Killing God Island

Chapter 989: Destruction Mission 24: Heads-up King vs Long Aotian

Beatty said to Al directly: "This kid is to be solved by me. You must hurry up and meet Buckinson to see what is wrong with him. He must have encountered big trouble on his side. You must save him first. I will solve it." This kid came to you, now you just have to stride forward and run vertically without worrying about whether this kid is standing in front.

Al nodded his head to understand, and then he ran away at the fastest speed directly, and Long Aotian standing in front of Al immediately shouted with an angry expression: "Is your kid a little too despised? Me, I’m still standing here and you dare to whisper, I will see how you let him pass by me."

Al’s instinct is that this man’s strength is absolutely not weak, but for so long, Pitti’s trust, and Bitty has never lost one-on-one battle with others, so Al directly runs vertically to Long Aotian in front of him. .

Because Al's trust made him go away without blinking, and at this moment of speed and speed, Long Aotian also raised his brows and shouted: "Then should I be the air? You give me I'll go back!" He turned around and kicked sideways, hoping to kick Al back from himself, but when he kicked the foot, Beatty appeared instantly. Beatty and Long Aotian At the moment when the legs were opposite, both of them were bounced back by the impact of each other's strength, and Al's running speed happened to be directly from the middle of the two while the two were separated. How could Long Aotian be possible? Let him wish, as soon as he landed, he turned and chased to Al in a turn, and Ben Beatty also attacked Long Aotian at the same time as Long Aotian wanted to attack Al, and was caught in Long Aotian every day. While flying out, Beatty also signaled that El would go to meet Buckinson first, and he waited for Long Aotian: "Don't you understand the human language? Didn't I say that? Your opponent is me, and I want to Al fight, solve me first!"

Long Aotian, who stood up again, patted himself on the ash, and looked at the information displayed on his watch. Bitty’s full name was very long, but his special title was very domineering. Heads-up, these three The word also made Long Aotian's mouth slightly raised, and this smile seemed like a non-smile, and again said to Bendy: "Although your kid is a disabled arm with a disability, but your title is quite arrogant, heads-up? Although you guys I have broken my arm, even if I won you is not a glorious thing, but I really want to fight you in a complete state."

"Oh! It seems that you kid is quite confident in yourself, do you think you can kill me in this state?" Al glared at the Chinese kid in front, and Long Aotian still wanted to walk with a smile. Go: "A person with so few arms who dares to be so arrogant in front of me, you are the first person!"

The two met and smiled, and followed Long Aotian again to launch a very exaggerated attack on Pitti. Pitti did not expect that this kid would even know Chinese martial arts. In fact, fighting is still very different from Chinese martial arts. Fighting is just like knowing the tricks. I don’t know how to use internal skills to win the game, but Long Aotian’s moves are not only to strengthen the power behind the cells, but also have a very large penetrating power. This penetrating power is not ordinary. Strong, Beatty didn't expect the tingling sensation of bone oscillating with his punch.

This kind of attack made Beatty believe that this person was more than twice as powerful as the guy who was killed by himself. Although the guy let Beatty lose his arm, it was because of his carelessness, plus the special ability of the guy, And this guy's combat power is a very direct master of the full combat type, and he is quite skilled in one trick.

Beatty got up after three consecutive blows and asked, "Is this the Chinese Kung Fu?" Long Aotian put on a classic Huang Feihong move: "Yes! This is the Chinese Kung Fu, how can you foreigners Understand, don’t think that your body will be strong and strong, let you see what is the real leg, he said aloud directly after this sentence: "Foshan Wuying legs" followed Long Ao innocently Come here for a kick. Although he shouted Foshan's shadowless legs, he could actually see the shadows. Although he tried to make his legs attack faster, there were really phantoms, and this Phantom is still the range that Bitty can avoid. Bitty's speed is faster than Long Aotian. Although the front is really fighting for strength, it is not Long Aotian's opponent.

If Beatty’s complete condition should be 50 to 50% away from Long Aotian’s attack power, it should be okay to fight hard in the front, but now he is half as physically weak as the complete condition, and his severely injured body has just recovered, and Long Aotian has no slightest Leave me mercy, so Beaty can only play some tricks, and Beaty has just discovered that the shortcoming of Long Aotian is that the speed is not as fast as his own, especially he thinks that Foshan Wuying Feet does not use it in his use. Shadow, but in Bitty’s eyes, it’s all a shadow, and it’s still within the range that he can avoid, so Bitty directly broke Long Aotian’s move.

