Killing God Island

Chapter 985: Extermination Mission 20: I am the captain listening to me!

Because Zhuo Wenxin and Ye Xiaotong and Li Hui were so arrogant at school, they quickly got into trouble again. This time, a new girl was transferred from the girls’ school. She had a certain background from her temperament, and she was picked up by the train every day. When I met Zhuo Wenxin, the three did not take the initiative to come and ask the big sister, so Zhuo Wenxin wanted to teach the girl, so the girl was led by the three of them, and the car lock was blocked. It also caused a big deal, this time it was different from the last time.

The last revenge was just that the girls were looking for some male students of the same age, and their strength was unbearable, but this time it was different. This time, the members of the club were sent to prepare to catch them in front of their daughters, and then let His daughter personally exhaled them.

But this day Zhuo Wenxin, Ye Xiaotong and Li Hui did not go out of school at the same time, so this happened. Zhuo Yanxuan would come to pick up his sister in advance every time, and because Zhuo Wenxin knew that every time his brother would come to pick himself up, So every time she was afraid that her brother had waited too long, she would rarely let her brother wait, so she escaped the disaster as soon as she came out, but the other two had less good luck.

However, the incident itself is like the second arrangement of fate. Although these two girls are considered to be more capable of fighting among girls, they are also defeated by six gang members who seem to be tall and powerful. Grabbed and pushed into the car, but because the car drove too fast, there was no deceleration at the place where it should be slowed down, causing the red light to hit directly behind Beggy’s scooter, and directly crashed Beggy over a meter. Far away, if ordinary people had already hung up, but this guy Beggie stood up, and although his head was bleeding, he directly smashed the door of the car with anger: "Hey! What are you hitting someone who wants to run? Liante car door Don’t open it, don’t you look at my life and death? Give me the door, let me see the dog, miscellaneous breed hit me? If you don’t give me the explanation of Heli, you will be dead today.”

Because he beat the car door, he finally angered these people. At the moment when the person who opened the door from behind, Beggie saw Li Hui, who was **** and blocked his mouth, and he knew this girl. , Immediately made Beggie aware of the seriousness of the situation, so this man just showed his upper body from the car, and after being half stepped, Beggie punched him directly in the face and dragged the man out. Originally, Beggie thought that there was only Li Hui in it, but there was no girl Ye Xiaotong in it.

It's just that Ye Xiaotong was closest to Beiji, so Ye Xiaotong was dragged out by Beiji directly. After Beiji grabbed Ye Xiaotong, she directly tore the shackles of her hands and feet and shouted to him, "Run for help, don't look back, I will deal with these people. At this moment, Beggie can only grab one person. It seems that Li Hui can't pull it out, because these six people have all come out of this black van, and Beggie was hit by some dizziness, if not physical. Stronger than ordinary people, he may have fallen long ago.

"Boy! Without hitting you directly, you should be lucky. You dare to come and die early. I think your kid is alive."

These six people rushed directly to Beggie. Because Becky's dizzy head was hit and these six people were professional gangsters, Beggie originally wanted to kill them all before he had collapsed. Only in this way can Li Hui be rescued, but the idea is good, but these six people did not give Beggie any chance. After the six people gave Beggie a meal, they tied him up and took it back, because he had just let go A woman prevented them from being able to explain to them. Although Beggie was beaten badly, he successfully prevented these people from chasing Ye Xiaotong in the past.

In this way, Li Hui and Bei Ji were caught in a dark basement, and the people who were waiting for them at this time were the girls who were bullied by them at school. She was waiting for them with a stick. But Ye Xiaotong immediately called Li Hui’s brother and Zhuo Wenxin for help, so Li Hui’s brother and Zhuo’s brother and sister went out together, and the matter was quickly resolved. From the perspective of the community, Li Hui’s brother came forward and settled , And the wicked people who went in to rescue them were the brothers of Li Hui and the brothers and sisters of Zhuo and Ye Xiaotong.

It is precisely because of this incident that Beggie has furthered his relationship with Li Hui. But this thing did not allow the two to be upgraded to a boyfriend relationship. It can only be regarded as a very good friend relationship. Eight years ago, the girl next door met again. Of course, when Beiji and Li Hui met, he hadn’t made a name for himself. Now, although he is well-known, he has been struggling for a little thing for a girl next door. If it was not Li Hui who helped him this time, now Beiji was either sent to prison or already resolved by the people on the road.

