Killing God Island

Chapter 921: Article of Madness: Too weak to be killed by me

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng, Qian Da, Han Li, Yan Xi and others who have seen each other in the distance feel that this kind of power is simply too terrible. Will all these people be wiped out in one move? At this time, whether it is Chen Tian or Xu Shun, or even Ling Zifeng’s inner thoughts, whether these people are Yi Jiaqi or the ten fierce spirits, even if Chen Tian and others can kill them, it will cost It can only be done with great strength.

I didn’t expect to let him solve all the tricks. At this moment, after a series of automatic explosions that seemed to be very destructive, the ground has calmed down, and the surrounding dust has gradually fallen, and no corpses can be seen around them. All the people have been buried in the soil. Chen Tian also sighed with relief when he saw it: "It seems that everything is over!"

Just when Chen Tian was about to come to this side, Kuang Qi directly gestured to tell Chen Tian they don’t come first, because Kuang Qi had already felt that a few people were not dead, so Kuang Qi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then faced the front Said a sentence: "A few of you are quite capable, but you haven't died yet?" Although this day fell apart, it was just an ordinary trick. Using this trick to go to the a zone may not kill the level of strengthening people, but This trick is just a kind of entertainment. It is used only for the sake of trouble. The real madness is basically very straightforward to kill, because there are really few people in the world who can use his punches positively.

However, being able to see this potential stock in the t area does indeed make Kuang Qi face surprised. After all, even the top crime masters in this area cannot resist this move, but Kuang Qi is unclear because of too much It is difficult to get out of the t zone, which leads to the accumulation of many forces that are far beyond the original strength of the t zone. Among them, Yi Jiaqi and the remaining ten surviving members of the ten evil spirits did not die, but the rest were not so lucky. By the way, the rest of the people all died under the trick of violent collapse.

But Kuang Qi has used the micro-level to sense the position of these people on the ground, so he said the words of appreciation that he had just given to them in this direction, and quickly jumped out of the ground. It was Yi Jiaqi who was commanded by the whole power, and there were a few bald ghosts in the ten fierce spirits, Kuo Jiesen, Nahuat, Damus, and a few of the remaining ten fierce people were too forward and some because of their position. Unlucky factor, tragic death under the huge momentum of just falling apart.

Although Yi Kaqi and the ten fierce spirits were not dead, they had basically no fighting power at this time. Almost all of their power was exhausted after breaking out of the ground. Just that one move is not dead, if you want to break open then The deep ground soil layer also needs a lot of energy, but if it is not broken several times, it will not die because of internal organs broken, and it will be suffocated inside because of hypoxia, so they borrowed a small amount of air inside to gather The strength of several people broke the dozen-meter-meter layer of soil together, but it was clear that these people who had jumped out of the ground had basically overdrawn their physical strength.

At present, Yigaqi, who is not headed by this operation, is the main one. Among the five people who broke out of the ground together, including Yigaqi, all of them shook their legs while standing in physical overdraft. The only Damus A gentle uncle already stood physically in an unobvious place. Of course, he can feel it. He may be the most powerful of these people, but now he does not want to shoot these people. Because it is no longer necessary to shoot, even Damus, who can still fight, does not need to use madness to shoot with his current physical strength and injury. Whether it is Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun or Ling Zifeng, they even follow the three mad women. Six people pulled out one casually and he can't beat it now.

Kuang Qi once again said to them: "I am a person who knows how to cherish talents. You can survive in my world. Both your own strength and future potential have passed, so I hereby give you a Chance, do you want to live or prepare for me to kill?"

Yiga looked straight at him without turning his eyes and asked, "What are the conditions that make us live?"

Kuang Qi directly replied: "There are no strings attached, but what I want to tell you is that people who have been injured by me, especially those of your level who are strengthened, use their strongest ability or turn on without rest for two months. Heavenly Tribulation will burst and die. I don’t believe you can try it yourself, and it’s best not to go back to Chen Tian and do them right, otherwise I will be too disappointing what I expected of you.”,

Kuang Qi finished the direct and very chic turn, and then asked Chen Tian in the distance: "Did you hear what I just said?" Chen Tian was suddenly stunned when he was asked madly, and he immediately followed the question and said: "What do you mean, please say it clearly!"

Kuang Qi pointed to the people standing behind and said, "They are now seriously injured. I don't allow you to kill them again. Do you understand what I mean?"

