Killing God Island

Chapter 918: Chen Tianfen: Return to the battlefield, front and back attack (on)

"Oh, what about your sister?" Han Li asked the madman with a sympathetic expression. At this time, madman also said with a slight sigh: "She automatically became one of the seven warlords in the family's highest fighting glory. Afterwards, it slowly alienated me."

"Now where she is is not even clear to me, but I always want to track her whereabouts, and I want to live with her forever."

The elder sister in the mouth of Kuangqi is Jaina, one of the seven war madmen, and the other black-skinned beauty with a super power level that is very ambiguous with Kuangqi is Jonny Ilylin, who is currently in charge of the battle department of the family headquarters. And I am afraid that only women with the same strength as these two women are only Ms. Zhao. These three women are also the most powerful around them. Of course, these three women are the type that others want to gather no matter where they go. Of course this Although the three women are not simple, the madness is better. Perhaps so far, only the madness can suppress these three people, and the rest of the world’s men can suppress the three female auras, and The people who provoke these three women are basically miserable.

Of course, these Han Li did not know, nor did they know that Kuang Qi’s sister was not actually his relative sister, and the meaning of Kuang Qi referring to was also very deep.

Of course, the only person who knows this secret is Ms. Zhao and the black-skinned beauty Joni Yilin who knows who Kuang Qi really likes. Although they both know who Kuang Qi really likes, these two women are not The key to the people who give up easily is that both of them think that Kuangqi will never be able to walk with his sister in the end, and because they both feel that the end result will be like this, so they are more like The decisive victory or defeat is not who is strong and who is weak in the hands, but secretly each wants to involve the madness to prove who he belongs to in the end.

In fact, he has always liked his sister since childhood, otherwise he would have been with Ms. Zhao. After all, Ms. Zhao is very good in all aspects, but unfortunately Ms. Zhao cares too much about her face. Of course, I also know that even if I lay down my face, I still can’t be with him. In addition to being unable to become her favorite woman, the most important thing is that although they are the top controllers of the family, so they walk in It’s also a very troublesome thing, so Ms. Zhao is still single for so many years, and Kuang Qi has always been a person, but these things Han Li did not get an answer from Kuang Qi mouth, but she only learned it later through observation Yes, it is precisely because of Han Li's appearance and comfort that Kuang Qi slowly became better, so Kuang Qi will be very good to Han Li later, but this good is only because his brother treats his sister.

Of course, Han Li knows that it is not so easy to make this perfect and excellent man fall in love with herself, so she wants to slowly take a step-by-step tactic, so when she is very happy to talk with Kuang Qi, suddenly I said this to Kuangqi: "Can I be your sister? I wanted to have a brother a long time ago, especially in this insecure organization. I really do it all the time. You are worried, but you can’t leave by yourself. You should know that leaving here by yourself means death, so I’m really scared sometimes, and even suffer from this pressure all the time, until I meet you, until that time you save me, It makes me feel very at ease and at ease, so can I be my brother?"

After hearing it, he was stunned for a while, and then said to Han Li with a gentle smile, "Okay!"

Kuang Qi readily agreed, but immediately added a sentence: "When your brother is okay, and I also want a sister like you who cares and comforts others, but if let me know, you Recognize that I am the elder brother and want to use me, then I will kill you personally."

When Kuang Qi said this sentence, his expression was still smiling, and I didn’t know if the sentence Kuang Qi said was sincere, or was he kidding? Anyway, it didn’t make Han Li feel threatened, but made her feel kind of. A different kind of warmth.

Just like she really has an older brother for a while, of course Han Li wants to be able to pull into each other's distance through this form. but forgot a sentence, no strength, no status, it is best not to be close to the true meaning of this sentence, madness is usually low-key, but the king's breath emitted by the whole body can not be covered, this It is the difference between dragon and snake.

This is a good memory of why Han Li called Kuang Qi’s brother. Kuang Qi is the kind of person who does not easily express his most straightforward thoughts to others, but he is really the kind who cares about others in details. Of course, because of the appearance of Kuang Qi, it was easy to solve the strong enemy that was difficult to solve. Of course, because of the appearance of Kuang Qi, Han Li was certainly very happy. Now she has laughed at the whole person, Han Li herself Born from a noble family, but because the family needs to develop, it must be integrated into the four largest families, such as the world’s strongest family-level family, in order to get more spacious resources, so it will be the full-time all-round training of the daughter of his own family crime. Her talents are also superior to those of ordinary ages, so the types of men she basically likes in adulthood are also men of unusual style.

