Killing God Island

Chapter 941: There are more than one master in melee 6

Xi Lumei's entire popularity field changed completely in an instant, and a very strong airflow appeared around her. Even this airflow caused a weak wind to center on her. Generally, people become very strong and their bodies appear very obvious. Muscles add antibodies and strength to herself, but Xi Lumei's strength turned out to be the opposite. The fat around her body instantly looked like liposuction, and the whole person had no fat at all. Except for her body height, the whole body It seems that she is not fat at all, just like she was just like two people. The overall figure is completely different. Now her figure is not fat at all. It belongs to the kind of woman who has no extra meat in her body.

"You could suddenly lose weight, and you surprised me again."

"Is there? There are even more unexpected waiting for you!" Xi Lumei finished the sentence and took the first direct attack on Gerami Ni. This direct attack is to go up and hit the general. It is a positive punch. It looks like he has become thinner and weaker in theory. In fact, his strength should be weakened. In fact, his strength is not weakened. On the contrary, the strong punch is a domineering blow. Jeramini deliberately did not hide from you. He took direct defense with his hands. He wanted to see if this guy suddenly became thinner and his strength had increased. Geramaine was a little too arrogant this time. Because of her arrogance, he defended his hands and put himself directly All the defensive arms were directly fractured.

Geramini defended her arms with her arms crossed, but did not expect that her arms were directly interrupted by Xi Lumei because of this wrong decision. This was a result that Geramini didn't expect at all. She really didn't expect it Stronger than she can afford.

When Geramaine blocked the blow and caused her arms to be broken, the whole person immediately wanted to jump back out of the attack area of ​​Xi Lumei, and then slowly let her arms recover, but she thought too much, Xi Lumei did not It may only be attacked once, and it is impossible to close with a punch, followed by a backhand blow from Xi Lumei.

Although there was no punch in this punch that penetrated Jelamini's body, in fact, the parts hit by this punch had already been smashed.

Geramini was spitting blood in her mouth when Xi Lumei's body was stretched. This time, when he was about to lean back, Xi Lumei grabbed her neck directly, and then twisted her neck to the right. Behind her, although she is still not dead, but the victory or defeat is just when her whole body twitching on the ground, Xi Lumei will have walked into Geramini, and with (the dying Jie Ramini stepped up and squashed her head directly.

Although it seems violent, it is true that in the state of Xi Lumei, no one can stop it.

So these people can't beat his people. Seeing her coming, they basically evade, and the rest of the people are completely different from these people. These people originally thought that Jella Mini was absolutely able to solve this fat girl. He was killed by a fat girl. Although they don’t know how this fat girl lost weight, it is certain that this fat girl has a strong fighting ability and can kill the people of Gerald Mini. These people still think Look at what this fat girl has.

So after Xi Lumei killed dozens of people all the way, when she walked forward, she met a few people who blocked the road. These people dare to block Xi Lumei. Obviously, there are two brushes, otherwise who Dare to appear in front of Xi Lumei, it is tantamount to trying to find death.

Blocked in front of Xi Lumei, there are about seven people. These seven people don't have any muscular men. They look like ordinary people, but the aura looks completely different.

Xi Lumei also saw that the people in front of her should have some strength, but she is still quite confident in the strength of her state, so he rushed directly to the people in front, but the strength of these people is really not ordinary people. Xi Lumei rushed to the scene without even a second, but after avoiding punches, the two grabbed one of his arms and was kicked in the chest by the third.

The strength of this foot is quite cruel. Xi Lumei can clearly hear the sound of bones breaking in her body. The strength of this foot can be said to be quite strong. The other party clearly wants to kill Xi Lumei with a single foot.

Xi Lumei's entire body was not kicked after being kicked, because she is now grabbing both her left and right arms, so after kicking this kick on him, she was followed by the same person again, using the same moves again Kicked in the same position as her. If Xi Lumei had a very strong recovery ability, it was difficult for her body to accept his second attack, but this was not over yet, this guy was going to kick the third leg again because of this person Seeing that Xi Lumei was not dead yet, the strength of the second foot was stronger than the first one. As a result, the second attack was still not dead, which challenged his authority a little bit. Quite confident, he couldn’t kill Xi Lumei with two consecutive heavy blows, he had made him lose face, so he used his strength enough for this third kick, but this third kick didn’t have Zi Ziang. The first two kicks worked so well, because this third time was blocked by Xi Lumei lifting her leg. However, because both of them used a lot of power, both sides flew backwards at the moment when each other was shocked by each other’s strength, but because the two people each pulled one of Xi Lumei’s arms, the original Xi Lumei, who will be bounced backwards, just leans back slightly, because two people will hold her so that she can treat her body so smoothly, but closely followed her arms, Xi Lumei in this state The arm is very strong, and the two hands are combined together, so that the two people who grabbed her by one hand collide directly.

