Killing God Island

Chapter 928: Chen Tianfen: Quartet Alliance 2

Although Bourbon Delais’s head is still not dead, it is estimated that it is difficult to recover the whole body because there is only one head left. It is also possible that this head can only be stocked for 24 hours on its own. Ling Zifeng looked at this sentence again and looked at it again. These people around, at this time, the situation has appeared one-sided. When Bourbon Delais's head fell to the foot of the women's team captain Yang Liu, it bounced again and then just rolled between Yang Liu's legs, waiting for Yang Liu When I found something rolling over, I just saw the head of Bourbond Rice, and the head was still moving, so I annoyed Willow, and I stepped directly on the blood that stepped on the head of Bourbond Rice. Flying horizontally and torn apart.

At this point, all the people who passed by here have been solved by Chen Tian, ​​the women’s team, the Beiji family, and the Steel War Wolf. It can be said that there are no more enemies on this site at this moment. The remaining work is to first check these. Whether there are gems hidden in the body of the corpse, if it is not found here, then everyone can only collectively go to their base to find out if there is a gem.

But what disappointed everyone was that these people did not find the gem they were looking for. Ye Minyu waved his hand at random and said, "As long as the main base still exists, then as long as there is a gem, you can definitely find it.

While Chen Tian and his team were searching for gems on Newton Kreis’s site, with the three bosses of Cain, Alsace, and Jeffria, and another big boss, Qi Bilang, who joined later, The four people came to a four-party alliance, and at this time, in addition to the four-party boss's alliance, there are two forces, respectively, which are assisted by Zhuo's brothers and sisters to fight for huge rights and interests. Steve Ranji, and another organization that cannot be integrated with the four major alliances is Qi Bilang. This guy is also a relatively different one of the 13 t-zone bosses. The reason why he can be so calm is that Because the people under his hands are not vegetarian.

At present, Chen Tian's group has completely disrupted the central area of ​​the T area. Now basically for the benefit or the instinct to survive, the leaders of each site are now fully prepared. After Chen Tian's gang disappeared, there are still four forces in the central area of ​​the entire t-zone. Counting Chen Tian's forces, the current strongest force is not Chen Tian's gang nor Steve's assistant Zhuo's brother and sister. . Lanji, of course, is not possible with Qi Bilang. Although his power can also stand alone, he is not the strongest compared with the current form and overall strength. At present, these four forces are allied by the Quartet. This force is the most prominent. The four-party alliance is named by Ye Minyu. The so-called four-party alliance refers to the bosses of the original four sites, forming a strong military power that has always been exceptionally strong. This four-party alliance is composed of Alsace, The addition of the other two forces of Jefferies as the real leader makes them strong enough to be called the strongest at present. The other two leaders of the forces are Jack Bi Kevin and Ola Douzt. A big man, the 13 old boss Zhong Kaiyin is located in the center of the terrain, which is the so-called safest terrain, but the safest terrain does not mean true security.

After all, Chen Tian's group has completely disturbed the situation in this central area, and now it has completely broken the original overall situation of mutual opposition and suppression. The defeat of the forces on several sides has declared that the previous situation of peace and mutual assistance has been completely restored to the most original. The overall situation of the massacre and division. In addition to the 13 larger organizations, there are many forces in this Central District who want to take advantage of the chaos. Everyone is now pregnant with ghosts, not only the other weak forces. The thunderous eyes of the defeated site, of course, the thirteen bosses who used to look very kind in the past, also met the patients in private. There is not much friendship in private except for the existence of i-interest relations. Even in this situation, some grudges that did not seem to be on the table in the past have been completely intensified.

Since the Quartet Alliance wants to use the central zone as the last to destroy Chen Tian, ​​and the other two leaders they can’t control, they must first occupy the most favorable terrain in the entire t zone to be more likely to win, so they want to take all the Quartet Alliance. All the troops are stationed in the site of Kayin, Kay of course will not agree and even if he joins the five-party alliance, the interest relationship among them is definitely not conducive to himself, so he refused to let them use his own site as a base for his own benefit. The condition is that I can help you fight against the enemy together, even support you, but you can’t let all your four groups of horses be stationed on my site. If this rejection is the most normal reason before, But now the form can be completely different, and the four people are discussing with you nominally, in fact, it is to be enforced, but the result is not a big shot, Kayin lost the hands of the four bosses because of his incompetence, but his men I don’t know about it, because Arthas and Jeffria are both leaders who are quite intelligent, and of course they don’t want to fight with Kain under this kind of gun situation, so they let their men be easy to understand. The master took off Kayin’s face completely and let a master who knew how to dress up and imitate the voice of Jeho people pretend to be their leader, not only let all the members of the Quartet Alliance enter the most central area, but also let their own The master Yi Rong master perfectly controlled these people under Kayin, so it means that they have five forces.

