Killing God Island

Chapter 852: Chen Tianpian. Six-person flee

Chen Tian laughed and glared at Pruss after hearing: "You are less arrogant in front of me, and today I will let you know what tricks are useless in front of this uncle." Chen Tian finished this sentence, and once again stepped **** his right foot. On the ground, with the impact of the jump and the help of the blood wings behind, he slapped forward, which made Chen Tian’s speed even higher. The distance seemed to be at least ten meters away. In front of Rus.

Of course, the silver dragon throwing stick that followed immediately collided directly with the Sha Shen stick. The impact of the weapon and the two people fighting against each other caused the two people’s hair to blow back, and then Chen Tiancai found out that the little dwarf , Not a man but a very medium-sized woman.

If Chen Tian didn’t look up close, she really didn’t find out that she turned out to be a woman, but even the woman Chen Tian didn’t plan to let her go. At this time, there is life and death and there won’t exist. If you don’t kill you, even if you are a relative or a friend on the battlefield, as long as the enemy is not your life, I’ll die.

So in a moment when the two weapons were paired together, the two were locked in each other's eyes, and besides a metal impact sound from the impact of the weapons of both sides, soon the two turned around and kicked together again, the two The movements are very sharp, the body is coordinated and very professional. After kicking and kicking three times with the rotation of the legs of the very coherent and continuous strokes, the two arms facing each other again are directly impacted together, and the other hand While the elbow joints are facing each other, the two people hit their knees at the same time. The frequency of the surrounding air oscillating also follows the airflow generated by the two people attacking each other, making the two people appear a variety of surroundings while attacking each other. Very serious shock.

The two have turned into a complete crazy attack from each other's one move, and they are attacking each other in close combat. It depends on whether Chen Tian and Prussia have physical endurance, acuity, and insight. Stronger, it is possible for anyone to kill each other instantly, because the two are very close, this one-of-a-kind match is extremely fierce, as long as there is a little carelessness, they will be directly killed by the other, and the lighter will be seriously injured and die. Although Chen Tian will not be killed instantaneously, Chen Tian also has to be extremely careful, because the tomboy-like woman in front of him is so capable that he will not attack Chen Tian closely. For so long without falling down, Chen Tian was continuously attacked by her as long as she lost one move, and once she was really fatally wounded, even if she would not die, she could not stand the constant attack of the guy in front of her, after all There is a gap between being unable to die and not being able to die at all, so Chen Tian has always been staring at her close attack before facing the Pruss in front of her.

What Chen Tian had to admire was the woman's close-knit attack, which is really quite good. This close-handed skill is really not weak. People with such a strong combat experience in Chen Tian can't withstand it, if Chen Tian fought. Chen Guang has been hit several times in the close combat with Chen Guang, but it is not an important part that can not cause much damage to Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian feels that his movements seem to be slower than just now. After a lot, my physical strength did not decline, but I felt my body became heavier and heavier.

In fact, this is not because of Chen Tian’s problems due to melee physical exhaustion, but because he has just been hit by the seal of the Prussian weapon and the six locks to kill the **** stick. This seal will follow Chen Tian’s non-stop attack and defense. Stretching the purple mark on the body until it is connected to each other, as if the body is locked by the rope, slow movement is only one of the early signs of the sequelae caused by her weapon.

Chen Tian’s attack feels slower and slower, and he feels as if he is bound by an invisible chain. He feels that the attack is like an increased weight. Although Chen Tian noticed the changes in his body, he did not go to the body just now. The appearance of the curse seal in this regard, plus a close attack by Prus also made Chen Tian never think about it.

In fact, although Prussian's melee combat is her best, but in fact, his killing method is not only a brainless attack, she is actually dealing with some opponents whose strength is infinitely close to her, and most of them are not killed by her. Her melee, after all, wants to kill the opponent in melee, it takes a lot of time, how can it be so easy to be killed, Pruss is relying on his own weapon to hit the opponent's body to leave the imprint of the opponent's strength instantly Descent, and with the other party's high-speed movement, it will accelerate the growth rate of the other party's mark on him.

Therefore, Prussia will fight Chen Tian for so long. Close attacking, especially the active attacking party, is very physical. Unless you can kill the other party with a strong crush, so much consumption Your physical strength is definitely not the best policy.

When Chen Tian does not use any of his own skills, only the defensive physical strength does not let him fall into such a tired state, so Chen Tian will feel that his body seems to have a problem, although the body does not feel very painful, except for just being Puru In addition to the pain in his chest, Sri Lanka felt pain in the rest of the body, but felt the whole body was weak and even had difficulty in moving.

Obviously, he can catch the attack of Pruss ahead, but because of the slow defense, she hits directly on Chen Tian’s face, and the body that directly kicked Chen Tian pours to the left, while Prussian attack But it’s not just one foot. She is the kind of person who is good at grasping the opponent’s weaknesses and giving the opponent a continuous attack, so Chen Tian’s body is kicked and tilted to the side. Hitting the stick directly hit the waist of Chen Tian leaning to this side. The intensity of this one is very rapid. While Chen Tian’s whole person flew directly over Xu Shun’s head, the battle between Xu Shun and Raleigh was also violent. The high tide part, the two are attacking with different angles of attack in weapon melee and long-range non-stop gestures, so that the two will show non-stop red and yellow metal sparks around the two during the running that they tell each other, With the looming sound of various metal impacts, Xu Shun's tailbone blade followed his non-stop attack, and the strength and speed of the throw made his current attack quite scary, whether it was a building or the surrounding As long as the trees are in the way, Xu Shun’s tail blade will cut them directly, and the speed is so powerful that the watcher will definitely be intimidated. If someone who doesn’t have the ability to do so, he will not survive under such an exaggerated attack. To three seconds.

