Killing God Island

Chapter 917: Chen Tian Pian: If you don't want to die, stay away from him.

This last sentence made many unbelieving members immediately show that they absolutely believed that Han Li was not a family traitor, and thus Han Li was free from the suspicion of family traitors.

But this is just a suspicion of leaving the family traitor. In the next few years, he still feels that the most ideal man in his life is madness, so she is still investigating all kinds of madness information, but she has not been as blatant as before.

So she also took some lesser-known measures to investigate, and the results of the investigation made him cold and sweating. In addition to her strong strength, more importantly, the women around her were not weak. These women have a very good private relationship with Kuang Qi. Because Han Li is also a woman, her instinct tells herself that these women may have a crush on Kuang Qi in her heart, especially the Zhao, who looks in her thirties, the woman's strength is the world. One of the top ten, the strength is boundless, and this woman is very savvy, which kind of woman is definitely not easy to provoke, of course, in addition to Ms. Zhao, there are also black beauties who are also seven war mad, and some strength Although they are not as top-notch as these two, their strength is definitely not weak. Even one of the famous beauties, one of the thirteen masters, is very obsessed with madness.

Although her performance is not so obvious, with Han Li's female intuition, this woman definitely has a good impression of madness.

Of course, the women next to Kuangqi are women who can stand on the same parallel line with Kuangqi, and the few people who are most accessible to him, but the strength of these people is really standing in the world's top fighting forces Of course, there are of course many other women who like to be crazy, in addition to a few inside the organization and the headquarters, they also made many wealthy and powerful Qianjin Miss unlimited yearning during the execution of the task, except for his super powerful His strength and appearance, and more importantly, his appearance is also very handsome and stylish. This kind of man really is everywhere he goes. It can attract all kinds of girls everywhere. After all, such a good and unique boy is really rare in the world, but It is estimated that there is only Ms. Zhao, the woman who is known as the Queen of Glaciers in the 13th Jie, and the other is the dark-skinned beauty who is the same as the madman in the war madness. Although the complexion is dark, it is long. Very beautiful, these three are all Yan Li and their strength are ashamed of Han Li.

So there is a girl in the organization who has a good relationship with Han Li. After seeing that Han Li likes madness, she once admonished him and said: "If you really like madness, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, if you don’t want to die , Stay away from him."

"Why should I give up? I won't give up. Everyone has their own things that they love to chase, and mine is madness, I will definitely get him." Han Li has made up her mind a long time ago. Before meeting and contacting Kuang Qi, Han Li occasionally contacted and dealt with some boyfriends to relieve her pressure. Since knowing Kuang Qi, she began to feel that all the men except Kuang Qi were mediocre and dull, so Han Li hasn't touched a man for several years and she has positioned herself as a mad boyfriend, so she starts to inquire and pursue mad qi for herself, but only in secret crush.

Because Kuang Qi hasn’t seen each other for several years since they left last time. It’s difficult to meet again because they have different statuses and different identities. Although they work in the same family, I’m afraid it’s really hard to meet again. Yu Tengtian, so Han Li kept trying to find out the opportunity to meet with Kuang Qi, but the events that allowed Kuang Qi to come forward to solve the problem are all big events. Generally speaking, this kind of event is that Han Li is not qualified. Participated in.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Han Li to find a reasonable reason for me. In the end, she can only meticulously observe where Chen Tian is currently, and then Han Li begins to apply for transfer.

Only in this way can Han Li see him silently, even if she is watching secretly in the distance, it is also extremely happy for Han Li.

Maybe this is the girl’s infatuation for people who really like people, but Han Li really dare not take the initiative to find madness, basically she waits and sees, although she usually has a very cold attitude towards the enemy and the rest at the same time, but every time she sees madness After passing by, Han Li will be instantly excited.

Accurately speaking, Kuang Qi may have forgotten all of Han Li in recent years, but Han Li always wanted to find an opportunity to prove this, and wanted Kuang Qi to pay more attention to his existence.