After all, they didn't expect that this woman's arm strength was as great as the drama. The two who were hit together, but the arm strength was not as big as Xi Lumei, and the combat strength was actually not weak. After all, it was not necessary to fight with the strong. Brute force, many times tactics and skills can also perfectly control the situation, even if the gap between strength and weakness is large, then you can use all very clever tricks to tact the situation, so although these two are not powerful masters, but they are the kind The master who knows how to make cleverness and feminine separation, of course, these seven people don’t have a combined force to join together, but also because the strong people all use a very proud character, so the other four people don’t get on, only watching these three people can Solve her.

Although the teamwork of these three people did indeed seriously hurt Xi Lumei, Xi Lumei concealed it perfectly. In fact, while fighting others, it will also seriously affect her body's repair ability. His body repair ability has always been in a state of stopping repair, so if he wants to repair his body, he must stop his attack and movement, but at present, it seems that these people will not give Xi Lumei any breathing opportunities. Although Xi Lumei still Pretending to be okay at all, I want to scare away the people in front of them, but these people are not able to retreat.

These people include the three people who have just been repulsed by Xi Lumei. In fact, although the three people seem to have been repulsed by Xi Lumei, their strength is actually quite unusual, and they have basically not moved, although they kicked Xilu. Mei's two feet did use more than half of the effort, but he estimated that with all his strength, Xi Lumei would not be able to stand even if he was kicked, so Xi Lumei could not really scare the three.

"Chick, are you deliberately delaying time and want to repair your body? We give you this opportunity, otherwise it will not be fun, and you can also look at the situation around, although I have died a lot, but Those dead are garbage, and the overall situation now belongs to at least five or six, so we like to have a good time with some powerful people to play or interact with the shin."

The person who said this was the oldest of the seven people. After coming out directly, the uncle made a gesture to the rest of the people, instructing them not to get started, and he did not attack Xi Lumei, but just stood in front of her and said : "Don't worry, I won't attack you now, I will let you recover and then fight again."

"Oh? How do you know I'm still hurt?"

"Are you suspicious of my IQ? It is impossible for you to be kicked by Xiaoliu in a row. Xiaoliu's leg skills are still very strong, and you have been fighting since then, even if your body repair ability is strong, I think It is impossible for the body to be completely repaired, so I will wait until your body is fully recovered, otherwise I am afraid you will say that I am bullying the small."

"Oh! Interesting, I didn't expect you to be a man. If we weren't a hostile relationship, I would still prefer a man like you."

"Even if you like it, I'm never soft to kill people, and of course to kill women, so even if you please me, I won't treat you softly."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to please you. I just admire a man like you, but I also feel sorry for you, because you let my body recover completely, which means your nightmare is about to happen. Here, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I am also a murderer and a soft hand just like you."

After Xi Lumei finished speaking, she rushed towards the uncle in front of her. The uncle saw that her body had recovered and she smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

This uncle's strength can not be weak. He belongs to a master of the same level as Chen Tian. He directly went up to catch Xi Lumei's attack, and at the same time, a very chic flying kick directly kicked Xi Lumei back. Xi Lu Mei defended with both hands, but didn’t expect to be in this state. He couldn’t take the uncle’s foot, but was kicked back a few steps. In fact, this is an uncle’s very common kick, but Xi Lumei used this state time too. For a long time, the strength just now has gradually declined.

Xi Lumei also discovered this reason, so she lifted this state and turned herself into a short and fat image. Xi Lumei in this state just looked ugly, but her strength was still not weak, but At this time, the middle-aged uncle who stood in front of her seemed to be immobile. I stood still in front of Xi Lumei, then kept smiling, and said to Xi Lumei: "Is your strength like drama?" ?"

This smile looks very weird. It didn't seem to be a very ordinary smile. At this time, it seems to be a mockery to Xi Lumei.

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