"But! They are very strong. If you don’t take this opportunity to solve them, you will definitely cause a lot of trouble for my team in the future. Don’t you say that you have a good relationship with Ms. Zhao in private? Since Ms. Zhao also I told you to help me occasionally, if you let them go, it would be tantamount to returning the tiger to the mountain."

The mad smile suddenly stopped, and said to Chen Tian in a slightly low voice: "Did you just not listen to what I said? They are now fully prepared for my strength all over the body and may not be healed within a few months , By forcibly using their abilities, the body will explode, so they will never pose a threat to you again."

"Then...that...that's good!" Chen Tian said to Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng after saying this, "Don't provoke this person, he let them let us listen His words are just fine, otherwise this person will be angered, and our end will be the same as them."

Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng also had very serious expressions, and then nodded in response to Chen Tian, ​​whether it was Chen Tian or Xu Shun, or Ling Zifeng, the strength of the three of them can indeed be said that fighting against others is definitely the kind of strong let The kind of fear that can’t be beaten, and the fighting strength is stronger than many people’s imagination, but the strength and weakness need to be compared. As the mountain is higher than the mountain, Chen Tian is not without temper and courage. A small broken person, but what he said to the madman in front of him is so obedient, because now Chen Tian and Kuangqi are not at the same level of combat power, even if Chen Chentian's regeneration ability is strong, as long as he wants to kill He, it is absolutely easy, just like fighting with Yi Jiaqi and Shi Xiling Ling, the strength of these people is very similar to the strength of Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, so these people can be mad One stroke second, so the three Chen Tian who want seconds are the same. Chen Tian these people are not stupid. Of course, they know the stakes. The model is such that the guy with the stake is not the enemy. If the enemy may be Chen Tian and others now The situation is the same as those of Yi Kaqi.

Yigaqi asked Xiang Qi again: "What the **** do you mean? Why should you let us go? Why?" Yigaqi still doesn't believe that he can let them go, after all, he knows that his body is now almost complete. Unable to support, now even the most ordinary reinforcement can kill themselves.

"Why is a very simple thing that becomes so complicated when you think about it? If you have to give me a reason to let you go, it is because your current strength is too weak to be worthy of being killed by me. Come and see me when you become stronger! Before that, can you live here and ask for blessings!"

After Kuang Qi finished this sentence, he signaled Chen Tian that they could leave. Yi Qazi looked at Kuang Qi and others who disappeared and said to the remaining ten fierce spirits: "No matter what you think, I am not going to be with them. Enemy, if you think I’m a traitor and want to kill me here, then we will do it now!"

As soon as Yikaqi finished this sentence, the rest immediately shook their heads and said: "As their enemies, we have died with the rest of our team in the previous battle. Next, I decided to observe in secret not to participate. For any Party B forces, I also look forward to what Chen Tian's group wants to disrupt Zone T. I seem to see how far they can finally change Zone T. If they can really find a way to leave Zone T, Naturally, I also want to go to another area." This sentence was said by Kuo Jiesen, one of the ten fierce spirits. Uncle's image sometimes looks sloppy, but his strength is indeed very strong, they all know this, and no matter where and when everyone does what, he will not easily express his opinion, no I thought that I took the initiative to tell everyone what I thought.

"That guy is too strong. It gives me a feeling that he is as powerful as God. To be precise, in my eyes, he is either a **** or a demon, but it is not something we can deal with, so in Chen Tian they did not settle the t zone. During this period of time in all regions, I will temporarily hide it for safety, although whether you believe it or not, he will explode without using his main abilities, I have already felt the body's abnormality, so you It’s better to temporarily retreat to a place where no one has no disputes like me."

"Damus said that these are just to give some advice to the rest of the people, but I think it's better to stay together. Our body's genes are actually prepared for large shocks. This is what we can't use during this time. The main root cause of sin, so I think it would be safer for us all to stay together." This proposal is the opinion of Navat, one of the ten fierce spirits. As for the remaining bald ghost, one of the ten fierce spirits also said directly : "Let’s leave here and talk about it, what if the guy regrets killing him? Even if the guy really let us go, do you think Chen Tian and his men who fought us last time can easily let us go? There is a safe place to evade temporarily. Do you want to follow me?" He said, and walked slowly while covering his chest, while the rest included the six forces that had not had much contact with the ten fierce spirits before. Yi Qazi, the second strongest of Yi, also silently followed behind the bald ghost. After this battle, the fate has connected these people tightly together.

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