Killing God Island

Chapter 879: Chen Tian Pian. Ten fierce spirits debut

Beggie actually threw a pistol directly to Yangliu. This pistol is actually Beggie’s exclusive weapon, powerful enough to hurt the strengthened human body, but he would not normally use it. After all, the strength of these people is OK It is easy to avoid bullets, so in general, even if it is not very useful, but now the situation is completely different, because they are all used to evade in a fixed place by Beggie’s attack, and Beggie put himself at this time. The gun was thrown to Yangliu. When Yangliu caught it, he directly turned back and shot at the heads of the people in the rear. Although the two cooperated for the first time, they were very tacit. Because the cooperation of the two was quite in place And there is no break in the middle, so that the frontmost people just shot down when they will squat down like Yangliu, and Yangliu will all headshot with a gun. He almost fell to the ground and died without any struggle. Although he is a strengthened person, the headshot is still the best. Way of killing them.

Yangliu wanted to kill a few more people, and found that the bullets were limited. After knowing that there were no bullets, Yangliu threw the gun directly as an hidden weapon, but the angry Beiji yelled: "Hey, hey! I will give you The gun is my favorite weapon, no bullets though you threw it?"

Yang Liu directly replied: "It's just a gun, I'll change it for you later!"

"What do you know? This gun was improved after I exchanged a lot of things. How could it be an ordinary thing?" Bei Ji said that he would run over and get it back, but Yang Liu grabbed the collar directly behind him. Threw it out for several meters: "Hey! Your kid doesn't want to live anymore? Didn't you see that those people didn't take weapons? Now they are real, do you think they are just as funny as they were just now? Just now you are injured I’ll be able to chop you into mincemeat, so stay here, I will deal with these people!" The willow will look serious at this time, and Beggie’s posture after landing is not very elegant, and he fell to the ground. , But when he stood up, he still shouted to Yangliu loudly: "You look down on people, I will let you know what a real man is!"

After Beggie shouted this sentence, his scarred body began to swell again, and the whole person seemed to explode again. Although Begge’s genetic evolution was not strong enough to open the sky, but Beggie’s did not The defeated heart has caused his body's genes to evolve in an instant. Now the damaged cells of the body are repaired while still engulfing the previous damaged cells, making his body muscles stronger than before.

Although Yangliu does not have a weapon in his hand, Yangliu’s sensitive adaptability makes these people very strong, but it is really difficult to hurt Yangliu, but Yangliu currently has no weapons, although he is very aggressive, but facing the front Many people can't attack at once.

It was only when Yangliu was still responding to the countermeasures that he saw that most of Beggie’s group had also been forced into desperation, but relatively speaking, the rest of the women’s team was not surrounded by groups, but it was not so miserable. The whole body was beaten to the degree of blood. After all, as long as Yangli's physical strength can support the normal operation of the body, he will not be seriously injured, because his physique like Chen Tian can instantly repair various degrees of wounds. .

And Shirley and the muscular woman in a wheelchair behind her have basically stopped to watch a movie, because although these people surround the two, no one is actively attacking them unless they take the initiative. Attacking others or not, these people are basically just surrounding them, and they are no longer daring to actively attack them.

After all, Shirley's strength has already scared these people, and these people are not fools, of course, they also understand that this was death in the past, so they are only a symbolic surround, and no one will be looking for death, so these two people are even a little bit No injuries, just a little blood stains, and these blood stains were caused by the blood sprayed from these people, and the other three women’s battle conditions were not as intact as Yangliu and the two, but at least So far there has been no serious injuries.

The second in the group is Buckyson. Alice is a tall fat man. Although she is a girl, her fat body is not only fleshy and thick, but it can be said that the enemy is invulnerable. In fact, her body The fat is not as hard as the knife and the gun, but the reason why these people think that the knife and the gun is invulnerable is that neither the stick nor the knife can completely hurt her.

And her body fat, obviously looks and feels soft, but it can resist all kinds of weapons and various types of external forces, which also makes these people fighting her completely panic, this woman is simply that kind of complete I can’t move, only she beats you, so Buckieson. Ellie’s side has been beaten by more or less skin trauma, but she has been chasing these people all the time. She thoroughly fights these elites. Li has become a mixed soldier, and even some of them have been suspicious of her life.

Her huge body is taller than the average boy's height, the most important thing is a fat body. She mentioned it suddenly, as if she was a small mountain, plus her big and fat hands, it seemed like It's like bear paws patting ants, beating people around who choose to fight her, and scaring them to hide from Tibet, not to mention a fat girl, but this fighting capacity is really not covered.