Han Li was so crazy that she did a lot of things in the organization before she had the opportunity to come here, so she really cherishes the occasional occasion of seeing the madness here every day. Although it is not the family headquarters, it is really the favorite of madness. A base to stay in is also considered a cradle's nest. Each of their seven war madmen has a place where they like to stay. The reason why craze likes it is because when she first joined the organization, she was the master of the house. She and her elder sister let Kuang Qi and her sister spend two years here warmly, so there are memories of Kuang Qi and her sister, so Kuang Qi likes to stay here very much, except to go out and do tasks, basically I will stay here alone, sometimes I don’t know what Kuangqi is thinking, but although Kuangqi is called the Seventh Master in the family, he is actually the lowest-key of the seven. One, he does not pay more attention to identity and status than the other seven madmen, and he lives in a more particular place, but Kuang Qi does not pay too much attention to his identity. To be precise, he does not regard himself as having identity at all. People, he lived on the top floor of the base at the time. At that time, he was not a Seven War Madman, but a terrible monster with strong strength, and the man who could suppress this monster was only the elder sister of the madness, so he joined the elder with the elder. Living on the top floor, otherwise mad will fall into a state of violent runaway.

The combat strength of Kuangqi is very strong. When he was not famous, no one could suppress him. At that time, he was young. He would not listen to the orders of anyone except his sister, so Kuangqi was at that time. It is one of the most unstable forces in the family, but his potential is really unmatched, regardless of physical fitness and other aspects. It is precisely because of this that he has an irreplaceable position in the four major families. So sometimes Han Li secretly went to the top of the building to see Kuang Qi and chatted with Kuang Qi on the grounds that the work was not completed, although it was just a chat but gave Han Li the feeling It’s really happy as if it’s worth dying now.

But Han Li also learned more about this man, even his heart, his past, the people he likes, the friends he thinks, etc., she was like a listener, listening to what he said.

Although many people described by Kuang Qi didn't have themselves in the past, and Han Li did not leave any real memories in Kuang Qi's heart. For Kuang Qi, he was only doing a little favor for Han Li. This little thing is in my heart.

Of course, Han Li also understands that it is impossible for him to leave something unforgettable in this person’s heart, but as long as he can have an image of me in his heart, Han Li wants to understand Kuangqi as much as possible, and Kuangqi I don't know why she opened her inner world to the girl in front of her.

"Actually, when I was a kid, I was often said to be a monster and killed a lot of people. If there is no sister, I may not be in this world now."

"Oh, what about your sister?"

"She automatically became one of the seven war mads, and she gradually became estranged from me. Now where she is, even I don't know, but I always want to pursue her whereabouts. I really want to live with her forever. Together."

Han Li didn't actually know that Kuang Qi's sister was actually not his sister, and the meaning of Kuang Qi's together was also very meaningful.

Of course, the only person who knows this secret is Ms. Zhao and the dark-skinned beauty. In addition to Han Li, in fact, he has always liked his sister from childhood to old age, otherwise he would have been with Ms. Zhao, after all, after all Ms. Zhao is very good in all aspects, but unfortunately Ms. Zhao cares too much about her face, of course, she knows that even if she puts her face down, she still can’t be with him, except she can’t become the woman she loves most. In addition, the most important thing is that although they are the top controllers of the family, it is also a very troublesome thing to walk together, so Ms. Zhao is still single for so many years, and Kuang Qi has always been a person, but these things Han Li didn't get the answer from Kuang Qi's mouth, but she only knew it through her later observation, and it was because of Han Li's appearance and comfort that Kuang Qi's mood gradually improved, so Kuang Qi would later be right Han Li is very good, but this good is just because the brother treats the sister.

Of course, Han Li knows that it is not so easy to make this perfect and excellent man fall in love with herself, so she wants to slowly take a step-by-step tactic, so when she is very happy to talk with Kuang Qi, suddenly I said this to Kuangqi: "Can I be your sister? I wanted to have a brother a long time ago, especially in this insecure organization. I really do it all the time. You are worried, but you can’t leave by yourself. You should know that leaving here by yourself means death, so I’m really scared sometimes, and even suffer from this pressure all the time, until I meet you, until that time you save me, It makes me feel very at ease and at ease, so can I be my brother?"

After hearing it, he was stunned for a while, and then said to Han Li with a gentle smile, "Okay!"

Kuang Qi readily agreed, but immediately added a sentence: "When your brother is okay, and I also want a sister like you who cares and comforts others, but if let me know, you Recognize that I am the elder brother and want to use me, then I will kill you personally."

When Kuang Qi said this sentence, his expression was still smiling, and I didn’t know if the sentence Kuang Qi said was sincere, or was he kidding? Anyway, it didn’t make Han Li feel threatened, but made her feel kind of. A different kind of warmth.

Just like she really has an older brother for a while, of course Han Li wants to be able to pull into each other's distance through this form.

But forgot a sentence, no strength, no status, it is best not to be close to the true meaning of the phrase Kuang Qi, Kuang Qi is usually low-key, but the king's breath emitted by the whole body can not be covered, this is the difference between the dragon and the snake.

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