Killing God Island

Chapter 884: Chen Tianpian. Uncles who can’t fall

Wide Jason walked nearly two meters away from Buckyson. Alice, and directly spit the cigarette **** to Buckyson. Alice, and the whole person also spread his arms. His five a-class weapons and Chen Tian Xu Xun of the team also hides weapons in his body. This kind of weapon is called a built-in weapon. In front of Buckson. Alice, like Xu Xun, he has built-in weapons, and there are more than one but five. He had two very sharp blades at the same time, and he now spread his arms precisely because the two knives penetrated his skin and went directly out of his body to become like a Wolverine. A blade that stretches the length of the body as it swings.

Buckison Erie saw him spit the cigarette **** at herself, she also shouted with her mouth wide open. This huge sound wave caused the cigarette **** to be shattered before it hit her. The collision between the two's sound waves and cigarette butts completely caused the two to once again pull off the battle that ultimately decided life and death.

The opponents of the other four evil spirits are also the ruthless men of the women's team and the Beiji family. Among them, the opponents of Navat in the other four evil spirits are the third-ranked female team's nominal leader, and the very thin skeleton girl, The weapon used by the Skeleton Girl’s hands is also the Nepalese saber. The weapon used by Ye Minyu is the same type of weapon. No matter the movement or speed is no less than Ye Minyu, now her battle with Navat has also been upgraded to the point where she finally decides life and death, both of them She is an expert in swordsmanship, but it’s obvious that the Skeleton Girl is very embarrassed at this time. Because she was injured all at once, she just killed a lot of people with two swords at one time, but the price is too much physical exertion, and her whole body is also left. There are more than ten wounds, big and small, although all the people around her have been resolved, but this time she met a Navat who was slightly injured and had no physical strength, and was very full, and was one of the ten fierce spirits. Master, so no matter how to fight Skeleton Girl, there is no chance of winning.

Despite this, the Skeleton Girl is still insisting. Although she has a sharp sword, she must not be able to defeat the person in front of her, but she wants to kill her within a hundred moves, even Navat, one of the ten fierce spirits, can’t do it. Yes, but the speed of the two pairs of knives is really fast, especially in the dark place of the night, the flash of the two people and the sparks of the knife body are very dazzling, but as the number of two knives increases, Skeleton women have more and more knife wounds, and each knife has a bone wound.

Although it seems that Navat has caught every knife, in fact, knife gas and instant blade scraping, etc., are quite difficult to defend. In addition to fatal injuries, even if the body is injured by a knife, it can not be seen in a short time. After being killed by him, the Skeleton Girl now knows clearly that it is impossible for her to get out of this person now. She can only delay and hope to escape with the strength of the team.

Of course, it’s not just Navart’s Skeleton Girl who has crushed the women’s team. The other three also have more or less occupied the absolute advantage of the absolute opponent. Of course, there are not many people looking around, but these hundreds of people actually killed or wounded more than 50 people. This is also the reason for their shots. Of course, the most unlucky of the three belong to Damus.

Because his opponent chose the chubby girl Xi Lumei of the women’s team, and also laughed at her hairstyle. Although the hairstyle of this small cherry ball looks really funny, but because Xi Lumei’s face is relatively large, she cooperates with this cherry small On the contrary, the hair style of Maruko looks a little more cute, but she talks about Xi Lumei's hairstyle, so the result is that Damus angered Xi Lumei and was beaten by her. The strength of Xi Lumei is absolute. She is very powerful, although Damus thought she was easy to deal with so she didn't use her full strength.

So Damus used the adjustment to run the garbage forward, and wanted to punch a punch freely to try out the strength of the chubby girl in front of him. Unexpectedly, Xi Lumei directly grabbed his fist, and then He didn't let go, he really didn't expect that because of his carelessness, the seemingly small chubby girl directly grabbed his fist and fell over the shoulder, and directly fell Damus to the ground. Although it smashed the ground into a pit, it looked like it was heavy.

However, Xi Lumei knew that this level of attack should have no obvious effect on their reinforcements at this level of strength, but this does not mean that he is not afraid of falling. Xi Lumei didn't mean to let go when he fell, but he didn't wait for him to have a strong reaction and followed back and forth, and then repeated the actions just before and back and forth and fell back and forth to Damus.