This is Xu Xuan’s current ability to fully control the fighting bones ability. Of course, Xu Xian’s actual combat strength, which is comparable to Chen Tianqihu’s potential stock, is not easy to estimate, but it is certain that Chen Tian’s ability is fully open. However, Chen Tian had just been attacked by Raleigh and was severed, otherwise Chen Tian would fight with Raleigh, and Raleigh may not have the record that was just so bullish.

Chen Tian’s attack target was Aojia Club just now, and if he wants to kill Aojia Club, he will be attacked by Raleigh and cut directly into two cuts. If he is really stronger than Chen Tian, ​​he will be strong enough. The level of slashing Chen Tian into two halves or spikes with a knife is not so hard to fight with Xu Shun.

Xu Shun's tailbone blade is actually not one. At present, Xu Shun's tailblade can only be extended at most two, but it is difficult for him to fight with only one when he fights, mainly after the ejection. The force and impact of the hard connection with the knife made his palm bleed at the mouth of the tiger.

Therefore, Rayleigh is actually afraid to pick up hard. Although the recovery ability of the person is very fast, a small mouth will be completely recovered in just ten seconds, but the palm and half of the arm that are shaking each time are numb. In this way, he has limited his flexible combat power, so this time Raleigh directly escaped the blade of Xu Shan’s tailbone, and continuously jumped and continued to switch at different angles to disturb Xu Jian’s judgment. Suddenly gave Xu Shun a fatal attack.

But Xu Xun is strong because Xu Xun is not just attacking. The two large and seemingly thin bone wings behind Xu Xun are not two rigid bone pieces. This thing looks very hard, but it is also flexible. Very strong, it can be used as a combination of attacking blade and defense. In an emergency, Xu Shun will use his bone wings for emergency defense.

Of course, this time is no exception. Raleigh's so-called sneak attack thought that he could use his own attack to surprise Xu Shun unexpectedly, but Xu Shun's bone wings could be used for emergency defense, and even his whole body Wrapped in it to block the outside attack on Xu Shun, unless this thing can penetrate Xu Shun's bone wings, otherwise it can't hurt the virtual moment, at most it is a slight shock.

This also led to Rayli stabting Xu Xu's heart at a very tricky angle, but Xu Xun turned around. Although the tail blade that was thrown out had not been retracted, Xu Xuan directly used the bone wings to directly stretch the toughness Wrapped his back directly, so that Rayleigh's sword just hit the surface of Xu Xuan's bone wings. Although he used a lot of force, he couldn't pierce Xu Xuan's bone wings.

Rayleigh's wide-eyed eyes suddenly looked surprised. After all, his weapon was a very sharp weapon that was exchanged for a lot of killing points. The introduction says that it can cut iron and break steel. Ten centimeter steel plates can be cut like Weapons that are easily cut off like tofu can't even get in? Because Xu Shun’s bone wings did not seem to be strong in defense, and the thin layer of white periosteum-like wings that looked like crisp bones, I didn’t expect it to be so hard.

Of course, it is normal for Raleigh to be so surprised, because not only his knife can’t pierce, but even Chen Tian’s Silver Dragon swing stick can’t break Xu’s defense, and Xu’s bone wing is the kind of thing even if it is destroyed. It can be repaired by itself, but Chen Tian has to admire its hardness.

Chen Tian’s Silver Dragon swing stick wanted to break Xu Shun’s bone wings, and at least dozens of times of hard hitting was possible, not to mention the Western knife in Raleigh’s hand, although it was also given It’s an ordinary product, but it’s really hard and useless to stab at it.

In desperation, Rayley healed his choice and jumped again to escape Xu Xun's swept tail, but Xu Ji suddenly jumped up and flapped his wings. The kick was just kicked in Rayley's jumped chest At the same time when Raleigh was kicked by Xu Shun, the tip of Xu Bian's bone wing was also thrown laterally towards his body. The sharpness on the bone wing was enough to cut Raleigh's body away, but Raleigh was also considered to be enough. It's almost time, directly thinking about it, and raising the knife in his hand directly to block Xu Shun's bone wing, and the impact of the bone wing on the outside of the foot directly hit Rayleigh directly from the air.

Lei Li happened to be just two meters from the battle between Aojia Club and Ling Zifeng. The dull noise did not disrupt the fight between Aojia Club and Ling Zifeng at all. It can be seen that the two are also fighting very seriously. Although Ling Zifeng has always been with others The fights didn't seem to be serious fights, but he also had to be serious about the Aojia Society in front of him, because Ling Zifeng was good at unarmed combat, and the Aojia Society in front of him opened the copper skin and iron bones even after Ling Zifeng was helpless. , Only defending his attack while thinking of countermeasures.

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