Killing God Island

Chapter 991: Extermination Mission 26: Working together

Beatty also understands that this kid wants to play with me now. It seems that the victory or defeat will only be carried out in an instant. Beatty directly took advantage of all the directions with the fairy to fly. While taking advantage of his own physical strength, he decided to defeat Long Aotian. I didn't expect Long Aotian to go with him. He didn't wait for Beatty to run over. He had already come over, so Beatty also revealed him. With a firm expression of decisive battle, and while Jiulong had not fully recovered and attacked him again, he flew straight to Bilong Aotian.

Although both of them were running at their fastest speeds at this time, the two of them also slowed down in the moment they were in contact, and saw Bitty directly avoiding Long Aotian's fatal blow, Long Aotian Ready to jump directly and hit Bitty's head with his knee, but Bitty was sideways and escaped at an interval of three seconds faster than him. After evading the attack, his right foot forced his right arm forward with a hand knife posture directly from Long Aotian. The neck was directly pierced, and this moment was an instant, and Beatty was afraid that this move could not directly pierce him to death, so at the moment of piercing the head, suddenly the finger directly caught the neck. The bone, and then squeezed hard to directly pull out a bone from the neck of his neck.

The two stood back-to-back at the same time, except that Beatty kept dropping blood at the tip of his finger, and when he released his hand, Long Aotian's shin fell on the ground at the same time, and Long Aotian When the neck was constantly spurting blood, although he was not dead, the amount of bleeding was very amazing. He wanted to speak but he could not speak at all. I saw him grabbing the left hand and grasping the neck, and the other hand gave thumbs up to Piti This time I believe that you are a heads-up king. I didn’t expect to win me even if I broke one arm..." Long Aotian fell to the ground after saying this, and Long Xiang Because of the death of Long Aotian, Bo Ruogong originally wanted to return to attack Bitty again, but because he lost the control of Long Aotian, he exploded in nine places that Beatie flew out of.

At this time, Beatty also fell to the ground as if he was emptied. He was not in danger of life, but his physical strength was exhausted. If Long Aotian persisted for a few more minutes, he might win without a fight. It’s a pity. Long Aotian wanted to solve him too much, and he didn't really fight endurance with Beatty.

Although Beatty fell to the ground, there are no enemies around him. Beatty can also take the opportunity to lie on the ground to take a good rest to recover his physical strength, and Al on the other side to support Buckinson had already rushed before a very planting time. At the position of Buckinson, at this time Buckinson's eyes were blind, but because of his very strong body, he would be attacked by several bodies at a time and a few times and still stand in front of these people, but it was obvious that Buckinson only lost his eyes. Can attack by hearing, but these people are very mean. Use the advantage of many people to create noise, and then disturb Buckinson's hearing, thereby attacking him, otherwise Buckinson's body, even if he is too many, he can't beat it.

So the knife wounds on Bakkinson's body and his eyes were also blinded by these people with very mean means, and they were still using their mean means to attack Bakkinson many times from different angles, wanting to take advantage of When the **** man was blind, he solved Buckinson directly. At this time, Buckinson had basically started to attack indiscriminately around him.

Just when Buckinson didn’t know where they were going to attack himself, Al suddenly appeared and directly inserted the person who wanted to attack Buckinson directly into his throat, and then stepped on his body and jumped up. , And kicked a person in front of the chest in the air and then jumped up again, launched a lateral knife towards the other person, although this knife did not kill the person, but left a deep one on his chest With a knife, it felt strange in Buckinson and thought that the other person had internal strife, but soon when Al kicked the other person's legs horizontally and both legs at the same time, borrowing the kicking ability of this person in the air Three hundred and sixty degrees flipped and landed on Buckinson’s shoulders, and said to Buckinson: “I’m here, you are hurting your eyes now, let me be your eyes, let us work together to fight these guys It’s good to support Beatty."

"Okay! These shards dare to raid me, and make my eyes invisible, now you tell me how to hit me, just hit me!" Al said on Buckinson's shoulder: "Okay! Now run straight ahead Go, don’t run away!"

Buckinson didn't reply at all, and he ran forward without hesitation, and the place where he ran was not in the direction of these people, but ran towards a rock face. If he continued to run at this speed, he would definitely run He was killed by himself. If he wants to see with both eyes, he will never run to this side with all his strength.

And the other people didn’t know what they were going to do, but they all chased it.

Because Al had just appeared to make them full of color, so they decided to kill both of them, after all, these people are murderous and ruthless people.

So they rushed all over, and Al said directly to Bakkinson: "From now on, there are five steps in my heart. When step five, we must jump with the greatest strength, and then grab the rock in front of us with both hands. Wall, don’t know after jumping up and standing?"

