Killing God Island

Chapter 878: Chen Tianpian. Life-saving grace

The leader of the Beggie family, Beggie, has a character that is rather unyielding. He was beaten with some physical strength, but he still punched the other person down on the ground with a punch, and roared loudly, with a strong momentum. I was shocked by the surrounding people for five seconds, but soon he was beaten by five or six people in turn. However, this person belongs to someone who beat me ten punches. I only need to punch you, although not necessarily knocked down. Or kill you, but as long as I hit you, my heart is cool, don’t worry how many people beat me, I will punch you back, this is the pure man’s anger, and Beggie roared this sentence again. , The ten people who had been holding him down in front of him were punching his face with punches and punches, and his eyes were beaten naked, but Beggie broke free from the shackles of ten people, and then his hands grabbed his head. , And then banged his head directly with force.

Beiji is also like Chen Tian. He is not a master trained by military killers and other professionals. He and Chen Tian are small fools who fought in childhood. They have the instinct to fight, and the reason why the genetic evolution strength is obviously the same as these. There is not much difference between people, but he can fight with more than thirty people for so long. The main reason is that he is not afraid of death. His fierce fighting and fear of death make everyone around him marvel.

He has been beaten with blood in his head, and he dare to hit his opponent with such a severely injured head. This kind of death will also kill you, and it is not something that ordinary people can do. Let others think you Being ruthless, first of all, you must be cruel to yourself. What is your head? Lao. Zi. The head is harder than you!

With a loud head and face impact, this person directly fell to the ground, and at the same time, Beggie shouted again and then moved his hands to the people around him. Although Beggie was so injured, he still solved one person. It was incredible, but the number of people at this time directly surrounded Beggie and then hit his body with a fist again. At this time, Beggie wanted to break free again. Obviously this person was more than the last person. After much, Beggy could not break free again.

"Damn it! Uncle, I won't be solved by you, want to suppress me? How is it possible?" Beiji wanted to use his brute force to throw these people out, but this time Beiji was dumbfounded, except himself He was already seriously injured, and there were more than a few people who suppressed him at this time, so it was impossible for him to break free again with brute force.

And immediately afterwards, he could only watch a few other people raise his fists against him and hit him, and every punch seemed to hit him very hard, and at this time Beggie also only They can be allowed to beat themselves like sandbags, after all, they are now unable to break free.

At this critical juncture, Yang Liu, the captain of the women’s team, rode a dog as big as a horse from a short distance to this side and rushed to the side. The three men who were still raising their fists and begging were beaten by Yang Liu’s. The mount, that is, the big dog directly fell is a bite, and the willow also jumped directly from the dog's back, and supported the two long straight legs on the ground with his hands falling, rotating around 360 degrees for a week At the same time, he kicked all the dozen or so people who squashed Beiji's body on the ground.

What they see in these people's eyes is that while a pair of beautiful slender body-fitting long legs pass in front of their eyes, the willow's feet have already rotated with their own bodies while their feet have been rotated one week at 360 degrees Directly kicked all the people who suppressed Peggy's body to the ground.

Beiji also took the opportunity to stand up again and said to Yang Liu: "Thank you! You really helped me a lot!"

Yang Liu looked at the number of people around and said, "Let's first solve these people and come to thank me!" After she said this, she rushed directly to the people in front.

Beggie didn't expect Yangliu's fighting style to be so savage. Her melee is definitely a kind of melee combat that is not afraid of death. She is harder than her fist. I am afraid that only men will do the same. And what surprised Beggy the most was...

This woman's strength is so great that it should be impossible for her thin arm to hit so much force, but why does she have such strength? In fact, the reason why Yangliu has always dared to use this fighting method is because she is more similar to Chen Tian, ​​because he has the god-like physique that has evolved from the same gene as Chen Tian, ​​which means that Yangliu’s ability is similar to Chen Tian. More or less similar.

Basically, she can use 50% of the skills that Chen Tian can use, but her genes are turned into god-like constitutions because of Chen Tian’s genes, so her body’s genes are not pure. Although the psychic physique has a similarity of more than 50%, it is not an authentic physique completely transformed by the strengthening of regular genes.

So Ms. Zhao has many abilities. Chen Tian can use it, but Yang Liu may not be able to use it, but Chen Tian can use 50% of Yang Liu’s ability, so Yang Liu also has memory cells and super repair capabilities. The difference is that she can't use Chen Tian's blood boundary to have a slight ability to control blood, but she can't compare with Chen Tian's blood boundary.

