Killing God Island

Chapter 885: Chen Tianpian. Everything is under my control

At this time, Xi Lumei was a little embarrassed by Damus, who was an uncle, and her hair was scattered and the whole body was soil. Originally, she had to use her own strength to break free, but before she broke free, he turned out to be. Loosen let go of Xi Lumei, although the process of letting her go made her glide on the ground again for more than half a meter.

But it can be seen that Xi Lumei met her opponent this time. She even had a clear difference between the strength of the uncle and those people just now, and Xi Lumei's clothes were also dropped, but she was slightly obese. So it doesn't seem to be much ornamental, but Xi Lumei's strength can definitely be called a very rigid adjective such as tough and tough, because she...

Just less than a moment after releasing her, Xi Lumei’s attack has started again, this time he is many times faster than just unknown, and the uncle’s in front of him has become serious and looked serious. Meticulously prepared to face the battle, but what made this uncle never expect was that Xi Lumei's attack speed was twice as happy as that of just now. Damus, who wanted to defend his punch, had not waited for the defense, and his face had been attacked by Xi Lu. Mei’s punch hits his face firmly, and it’s not a punch. It’s a very smooth combo. The punches and kicks on the pads sweep the vertical kicks. It was on Damus.

At this time, Damus was like a sandbag. He was repeatedly beaten by Xi Lumei's various tricks. There were obvious bone cracks everywhere in the body. The blood in the nostrils on the mouth was also blown straight out. West Lumei is proficient in all kinds of fighting, as long as she is close to her, she will definitely be beaten with no room to fight back, just like she is now playing Damus, even if Damus is a master of the ten fierce spirits, she can’t get rid of it for a while. Her various uninterrupted attacks, and not only consecutive but also very sequential attacks, made Damus' whole body bones and internal organs hit by clicking sounds.

With the violent attack strength of Xi Lumei, Damus hit him all over the body, this sound is obviously the sound of his bone crack, and he was also beaten constantly vomiting blood, which also made Xi Lu Mei Yue became more and more excited, but she also began to feel strange. The normal body was crushed with a crushing fracture of the whole body, and the crushed body organs with bones knocked should not withstand this impact, and the internal bleeding should have been crushed.

So he shouldn't be alive until now, what's wrong with this person? Xi Lumei felt stranger as she fought, so she immediately looked up with Yu Guang when attacking the front of Damus, and this instant she saw his smile, and this very strange and slightly evil smile, let Xi Lumei felt a chill all over her body.

"What's the matter with this uncle? How can he laugh when he is beaten like this?" Just at the moment when Xi Lumei thought about this, the uncle suddenly caught Xi Lumei's final attack with both hands, and then the whole body began There was a crisp sound of bones and joints, and he followed his whole body as if he was not injured at all. He sighed and asked: "Why don't you feel tired if you hit me as a sandbag for so long? "The words came to Xi Lumei's ear instantly like a breeze, and the sound seemed to be softly said to Xi Lumei in her ear, and the fact was indeed in her ear.

It also scared her to turn her head straight, just about to ask why you are here? After all, it was too sudden, and at the same time scared her, West Lumei was punched in the chest with his punch, so that Xi Lumei did not expect that the uncle even used the same moves as himself, as if Just how she hit him became how to hit herself, and it was exactly the same.

It feels like the whole body is hit by yourself with the same style...

"How could this be?" Xi Lumei wanted to resist, only to find that her moves were too perfect. She was beaten and even didn't know how to get out, so she even knew what direction she would attack next. And position, but they cannot be defended at all, because these consecutive attacks are reasonably designed and very reasonable. Even if you know how you will be attacked next, but the body is beaten, you can’t prevent it, which is why Xilu When the United States hits it, it will fall into a set of reasons that it can only be beaten in silence.

And Xi Lumei was also beaten with a cracking sound all over her body. Xi Lumei really didn't expect to meet this kind of strong man who can copy his own skills. Xi Lumei is now contaminated by the blood of his clothes. On the first, she wiped the blood left on her head and asked: "It seems that your ability is to copy other people's moves, which is really an amazing ability!"

As soon as Xi Lumei finished this sentence, she heard the uncle's reply: "I think you misunderstood. I don't have any function to copy human ability. If I have this ability, there is no need to copy your ability. Some of these people’s cool abilities are not necessary to use you. I just have extraordinary learning ability. I can learn other people’s moves in a short time and use them more perfect than him, but this is only My talent is not my ability. My real ability is super repair ability, so strong that it can't be beaten to death at all. I don't know if you believe this sentence?" Damus said this directly. He even cut his neck with his hands, grabbed his head with his hands, and threw it up, and then put his hands back on his neck after catching it. This scene immediately showed Xi Lumei a stunned expression: "This... .... This... what is going on here?"

