Killing God Island

Chapter 942: Melee Chapter 7: This uncle is a bit fierce

The person who said this was the oldest of the seven. After the uncle walked out directly, he made a gesture to the rest of the people, indicating that they should not get started, and he did not attack Xi Lumei, but just stood She said in front of her: "Relax, I will not attack you now, and I will let you recover and then fight again."

"Oh? How do you know I'm still hurt?"

"Are you suspicious of my IQ? It is impossible for you to be kicked by Xiaoliu in a row. Xiaoliu's leg skills are still very strong, and you have been fighting since then, even if your body repair ability is strong, I think It is impossible for the body to be completely repaired, so I will wait until your body is fully recovered, otherwise I am afraid you will say that I am bullying the small."

"Oh! Interesting, I didn't expect you to be a man. If we weren't a hostile relationship, I would still prefer a man like you."

"Even if you like it, I'm never soft to kill people, and of course to kill women, so even if you please me, I won't treat you softly."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to please you. I just admire a man like you, but I also feel sorry for you, because you let my body recover completely, which means your nightmare is about to happen. Here, by the way, I also forgot to tell you, as I am, you are also a murderer.

After Xi Lumei finished speaking, she rushed towards the uncle in front of her. The uncle saw that her body had recovered and she smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

This uncle’s strength can be not weak. He belongs to a master of the same level as Chen Tian. He went directly to catch Xi Lumei’s attack, and at the same time, a very chic flying kick kicked Xi Lumei back. Xi Lu Mei defended with both hands, but didn’t expect to be in this state. He couldn’t take the uncle’s foot, but was kicked back a few steps. In fact, this is an uncle’s very common kick, but Xi Lumei used this state time too. For a long time, that kind of power has just gradually declined.

Xi Lumei also discovered this reason, so she lifted this state and turned herself into a short and fat image. Xi Lumei in this state just looks ugly, but her strength is still not weak, but At this time, the middle-aged uncle who stood in front of her seemed to be immobile. I stood in front of Xi Lumei, and kept smiling, saying to Xi Lumei: "Is your strength like a play?" ?"

This smile looks very strange, and it didn't seem to be a very ordinary smile. At this time, it seems to be a mockery to Xi Lumei.

So Xi Lumei stepped forward to face the uncle in front of him is a reverse side kick, kicked from the right leg, was directly blocked by the uncle with one hand and hit three times forward at the same time, and this seemingly very casual frame The move, but it happened to block Xi Lumei's three consecutive kicks, but this was Xi Lumei's combined move. Unexpectedly, she was easily blocked by Ruxi, and not only these three combos, the next Xi Lu The unsuccessful attacks of Midea were all blocked by the uncle in front of him, but the strength of this uncle was not ordinary. This is what Xi Lumei was depressed at this time. The uncle seemed to know that Xi Lumei would have come out. What moves are the same.

Such a random person can catch Xi Lumei's attack. At present, Xi Lumei can only meet this guy in front of him, so Xi Lumei must solve this uncle: "Uncle has to say that you are really strong. I’m going to be serious this time, and it seems that I can only let you see my true power."

Xi Lumei once again used her obese figure to become thin, and then returned to the very strong side. Because he had just been injured and persisted for too long, the strong period has passed, so he directly returned to his original form, etc. After recovering from the injury, I used this ability again this time. Although the more weak the ability is, the more powerful it is to use it now. Since Xi Lumei has used this trick, she will definitely use it 100%. The first attack, after all, this first attack is the fastest power.

Therefore, Xi Lumei directly turned back after the form was changed, which was a direct kick. He directly kicked the uncle on his neck, and the strength of the kick directly broke the uncle's neck.

The whole person's neck and spine deformed to the whole kick. The seemingly very uncle of the fork suddenly fell motionless, and the other six people were dumbfounded.

All of them looked very surprised, Xilumei who had thinned her body, these people murmured to each other: "This woman will not give the uncle a second?"

They felt difficult to be confident one by one, so they looked at the uncle lying on that side again. At this time, the broken shape of the uncle's head and neck looked really hanging.

"This one......"

"It seems that this uncle has really been solved, but you woman is really strong."

