Killing God Island

Chapter 858: Chen Tianfen. Swarm of siege

Qianda had no problem with one to three, while Ling Zifeng was holding Chen Tian and Xu Shun in their left and right arms, and they were going to cross the wall, but they were kicked on the chest by the windbreaker who appeared in front of him suddenly. The three again jumped from half to the wall and were kicked.

Of the three people who fell on the ground, only Ling Zifeng could stand up. The other two were injured and could only move their limbs but could not stand up at all. The windbreaker said directly, "You are really an incredible person. First, my head was crushed by me. They are not dead. If they are strengthened, they will weaken their bodies, but they have no effect on you. What are you really?"

Ling Zifeng saw that the windbreaker was so reluctant to let him go. He directly put Chen Tian and Xu Shun down again, and walked to the windbreaker again step by step: "The reason is very simple, because I am not a strengthened person at all, and I don't count as a human. Why am I not looking down at my feet?"

"Uh? Want to deceive me to bow my head and then attack me? Do you think you can deceive me with such a naive trick?"

Ling Zifeng laughed again after hearing: "Hehe! Don't believe it, but you will feel it soon!" After Ling Zifeng said this, the windbreaker suddenly felt something wrong with his feet, and when he bowed his head, the whole person 'S expression was instantly scared and the whole face was curvy.

Because at this time, the ground is full of bugs, all kinds of bugs that emerge from the ground, and one by one is just very small and he can recognize the bugs, but after they drilled from the ground, the whole body They all started to mutate quickly, and many bugs had crawled in from his feet.

The windbreaker immediately started to step on the ground bugs with his feet. All of these bugs could receive the commands issued by Ling Zifeng. This kind of brain waves, which are different from the usual brain waves, could not be received by humans, but they could make all these bugs obey Ling Zifeng. Instructed, he is a half-human half-worm body, although it is not a strengthened person, but with the power of the Zerg in his body, it is no different from the strengthened person whose genes are constantly evolving like him, and the evolution of his Zerg genes is comparable. Strengthening people is faster, except for the very few geniuses in the gene strengthening people, no one can physically evolve faster than Shang Lingfeng's genes.

Ling Zifeng is a direct descendant of the middle-aged royal family. Although he has half of the human lineage, he is completely not restricted by human genes. The venomous blood flowing in his body's blood is the venom from his mother, the Zerg king, but Ling Zifeng basically does not use this ability.

Moreover, because Ling Zifeng's body is not as cool and handsome as humans, but a very ugly and horrible Zerg, he does not want to let others know his true ability easily, and in fact he has mastered his skills with his father's human body. It can easily kill strong opponents, and can also use some Zerg abilities while maintaining human form, such as the evolution of the ten thousand insects currently used by Ling Zifeng.

The most astounding part of this move is that insects that can summon hundreds of meters in radius can flock to this side, whether they can fly or escape, and they will be mutated with the special substances emitted by Ling Zifeng, that is, for example A small centimeter of bugs, when excited by Ling Zifeng's ability, will instantly mutate and grow up to about one meter. Some even change their appearance and overall shape, become extremely fierce and weird, and even become completely different from their species. Morphology, but this overly mutated shape will die on its own after tens of hours.

So the windbreaker feels that the insects around him instantly become bigger than him, especially the insects that have been drilled through his trousers are also getting bigger, and some have even used sharp pliers on his mouth to pluck his flesh and even some individuals. The little bug even affixed to his feet and bit off the man's hamstring with sharp teeth.

This is what the windbreaker didn't expect. He only felt a pain in his feet. The hamstrings of his left and right feet were all bitten off by the insects. When he hurt, he immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, the insects surrounding him changed one by one. Those who were more than one meter tall and did not seem to have any weak combat power attacked him.

And Ling Zifeng also stopped Chen Tian and Xu Shun with his left and right hands to jump on the wall and jump up, and the windbreaker man who had just been trapped by the giant bug, instantly the whole person disappeared in the place that should have been gnawed by the swarm of insects. And again, it appeared behind Ling Zifeng who had jumped up just as before. This speed appeared really quickly and made Ling Zifeng unexpected, because with the attack power of those bugs, it is impossible to stop the windbreaker for even a second. The man rushed out, and in fact one of the bugs over there was not killed by him, so how did he disappear from and appear again behind me?

Although Ling Zifeng has such doubts, it does not prevent him from continuing to bounce upwards. To be precise, Ling Zifeng also thought that he might be able to appear very accurately behind others every time through his own special abilities. Move, indeed Ling Zifeng has thought that this should be his special ability.

