Killing God Island

Chapter 851: Chen Tianpian. Less arrogant in front of me

In the case of heads-up ability and melee ability, Chen Tian does not lose Chen Tian even if he does not use the silver dragon to throw his stick. Although Aojia could not kill Chen Tian, ​​but he could completely suppress Chen Tian, ​​so Aojia knew that the silver dragon in Chen Tian's hands threw himself and he deliberately fought Ling Zifeng.

In addition, the trench coat man still did not intend to get his hands behind his back, sitting on the back of the stone lion and watching the battle in front. The six people in front of him had already fought together. The fighting level of these six people is very high, so look The head is very strong, but is this the man on the Newton Kress site?

In fact, this is not the only thing. He has a lot of people. This is just the periphery, but he only sent four people with six combat strengths to come here, and the six cadres who pretended to be b and pretended to be the top six. With more than a hundred people, these people are enough in the mind of Newton Kreis, while the rest of them have other uses. Newton Kreis is a leader who has not only his own strength but also a very high IQ. .

The leader who can be a site is absolutely outstanding, but he is a real strategist or sage who knows how to arrange and calculate others. Of course, Alsace and Jeffrey are two The big man in the three districts is also an extremely flexible leader who masters the calculation, so the two have joined forces now. The reason why they appreciate Newton Kreis is also because he is definitely not a person who will only fight hard and brainless, so I think We must join hands to resist the current unrest.

But he was directly rejected by Newton Kress. It would be impossible for Newton Kress to refuse such a good condition without some strength. The first reason for his rejection was that he also alarmed various layouts and calculations, plus he also He is very confident in his men. In addition to his six major forces, many of them have made him very calm when confronting the very powerful Chen Tian forces, especially on the first line of defense. He even dared to use four people to deal with the troublesome Chen Tian trio, which shows that his wisdom is also a type of high IQ who is qualified to be the enemy of Ye Minyu. Obviously the first step in this series of Ye Minyu's layout should be It has been seen by Newton Kress, and it is difficult to say whether Ye Minyu’s plan can be expected, but the battle place of these six people is really a great place to fight in this wide square, so they The six-person battle also made the windbreaker men look very hard without turning their eyes.

Chen Tian’s face had been deformed by the seemingly short Prussian pad. The attacking strength of this kid was indeed not weak. It can be said that it was very close combat. Chen Tian had just been cut into two parts. I couldn’t make a shot for a while and let the kid kick the ball for a long time, so Chen Tianxin felt uncomfortable about him. I didn’t expect this kid to choose me as his opponent this time. Here, did he not hit me enough, or did this kid think I was bullying? Chen Tian thought of the fact that he didn't take back the Silver Dragon swing stick in his hand. Obviously, Chen Tian wanted to kill him directly without much nonsense with him.

The Prius who walked to Chen Tian actually had the same idea as Chen Tian. In fact, he didn’t tell him to capture Chen Tian alive, so it’s much better to take the body away than to catch it alive. At least this time will save you a lot of trouble. And Pruss also knows that Chen Tian is not as good as ordinary reinforcements, so he did not retain his strength as soon as he got started, basically he was all directly brought out and launched a hard fight with Chen Tian.

In fact, Chen Tian prefers to fight close to people with stronger strength, but unfortunately this is not the time, Chen Tian also knows that he has few people here and does not have any advantage at all, not to mention the current situation is not good. If you don’t fix your eyesight as soon as possible

The former person is bound to have trouble, at this time Chen Tian’s instincts, and Chen Tian also has no slight interest in meeting the little man in front of him, unlike his fight with Zhuo Yanxuan and others who appreciate each other. Pride and strength.

So Chen Tian didn’t even bother with the fairness and unfairness of this kid’s fight this time, so Chen Tian saw him attacking himself. Without saying anything, he also raised the silver dragon throwing his hand and went directly to the Pruss in front. Chen Tianyin's leg hit the past, Chen Tianyin's throwing stick can even break the copper skin and iron bones of the body of Aojia. It can be seen how strong its hardness and strength are. On this day, the stick was kicked directly back, and the whole person stepped back five or six steps in a row to stand firm.

Because of his short stature, Chen Tian did not see his expression of bowing his head, but Chen Tian could see that his right leg was trembling slightly. If an ordinary person might have been knocked off by Chen Tian’s swing stick, but he Ruth's leg shouldn't be interrupted by Chen Tian's blow, but everyone with a clear eye can see that it should hurt him. Chen Tian saw that he was injured, his body did not move, and his body stretched out a pair of blood wings directly behind him. Chen Tiangang was about to spread his wings and flew. Suddenly he felt a chest pain and he was beaten directly. If you lean back, if there were blood wings behind you, Chen Tian would definitely fall to the ground.

