Killing God Island

Chapter 922: Chen Tian articles: Reasons for the appearance of madness

As one of the ten fierce spirits, Kuo Jiesen said that his voice had just fallen out of the ten fierce spirits. Although he looked like a gentle uncle, he sometimes looked sloppy, but he Their strength is indeed very strong, they all know this, and no matter where and when everyone does what he does, he will not easily express his views. Unexpectedly, here he took the initiative to tell his views to everyone.

"That guy is too strong. It gives me a feeling that he is as powerful as God. To be precise, in my eyes, he is either a **** or a demon, but it is not something we can deal with, so in Chen Tian they did not settle the t zone. During this period of time in all regions, I will temporarily hide it for safety, although whether you believe it or not, he will explode without using his main abilities, I have already felt the body's abnormality, so you It’s better to temporarily retreat to a place where no one has no disputes like me."

"Damus said that these are just to give some advice to the rest of the people, but I think it's better to stay together. Our body's genes are actually prepared for large shocks. This is what we can't use during this time. The main root cause of sin, so I think it would be safer for us all to stay together." This proposal is the opinion of Navat, one of the ten fierce spirits. As for the remaining bald ghost, one of the ten fierce spirits also said directly : "Let’s leave here and talk about it, what if the guy regrets killing him? Even if the guy really let us go, do you think Chen Tian and his men who fought us last time can easily let us go? There is a safe place to evade temporarily. Do you want to follow me?" He said, and walked slowly while covering his chest, while the rest included the six forces that had not had much contact with the ten fierce spirits before. Yi Qazi, the second strongest of Yi, also silently followed behind the bald ghost. After this battle, the fate has connected these people tightly together.

As Kuangqi said, these people will no longer threaten Chen Tian and others. Kuangqi certainly knows the importance of Chen Tian to Ms. Zhao, in fact, there is also Zhao Ying in the heart of Kuangqi. Outside of Qi’s sister, Jaina, Zhao Ying is the most important in the heart, but he has never shown it, but the subtle relationship between them still makes him and Ms. Zhao treat each other as the most important thing in this life. My friend, this is the real reason why Kuangqi has helped Chen Tian many times, otherwise he will not be too busy with his business. Kuangqi certainly knows that Zhao Ying’s most troublesome thing is that he clearly has a very powerful power in his body, but It is impossible to resist aging like ordinary fortified people, so obviously Joni Yilin, Zhao Ying and Kuang Qi are people of the same period, but it seems that Zhao Ying can clearly see that he is at least thirty years old. Whether it’s Jonny Eileen or Madman, no matter how you look, her face in her twenties has never changed.

This is the role of anti-aging cells, but because Ms. Zhao is the original body of the first generation of psychic physiques that she has to create for her own experiments. Although the strength is absolutely powerful, it is not as powerful as the usual fortified people. The ability to resist aging is precisely because this has been plaguing Ms. Zhao for many years. After all, which woman does not love beauty, especially the young and super-beautiful woman does not want time to erase her appearance, so Ms. Zhao relied on My own channels want to find out and study a way to prevent your own cells from aging. In fact, it is only ten years. When Chen Tian first saw Ms. Zhao, she was already a beautiful woman, but women were all Sensitive, and indeed it looks a lot more mature now than before, and in the face of the cells of the man she likes that will never age, she really does not want to change the distance and make her look beyond recognition. Although Ms. Zhao has not changed much in the past ten years, what about twenty or thirty years later? So for her body shape and appearance, Ms. Zhao began to extract genes from her own cells and then transplanted them into other people's bodies. She wanted to make this person become a god-like body like herself, so she could take this People have done various experiments, but there are really too few people who can become this kind of physique.

Several people had succeeded before Chen Tian, ​​but they all failed to achieve the same strength as Ms. Zhao because of physical evolution, so when doing the synchronization experiment, none of these people survived the experiment, but Ms. Zhao did not Give up, so after the selection of various physique people, Ms. Zhao found Chen Tian, ​​so Ms. Zhao wanted to make Chen Tian become stronger in the island until it was strong enough to resist the energy frequency synchronized with her, so there was a great There is a great possibility that Chen Tian will find and perfect some defects in her body's genetic defects, and now Ms. Zhao is unable to make up for the deficiency of perfecting her own cells because there are no other equivalent genetic cells to mention and perfect.