Ling Zifeng has already done this hand, so he still holds Xu Shun in his left hand, holding Chen Tian in his right hand as he did not find him behind him, making the windbreaker think he can beat him down again this time, but he has not waited for the windbreaker to shoot He was stabbed in the abdomen by the thorn at the front of a flying worm that suddenly flew over and held him forward.

And Ling Zifeng also took this opportunity to successfully take Chen Tian and Xu Shun out of here, and the remaining three people were also suppressed by the woman Qian Da enough, they did not expect the woman in front of him so powerful, this woman's knife attack is very Raleigh is also a knife person, but every time he fights against this woman's knife, he feels that his entire arm is numb. If he doesn't just hold his knife, his knife will be easily beaten by him as a whole Shedding off.

Although Aojiasha has a copper skin and iron bones, the surface is very hard, but when he saw Qian Da’s knife, he would not avoid it unconsciously. Although he still could not cut his skin, he would be hit by Qian Da. The shot flies far away. Although the body skin has not been cut, it will be cut with a mark, and the internal organs of the body will also be shocked and very painful. Although the surface is not injured, it has already suffered internal injuries, nostrils and mouth. The outflow of blood proves this.

Therefore, Aojiashe saw Qianda’s attack and evaded without hesitation. Qianda’s current knife is very common. If Qianda changes a knife, he is basically no one in the t zone. Everyone who fights him head-on will be cut in half, she is such a fierce woman.

As for Pruss, it was even worse. She relied on her short stature and flexibility. She even tried to attack Qianda in close combat, but Pruss found a very good point to intervene. Really relying on Raleigh and Aojia’s Offensive left and right, successfully came to the back of Qian Da.

Due to the petite figure and the speed of movement, he kicked directly towards Qian Da, and Qian Da's cross-cutting forced Aojia and Raleigh back, and just after turning around, he saw Prussian kicking himself. Kicked, Qian Da, who was in a hurry, also kicked out at the same time. Qian Da’s leg skills were many times greater than the power of the knife in his hand. Qian Da was not only born with divine power, but the leg hit was usually more than Ordinary people's kicks are much more ruthless, and the kicks trained by Ms. Zhao, who is known as one of the top ten in the world, are absolutely top-level.

So the result of these two kicks is quite obvious. The right leg bone of Pruss was directly kicked off with a click, and the whole leg was deformed by the kick. Qian Da also saw her as she flew out. Ling Zifeng has successfully rescued both Chen Tian and Xu Shun, and it is no longer necessary to spend with them here. After all, Ye Minyu will not let her kill, so Qian Da turns around and jumps up and steps on one. On the head of the giant bug with a height of more than one meter, he jumped again and jumped directly over the fence wall of more than ten meters.

Although the male body of the windbreaker was stabbed by the front corner of the flying beetle, but when the beetle hit the wall, suddenly the windbreaker that was just stabbed in the front corner of the beetle suddenly disappeared. He appeared to be indeed injured in Aojia, beside Riley.

Although all four of Chen Tian and others had escaped, many huge insects were left around them. These insects were ordered by Ling Zifeng to attack these people. Although these insects became dozens of times larger, their IQ remained Not high, this will follow Ling Zifeng's instructions until it kills the specified person or is killed by someone will stop the destruction.

The four people who had just fought with Chen Tian and others at this time, although none of them died, they are now all wounded, so in the face of these at least two hundred giant creatures, these four people have to choose to turn and escape Fortunately, the surroundings are designed to have a lot of things to avoid like a square. Otherwise, these four people may have been solved by so many giant bugs. After all, although none of these four people died, everyone was injured. light.

The four men including the windbreaker said to Aojia after running for a while: "You go to lead these people away, or we will all finish playing together."

"What a joke, why did you let me go, why didn't you go?"

"Even if you are under siege, you can't be hurt if you are trapped like a pangolin, with the claws and fangs of those giant bugs!"

"Just kidding, even if they can't hurt me, don't you see them as big as they are? Even if they attack, they will kill me. Do you want to sacrifice me in exchange for the stock of the three of you? Mao doesn't lead them away. Why don't you use the ability to move yourself through the body in chronological order?"

"Using your mother. B. Ah! Look at me now, my body is injured like this, the ability can no longer be overused, or should I use you to distract?"

Pruss is now worse than them. She has just been kicked off by Qian Da, and now his run is basically carried by Raleigh. Raleigh runs very quickly and his physical strength is very good, and because of his petite stature It’s not too heavy, so he fled with him, but it’s a pity that the bugs running behind are much faster than they thought, and besides the giant bugs that are moving fast on the ground, there are some flying bugs in the air. They attacked them, which was the main reason why they were so embarrassed at this time. After all, these flying bugs are very fast, and the horns and wings on their heads can instantly take human lives.

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