Killing God Island

Chapter 986: Extermination Mission 21: Only three people left

After Beggie said this, he suddenly smiled with a serious expression: "I still want to go to work in your company after we go out together. I also want to feel like a white-collar worker and enjoy the identity of a rich man, but It's a pity that this can only be considered."

After listening to Al, he whispered back: "If you and I can leave here alive, I will definitely let you fulfill your wish." After Beggi heard Al's words, he seemed particularly relieved. Nodded and said, "It's nice to be able to meet you. I really don't have any friends outside the island. Although it may be a **** for others here, it's not bad for me!" Beiji finished saying this After the talk, he rushed directly to Qi Bilang who came by, and said while running: "People will always die one day, but some people can still live in the hearts of others when they die. When they were young This is what my father told me. Although he is a bad person in other people’s hearts, he makes me a good person. Although I am not a good person in the eyes of the secular, and since I have entered this island, I may also be regarded as It’s not a good kind, but there is still a difference between right and evil in my heart. Killing my brother must die. This is the justice in my heart. You should have killed the person just now, right?" Bei Ji punched him directly, Qi Bilang directly He tilted his head and escaped Beggie's punch. At the same time, he stabbed him at the same time. In the case of completely serious fighting, how could Beggie be Qi Bilang's opponent.

Qi Bilang directly evaded his attack and pierced Peggy's body again, but this time the position was not his chest, but Peggy directly grabbed Qi Bilang's arm and shouted at Al Shouted: "Hurry up now, don't waste the time I created for you!"

Ayre looked at Beggie's eyes at this moment. After he gritted his teeth with serious expression, he quickly rushed away from their eyes without looking back: "Relax, Beggie, I will avenge you and Cacarote. !"

Just after Ayr fled past the two without looking back, Qi Bilang said coldly to Beiji: "You are talking about the kid who just used his life to buy time for you? Since I can come here , You should guess his result? But his death method is that my head was crushed by me, and you also play this set. It seems that you hypocrites like to play the heroic side of my own benevolence before my eyes. Really? In that case, then your ending will be the same!" After Qi Bilang finished this sentence, the knife turned around in Beiji's body and then swung horizontally with force, directly blocking Beiji's body and cutting it off Two.

Although Beggie's body was cut in half, he didn't actually die. He just couldn't get his body to stand up without his legs. Although he still wanted to attack Qi Bilang, he seemed to have no power, and Qi Bi Lang also squatted in front of Beggie, his mouth slightly raised and said, "You shouldn't know yet. The thing I am most annoyed with is that you are a person who thinks that you can sacrifice yourself. Do you think you are a hero?"

"Oh! I never said I was a hero, I just wanted to do what I wanted, and... I also forgot to tell you something, I hate you, so I can’t kill you I’m happy with him, how? I’m going to die anyway, and I’m super cool when I see you upset."

Qi Bilang was so happy to see Beiji smile, Qi Bilang stood up with a heavy face, and said coldly: "I was just thinking, how can you die so that I feel better, now I think of it And, by the way, before you die, let you feel what I did when I killed the kid."

The boy in Qi Bilang’s mouth was Carcassett. He always thought that it was his foot that caused him to die by stepping on the head of Karkarot. In fact, he was already before he stepped on this foot. died.

However, Qi Bilang's foot was directly emptied. Although Beggie no longer had feet, and his body was cut off and kept bleeding, but due to conditioned reflexes, he was allowed to use his hands to support the ground to escape the one. Feet and support the ground with both hands. At the moment Qi Bilang stepped on Beggie, the two were almost synchronized. While Qi Bilang stepped on this foot, Beggie supported the ground with both hands and let himself bounce, although only half The body used a very vicious trick taught by Li Hui’s brother at that time, which was to hide the blade in his mouth and use his mouth to spit out the life-saving tricks used to cut the other person’s throat and escape, although it belongs to the three indiscriminate tricks. , But the more such tricks tend to be more effective.

Qi Bilang did not expect that this was already a half-dead person. He could insert the blade directly into one of Qi Bilang's eyes with this trick, and its strength and sharpness immediately made Qi Bilang blind. One eye, although the eye can recover itself, but the slowest of all self-healing organs, and some sequelae will appear after recovery, it is difficult to say whether it is the same as before, so for most fortified people, the eye Once injured, it is difficult to fully recover, unless the recovery ability of memory cells is very special to strengthen people.