Chen Tian was just a little careless. This little dwarf is not only capable of punching and kicking. In this t-zone, where anyone can have a life-threatening danger, no one has a few weapons at his disposal. A stick that can stretch long and short, Chen Tian also thought that this kid's weapon would be that kind of extensible, six sticks connected by an iron chain in the middle, which can be combined into a red like a big holy gold hoop The stick can also hit Chen Tian like this, suddenly ejected forward, turned into six sticks, and connected to each other by the iron chain between each other.

Chen Tian's beaten body tilted at the same time, and even felt a chest pain miraculously. This unreasonable attack should not cause any harm to Chen Tian's super-resistant body, so Chen Tian looked down. Next time, it’s okay if you don’t look at it. At first, you just look at the following. The surrounding body seems to have gotten a curse mark. It starts to turn purple from the position where it was hit, and purple streaks are appearing along with the blood Chen Tian’s body skin.

Chen Tian's expression suddenly asked, "What is this?"

Pruss shook the right leg that had just been beaten, his hands and six sticks made a whole, and then he turned around handsomely for a week and said: "My weapon is called the six-locked magic stick. When you hit it, you will be imprinted with a chain imprint. When the chain imprint locks all of your body, it is your death!" He laughed very arrogantly after saying this.

Chen Tian smiled after hearing: "You are less arrogant in front of me, and today I will let you know what tricks are useless in front of this uncle." Chen Tian finished this sentence, once again struck the ground with his right foot. In addition to the impact of the jump and the help of the blood wing behind, the speed of Chen Tian was improved. The distance seemed to be at least ten meters away, and it reached the front of Prussian instantly. .

Of course, the silver dragon throwing stick that followed immediately collided directly with the Sha Shen stick. The impact of the weapon and the two people fighting against each other caused the two people’s hair to blow back, and then Chen Tiancai found out that the little dwarf , Not a man but a very medium-sized woman.

If Chen Tian didn’t look up close, she really didn’t find out that she turned out to be a woman, but even the woman Chen Tian didn’t plan to let her go. At this time, there is life and death and there won’t exist. If you don’t kill you, even if you are a relative or a friend on the battlefield, as long as the enemy is not your life, I’ll die.

So in a moment when the two weapons were paired together, the two were locked in each other's eyes, and besides a metal impact sound from the impact of the weapons of both sides, soon the two turned around and kicked together again, the two The movements are very sharp, the body is coordinated and very professional. After kicking and kicking three times with the rotation of the legs of the very coherent and continuous strokes, the two arms facing each other again are directly impacted together, and the other hand While the elbow joints are facing each other, the two people hit their knees at the same time. The frequency of the surrounding air oscillating also follows the airflow generated by the two people attacking each other, making the two people appear a variety of surroundings while attacking each other. Very serious shock.

The two have turned into a complete crazy attack from each other's one move, and they are attacking each other in close combat. It depends on whether Chen Tian and Prussia have physical endurance, acuity, and insight. Stronger, it is possible for anyone to kill each other instantly, because the two are very close, this one-of-a-kind match is extremely fierce, as long as there is a little carelessness, they will be directly killed by the other, and the lighter will be seriously injured and die. Although Chen Tian will not be killed instantaneously, Chen Tian also has to be extremely careful, because the tomboy-like woman in front of him is so capable that he will not attack Chen Tian closely. For so long without falling down, Chen Tian was continuously attacked by her as long as she lost one move, and once she was really fatally wounded, even if she would not die, she could not stand the constant attack of the guy in front of her, after all There is a gap between being unable to die and not being able to die at all, so Chen Tian has always been staring at her close attack before facing the Pruss in front of her.

What Chen Tian had to admire was the woman's close-knit attack, which is really quite good. This close-handed skill is really not weak. People with such a strong combat experience in Chen Tian can't withstand it, if Chen Tian fought. Chen Guang has been hit several times in the close combat with Chen Guang, but it is not an important part that can not cause much damage to Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian feels that his movements seem to be slower than just now. After a lot, my physical strength did not decline, but I felt my body became heavier and heavier.

In fact, this is not because of Chen Tian’s problems due to melee physical exhaustion, but because he has just been hit by the seal of the Prussian weapon and the six locks to kill the **** stick. This seal will follow Chen Tian’s non-stop attack and defense. Stretching the purple mark on the body continuously until it is connected to each other, just like the body is locked by the rope, slowness of movement is only one of the symptoms.

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