This fall was equivalent to giving Damus loose bones. Because of this series of violent falls, even though Damus wanted to break free, he did not break free in the end, and the body just fell was full of pain. In the drawing, the woman lifted her body up again and let go of her hand. When Damus was flung into the air, she jumped up directly, and as she grasped Damus again with her hands in the air, He also felt helpless as if something bad was about to happen.

In fact, this is the case. I saw the jumping chubby girl grabbed his upper body and lower body directly with his arms around, and then, with the moment of falling, he placed his knee directly on the spine of Damusd. I only heard With a snapping bone, but Damus didn’t die, he just lay on the ground looking up at Xi Lumei and said: "I didn’t expect you to look so fat, you can jump so high, but you are a little strong. Excessively, do you know that you broke my uncle's spine?" He said this with a smile on his face, and Xi Lumei also heard him say this. He walked over to him again, and added a sentence: "I will not only beat you up, but also prepare to kill you!" Xi Lumei finished the sentence and immediately followed a footless, direct way to reach Mousse's face stepped on, and the strength of this foot was definitely enough to slam the head of the person.

But this foot was caught by Damus with his hand, and after catching this trick, his expression was still plainly sneered: "Little fat girl, you are really strong, but I want to kill uncle, I am afraid not It’s so easy for you to think, I was hit so badly just after I punched you. I’m going to be crushed by your foot, wouldn’t you make my uncle lose my face?” He said it all the time. The sneer of a very Yinxian.

How could these ten people under Newton Kreis be so easily killed by Xi Lumei? When he caught Xi Lumei's foot with one hand, she already knew that the uncle in front of her was definitely not simple At the same time, Xi Lumei also wanted to withdraw her right leg at the same time, but it was too late, and the position where he had just broken his knee was just not affected him.

While this guy grabbed Xi Lumei's ankle, she stood up as if she hadn't been injured at all, and this time it was replaced by him grabbing Xi Lumei's leg and then using the same technique to give her a fall, which is really Returning to his own way with his own way of life, Xi Lumei, who had just treated others like this, has now experienced the feeling of Damus who has just been slammed.

But it is clear that although this uncle is very violent, he did not want to keep falling like this. When he fell about the same number of times he had just now, this very uncle Fan Damus directly let go and let go. Xi Lumei, who has a gray body and a gray face, in fact, at the same time that these ten fierce spirits are powerful, everyone also has their own arrogance and arrogance. Just now Xi Lumei wanted to directly throw him to death with a wild fall.

And when I changed to Damus, I didn’t want to solve her meaning like this. He looked at each of these companions. Everyone was not over yet, and the fight was quite hot. He wanted to play with this little fat girl. A little, so it felt boring to fall for a while, so she let her go directly to see if she had anything else to do. He was just the rhythm of death, and he loosened Xi Lumei.

At this time, Xi Lumei was also a little embarrassed, and her hair was scattered and her body was covered with soil. Originally, she had to use her own strength to break free, but before she broke free, he let go of Xi Lu. Beauty, although the process of letting go let her glide on the ground again more than half a meter away.

But it can be seen that Xi Lumei met her opponent this time. She even had a clear difference between the strength of the uncle and those people just now, and Xi Lumei's clothes were also dropped, but she was slightly obese. So it doesn't seem to be much ornamental, but Xi Lumei's strength can definitely be called a very rigid adjective such as tough and tough, because she...

Just less than a moment after releasing her, Xi Lumei’s attack has started again, this time he is many times faster than just unknown, and the uncle’s in front of him has become serious and looked serious. Meticulously prepared to face the battle, but what made this uncle never expect was that Xi Lumei's attack speed was twice as happy as that of just now. Damus, who wanted to defend his punch, had not waited for the defense, and his face had been attacked by Xi Lu. Mei’s punch hits his face firmly, and it’s not a punch. It’s a very smooth combo. The punches and kicks on the pads sweep the vertical kicks. It was on Damus.

At this time, Damus was like a sandbag. He was repeatedly beaten by Xi Lumei's various tricks. There were obvious bone cracks everywhere in the body. The blood in the nostrils on the mouth was also blown straight out. West Lumei is proficient in all kinds of fighting, as long as she is close to her, she will definitely be beaten with no room to fight back, just like she is now playing Damus, even if Damus is a master of the ten fierce spirits, she can’t get rid of it for a while. Her various uninterrupted attacks, and not only consecutive but also very sequential attacks, made Damus' whole body bones and internal organs hit by clicking sounds.

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