Although Qi Bilang has a strong recovery ability, he also does not have memory cells, so his eyes are injured at this level, and it takes at least three months to see things, so at this moment, Qi Bilang instantly angered and went directly to grab After Beggie directly broke one of Beggie's arms directly, Qi Qilang ignored the wounded and bleeding eyes and directly grabbed Beggie's other arm to make it brutally twisted. Qi Bilang broke Beggie’s hands and let go. Beggie’s current state has entered a state of blood loss and some coma, and he felt as if he had been dropped on the ground. , And then the images that both eyes saw were vague, and this image was the black shadow Qi Qilang raised his foot and stepped on his head. After the image slowly became clear, Beggie wanted to avoid it directly, but He found that his hands could no longer move, and now he was lying on the ground, unable to move his body at all, and finally he could only watch Qi Bilang squashed his head with one foot.

Beggie's life also ended directly here. Qi Bilang's foot was a bit cruel. Although Beggie died a bit miserably, it created a long time for Al. Al's injuries have been basically all. It was repaired, because Beggie-Beggie had been running with him all the time, so she had been healing the wound completely before she started running desperately, so this time there was no blood left on the ground at all, although there will also be footprints, But the footprints here are not enough to completely discern a person's trace.

So this time, if you want to find the trace of Al, you must use a universal watch. However, since Al is running towards a crowded place, there are now three red dots around it. It is difficult to find which red dot is Al. I guessed, but these three red dots are close to each other, so in order not to let themselves be in vain, Qi Bilang decided to wait for the three of them to come together and wipe them out in the past. The reason is that there are only three red dots among them. It is because there are currently only three opponents, that is, Al, heads-up King Beatty and the fat and big Buckinson.

The rest of these people were also listed by Qi Bilang on the list to be killed. However, these people have not released the relationship with the currently joined organization, so after their teammates scanned and detected with the multimeter, they saw that the team members were blue. Only Al and the heads-up are the red dot warnings.

Now the large and small battles are continuing around the entire underground tunnel. The main reason is that in addition to Qi Bilang, his ten powerful generals are helping him understand the rest of the live here, of course, the rest of the live mouth refers to the three of them. , And self-organized companions that fell from above at the same time.

These are all the objects he wants to seal, so at the various exits of the tunnel, **** killings are currently staged. Of course, the Al group can’t escape the disaster, but Al is currently going to the blue point of the map. The position is running fast. Of course, the position of the blue dot is where the heads-up king and the fat man are. However, he is very lucky so far. He has basically met no enemies along the way, but even so soon he will meet because of the front. There are many people gathered, and basically upset.

But it is clear that they are now trying to embrace their own lives. Basically, they are not really fighting to the end, but they are also running or throwing away the injured people, or throwing them directly to fight for their time to escape.

Of course, although these people want to escape alone, the main reason is that they are not strong enough. In front of Qi Bilang’s ten high-ranking cadres, these people seemed to be vulnerable, until the king singled out and met one of these ten people. This person was called Lu. Da Cruz, when he saw that he appeared in front of the heads-up king, the left and right hands were holding the two bodies, and the rest of the people who were fighting the heads-up king, fled and fled immediately after seeing him, but The heads-up Wang Ke was not afraid of anything, standing on the spot looking at Ruda Cruz opposite.

After looking directly at them for a long time, they laughed: "Aren't you going to chase these miscellaneous soldiers?"

"Of course not. I'm not interested in miscellaneous soldiers. Anyway, those people can't run away the forehead of the rest, but instead you give me a temperament with some strength, then let me see if you guys are unworthy. Be my opponent.” After Ruda Cruz said this, he put the two dead men down with his hands, and stomped his right foot down. The huge shock caused the two corpses around him. He flew in an instant, and then he directly kicked the two bodies at a speed that was difficult to see clearly with his eyes.

The heads-up king doesn't know what this guy's intention is, why he didn't take the initiative to attack, but instead used this old-fashioned attack method, and even if he is very powerful, he wants to hurt the heads-up king with this method, then It was an insult to his combat effectiveness.

In fact, this is true. The strength of the heads-up king is definitely not a nickname, so his combat strength is very strong, and the speed of movement is naturally needless to say, so the things played in the past should not hurt him at all, and he can easily hide even with bullets. However, not to mention two dead bodies without soul?

Of course, the heads-up king did not shy away. Instead, he directly wanted to continue to fight back with his hands, but what the heads-up king did not expect was that there was a problem in this body...

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