"You're too much nonsense" Xi Lumei launched a second attack directly on this person. The first time he took a second uncle. The second attack he chose to attack was a dumb-looking man who looked long. The man's name is Masao Yamamoto. He also made a very handsome posture with the uncle just now, and then said to a few others: "This woman will be resolved by me, you don't need to intervene, the uncle's hatred will be reported by me." Masao Yamamoto This sentence has not yet been finished. Xi Lumei's second attack has once again taken a flying kick, and this foot is exactly the same position as the uncle just kicked, all want to hit Yamamoto Masao's neck, But he was blocked by Yamamoto Masao directly, and then followed a turn and kicked back. He even happened to kick Xi Lumei's chest and kicked him directly to the side. Xi Lumei did not expect that she would be kicked back. Prototype. After the original thin body was kicked by Masao Yamamoto on the chest, he instantly returned to the prototype in the air and became the original short and fat Xi Lumei.

However, Xi Lumei didn't think that her own trick could make a foot break, which caused Xi Lumei who was kicked to the ground to spit up blood.

Masamoto Yamamoto looked at Xi Lumei who was vomiting blood on the ground and said, "You just had a strong foot, but unfortunately your foot is not as fast as mine, so I'm sorry, so I am now Kill you, don't you have a comment?"

Masamoto Yamamoto is definitely not talking to himself. He either has to shoot, or he is the kind of person who kills, so the strength of this foot has temporarily wounded Xi Lumei's internal organs and severely wounded, so she Only lying on the ground and vomiting blood.

Just when Masamoto Yamamoto was planning to move forward to kill Xi Lumei, who was seriously injured, he was suddenly shocked by an invisible and powerful aura.

At this time, it was Shirley who was in a wheelchair to come to the rescue. Although Shirley was sitting in a wheelchair, she was full of gas.

The greatness of this aura made Yamamoto Masao stop: "Hey, you better make way for me, otherwise you may not even have to do a wheelchair."

It is also because Masamoto Yamamoto is very strong, so he can feel the weak gas field emitted by Shirley. This kind of gas field cannot be felt by ordinary people, because the gas field emitted by Sydney is just under the so-called king. The strongest aura, there is no strength can not sense this.

However, Masao Yamamoto didn't follow his own feelings, and he didn't care too much about this flashing feeling.

"I don't want to waste my energy, so you leave me, otherwise I will kill you." This is Shirley in a wheelchair, a warning to Masao Yamamoto, this group of warnings for Yamamoto, which has always been based on strength For Zhengxiong, how can he threaten him with such a degree of threats and let go with the words of Shelly?

So Masamoto Yamamoto walked straight forward.

Shirley saw Yamamoto Masao walking towards her, and sighed softly: "You obviously can sense my strength, but you dare to move forward, it seems that you are challenging me."

After Shirley finished speaking, Masao Yamamoto who was walking forward in a big swing ahead, instantly fell to the ground and died.

This is really beyond the expectations of the rest of the people. Yamamoto Masao didn’t see what was happening in front of him, and was hit by a force from his straight front in an instant. Even Yamamoto Masao didn’t have the time to resist, he was After instantaneously killing the entire body and falling to the ground, his internal organs exploded from his body.

This scene also prevented the other five masters from stepping forward, and Shirley also said to the muscular girl behind her, "Go and move Xi Lumei to me."

The muscular girl nodded at Shirley and picked up Xi Lumei. She turned and walked in the direction of Shirley. The other five were obviously weak, but no one dared to attack the muscular woman.

At this time, although Chen Tian fought together, he did not disperse, but he also met masters who could deal with himself. One of these masters was very similar to Chen Tian's ability.

Although his physique is not a god-loving physique, but before he entered the island, he was a semi-vampire physique, so he also has the same blood control ability as Chen Tian.

Single-round blood control ability, his blood control ability is stronger than Chen Tian’s use, and his repair ability is not weaker than Chen Tian, ​​so in some Chengdu, Chen Tian’s ability to use only the boundaries of blood may not be born The half-vampire ability is stronger than Bidley, so Chen Tian is considered to meet his opponent this time.

Chen Tian did not expect to be able to meet someone who is so similar to his own ability, and this person can also use blood touch. Compared with Chen Tian blood touch, this blood touch is stronger than Chen Tian in both hardness and destructive power. And the attack distance is also much longer than Chen Tian's distance, so Chen Tian's blood modeling is not as powerful as Bidley.

Therefore, Chen Tian fought him for 20 minutes without distinction. In fact, this is just outsiders who seem to have no difference. In fact, Chen Tian has always been in the disadvantage. If it is not because of Chen Tian’s super repair ability, he may have been killed. After all, he used the blood to touch and directly pierced Chen Tian’s body, but Chen Tian relied on himself to have an ability that Bidley did not have, that is, Chen Tian’s red child power, which can instantly let The speed of his own power is increased by several times or dozens of times. This instantaneous power is based on the original ordinary maximum power, and it becomes stronger at least ten times more instantly.

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