Directly avoiding Long Aotian's attack and then sweeping the leg, directly kicking the straight leg attacking the straight leg to support the standing leg directly kicked down, the moment when the body leaned was directly forwarded by Bitty with a very fast speed Pinched on his neck.

And pressed him directly to the ground, trying to forcibly squeeze his neck, but I didn’t expect Long Aotian to be irritating. Long Aotian directly put his knees directly on Bitty’s stomach. Da also took his internal force to add layers, and flew directly to the whole person that Beatty gave to the pad. Although Beatty wanted to squeeze him directly, but this made Beatty take off directly.

The flying Beatty hadn't waited for landing, Long Aotian had got up and turned directly to sweep his leg, just kicked it on the floor of Beaty's face, this additional sweeping leg injury was too fierce, directly hit Beatty A bunch of teeth have fallen, and half of my face seems to have been deformed. Although it seems that the strength and damage of this move are very exaggerated, it is still not enough to let Beatty hang. For Beatty, you use both hands directly Forcibly squeeze his face back to its original position, and at a very fast speed to restore his face before Long Aotian continued to attack him.

Beatty's eyes are more serious now, and from his repeated battles, as long as his expression is truly fighting the opponent, although the current battle is different from the past, except that the opponent's strength is similar to his own strength, and his own status is also Not very good, but Beatty is always a killer when he sees the enemy. Even if his body can't move, he won't give up easily. In many cases, fighting the opponent is a weak difference to solve the opponent.

Long Aotian saw that Bittie’s face had recovered, and directly praised: "It seems that you are not an ordinary disabled person. It is rare to be able to fight me for a few rounds. I like your eyes now. Since you have a little skill , Then I will look at how a disabled heads-up king can fight."

After finishing this sentence, Long Aotian attacked Beatty again for the third time, and Beaty’s battle was completely different from the previous one. Although Long Aotian had a strong strength and was also the leader of the strong attack type, but the speed was fatal. As a result, Long Aotian could not catch Bitty’s attack, but Bitty could clearly see his attack, and the speed difference between the two people was at least three seconds or more, which means that Bitty can hide in these three seconds. After attacking Long Aotian, of course, you can also use this three-second speed difference to attack Long Aotian, and can evade his attack while making a very lethal attack on it.

If it was not Long Aotian, this tactic and strategy might be relatively simple, but unfortunately this combat strategy is not so easy for Long Aotian, mainly because he is a trainer, except for combat defense and his own Outside of the attack, there can only be one breakthrough point if you want to avoid or attack. You must avoid his attack within three seconds, or attack him within three seconds, and want to do six seconds within three seconds. In this compressed three seconds, it is necessary to make a fatal attack on a person who is very skilled in combat defense, and it is even more difficult in this originally short three seconds.

Therefore, Long Aotian’s attack on Beatty was attacking frontally or avoiding his biggest attack tricks, and tried ten close combats. Although there was no substantive attack, he just tried it, but he would soon be attacked by his This attack forced back, and Beatty's physical strength continued to decline under the original half of the physical strength. Although it also relatively consumed Long Aotian's physical strength, Long Aotian, of course, also killed a lot when fighting with Bitty People, but because of the difference in strength, killing those people did not consume much of his physical strength. At most, he consumed two-tenths of his physical strength, which means that he still had at least 80% of his physical strength, and he had just finished fighting. Beati, whose physical strength is less than 50% of his physical strength, fights if he doesn’t hit with one blow, whether it is fighting head-to-head or fighting and evading and attacking each other’s physical strength, it is not the best strategy. Tee is taking out his very serious state of combat, trying and testing whether Long Aotian has some weaknesses, and also trying to attack him at close range if he will be attacked by his remaining very deadly and difficult to escape.

Beatty is so careful because his current physical condition can no longer allow him to repair quickly. Once he encounters a fatal injury, he will definitely die, so at this moment he must be extra careful and force himself before killing Long Aotian. Let yourself not make any mistakes.

Even if you try to waste a little more energy, you must fully control Long Aotian’s weaknesses and his timely moves in close proximity, and whether he still has hidden fatal factors. So in these ten close attacks, there are Under the premise that he can kill him within three seconds with a fatal blow three times, he considers that this is the intention of the other party to deliberately slap him and wants to let him grasp his weakness and then in turn inflict a more lethal attack on himself, so Beatty Give up three opportunities, in order to let yourself be able to kill with zero mistakes.

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