Killing God Island

Chapter 992: Extermination Mission 27: Killing is so simple

Al jumped backwards and jumped directly onto Bakkinson’s shoulders again, and to the gold body, don’t fight him hard with his left, hurry up! "

He shouted this sentence, and the rest didn't know why Al was instructing this way, because there was no one on the left now, why would he want to punch in that position?

Of course, as long as his eyes are open, he is puzzled by a command like Al, but in fact, Al is not a blind commander. He did not let Buckinson continue to fight hard with the muscular man in front, because this muscular man is also a bit brute, plus Jinba Jinsen couldn't see his eyes. There was no benefit in fighting hard with this person. So, instead of playing with this guy, Buckinson let the Jin Shen be forced to the left. This sentence Al just finished. The next second, Al standing on the shoulder of Buckinson directly threw the dagger in his hand straight ahead.

The person with long eyes will of course choose to catch or dodge the first time, but the guy in front of him reflexes directly to avoid sideways. After he dodges the dagger, he looks forward, and Al standing on Parkinson’s shoulder is gone.

When he responded, Al was already stepped on the weak part of the back, and after being overwhelmed, Al caught his foot with his hands and threw it directly at the left side of Bakkinson’s fist. I did not expect Al to make this time difference. The calculation is so perfect that the strong man also threw it away, and Parkinson’s fist was also directly hit. Only a loud blow was heard, and this strong punch directly flew him away. , The whole person hit **** the rock wall in front.

Because this punch happened to hit the strong man’s heart, the power of this punch plus the force of hitting the rock wall after flying, caused his internal organs and heart to burst instantly, even if he had super clear repair ability It was too late, so he couldn't move after falling down.

After solving the muscular man in front who seemed to have some strength, Al continued to walk forward and bent down to pick up the dagger that had just been thrown out, then ran a few steps forward and jumped, standing directly at Ba Jin again Mori's shoulders, and said to Buckinson that the remaining eight people are behind you.

The other eight people looked at each other in surprise, and then looked nervously at Buckinson and Al who were approaching them: "They... they... . Who are they?"

At the same time that these eight people were afraid to keep going back, there was a dark shadow in another tunnel that was approaching here, and when they saw the wonderful cooperation just now, their expressions were still smiling. He walked here, clapping his hands and said, "It seems that the two of you are working well together, but what is more terrible is this one standing on this big head and shoulders? Forgot to introduce yourself to you, I’m Orshadin, one of Qi Bilang’s ten leaders, and I’ll take over your life and death!” This Orshadin is the first although Al and Parkinson meet for the first time. I heard this time, but the other eight people are not new to him, so their facial expressions are even more terrified and depressed.

Because this Orshadin is famous for killing people like hemp, he was also killed all the way. From the blood contaminated on him, he definitely killed a lot of people, and his brutality is also inside this huge organization. Quite famous.

So these eight people who belonged to the same organization saw that Orshadin came and they were scared and they were all soft, so the eight people they saw were him, and they all fled and fled, but We don’t know that Orshadin’s character is like a mad dog. Who runs the dog to chase after him? The eight people who ran first also caused his desire to chase. He likes to kill the weak first and then leave the strong to enjoy slowly. Fighting fun.

If you have to investigate why these people on the island like fighting so much and have fun as a battle, there are of course many reasons. First, they are criminals who are already bad tempered. Second, they are from the power of ordinary people to slow. Slowly getting stronger and stronger, human beings are more powerful, and the inner heart expands, as if you can punch a bear, and you want to show it in front of others all the time, so these people are very inflated I want to prove my strength all the time. And the best way to prove your strength is to fight with others, and to prove their strength and cause greater fear to others by killing each other, and Orshadin is this He is a breed, so this time he has to solve the six weakest people first, and then to solve the fat man and the man on the shoulders of the fat man. After all, he wants to kill all the people in front of him. Originally he had watched here long ago Well, I originally wanted to see the fat man killed by group battering, but I didn’t expect the appearance of the fat companion, Al, to directly compare the number of people who were ten times their number, and there were only eight people left.

Judging from the cooperation of the two men in fighting, these eight people will definitely be killed by them. Since they have reached such a positive conclusion, it would be better for me to come out in advance to feel the joy of killing them. The so-called murderous man, like Zhuo Wenxin, is the kind of person who likes to kill, but Zhuo Wenxin can also control his desire to kill himself, but Orshadin has been completely controlled by his inner killing desire. Nowadays, people basically kill people every day, so even if such a person is very strong, they might be alert to him at any time, but Qi Bilang didn’t even care that he was a murderer, and he was very proud of his Character, so he would be so dead-hearted to kill Qi Bilang.