Buckinson nodded silently, then when he was about five steps away from the rock face in front, five, four, three, two, one, he jumped directly when he meditated one in his heart, and jumped directly in the moment of provocation, Standing at the top of the rock wall and following these people behind Buckinson, the five people at the front also jumped at the same time, wanting to jump on the rock wall with the pace of Buckinson, but it is expected that Al is already waiting for them. At the moment when the five men just jumped up, Al swung directly on the rock, and only one knife directly killed five people. Because these five people jumped at the same time, all the necks of the five people were directly killed by Al. A knife directly cut the necks of five people. A dozen people behind were about to jump. The body of the five people who had just jumped had fallen off from the top. When they considered whether to jump up, Al ran on the gold. I shouted again, now I jumped down at a thirty-five degree angle, stepped on another section of the rock and jumped straight forward, now those people are all gathered in that place, although you jump, I am responsible for protecting them from attacking you and at the critical moment. They attack. "

"Okay! Then you stand firm, I jumped!" Buckinson jumped directly as Al said. These people originally thought that the fat man would jump directly from such a high place, but saw him go to the other side. One jump thought they wanted to take the opportunity to escape, just about to move with them, but the fat man suddenly changed direction and jumped directly over them.

It turns out that jumping there is just to buffer and then continue to jump on their side, it will produce greater impact and distance will also increase accordingly, as Parkinson’s huge figure falls, people around this direction Evading on both sides, at the moment when the golden body fell to the ground, Al launched an attack on the nearest enemy for the first time, and he said to Buckinson while attacking others, I am now responsible for the left, you are responsible for the right, your opponent is now At six o'clock on your left, I will tell you where they are. You can just follow the attack method you like, and don't have to take too much into account. I will let you know if there are any changes. "

"Okay!" After responding to Jin Shen, the body directly turned slightly, and then punched directly in the direction of his own six o'clock, and Buckinson did not expect that this guy was also very powerful, even receiving a positive After catching his punch, Al also fought against the person in front of him, and then jumped back and jumped directly to the shoulder of the golden body and held the golden body. Fight to the left, hurry up! "

He shouted this sentence, and the rest didn't know why Al was instructing this way, because there was no one on the left now, why would he want to punch in that position?

Of course, as long as his eyes are open, he is puzzled by a command like Al, but in fact, Al is not a blind commander. He did not let Buckinson continue to fight hard with the muscular man in front, because this muscular man is also a bit brute, plus Jinba Jinsen couldn't see his eyes. There was no benefit in fighting hard with this person. So, instead of playing with this guy, Buckinson let the Jin Shen be forced to the left. This sentence Al just finished. The next second, Al standing on the shoulder of Buckinson directly threw the dagger in his hand straight ahead.

The person with long eyes will of course choose to catch or dodge the first time, but the guy in front of him reflexes directly to avoid sideways. After he dodges the dagger, he looks forward, and Al standing on Parkinson’s shoulder is gone.

When he responded, Al was already stepped on the weak part of the back, and after being overwhelmed, Al caught his foot with his hands and threw it directly at the left side of Bakkinson’s fist. I did not expect Al to make this time difference. The calculation is so perfect that the strong man also threw it away, and Parkinson’s fist was also directly hit. Only a loud blow was heard, and this strong punch directly flew him away. , The whole person hit **** the rock wall in front.

Because this punch happened to hit the strong man’s heart, the power of this punch plus the force of hitting the rock wall after flying, caused his internal organs and heart to burst instantly, even if he had super clear repair ability It was too late, so he couldn't move after falling down.

After solving the muscular man in front who seemed to have some strength, Al continued to walk forward and bent down to pick up the dagger that had just been thrown out, then ran a few steps forward and jumped, standing directly at Ba Jin again Mori's shoulders, and said to Buckinson that the remaining eight people are behind you.

The other eight people looked at each other in surprise, and then looked nervously at Buckinson and Al who were approaching them: "They... they... . Who are they?"

At the same time that these eight people were afraid to keep going back, there was a dark shadow in another tunnel that was approaching here, and when they saw the wonderful cooperation just now, their expressions were still smiling. He walked here, clapping his hands and said, "It seems that the two of you are working well together, but what is more terrible is this one standing on this big head and shoulders? Forgot to introduce yourself to you, I’m Orshadin, one of Qi Bilang’s ten leaders, and I’ll take over your life and death!” This Orshadin is the first although Al and Parkinson meet for the first time. I heard this time, but the other eight people are not new to him, so their facial expressions are even more terrified and depressed.

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