Killing God Island

Chapter 927: Chen Tianfen: Quartet Alliance

Ling Zifeng does not need his own blood to attack others, because Ling Zifeng's blood is extremely venomous, so even a strong person who is as strong as the Five Ancient Gods of War can not use his own genes to be highly toxic to Ling Zifeng's blood To contend, this kind of blood is produced slowly and if it is not poisonous, this person will have his own ability, and will even increase this person's ability dozens of times, and Ling Zifeng's blood has autonomy, which is the so-called use of his own blood. To poison others, the blood will choose this host, most of them will be directly poisoned to death, but if they are not directly poisoned, they will combine with the host and become the ability of each other, and will gradually become stronger. .

Therefore, Ling Zifeng generally does not use this trick until he is forced to do it. After all, without the fact that Ling Zifeng itself is seriously threatened, his own blood will not become very toxic, and there may be betrayal. Factor is the so-called poisonous death, but others are betrayed by his own blood poisoning, making his opponent more powerful, so Ling Zifeng's current poison is not his own highly poisonous, but his combination of many medical books and poison When it is used, it will make it impossible for opponents to detect it. This method of using poison is very natural, and it will not be like the movie where it is not to inject poison, or to be a direct and blatant attack.

Ling Zifeng's poisoning technology is very superb, and basically it is the kind of poisoning that people can't detect. The second time Ling Zifeng wanted to quietly poison Pobendras, this kind of poisonous It is called thorn, a very vicious poison developed by Ling Zifeng himself. The poisoned person will begin to spread with the internal organs first, but it will not give the poisoning blade any pain, because this poison is also rich in anesthetics and Xing. Fen. Agent, poisoning will instantly increase the combat effectiveness of this person for tens of seconds. This is the characteristic of the poisoned person, and he will also look very excited. Fen.

In this gun situation, the internal organs of the poisoned person have already deformed or even started to die and rot on their own, but it will not affect the death of the body's function instantly. The internal organs that are first attacked by infection will be poisoned and necrotic. Spreading into the whole body, and means that his internal organs will be fully paralyzed, which will affect the overall external muscles and some functions in the body. The second stage will reflect the slowing of the pain of the body. The weeping cry described until the smell of internal decay wanted to be distorted, but even then this person would not die, until he saw his internal organs and body rot out of bones, so that both the mind and body would completely collapse, and then slowly die, Since this poison is very vicious, Ling Zifeng is rarely used after it is developed.

Of course, Ling Zifeng’s medical book is very high. Although he used his medical book to cure many people, he poisoned more people than the doctor. Ling Zifeng is not an absolute good person, but it is not completely bad. That kind of person has a conscience but a distorted personality, so he has only three hobbies, the woman in the first place, the second is the experiment, and the third is to learn more advanced medicine, although it sounds that his three hobbies are not How to hang it, but in fact it is not at all contradictory. Early riser Ling Zifeng likes medicine because he likes women very much and likes to make himself more durable, so he began to study medical books for the development of more durable medicines, slowly I just fell in love with the industry of medical education, but whether it is self-study or research and development of certain drugs, it is necessary to experiment, and successful experiments with experimental animals are not necessarily used in humans. They are really as accurate as animal experiments, so Ling Zifeng has always been He experimented with real people, but just outside the island, he likes to treat some bad guys, or his own rivals, or women he doesn’t like to see, and start experimenting with these people.

Since Ling Zifeng itself is not an absolutely good person, among those who were experimented with by him, he did not know exactly what kind of people would prepare him as an experimental question, but it is safe to say that these people only have to do him. The experimental subjects generally died, so Ling Zifeng was wanted as a very dangerous person outside the island until she met the famous Ms. Zhao. This very temperamental woman, besides being known as the top ten in the world, is mainly Her peerless look did indeed make Ling Zifeng feel emotional, so Ling Zifeng voluntarily Liu loved Ms. Zhao's side, and since then, Ling Zifeng's wanted relationship was cancelled by Ms. Zhao.

Taking Ling Zifeng's medical book as a private doctor with Ms. Zhao a few years ago, until Chen Tian entered the island, she observed in Ms. Zhao's monitoring and observation that the strength of Chen Tian's group might subsequently greatly reduce their survival rate. Therefore, Ling Zifeng was sent to join Chen Tian's team to heal the wounded of his team. Of course, it is more important to meet people who are stronger than them. Ling Zifeng's combat power can also help them, so Ling Zifeng will come to this island.