Not only the number of people is several times that of the rest of the forces, but also occupy the advantage of the entire terrain. It seems that their tactics are to wait for Chen Tian or the rest of the forces to actively attack them. Of course, people with this idea are not the only ones. Arthas and Jefferies had this idea. Many people with this idea were present. It can be said that Ye Minyu in the Chen Tian gang wanted to stay on the ground temporarily, so that the rest of the forces would fight and almost clear up the endgame.

Of course, people who have this kind of thinking are Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters. They let Steve Lanji and his many militants do not act rashly, letting them stand still for a few days just want to wait for the power of fishermen Qi Bilang, who is another force, of course, also wants to see the scene of their fight first, so the current four forces are all thinking of cleaning up the endgame, and each side of the power wants to stay on the ground, so i created a total of two days, these four strengths are very peaceful, and no group of people took the lead in trouble.

Of course, two days later, Ye Minyu, Zhuo Brothers and Sisters, as well as Qi Bilang and the two high IQ leaders in the Quartet Alliance, already guessed that these people are waiting for the opportunity, so this caused no party to want the first. As a victim, so they are keeping each other still, but in fact they are not completely keeping the soldiers stationary. The seemingly calm soldiers must be hidden behind huge movements, because in this atmosphere there can be no peace.

In fact, this is also the case. In the four forces that seem to be fighting each other, because the Chen Tian group and the brothers and sisters of Zhuo have known each other before, and they have fought each other together, although the brothers and sisters have never been officially I have joined the team of Chen Tian, ​​but have collaborated with the team of Chen Tian many times against the other enemies, so the brothers of Chen Tian and Zhuo's brothers and sisters are also very close friends. After all, they are the brothers who are super lovers. In addition to this, the two are also very masculine, the way of fighting is very straightforward active hard steel, plus the ability to fight each other is also super strong, resulting in the two are very admired when fighting The fighting strength of the other party, because the two are very tempered, all the brothers and sisters who seem to have not been in the Chen Tian team for how long, in fact, Chen Tian still feels that Zhuo Yanxuan is very tempered with him.

So in fact, Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan belong to this relationship of admiring each other and friends. During this period, Zhuo Yanxuan sent someone to send a letter to Chen Tian and others. The content of the letter is very simple and easy. Understand, of course, Chen Tian handed it to Ye Minyu after reading it. After all, Ye Minyu has a good mind and, after all, the brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan have joined another force.

Fang, so even if he appreciates this person, Chen Tian still thinks that he and his own life are more important, so let Ye Minyu look at the contents of the letter and see what he thinks after reading it.

What Chen Tian did not expect was that Ye Minyu smiled after seeing it, so Chen Tian took the initiative to ask like Ye Minyu: "Why do you laugh, what do you think of his proposal?"

Ye Minyu directly replied: "Okay! I think his proposal is quite good. Originally, I was planning to write a letter to him. The general content was basically the same as the plan in his letter. I didn't expect this guy to want to act one step earlier. Now, it seems that the current form has reached the stage of deterioration."

In fact, the content in my heart is very simple, because the large number of forces in the Quartet Alliance cannot be dealt with by us alone, so I hope to reach a mutual assistance agreement with you and work out the weakest side first, although the site led by Qi Bilang The internal strength is not weak, but compared with the Quartet Alliance, it is most important to solve them first. My plan is that you will first fight with the forces of Qi Bilang first, provided you believe that I stand on your side, you Although letting go, I am responsible for pushing our hands towards you and trying to prevent the Quartet Alliance from interfering with you, so that you can let go, I believe that with your strength you can destroy the other, and then between me and you 'S acting skills, because I took the lead in occupying the boundary line between you and the Quartet Alliance, and took the opportunity between the two of you. When you solve them, we will come to attack you, and when they get the news, The meeting will come to do things. It will be up to us how to lure the enemy deeper and wipe it out. The specific details will depend on the situation of the battle. If I agree with my point of view, let me take the lead to provoke the dispute, just like Before, you had no reason to invade the same forces as the rest, but once there is some movement from your side, I will get the team to the place where you are before the battle. If you believe in our brother and sister’s plan, please make a response within three hours. If you do not take any action, I will treat you as giving up cooperation with us.

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