Killing God Island

Chapter 988: Extermination Mission 23: Chinese Youth, Long Aotian

At this time Bittie’s idea is that everyone can retreat, but when he raised his hand to look at the watch, he was stunned, because the red dot should be five, but now only himself, including himself There are three in total, which means that two of the five have already died, so Bitty was stunned immediately, and the ensuing question was, which two of them died?

At the moment when Bitty thought about the death of the two people, suddenly a roar of Bakkinson came from afar. Because of his loud voice, everyone in the surroundings would be heard in an instant, and this sound also let Bi Tie and Al are not familiar with them anymore, so the two of them also rushed to the source of the sound directly at Buckinson's roar.

And the **** man of the source of the sound, Bakkinson, was blind at this time. The whole person was being besieged by more than ten people like a sandbag. These people are not the ten cadres under Qi Bilang, so their strength is not like those people. A grade, but with the roar just now, it was enough to attract them, and in addition to the remaining nine strong cadres, Qi Bilang also looked at his watch, three red dots have been returned They met each other about a corner, and of course Qi Bilang was preparing for the three of them to come together and he would close the net himself.

So Qi Bilang’s facial expressions are very rich at this time. Of course, he also knows that a senior cadre Ruda Cruz died, but for him to solve them first is a big deal. As for the rest, just take After they were all settled, they could use other means to avoid fighting hard with Chen Tian’s group and the tripartite alliance, so now he and the other two senior cadres have joined together, because these two people have put their two people on their side. All of them were killed. Of course, the other seven cadres are still carrying out large-scale massacres. Unfortunately, because this place is too dark, ten high-ranking Jesbright can’t be beaten, except for Al in the dark. Killed by his own, there are currently eight senior cadres of Qi Bilang, among whom, besides the two who are beside him, there are six others who are chasing the survivors in the tunnel. The three are currently in the encirclement of these six senior cadres.

Of course, Qi Bilang was not in a hurry, because his six powerful men had basically completely blocked the piece, so he was not in a hurry that they would run away, and walked forward at this speed, He can reach the position of the red dot in at most ten minutes, and within these ten minutes he doesn't think that Al's guy will be killed, so he is ready to solve Al directly in the past.

At this time, Qi Bilang did not want to run away quickly. The main reason was that he had killed Beiji when he was fighting with Beiji, but Beiji used a trick to blind Qi Bilang's right eye and wanted to rely on genes. Careful restoration will take at least three months to restore. It is difficult to say whether the restored vision can be the same as before. After all, Qi Bilang has not tried it.

Of course, the heads-up king did not expect that although he solved his opponent this time, but the cost was a bit high, he lost an arm, and repairing the injury of the upper body also consumed most of his, so Beatty now has no way to right arm Recovery is completely restored, and half of the physical strength will be lost once recovered. In this crisis situation, even if there is no physical strength and no combat power, it is not far from death, so Beatty, who is known as the heads-up king, does indeed look quite equivalent. Embarrassed, despite being embarrassed, it still has a decent fighting ability. How can a strong man who can stand at the same height as Zhuo Yanxuan and Chen Tian be lightly rated as a weak man? It’s there. It’s not that anyone who feels very strong can say that he can kill. As long as you are alone, if you fight against Beatty, it will be solved by him. The name of the king was not given by Bai.

At this time, Al, with his unique adaptability and a smarter brain than ordinary people, met soon after Al resolved his surrounding opponents, but Al and Beatty met because they both heard their fellow Buckinson There was a scream, and the two met when they rushed over there.

When Beatty met Al and heard Buckinson’s screams again, his whole mood fell into a tangled and dull feeling again, because the five of them counted themselves, and the two people who died were Kakarot and Bay. Despite the fact that Kakarot has known him for a long time, the main reason that made him feel the most uncomfortable is the news that Beggie is dead. Although Beggie is of average strength, he has his own unique personality charm , The benevolent side, sincere heart has really changed Bitty's character, so Bitty knew that after Beggie's death, his anger ignited his fighting spirit even more.

Beatty walked in front of Al and asked, "Why didn't that Guy with you stay with me, answer me!" He looked serious, obviously it was blaming why you didn't protect him, Beatty knew that it was in Blame yourself.

