame in the tone of my jungler and mid laner.

Marco Polo quickly opened the wheat and shouted.

"It's not a big problem, I should be able to accept Luna and Sun Shangxiang's great disability!"

"This wave of three-for-four is still not a loss!"

Saying that, he moved forward with a second skill [Roaming Spear].

After narrowing the distance between himself and Sun Shangxiang.

Raise the guns in your hands.

Facing the pocket where Sun Shangxiang was.

It was a series of hurricane bursts of bullets!

"Hurricane, dash forward!"

Seeing Marco Polo kill his own bloody Sun Shangxiang like a mad dog.

There was no panic in his eyes.

Instead, there was a confident smile on his lips.

I saw that after he calmly pressed the next skill.

His doomsday mecha-skinned eldest tumbled to the side and attacked.

Easily dodged Marco Polo's deadly strafe!

"Gorgeous doomsday blockbuster starring Miss Ben!"

After using the acceleration effect of a skill, he further widened the distance between himself and Marco.

Sun Shangxiang, who was in the pocket, threw a second skill at his feet with his backhand.


The red lotus bomb exploded on the spot after hitting Marco!

While slowing down Marco Polo by [-]%.

On the left side of Miss Pocket's health bar, there is a small golden sword that symbolizes the state of broken armor!

"with full force!"

The eldest lady's voice did not fall.

The rocket artillery that strengthens the basic attack runs through Marco Polo's body!

Just half a second.

Marco Polo, who originally had two-thirds of his health remaining.

At the same time, she received three-stage damage from Miss's armor-piercing state, the second skill's enhanced basic attack connected to the level A.

The blood volume dropped a lot in an instant!

"Brother Kouzi, this head made you!"

"You savage king, you start with four kills. If you can't kill this one, it's impossible to justify it!"

Hearing the words of the pocket, the corner of Beimu's mouth rose slightly.

"Don't worry, this game is over."

I saw that his Luna was empty A twice in place.

Directly strode towards the decelerated Remnant Marco.

Use the passive [Moonlight Dance]'s own displacement to directly pounce on Marco!

"Coming, the scarlet moon!"

With a flicker of moonlight.

The second skill [Hot Sword Light] draws Marco Polo to his side at the same time.

Also added a thin Moonlight Shield to Luna herself.

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