But there are only three men who can really get into Han Lifa’s eyes. Of course, the first one is of course madness. After all, madness is the perfect type without any shortcomings. In addition to madness, Hanli can be fancy Among the other two people, the second in the heart of Han Li is Zhuo Yanxuan, the older brother of Zhuo’s brother and sister. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan has the appearance of a peerless handsome guy and his body is a perfect handsome guy one to one model figure. The key is to look like The kind of very perfect male and very intelligent, apart from being a little too concerned about his sister, it can be said that he did not like him. As for the third one, many people will think that it is absolutely under the appearance of Kuang Qi and Zhuo Yanxuan. The face of Wu Yifan who can mesmerize thousands of girls, but the third person in Han Li's heart is Chen Tian who is very ugly and ugly. As for why Chen Tian, ​​then he has to pursue Han Li Han Li in y The meeting between Chen Tian and Angelina in the underground team of the district began to talk about. At that time, Chen Tian gave Han Li the feeling of being a silly ugly man. Originally, he was tired of such a man Han Li, but later Han Li was ignored by Chen Tian. I thought about the rest of myself, and repeatedly refused to give up on my back, I really moved Han Li.

Ordinary people meet about their own life and death, and they often focus on their own sins, so in this case, most people will leave their backs and choose to escape alone. This is the normal person’s practice. Of course, with Han Li’s strength At that time, Chen Tian left her and chose to escape alone, and Han Li could not die in this area, so Han Li was so calm on Chen Tian’s back, but Chen Tianning was willing to commit dangers and make Han Li safe. Let Han Li remember it deeply. Originally, Han Li thought that this guy took a fancy to his beauty. Se. Cai would save himself so desperately, but later Han Li also realized that this was not really who he wanted to show his goodness to. But this is his natural help, which may also prove that because of Chen Tian’s extraordinary personality charm, Caihui has made so many worthwhile friends, such as Han Li, Angelina, Ling Zifeng and so on.

Of course, the appearance of madness not only made Han Li's smile full of joy, but also completely hit Qian Da. After all, the strength of the big man is not weaker than himself, and to some extent, this stupid strength is even stronger than Qian Da's strength. It’s a little stronger, but I didn’t expect to be so vulnerable in front of Kuang Qi, even with no room to fight back. Now Qian Da realized that she was so arrogant after meeting Kuang Qi. Really angered and murderous, then Han Li may also be resolved with a punch. Qianda really didn't expect that Kuangqi's strength could be so easy to surpass his opponent with his own strength.

So in other words, Qian Da's strength is indeed very strong, but Qian Da is in front of Kuang Qi, if Kuang Qi really wants what she wants, Qian Da's ending will be like the stupid strongman who has just been solved by Kuang Qi and Like the virus that stopped mutating, he was directly mad for a second, but Kuang Qi Que did not do this. The main reason is that Kuang Qi also guides the identity of Qian Da, and this person will easily kill a second.

If Qianda didn’t fight Silly Qiang, she might think that Silan Qiang’s strength would be so strong, until Qian Da saw that Kuangqi had killed a master with similar strength, she was under a lot of pressure at this time, after all This also shows that his strength is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Kuang Qi, but this also makes Qian Da more like Kuang Qi, because Qian Da is the kind of man who likes to grab his own strength.

However, I thought about it because it was because of the strength of Kuangqi, so I was willing to follow behind Kuangqi, in order to change the future and be more powerful than Kuangqi, but the idea of ​​going beyond Kuangqi might be difficult to realize. After all, how strong is Kuangqi? His ability is almost unlimited, so it is basically impossible to go beyond madness.

Before waiting for Qian Da to say hello to Kuang Qi, suddenly Han Li fell into Kuang Qi's arms and said to Kuang Qi very happy: "Brother Qi, how did you find us? Miss Qian Da and I have been looking for you for a long time It’s a pity that your left wrist watch is completely different from everyone’s watch on our island, so we didn’t find you after a long search.

Of course, Qianda also added: "We have been looking for you for a long time, but we can no longer find your trace?

While the two were ready to continue the conversation and said a few words, Chen Tian said with a very apologetic expression: "This is not a place to stay for a long time, and Ye Minyu mentioned in the plan that he will leave directly after the solution, and then Wait for them to ambush them again on the way back, and then slam them back and forth to solve them all without leaving."

"Oh? Are you the kid Ms. Zhao Zhao fancy? After passing through so many levels, no scars are left. It seems that your physical fitness really reminds me of your way of fighting. It is indeed very similar to the trick you used before.

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