But Beatty did feel uncomfortable at this time. Of course, he knew that Beggie was willing to do this in order to escape himself, so he bowed his head and whispered, "I'm sorry, he only wanted me to escape... ."

Betty sighed long after hearing this. Although his eyes were a little wet, he patted Al's shoulder and said, "That guy is Ai Qiang, tell who killed him?"

Al directly said Qi Bilang's name: "Qi Bilang, I have dealt with this kid outside the island. He is not a kind, and now he is so strong, you may meet him with one less hand now. Will lose, so we will go to meet Buckinson first, and then we will escape together."

Beatty nodded: "Okay! The sound should be coming from that direction. We should be able to reach him now by running vertically from this place!"

The two were just about to run to that place, and suddenly there was a man standing in the middle of the alley in front of him, and this man was talking with his hair while saying, "Unexpectedly, ten of us came here and have died two, although I don't know how they are Dead, but no matter how they died, since being killed is your own skill, so I have to applaud both of you!"

Beatty stood in front of Al. Although there was only one hand left, the momentum was not lost to the young man standing in front. The young man standing in front was not very likely to be a young man with a sinister smile. At first glance, it’s not a good kind: "Is the disabled? Seeing that your injury is new, it seems that you have already fought with others, but since you met me, then now you two have become my prey."

"Your prey? I think you want to be the third person to be killed?" Betty warned him with a gloomy face, but the young man in front disregarded it completely, and he directly took off his armament. It’s really awkward for him to wear it for a long time, which has seriously affected his combat performance. It’s not wrong to deal with some shrimps and crabs wearing this suit, but this youth can directly detect this in the micro realm. The true level of human beings can fully detect a real level of strength in this micro-level, but this level of micro-level is divided into levels, and if the level is too large, it cannot be detected.

This young man's name is Long Aotian. He is not only a Chinese, but he is indeed very young, and after taking off his coat, he also shows a lot of muscles. He is really a typical type of clothes that are thin and undressed. And the meat is all muscle.

Beatty said to Al directly: "This kid is to be solved by me. You must hurry up and meet Buckinson to see what is wrong with him. He must have encountered big trouble on his side. You must save him first. I will solve it." This kid came to you, now you just have to stride forward and run vertically without worrying about whether this kid is standing in front.

Al nodded his head to understand, and then he ran away at the fastest speed directly, and Long Aotian standing in front of Al immediately shouted with an angry expression: "Is your kid a little too despised? Me, I’m still standing here and you dare to whisper, I will see how you let him pass by me."

Al’s instinct is that this man’s strength is absolutely not weak, but for so long, Pitti’s trust, and Bitty has never lost one-on-one battle with others, so Al directly runs vertically to Long Aotian in front of him. .

Because Al's trust made him go away without blinking, and at this moment of speed and speed, Long Aotian also raised his brows and shouted: "Then should I be the air? You give me I'll go back!" He turned around and kicked sideways, hoping to kick Al back from himself, but when he kicked the foot, Beatty appeared instantly. Beatty and Long Aotian At the moment when the legs were opposite, both of them were bounced back by the impact of each other's strength, and Al's running speed happened to be directly from the middle of the two while the two were separated. How could Long Aotian be possible? Let him wish, as soon as he landed, he turned and chased to Al in a turn, and Ben Beatty also attacked Long Aotian at the same time as Long Aotian wanted to attack Al, and was caught in Long Aotian every day. While flying out, Beatty also signaled that El would go to meet Buckinson first, and he waited for Long Aotian: "Don't you understand the human language? Didn't I say that? Your opponent is me, and I want to Al fight, solve me first!"

Long Aotian, who stood up again, patted himself on the ash, and looked at the information displayed on his watch. Bitty’s full name was very long, but his special title was very domineering. Heads-up, these three The word also made Long Aotian's mouth slightly raised, and this smile seemed like a non-smile, and again said to Bendy: "Although your kid is a disabled arm with a disability, but your title is quite arrogant, heads-up? Although you guys I have broken my arm, even if I won you is not a glorious thing, but I really want to fight you in a complete state."

"Oh! It seems that you kid is quite confident in yourself, do you think you can kill me in this state?" Al glared at the Chinese kid in front, and Long Aotian still wanted to walk with a smile. Go: "A person with so few arms who dares to be so arrogant in front of me, you are the first person!"

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