Killing God Island

Chapter 859: Chen Tianfen. Reinforcement

The four people who have just fought with Chen Tian and others, although none of them are dead, they are now all wounded, so in the face of these at least two hundred giant creatures, these four people have to choose to turn around and escape, okay The surrounding design is like a square with a lot of things to avoid. Otherwise, these four people may have been solved by so many giant bugs. After all, although none of these four people died, everyone was injured.

The four men in the windbreaker said to Aojia after running for a while: "You go and lead these people away, or we will all finish playing together."

"What a joke, why did you let me go, why didn't you go?"

"Even if you are under siege, you can't be hurt if you are trapped like a pangolin, with the claws and fangs of those giant bugs!"

"Just kidding, even if they can't hurt me, don't you see them as big as they are? Even if they attack, they will kill me. Do you want to sacrifice me in exchange for the stock of the three of you? Mao doesn't lead them away. Why don't you use the ability to move yourself through the body in chronological order?"

"Using your mother. B. Ah! Look at me now, my body is injured like this, the ability can no longer be overused, or should I use you to distract?"

Pruss is now worse than them. She has just been kicked off by Qian Da, and now his run is basically carried by Raleigh. Raleigh runs very quickly and his physical strength is very good, and because of his petite stature It’s not too heavy, so he fled with him, but it’s a pity that the bugs running behind are much faster than they thought, and besides the giant bugs that are moving fast on the ground, there are some flying bugs in the air. They attacked them, which was the main reason why they were so embarrassed at this time. After all, these flying bugs are very fast, and the horns and wings on their heads can instantly take human lives.

So these four people not only had to run on one side, but also had to constantly defend and counterattack some flying insects attacking from above and down, so at this time these four people fell into a very passive situation for a while.

Especially Raleigh carrying Pruss, although Prussian is not very heavy, but carrying a person is much worse than a windbreaker and Aojia, and he cannot carry out any attacks, but he It is now in the middle of the windbreaker and Aojia. The reason why he went to the middle is also to seek the protection of the windbreaker and the Aojia. Of course, these two also knew that at this time, Raleigh could not deal with the Prussian. The current situation.

Although these four people are sometimes different, but at the critical moment, the four people are still very united, and did not give up any one person to escape alone, precisely because these four people work together to escape so far. Bugs kill.

After all, the cooperation of these four people is quite perfect. The windbreaker is on the left to deal with the insects flying above, while the right is defended by Aojia. Although it cannot kill the flying insects, it can completely block them. Attack of flying insects.

While attacking from above, Prius on Raleigh's back used three sticks to barely attack the flying insects. Although her right leg was kicked off by Qian Da, but behind her upper body still allowed him to repel from Flying insects attacking from above, while Rayleigh is only responsible for walking.

He carried Prussian and ran fast forward, but the running speed of the following bugs was also quite fast, and the distance was still shortening. Of course, the four of them knew the running speed of the following bugs, but they ran faster than them. There are more speed blocks.

If it wasn’t for them to keep turning east and west in these alleys on the square, these bugs would have caught them long ago, but that’s useless. After all, the speed of these bugs is indeed faster than their running speed. Fast, and various abilities and sensing capabilities are many times that of humans.

Their predation ability can be more than a hundred times stronger than that of humans. Usually because they are small, they will not attack humans, but when their size is the same as or even greater than humans, they will arouse their strong predation, and Ling Zifeng's order is to kill these people. Of course, the command to kill these few people in the brains of these lower worms with low intelligence is their food.

So these bugs are getting crazy, which is why the strength of these four people is not easily eaten. This has to be replaced by other strengtheners, taking into account that the bones that have been eaten are not left. Although the four people are still alive, each of them has injuries. Besides, each of these insects has a length of more than one meter. They are similar to people. The key is that their abilities are better than strengthening their strength and abilities. Strong, in addition to IQ, the others crushed these four people. Whether it’s speed, power, or sensing ability, they are all unmatched by their four teams. The most important thing is the sound waves of these bugs, which allows them to communicate some simple things with each other. Information, and whether high speed companions find their target in their location and their location, etc.

So even if they have the advantage of terrain, they can't really escape the siege of nearly 200 mutant insects, and each one has full combat power, not to mention so many, so the four of them are desperate at this time. Running towards the inside, the more powerful people are, the more they understand the difference between the strength of the other party and their own strength, and when they can play more or less, because each of them has a lot of skill. People with real combat experience and many people who have killed can naturally feel the strength of each other before killing.