At this time, Ling Zifeng had already seen the symptoms of poisoning that Bourbon Rice had begun to appear, so Ling Zifeng did not panic and try his best to avoid fighting hard with him, because now he is more powerful than the performance of the fighting method or strength. They are all very abnormal, so Ling Zifeng can be sure that Bourbon Dryes has been poisoned, so after avoiding his three or four attacks in a row, Ling Zifeng now jumps back several meters in a row, and then lifts his left wrist to look at the universal watch.

I have to admire the physique of Bourbon Delais. After all, ordinary people insist on two minutes at the time of the experiment. When they came here, Ling Zifeng also used the strengthening man to experiment. They are many times stronger than ordinary people. Therefore, the expected effect will not appear until about five minutes, but Bourbon Delais, who is now fighting with himself, is indeed the first of the six major combat powers. It has been 10 minutes and he can still fight me without being affected by the poison. It seems that this kid really has some strength. Ling Zifeng just thought that when a negligent side turned here, a dagger in the hands of Bourbon Delais somehow directly stuck in his heart, Although Bourbondres was breathless at this point, fortunately he had succeeded.

Although Ling Zifeng’s heart was inserted into a dagger, his facial expression was very calm, and he looked directly at Bourbon Delais, and said in a low voice: "You think that if you pierce my heart, I will die. I’m afraid you think too much. I’m not a human at all, and my body structure is completely different from humans. What you see is that I’m just a human body, and my heart is not here, but you. Don’t you think it’s about to die now?” Ling Zifeng finished his sentence and moved his eyes down until he moved to where his eyes converged.

The unbelievable Bourbon Delais continued to stab it again. Although the knife penetrated the heart of Ling Zifeng deeper, but only left some more blood outside, and Ling Zifeng's mouth seemed to be raised as if it was okay. Laughing, and at this time, the poison in the body of Bourbon Delais has been attacked. The pain and the whole body of the body look down, only to find that his body is slowly beginning to ulcer at an alarming rate, and the skin is exposed. With a big mouth, she can clearly see her internal organs, and at this time, not only those internal organs emit a bad smell, but also can see a lot of insects crawling out. He was paralyzed on the ground, originally he wanted to use the last bit of strength to die with the other word Feng in front.

But he hasn't waited for him to take a step forward. The rate of decay of the body has caused the internal organs of his body to drop out, but he has been alive until only his head and the bones on his body are left. Even though my mind is still sober, am I still not dead? He is completely in a state of collapse now. With this sentence in his heart am I still not dead? Immediately following Ling Zifeng's horizontal leg sweep, he kicked the bone stand he had stood straight away, and after his body was all scattered on the ground, Bourbon Delais' head was still alive, but it was only supporting his body The bones were all kicked apart, only one head was flying towards Chen Tian, ​​and because Chen Tian did not fly over, he thought he was joking with himself and kicked the ball directly, so he didn’t care about this at all The details kicked Bourbon Delais' head to the feet of the women's team Willow, and he slid forward a bit after landing.

Although Bourbon Delais’s head is still not dead, it is estimated that it is difficult to recover the whole body because there is only one head left. It is also possible that this head can only be stocked for 24 hours on its own. Ling Zifeng looked at this sentence again and looked at it again. These people around, at this time, the situation has appeared one-sided. When Bourbon Delais's head fell to the foot of the women's team captain Yang Liu, it bounced again and then just rolled between Yang Liu's legs, waiting for Yang Liu When I found something rolling over, I just saw the head of Bourbond Rice, and the head was still moving, so I annoyed Willow, and I stepped directly on the blood that stepped on the head of Bourbond Rice. Flying horizontally and torn apart.

At this point, all the people who passed by here have been solved by Chen Tian, ​​the women’s team, the Beiji family, and the Steel War Wolf. It can be said that there are no more enemies on this site at this moment. The remaining work is to first check these. Whether there are gems hidden in the body of the corpse, if it is not found here, then everyone can only collectively go to their base to find out if there is a gem.

But what disappointed everyone was that these people did not find the gem they were looking for. Ye Minyu waved his hand at random and said, "As long as the main base still exists, then as long as there is a gem, you can definitely find it.

Just as Chen Tian and his team were looking for gems on Newton Kreis’s site, with the three bosses of Cain, Alsace, and Jeffria, and another big boss Qi Bilang who joined later, The four people came to a four-party alliance, and at this time, in addition to the four-party boss's alliance, there are two forces, respectively, who are assisted by Zhuo's brothers and sisters to fight for huge rights and rumors. Steve Lanji, and the other one is unable to integrate with the four major alliances...

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