If Hou Yi accidentally exploded, the entire team would suffer with him.

As the frontier of the sky.

How could he have accepted the key to victory and handed it over to his teammates?

Think of this.

Yu Hui directly issued his own split record.

Against the ninety-ninth section of the road.

The strongest confrontation road in the national service!

"What the hell? The national service is the strongest against the road!"

"Ninety-nine sections against the road? I'm all stupid... Could this be the fairy in the legend?"

"Niubi! This is Tongtian Bianlu! Let Tongtian Bianlu give me tools? How dare I!"

"Abruptly abrupt!"

"Big brother on the sidewalk, what do you like to play! We will never go to your sidewalk to rub any troops when we raise pigs!"

When I saw the sign of the strongest confrontation road of the Sunset National Service.

Teammates have already realized.

Who is the real big brother!

I heard that from my teammates.

Yu Hui was not polite, and quickly glanced over the avatars of the heroes on the sidelines.

Because the other four teammates have to fight the pig flow.

If Hou Yi didn't blow up properly.

The other three tool man teammates will definitely follow him and blow through.

So, just in case.

Afterglow had to pick one that was strong enough to burst and could use itself as a nucleus.

Even if teammates blow through the center of the earth, they can stand out from desperation.

A sideline hero who takes on the task of saving the world!

So the current version of the three strong wing heroes.

Ma Chao, Meng Tian and the new hero Leidian Fawang Sikong Zhen are naturally the best choices!

After thinking about it, Yu Hui decided to carry out the violence to the end!

On the line, the head of the opposite wing is smashed.

Directly push and crush, and explode all the way!


The most powerful side lane in the current version is Ba Sikong Zhen.

Definitely his best choice!

"Only the most shocking thunder can shatter the heaviest darkness!"

After Sunset locked his avatar.

Sikong Zhen's extremely domineering lines just sounded.

Seeing that the opposite wing did not hesitate, he confidently chose Sun Ce in seconds.

See the avatar of Sun Ce, an unpopular hero in the current version.

Yu Hui seemed to have thought of something.

Subconsciously, he looked at the barrage in his live broadcast room.


At this moment, his live broadcast room has been swiped by the word "leaves" on the screen!

"Niubi! When I saw Sun Ce, I felt that this was not easy. I went to Ye Ye's live broadcast room to see, oh, Mr. Yu really collided with Sun Ce's ceiling Ye Ye!"

"Good guy, Mr. Yu has been doing whatever he wants on the sidewalk all night, and this time he finally kicked the iron plate!"

"One thing to say, Sun Ce of Ye Ye is really terrifying. That triangle jump and the old boatman's extreme distance through the wall make my scalp tingle every time!"

"This teammate is a pig, and the opposite is a leaf. President Yu is a bit dangerous. Sun Ce kills a hero like Houyi without displacement, isn't it as easy as killing a pig?"

"Indeed, the pig breeding system is strong, but the fault tolerance rate is really too low. As long as Hou Yi dies, the whole team will be finished together!"

"No wonder Mr. Yu took out even Sikong Zhen, the king of thunder and lightning. Isn't he prepared to fight against the wind?"

"Mr. Yu: After all, I was the one who resisted everything!"

Looking at the barrages floating past one after another.

How could Yu Hui not understand that he had collided with Sun Ce's ceiling leaves!


The well-deserved Sun Ce, the strongest in the national uniform!

Meow Ya's four top side lanes.

In addition to the fact that the side tiger Lu Dehua has been questioned for his strength, he is often dubbed as a trash fish by fans.

The other three are unquestionably tough.

In particular, Ye Ye, known as the Leopard on the Sidewalk, had previously participated in the trial training of the QG professional team with Lai Shen.

In the end, Lai Shen just got a word from the coach.

"The style of play is too personal and not suitable for the professional arena."

Such an ambiguous assessment.

The leaves are highly praised by the QG coach.

To put it bluntly, his style of play is also very feasible in the KPL professional arena.

Even in the face of such an overly powerful opponent.

There was no tension in Yu Hui's eyes.

Instead, there was a smile on his lips.

When hearing the name of leaves.

The impressive BGM seemed to have automatically sounded in his mind.

As well as the classic sayings that Ye Ye said in his naive voice.

"Welcome to Confrontation Road!"


At the same time, the opposite of Sunset.

When I saw that Sun Ce was pre-selected on the third floor of my house.

His teammates exploded in an instant.

"Brother, don't do it! Ma Chao, Meng Tian has all been released, you don't choose, choose Sun Ce, who is a brother in the sewers with Li Xin?"

"Sun Ce, a hero, fights fiercely in the early and mid-term, but he has no sense of existence in the later stage!"

"T0 heroes in the early stage, and T537819336 heroes in the later stage are no joke. The typical advantage is over men!"

"I think Ma Chao is among your favorite heroes. Why don't you choose one of the electric and light Ma Zi-ge to keep yours?"

Feel the tone of your teammates.

Doubt and dislike of the hero Sun Ce.


Without any hesitation, Ye Ye immediately locked Sun Ce's avatar!

Followed by open wheat.

"In the new era, there is no room for my sailboat!"

Just such a middle-of-the-road sentence.

But let all teammates explode in an instant!

"Hey! That silly voice! It's definitely Ye Bao's fault!"

"A row to the leaves? That's stable!"

"As the saying goes, Ye Ye has a specialization, Sun Ce's version can only be regarded as a T3 side lane, but in Ye Ye's hands, he is always a T0!"

"Don't say anything, I'll lie down, and I'll be done with this hero!"

After learning that his sidewalk was Sun Ce's ceiling leaves.

These teammates were obviously excited.

When I saw that the other side had chosen three heroes, Houyi Zhuangzhou and Ming Shiyin at the same time.

They quickly understood.

Opposite this is to raise pigs!

In this regard, the leaves just smiled disdainfully.

"In front of my leaves, do you still dare to choose Hou Yi, who has no movement, dares to catch, and dares to die?"

"How dare you!"

"Still raising pigs?"

"Look at me, an old boatman, who doesn't knock them over with people and pigs, and let them feel the sinister society!"

Hearing Ye Ye's words, the teammates also chose Guiguzi with a smile.

"If the other side dares to raise pigs, we dare to kill pigs, okay?"

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