But Chen Tian’s strength is not as strong as Willow’s. Because Chen Tian’s body does not have the ability to hide any beasts, and Yang Liu’s body has the ability to mutate the orangutan greatly, so the strength of the single-round fist and his own arm strength is ten Chen. The sky is not as strong as the willow.

So Yangliu’s first body is very capable of repairing, the second has great strength, so her fight has always been direct, that is, raising her fist is to do it. This style of play is very similar to the fight between men, although it seems that she There is no battle experience at all. In fact, it is just the surface. Yang Liu is really serious and is as brave as a beast. Don’t look at the fact that she looks like a big shot with these people. In fact, Yang Liu did not fight seriously at this time.

Because Yigaqi is too arrogant and thinks that with his own strength and more than 200 elite members, there can be no problems, so he left all the other four of the six forces in the base to prevent the strategy of adjusting the tiger from the mountain, so At present, the other four Aoka, Raleigh, Prussian and windbreaker men are not among these people, so although there is no legendary weak among these people, the real strong can block the heads-up king or willow. The only person who is strong like Chen Tian is their leader Yi Jiaqi.

At this time, Yi Qazi was fighting the heads-up king and there was no extra time to take care of the lives and deaths of the rest, so this caused Yang Liu to solve these people who were called elites without too serious. Among the elites, there are some outstanding but not many, and even the superiors are not the strengtheners of Chen Tian and Yang Liu's combat power level, so in front of Yang Liu, they can say that they can be settled within 30 strokes.

So now the people who just wanted to use them as sandbags have no plans to send them back to the headquarters. Although the situation is still one-sided, the face of willow is fundamental. When the five were able to control their strength, they all took out their own weapons in order to fight against her. Self-defense Yang Yang obviously had no weapons of her own. This can be proved from her fighting posture. She usually kills with bare hands.

Therefore, after these people took out their weapons, Yangliu changed from a frontal attack to a temporary avoidance. He continued to retreat. Although Yangliu’s wound repair ability was very fast, his body was not invulnerable, in case he was cut off. It is not so easy to repair, so Yangliu will temporarily choose to start avoiding it backwards. If someone cuts her with a knife, Yangliu's character will definitely meet the difficulties, but now it is not alone. Rather, dozens of people use a knife to cut off the willow from different angles and directions, so there is no way to avoid the attack at the same time, and can only avoid the whole backward and avoid the non-stop to find the right weapon to prepare for the starting point. What is used to fight back.

Of course, despite being seriously injured, Becky was almost killed by a group fight, but he was a brave tough guy, and he was very grateful to the willow who had just saved his life. So he ran directly to the tree next to him and kicked it directly Tree branch, and then holding the huge tree branch in both hands, shouted to the willow, "lie down!"

Yangliu saw that Beggie directly waved this huge branch to her, and the people in the back squatted down subconsciously, but Beggie knew that these people would be like this, and directly directed the Yangliu who was the first to squat down. After a color, Willow didn't know what Beggy meant at first.

As a result, Beggie had a pistol, which was actually his exclusive weapon, powerful enough to hurt the strengthened human body, but he would not normally use it. After all, the strength of these people can easily avoid bullets. So under normal circumstances, even if it is not very useful, but now the situation is completely different, because they are all used to avoid the Beggie attack in a fixed place, and Beggie throws his gun to the willow at this time. After Yang Liu caught it, he turned back and shot directly at the heads of the people behind him. Although the two cooperated for the first time, they were very tacit. Because the cooperation between the two was quite in place and there was no break in the middle, As a result, as soon as these people crouched down like Yangliu, Yangliu turned his head back with a gun and almost died without any struggle. Although he is a fortified person, the headshot is still the best way to kill them. .

Yangliu wanted to kill a few more people, and found that the bullets were limited. After knowing that there were no bullets, Yangliu threw the gun directly as an hidden weapon, but the angry Beiji yelled: "Hey, hey! I will give you The gun is my favorite weapon, no bullets though you threw it?"

Yang Liu directly replied: "It's just a gun, I'll change it for you later!"

"What do you know? This gun was improved after I exchanged a lot of things. How could it be an ordinary thing?" After Bei Ji said this, he would run over and get it back, but Yang Liu grabbed the collar directly behind him. Threw it out for several meters: "Hey! Your kid doesn't want to live anymore? Didn't you see that those people didn't take weapons? Now they're so real, do you think they're just as funny as they were just now? Just now you are injured I’ll be able to chop you into the mincemeat, so stay here, I will deal with these people!" The willow at this time has a serious expression, and Beiji’s posture on the ground is not very elegant, and he fell on the ground. , But after he stood up, he still shouted to Yangliu loudly: "You look down on people, I will let you know what a real man is!"

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