
in the office.

Liu Sheng looked at the live broadcast room of Sunset in front of him, the barrage that was densely floating past.

And gifts that float as fast as snowflakes.

The smile on his face grew stronger.

He picked up the teacup beside him and took a sip.

Looking at the popularity of the Sunset Live broadcast room, he could not help but sigh with emotion.

"The potential of this kid is really much higher than I thought!"

"It's a genius born for live broadcast... No, it's a freak!"

"Let's not talk about the live broadcast effect, just rely on his terrifying technology, really, even a dumb person who comes to live broadcast can explode!"

Yanagyu put the still steaming teacup back in its place.

Looking at the eyes in the afterglow live broadcast room, they are full of smiles.

It seems that I have seen the figure of the future king's live broadcast.

Even like him, because of work needs, he must know a little about the king.

But middle-aged people who are not very interested in it.

All unknowingly saw the current eleven o'clock from seven in his live broadcast room.

It is conceivable how terrifying the attraction of the afterglow live broadcast room is!

Thinking of this, he quickly picked up the phone on the left side of the keyboard.

Made a call to the person with the note "' 々 Director Liu".

Soon, the call was connected.

from the other side of the phone.

It was a young girl's voice.

"Hello, Dad?"

"It's so late, why did you remember to call me?"

Hearing this, Liu Sheng coughed lightly and said in a serious tone.

"How many times have I said it, don't call my dad unless you're at home, can't you remember?"

on the other end of the phone.

The girl named Liu Sitian stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Said quite without (good) naughtiness.

"Understood, Mr. Liu."

"What's the matter with me at night?"

Liu Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

"The anchor of your king group named Sunset Sunset, you can prepare and sign an S-level contract with him."

"Hurry up, don't let him be poached by the people who live Doulong live."

Hearing Liu Sheng's words, Liu Sitian nodded thoughtfully.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, we have been observing the sunset for two days."

"In less than two days, the popularity has risen from [-] people to [-] million people today. I can only say that this freak has set a new record for our Meow Teeth!"

"The most terrifying thing is that his popularity is still growing steadily, and there is no decline, indicating that this is not his limit!"

"In short, you can rest assured, I will handle this matter, and when he is off the air tonight, I will definitely show full sincerity and contact him in person.".

Chapter 100

"There are still two more wins to be won at the end, and tonight's goal is finally achieved."

Look in front of yourself.

That [-] peak score.

Yu Hui stretched.

Then there was a look of exhaustion in his eyes.

To be honest, it was really tiring to live stream the high-ranking peak match all night, and to take into account the commentary.

Fortunately, as long as two more wins, tonight's live broadcast can be successfully concluded!

Immediately, Yu Hui stopped thinking about it.

Click again to start matching.

After a while, the phone vibrated slightly.

Indicates that he has successfully matched his teammates and opponents with similar scores.

After Hui clicked to confirm, and soon entered the game.

"Please disable heroes!"

The system beep just sounded.

Yu Hui saw the teammates on the second floor, the microphone under the avatar flickered wildly.

"Brothers, it's a big score! It's a big score!"

"Are there any brothers who can play support? My top three Houyi in the national server with [-] combat power, come with a support who can play and I can take off on the spot?"

Hearing this, the teammates on the fourth floor said quickly.

"Brother Houyi, look at me, look at me, Taiyi in Chinese clothes and Xiaoming in national clothes!"

With that said, he issued his own split record.

Eighty-three paragraph national clothes walk!

"I'm going! The national service assistants are all out? Then the bot lane on the opposite side hasn't been bombed?"

Hou Yi was talking happily.

But I heard the teammates on the third floor say a little embarrassed.

"That...Actually, I only play support for the top score..."

Having said that, he also issued his own record.

Seventy-four paragraph walk!

Hearing this, the team suddenly fell silent.

Good guy.

I've seen those who rush to the sidewalk and rush to the jungle.

It's really rare to grab an auxiliary position!

If it is placed in the usual rankings, the big deal is to restart and it will be over.

But this is the peak game, and there is no way to restart it.

Only one of them can fill in.

Thinking of this, Hou Yi seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

Quickly opened the microphone and said.

"Brother, two assistants are two assistants, it's fine!"

"This puts us on the opposite side of the disgusting pig flow we can play!"

"Really, as long as you can raise pigs, it's hard to lose!"

"The four of you have chosen assistants to fatten me up. Believe in the strength of my national service, Hou Yi?"

I heard that my own shooter actually wanted to play pig flow in the peak game.

Sunset frowned.

Pig breeding, to put it bluntly, is a strategy of four guarantees and one.

That is, one output core plus four tool man bodyguards to escort his smooth development.

In short.

Take this Hou Yi as the absolute core of the team, and the other four teammates will fight around him.

Give him all the economy, let him use the economic advantages to form equipment rolling and level rolling.

So that he can play the output of five people alone!

"Raising pigs? Brother, yes!"

"It just so happens that this one is Hou Yi in the national costume, and two auxiliary positions. It's impossible to say that you don't raise pigs!"

"Brother on the third floor, you can play a fish with weakened and walk in the middle, and then I will play Ming Shiyin and follow Hou Yi as a conjoined baby."

"For the jungler, just come to Zhao Yun or Sun Ce. If you have control, you can start a group, and you can play a role without economics."

"As for the side lanes, it's enough to have Liu Bang as a tool for the big move."

Watching teammates pre-select the corresponding tool hero heroes one by one.

Yu Hui frowned and said.

"Sorry brother, I don't know how to play Liu Bang."

"I don't really want to play."

To put it bluntly, the pig-raising stream means that the victory or defeat of the entire team is handed over to Hou Yi alone.

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