Of course, Beggie is very grateful to Li Hui. When people are in trouble, they will know who can reach out at the most critical time to help their own people. Beggie is very grateful. Because of this gratitude, Beggie finally decided He left, because if he really seeks asylum from Li's family, it will definitely cause great trouble to their family, so after consulting with Li Hui, Li Hui feels that he can't just let him leave, because he knows that Bei Ji is now stabbing The basket is too big. If he leaves our blessings now, he will definitely die when he goes out. So Li Hui sees that Beggie insists so much and decides to let Beggie go to China. As long as he goes to China, Beggie very gratefully agreed. Just relying on Li Hui's relationship to go abroad. But in the later period, Beiji was arrested in China for personal reasons. Although Beiji loves to provoke trouble, Beiji’s starting point is justice in his heart, so after Beiji entered the island It is precisely because he has been running through this idea, so he met Carcassett on the island and used this character to let him join his team and later saved the heads-up king and Ayr. At first, these two very powerful people joined Beggie just to repay their gratitude, but then they learned that Beggie was indeed a good person, so after saving Beggie many times, he had already returned the favor but he stayed in the end.

Of course, the other fat guys in the Beggie team, Buckinson and the heads-up king Beatty, also fought with others on the other side. The most important thing is the people inside. Now, besides the Begge group, they are still advancing and retreating. Now The rest of them have begun to slowly become only for their own benefit, regardless of the degree of betraying anyone. At the beginning of Qi Bilang, he ordered ten people to kill everyone here, and the evil people here have returned to the original only to live for the sake of living. In the state, this initial state is also the most terrible state, that is, there is no brotherly relationship and everything is only for your own benefit, so some people are chased by the cadres of Qi Bilang, and no one chooses to help, most of them choose Directly abandoning his old friends, at this point, these people seem to be more calm than they are. The main thing is that at present they can only choose to trust each other. After all, most of the people around them are enemies.

So at various corners of this dark tunnel, civil wars broke out from one place to another, so that although the heads-up king and others did not have to worry about being under siege, they also met more people who wanted to block the road to take them. People with names, although their strengths cannot beat the heads-up king, it has not been the best strategy to consistently consume the heads-up physical strength.

On the other hand, Beggie and Ayr are also in a desperate dead end. The two of them did not expect that there seems to be a dead end in the tunnel that can lead to everywhere. This is completely beyond what Beggie and Ayr expected.

And precisely because of this, they had just returned, but Qi Bilang had already chased the ancients, and he said to the two of them with a smile-like expression on the face in front of them, "I said I can find you." , I see how you have escaped my palm this time."

After Qi Bilang finished speaking, he walked straight in the direction of the two again. At the same time, Beggie also put Al down and said to Al: "I will be responsible for holding him down for a while, you must grasp Do you dare to run away at this moment and understand?"

"What are you kidding, how can you stop him based on your current status and strength? I will do this. Anyway, we can only have one person who has the opportunity to escape, so don't argue with me. Do you know? ?"

"Oh! Don't forget me, but I am the captain of this team. Although you have been giving advice to me, the captain of this team is still me. Even if your strength is stronger than me, I am still the captain of this team. Since I am the captain, you have to listen to me, this matter is so settled, he has come over." After finishing this sentence, Beggy suddenly smiled slightly with a serious expression: "I still want to go out with us After going to work in your company, I also want to feel like a white-collar worker and enjoy the identity of a rich man, but unfortunately it seems that I can only think about it."

After listening to Al, he whispered back: "If you and I can leave here alive, I will definitely let you fulfill your wish." After Beggi heard Al's words, he seemed particularly relieved. Nodded and said, "It's nice to be able to meet you. I really don't have any friends outside the island. Although it may be a **** for others here, it's not bad for me!" Beiji finished saying this After the talk, he rushed directly to Qi Bilang who came by, and said while running: "People will always die one day, but some people can still live in the hearts of others when they die. When they were young This is what my father told me. Although he is a bad person in other people’s hearts, he makes me a good person. Although I am not a good person in the eyes of the secular, and since I have entered this island, I may also be regarded as It’s not a good kind, but there is still a difference between right and evil in my heart. Killing my brother must die. This is the justice in my heart. You should have killed the person just now, right?" Bei Ji punched him directly, Qi Bilang directly He tilted his head and escaped Beggie's punch. At the same time, he stabbed him at the same time. In the case of completely serious fighting, how could Beggie be Qi Bilang's opponent.

Qi Bilang directly evaded his attack and pierced Peggy's body again, but this time the position was not his chest, but Peggy directly grabbed Qi Bilang's arm and shouted at Al Shouted: "Hurry up now, don't waste the time I created for you!"

Ayre looked at Beggie's eyes at this moment. After he gritted his teeth with serious expression, he quickly rushed away from their eyes without looking back: "Relax, Beggie, I will avenge you and Cacarote. !"

Just after Ayr fled past the two without looking back, Qi Bilang said coldly to Beiji: "You are talking about the kid who just used his life to buy time for you? Since I can come here , You should guess his result? But his death method is that my head was crushed by me, and you also play this set. It seems that you hypocrites like to play the heroic side of my own benevolence before my eyes. Really? In that case, then your ending will be the same!" After Qi Bilang finished this sentence, the knife turned around in Beiji's body and then swung horizontally with force, directly blocking Beiji's body and cutting it off Two.

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