Of course, Al and Bakkinson, whose eyes were blind, did not want to run at all. The main reason is that they did not know how terrifying this person was in front of them. From the face, Orshadin did not have too many faces. The terrible temperament may also be because Orsardin’s length is a bit different from what a murderous demon should look like, and Parkinson can’t even see it, so Parkinson now only listens to Al’s instructions, so Austrian Ershadin did not scare them, but he let the other eight people in the same organization turn around and ran away, so Orshadin immediately chased over: "It seems that I will solve you first, Then he came back to clean up."

The running speed of Orshadin directly surprised Al who saw him running. This speed is very fast. Although the eight people turned around and desperately wanted to escape from here, but they did not expect more than 500 meters. The distance can be caught up so quickly, and it's a bit too easy to catch up and kill them. This is completely a crush on strength. Basically, it catches a deadly opponent with no chance of counterattack. After Al Sardin killed the first person, Al standing on the shoulder of Buckinson immediately said to Buckinson: "Although you can't see it now, but you should be able to feel it just now, a very powerful and ruthless character has arrived. It’s not the same level as those just now. Let’s take advantage of him to kill those people. Let’s get out of here quickly. Now, you can run as fast as you can. I’ll tell you how to go. My instinct tells me, That guy is not easy to provoke, so if you can avoid it now, avoid it, otherwise we will be in danger."

"Okay! Then you hold firmly, now hold firmly!" Buckinson ran straight forward at the fastest speed, while Al standing on his shoulder had been instructing him how to run, but disappeared after they had disappeared. Around the tunnel, Orshadin slammed the blood stained with his right hand, and the eight people who wanted to escape were all lying on the ground.

Orshadin looked at the two people who were no longer visible in front of him, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then he directly chased away at a super fast speed. This speed really ran up and the ground instantly stirred up a smoke, which The speed is really exaggerated. It is obvious that Bakkinson ran for a long time first. I didn't expect this guy to be able to catch up. Although there is still a certain gap, I can see the back of Bakkinson vaguely in front.

And Al also looked at Orshadin who was running towards this side, and saw that there was again very evil news in Orshadin's face, and Al also knew that if he continued to pursue this way, he would definitely be Slowly shortening the distance will eventually be caught up, so Ayre directly to Buckinson, turn left and turn left then turn left and then turn right, understand? The gathering should be at the four degrees of fifty degrees, and the distance is about 500 meters. Do you remember the tunnel? "

After Buckingson turned left three times and suddenly turned right, he did not expect it to be really easy to use. Due to the distance gap, Orshadin did not expect the fourth turn to turn left, causing the two to cross directly, and followed closely in order not to The guy met, and Al used his superb wisdom to keep him away from Orshadin, but what he did not expect was that although he escaped the murderous devil like Orshadin, he met This is one of the more difficult to deal with, and this man is also one of the six senior cadres. The name is so easy to be remembered. His name is Andy, and his blond hair makes him stand out.

I saw Andy's eyebrows looked at Buckinson and Al on his shoulders, and then directly put a fighting posture: "I didn't expect my hunting to have a live mouth?" He just took a fighting posture, The flying knife thrown by Al was directly stuck in the chest, and at this time, whether it was Al or Andy who was stuck in the chest, he was stunned.

"Ah? What's the matter, why didn't the kid hide? Was he just going to die like this?" Ayr stared blankly at the enemy in front of him, of course, he began to doubt that this man's strength wouldn't be so weak. ? "

Andy was stabbed directly in the chest. Andy also looked down at the knife inserted in his chest. Then the reaction seemed to be very slow and said directly: "Do you know how painful it is to stick the knife into the chest? What's your special?" Can you pay attention to environmental protection and don't throw such dangerous things?" "I didn't expect this guy to pull out the dagger in his chest and throw it back in the direction of Al and Buckinson.

The knife thrown by the dull man was very fast, and the harsh sound from the surrounding scratched air was even noticed by Buckinson. Buckinson asked directly: "What's flying in front?"

Ayr lifted directly from Buckinson's shoulder, and said to Buckinson at the same time: "It's okay, you don't need to move in place, I will solve it!"

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