Of course, the person whose head is cut off and still dead is really scary. In fact, the ugly one-eyed dragon Chen Tian in her alliance Chen Tian team can also do this, and this Damus also has the other one besides Chen Tian. The person whose head is not dead, and is stronger than Chen Tian's repair ability.

So the uncle’s terrible in front of him exceeded Xi Lumei’s imagination, but this uncle was worse than the other ten fierce spirits, because his body was very embarrassed when Xi Lumei was beaten at the beginning. Although it seems that there is no injury, but the clothes Everything was smashed, but it was the one who seemed to lose his helmet most.

But the strength of this uncle is really unusual. He is the strongest of the ten fierce spirits and the oldest one in terms of real strength, so Damus will only observe Silom after so long. He dared to use the usual attacker because he knew that the little fat girl in front of him could not beat himself.

It may be that he saw his head cut away on his own without dying, causing Xi Lumei to stand in front and just look directly at Damus in front, but did not take any attack. It seems that she was either timid or silently. Thinking of countermeasures.

And one of the two other ten fierce spirits, Emile and Olin, are also playing very well in the front. The opponent of Emile is Aile, a think tank of the Beiji family. Don’t think that Aile is only a brain civilian in their team. If you want to survive on this island for a long time, even if you have a good mind and no strength, you can’t survive at all, and people with good basic minds are naturally not weak. Although the so-called civil and military double type of Al is stronger than the combatant Slightly weaker, but its own strength and potential, as well as various combat systems that will be counted in various layouts, even if you are strong, there will be scruples, and he is such that you want me to kill me in seconds, and I attack you. The way will also make you unexpectedly unable to fully predict such unexpected tricks, so it is not a good choice to compete with him, but Emir’s strength is indeed twice as powerful as Ayr’s. Not only, so Al is really not his opponent to fight with a clear face.

And the eldest sister of Olin, who was one of the last ten fierce spirits, was also quite fierce. She was the two of the steel war wolves who tried to open the most important institution that Ye Minyu said. They are the elder sisters of Badama and Siberia. The general strength of Badama will not be seen by Lin, who is the ten fierce spirits. The beautiful elder sister Sibi Liaz, most of these people who just died around were killed by Sibi Liaz, so Olin will choose this big sister with strong strength and good because of Olin’s character She loves beautiful mature women very much, so she immediately chose her as her opponent after seeing the powerful and beautiful Siby Leah.

If it weren’t for Olin to block the bad thing, although these people are elite combatants, they can’t stop the pace of Siberian Liyazi, but it’s a pity to stand in front of her and work with Badama Olin, who was fighting together, was really strong, but he obviously didn’t move, but he kept brainwashing Siberia in the battle, hoping that she would give up resistance and trust them, and Claiming that as long as you give up the promise that resistance will definitely make her lead a different life, it looks like very good conditions, but it is rejected by Sister Liby.

"Sorry! The enemy will always be the enemy!" This is the original words of Siberian Liyazi, and Olin also fought with Badama and Siberian Liyazi with many complex emotions such as regret and discomfort. Together.

At this time, Ye Minyu, who was standing on the highest point of the mountainside, also looked at the situation below and squeezed a sweat for them. After all, the overall situation now seems to have no chance at all, and now because of the addition of some With the entry of the strongman, they now have some difficulty in evacuating safely, but as long as the organs set up before can be evacuated, they have not been opened because Olin blocked the way of Badama and Sibi Liaz. So Ye Minyu, who had always been calm, also began to feel a little calm.

So Ye Minyu finally sent his gang to prepare to support, but Ye Minyu only asked Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan to support, mainly to support Badama and Siberia Liaz, let them open the original The layout of the escape can only leave safely, otherwise they will not be able to evacuate safely, and since the three major forces of Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng left, Ye Minyu still left Ai Ruiqi with his strength equal to Xu Shun after all, after all A Ruiqi is now Ye Minyu's exclusive slave.

Knowing the dangers of this plan, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan and Angelina, but did not say a word to execute Ye Minyu's instructions. It can be seen that they now have mutual trust and tacit understanding of each other, knowing when to do what, What is the key is that Ye Minyu is slowly not hiding so many plans from his own people. This is actually a change of Chen Tian’s team.

When Ye Minyu saw the three of them leave, they still watched the battle below the mountainside and then spread their arms, as if everything was under her control.

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