The other thin, skeleton woman, has a knife in both hands, and she has died in eleven elite members in less than ten minutes, as are the remaining ten or so. There were knife wounds all over her body, but although her skill and speed were very fast and her sharpness was sharp, she also suffered multiple injuries on her back and body. Although the whole person still looks very aggressive , But in fact she is almost unable to support because the body has been bleeding, especially every time she attacks others and the defense when being attacked makes her seeing people in front of her. In fact, she has begun to be confused because of excessive blood loss Confused, but her strong survivability made her persist.

The other person in the women’s team is also at ease at this time. It can be seen that the woman’s strength is absolutely not weak. There is not even the power of Yigaqi. Even if there are a large number of people, it may not be easy to kill this person, and she is Xi Lumei, who was short and chubby, this girl was called Xiao Maruko by the team of Chen Tian and the rest of the team because of her short and chubby hair and cherry hair balls.

Don’t look at her ridiculous figure and strange anime hair style, but this woman’s strength is really fierce. Ye Minyu sent Xi Lumei to compete with others when she played in the internal ring, this woman don’t look long The stubby fat girl looks funny, but the people who have really dealt with her will be taken care of by her unintentional few strokes.

That seemingly casual hip. The next kick often has a very high hit rate. No matter how sharp this person is, he will be kicked just right. This little fat girl's strength is actually somewhat unpredictable. She is actually in the entire women's team. She even dared to challenge the captain Yangliu, but she quite obeyed Shirley's arrangement, because Shirley's strength is indeed not a level with her, and although Yangliu is also terrible, Xi Lumei did not take Yangliu's attention. Here, it can be seen that Xi Lumei's strength should be indistinguishable from that of Yangliu in order to really fight.

Probably not because of Yangliu’s own psychic physique and the strength of the great ape, Xilumei wants to kill her. It is as easy as killing her. Even if Yangliu has these two abilities, Xilumei has never been afraid of her, but this woman fights to give There is a sense that people are not serious about it, so this situation will make the opponent greatly relax their vigilance and feel that they can definitely kill it in just a few strokes. In fact, the more serious the other party is, the faster it will die, and Xi Lumei's various abilities are very comprehensive. It is not that the power is just the strength. The speed is relatively the kind at the root. Xi Lumei is the kind of power, speed, physical strength and various abilities that are very comprehensive.

Although she and Yangliu never use weapons on weekdays, basically they can solve the problem by eating controlled rolls, but now she sees that these people have weapons in her hands, and she also picks up a hand directly from the dead person. The knife, and then directly fight them with the knife, a person rushed into the crowd to face the surrounding aspects and angles of the knife, she was really able to disrupt all of them, it was quite amazing, although she was also The front and back of the chest are cut with knife edges, but there is no way to do it. After all, there are too many people, and these people are also two.

It is worth sobering that few of these people will be in the state of sky-tribulation, so they have been besieged but persisted for so long, despite the fact that the women’s team is not so embarrassed, but this is not the beginning of the situation reversal. It is a more passive start.

Because these are just the vanguards of the elite troops, and the really powerful people actually have an independent tent not far from the Yigaqi tent. There are only ten people living here, which are actually not included in Yiga The leadership of Qi is within the range of more than 200 people, which means that these ten people can not obey the instructions of Yi Qazi, but their position still belongs to the lower level of the whole team than Yi Qazi, and the entire site The boss of Newton. Kreis, the meaning is also very clear, this task is under the unified command of Yi Qazi, and these ten people are only assisting from the side but not allowed to participate in the task until the critical moment.

The reason why these ten people will be here is that they fear that if the coach dies in battle, they will fall into a desperate situation where the dragons have no heads. They were taken over by ten of them, and he never died. Under normal circumstances, these ten people were not allowed to interfere in the command of Yigaqi. Of course, Yigaqi could not command and command these 10 people with chief authority.

But once the whole team fell into a passive position, these ten people had to come out to help out, so these ten people actually have been watching for a long time. As a result, after observation by ten people, it can be concluded that these people are not weak. Heads-up with one of them can't solve the current problem at all, so these ten people walked out of the tent directly.

Because they didn't want to see more of their casualties, and it was like solving these people as soon as possible, these ten people also looked at each other, and then nodded to each other tacitly.

"Have you already chosen your opponent?"

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