But due to the dense population and these bugs, they really can’t get rid of them, and as these four people keep running, their physical strength is obviously not as good as these huge insects, although they all strengthen the genetic awakening, strength and All aspects are more than ten times that of ordinary people, but the body structure of helplessness is much worse than these insects. The running speed and various abilities of these insects are far superior to these four people.

Due to the various running of the four people, they were finally trapped in the middle by these two hundred bugs. At this time, the four people were already sweating and exhausted. Looking at these bugs that could not be shared together, the four people were at this time. Some desperately prepared to fight these bugs to the end.

Suddenly the reinforcements came, and at the same time ignited the hope of survival of the four men including the trench coat. Newton Kress had another one of the six major forces in the reinforcements sent this time, and he also had a personal rate of about 500. The elite and all kinds of people who are not weak come to support. This is the real strength of the so-called Newton Kress. The arrival of these people is a very capable person. There are no mixed soldiers in this elite force. One by one, all of them are practical and capable people, like the most powerful Steve. Ranji’s hundred generals among the 13 bosses, and all forces should not be underestimated.

So the appearance of these people all picked up their respective guys and weapons, and all rushed to the front of these bugs, one by one, and each of them had a fighting power of masters, although some people were killed by these powerful fighting bugs. But, after all, it is a minority, most of them can single out the giant worms ahead, and the number of these worms is also greater than these.

In this way, the surrounding form suddenly reversed, and within five minutes, another member of the six forces, Yi Qazi, raised his hand and looked at his watch, and then dressed in a black leather coat, he looked like a man in a windbreaker. The style was somewhat similar, he walked step by step towards the four men in the trench coat who were in the rescue circle.

I saw that while walking forward, he pulled out a cold weapon. It looked like a very handsome dark green spear with a striped pattern. The tip was triangular and looked extremely sharp. His gun seemed to appear out of thin air. In fact, this The gun was always hidden behind his black leather jacket. Because the leather jacket looked very big and long, this gun that didn't look very long was not easily found.

Because he is too close to the front, an evolved giant is larger than ordinary bugs. Due to the influence of Ling Zifeng's power, he has evolved out of its original form, and the current form looks just like the insects in alien creatures. It looks terrifying, especially its size is several times larger than ordinary insect bites, especially the mouth with sharp teeth around the rotating thread, just opened to prepare to eat Yi Qazi.

But he seemed unusually calm. He just raised his hand forward. It turned out that his gun seemed short but stretchable. It was similar to Chen Tian’s Yinlong swing stick. This creature hadn’t waited to bite him. The mouth that had pierced his head was about to bite, and it was directly blown away by the head of Yi Geqi's right hand, a creature that had evolved so exaggeratedly.

In addition to being contaminated with green liquid, the giant bug fell down on the ground, but the body that had lost its head was still rolling, and Yi Qazi was the second of the six major forces. The strong man, and the windbreaker male ranked only third.

The strength of Yigaqi is indeed exaggerated, but it can be a leader among more than 500 elites. How can it serve the crowd without any strength?

If he doesn’t have two children, he may not be able to hold down the trench coat men, not to mention the more than 500 elite troops with exceptional strength, which can be described as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Qi is not his opponent, but just does not want to compete with them for status.

There is really such a person. One of them is like a bear. His name is Silly Qiang. He is the son of Jin Kairui and You Dean. His strength is very good. He can easily defeat Chen Tian, ​​but his intelligence There were some flaws. When Jin Kairui was besieged by more than three hundred people at the site, he was led outside by the strategy of turning away from the mountains, but he never came back. I have to say that this stupid fighting ability is really fierce.

Silly and strong, don’t look at him as a mentally retarded person. His IQ is very low, but his strength is really not strong. Newton. Kress’s top six players are not his opponents. His current strength should be the same as Miss Qianda The strength is quite.

However, his appearance really turned these terrifying-looking insects around into small, weak insects. His big hands and strength, like a fly swattering a fly with a slap, no matter how the bug mutates Most of them are terrible, and they are killed in a single stroke in front of Silly Qiang.

Because this strength gap is simply not on the same line, this stupid strongman is the killer of Newton. Cress has always been, of course, Newton. Cres does not know that the stupid Qiang and Chen Tian gang know, so he sent him Come here to help, because he is basically foolproof here.

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