Therefore, Ms. Zhao was afraid that Chen Tian would die on the island, and sent Ling Zifeng to join the team of Chen Tian to secretly assist Chen Tian to help him continue to grow stronger. Of course, it was because of this that she would help Chen several times. God, in fact, his own personality belongs to the kind of personality that has nothing to do with himself. In addition to some things that are related to oneself or can’t be seen, other things may be as long as he doesn’t care. I won't manage it, and I have taken the initiative to help Chen Tian these times, and I want Chen Tian to join this small group I created to protect it, and I can also train him personally to make him stronger, but unfortunately Chen Tian I don’t appreciate it. I’ve rejected the two invitations of Kuangqi, so this time Kangqi only helped and didn’t ask about it again. After all, Kuangqi is not stupid. If Chen Tian wants to come to me, he will take the initiative. So the main reason why Kuangqi did not talk about it this time is that Kuangqi also thinks that the team organization developed by Chen Tian’s components is quite interesting. After all, Chen Tian now wants to squash and fight against all forces. It has been spread. Why didn't he know about it on this journey, and Chen Tian also wiped out several large groups that are not weak in strength or power, so he also wanted to see how talented Chen Tian is, I also want to stand by and watch how well this kid can make waves in this area.

So Cai has never taken the initiative to approach Chen Tian and they came to this time, in addition to noticing that there is a person who cannot be dealt with by the Chen Tian team, they also wanted to have a round with Qian Da and Han Li. After all, they have been separated from the last one for a long time. Although Kuangqi knew that the stupidity and Qianda’s fighting power should be almost the same, if he really fought, Kuangqi would be afraid of what danger Qianda really encountered. Chang Yan, who is also a madman of the Seven Wars, came to pick her up, just because Kuang Qi saw that Qian Da did not want to leave, and wanted to strengthen her heart. Moreover, Qian Da did have good potential, or Zhao Ying She will be selected to teach her one-legged tricks. After all, she never accepts disciples, but since she can let her teach martial arts in person, this proves that the girl’s potential is absolutely not weak. Of course, Zhao Ying can detect it and be mad Naturally, it can be detected.

Therefore, Kuang Qi would personally prevent Chang Yanxiao from taking Qian Da. Although the two did not fight, it was Chang Yan Xiao who gave Kang Qi a face and did not take Qian Da, but Qian Da’s safety must be taken by Kuang Qi. Of course, Kuang Qi is indeed such a guarantee, not many people can make Chang Yan smile to face, but he must give Kang Qi this face, whether it is a top combatant of the same family, or really fight, really Chang Yan Laughing is not arrogant, although the two haven’t fought, but Chang Yanxiao is still self-knowledge. Although he does not accept anyone in combat, he still has to serve madness. After all, madness is a lot of Chang Yan laughing One of the top strongest people who does not want to mess with.

Although the two had a brief confrontation with each other when they met, it was just a hello to each other. Although it seemed to others that they were very powerful, they actually competed against each other. This is nothing more than a slapstick, so Changyanxiao belongs to the madman on the island’s monitor and warms up to show those people. After all, Changyanxiao cannot be mad at all. Qi Qiang went back to life like this, so the two just warmed up with each other. In fact, if Chang Yanxiao’s skill is really serious and crazy, if he wants to fight seriously, he is also a super master who can’t be easily defeated, although he is not ranked. It is on the list of the top ten in the world, but its combat strength is also the same as that of Ms. Zhao, which is the top ten in the world. It is only called the highest combat power of the Prins family among the four major families, although it sounds It seems that it is slightly under the top ten, but this does not mean that his combat power is really under the top ten of the world. Moreover, it is clearly above the top ten of the world, but it has not been included in the top ten of the world. Sometimes, the combat power of the top ten in the world at the top of sin is just a baseline for evaluating the highest combat power.

Therefore, although Kuangqi is not one of the top ten in the world, and has not defeated the top ten one by one, it has been recognized by many as the strongest, so sometimes the combat strength is really strong and weak. A lot of external factors or rumors have also been added, so since the madman didn’t let Chang Yanxiao take away Qian Da, then he should be the bodyguard to protect Qian Da. Although he is proud, he also feels that this is his responsibility. After all, if Qian Da's identity is really dead, it may affect the relationship between the Prins family and the Wilson family.

The reason why Kuangqi did not appear before but now appears is not that he did not want to protect Qian Da before, but that he wanted to make Qian Da stronger and chose to let it go, but this time is different, this time the opponent’s stupid fighting power It can be equal to Qian Da itself, even stronger than Qian Da's own physique. Although Qian Da's strengthening gene is the most special and optimized strong body physique exclusive to the family, in fact, this strongest is different from person to person, just the gene The optimization is only special. In the face of the real stupidity of individual constitutions, although Qianda can resist or even suppress in a short period of time, the final result will definitely be a failure, so this time he will chase this force directly. At first, Kuangqi came here not to help Chen Tian, ​​but to help Qianda. Although Chen Tiankang also wanted to help his best friend Zhao Yinger, he chose to help him, but Kuangqi was doing everything. The matter is still more organized, so some things will be divided into primary and secondary to be resolved separately.

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