Killing God Island

Chapter 849: Chen Tian. Chen Tian was captured alive

Aojiashe said to Chen Tian with a serious expression: "I am one of the six real fighting forces here, and I will stop you here."

Aojiashe said that this sentence is quite domineering, and of course Chen Tian also knows that this kid does have a skill, mainly because his blood boundary seems to have little effect on this guy, and the whole body of this guy should look like a knife and a gun. It's harder than Chen Tian's super-struggling body. It's too much. The main thing is Chen Tian's strong punch. The guy who hit him in the face didn't even have nosebleed. On the contrary, Chen Tian felt that The five fingers of the person were very painful. Chen Tian helplessly jumped back and pulled out his weapon directly. Chen Tian threw his silver dragon throwing stick and once again poses: "It seems that no weapons are needed. It's a bit tricky for you to be invulnerable!"

Aojia saw Chen Tian took out a stick and still said with a smile: "Do you think the weapon is really effective on me?" Aojia said to Chen Tian after saying this sentence. He ran away again, and Chen Tian didn’t flinch towards Aojia Club. Chen Tian just beat Aojia Club. The whole body was very shabby, but it wasn’t long before he was beaten. Gray, although neither of them suffered too serious injuries, it is also obvious that these two are not easily injured. Although Chen Tian does not have these two hardnesses of the body of Aojia, Chen Tian has just suffered. The wound can be healed in a short period of time. How can Aojiashe easily defeat such a strong healing ability? Today's Chen Tian can kill his strong man. In addition to the world's top combat power, few people can easily kill this person, even if the strength crushes Chen Tian, ​​it is impossible to kill him, so the battle between the two is actually physical. It depends on who exhausted his physical strength first to determine the victory. If Chen Tian exhausts his physical strength, he will lose his super healing ability, but Aojia’s physical exhaustion will not be able to maintain the state of Heavenly Tribulation and restore it. The ordinary state of Aojia no longer has the ability to be invincible with copper skins and iron bones, so the duel between the two has always been fighting for the combat power and the ability to fight between the two. Chen Tian’s attacks, including fists and feet, as well as any state of his blood control attacks, can’t hurt him, but Chen Tian’s repeated attacks still make Aojia feel weak, mainly because Aojia wants to maintain this. This kind of state is very exhausting, and he tried to solve Chen Tian in this form and failed many times. No matter whether he hits any important parts of Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian is fine, so these two people are incredible about each other’s abilities. Until Chen Tian felt that there was really nothing he could do to hurt him, he withdrew his silver dragon stick and launched an attack on Aojia Club again. When Chen Tian jumped, he shot a stick directly to Aojia Club. The door hit.

Originally, Aojia Club could directly avoid it, but he was just to prove to Chen Tian that any of your attacks were invalid to me, so he directly used his forearm to defend upwards. That is that his copper arm is not full of hardness. Although it can block any defense and attack from Chen Tian, ​​it is very powerful, but the hardness of his arm is not as strong as that of Chen Tianyinlong's stick. It is directly beaten and faded from the inside. Bleeding, which proves that he will not be harder than the silver dragon swing stick in Chen Tian's hands.

This blow also shocked Aojia. He had never seen anything that could break his skin. Chen Tian originally thought that his sky-tribulation turned all his body into a metallic substance. It’s the surface. If you want to turn it into metal, you won’t bleed from the inside. Since it will bleed from the inside, it proves that his hardness is just the surface. This means that Chen Tian can use the weapon in his hand to cause damage to him. Prove that as long as he hits his deadly position, he can be killed.

Of course, Aojia also had to fear Chen Tian’s weapon, and Chen Tian saw that this effect worked, and immediately gave Aojia without any breathing time, immediately followed him again, Chen Tian Of course, it is impossible to know that the person in front of him wants to betray him, and he can only be treated as an enemy. In the face of such a difficult opponent, of course, to seize this opportunity, he must be solved in one go, otherwise I'm afraid things have changed, so Chen Tian directly hit the stick without saying anything. This time, Aojia didn't dare to make a hard jump, but jumped back three times in a row to increase the distance from Chen Tian. Obviously, Aojia wanted to create a broken time to repair his right arm. Chen Tian knew of this guy’s idea, of course, so he quickly stepped **** the ground with a single miss, followed by a leap, and again from behind Spreading the blood wings to speed up his movement in his direction, it can be seen how quickly Chen Tian wants to solve the person in front of him this time, the most important thing is the strength of this guy. He was unable to resist in front of me. Aojiashe saw Chen Tian coming to him again. He also turned and chose to run to the distance. Although Aojiashe was also running away, he was not true. Fleeing from the desert, he wanted to go to the center of the square to pull out the sword of victory. This sword was a weapon of Newton. Cress. After a clear site was originally defined, in order to prove that this was the first line of defense on the border, it was also because At the beginning, there were six major forces defending and defending Newton. Cres was very at ease, and hereby inserted his own sword under the statue of Victory Square, and this sword is what Aojia wants to draw out the other party Chen Tian. Weapon, so he quickly ran towards the center, but when he ran, he was hit by Chen Tianyi’s heavy swing and fell spitting blood. Chen Tian’s silver dragon swing stick can pass the user’s The strength is increased by the strength, and the hardness exceeds the skin bearing capacity of Aojia. Therefore, Chen Tianyinlong hit the back and spit blood directly on the back. Although Chen Tian stretched his blood wings behind and flew in the air. Soon, but the running speed of Aojia didn't fall behind. The two men's speed was basically the same, so Chen Tian couldn't catch up when Aojia first ran, and it was held in the form of human hands with blood His own silver dragon throwing stick with the ability to control the blood gave Aojia a heavy blow behind the run in the distance.

This blow was really hard. It fell to the ground of Aojia Club for a long time and did not get up. At this time, Chen Tian also narrowed the distance and fell from the air. With the blood, the silver dragon was thrown up and accompanied by the stick. With Chen Tianfang's whereabouts stretched forward, he directly caught the Yinlong swing stick and struck the head of the Aojia club who had just stood up and wanted to kill him.

Aojia saw that Chen Tian’s attack was so sudden. Of course, he knew that if he was hit in the head, he would never die or be seriously injured. After all, he also saw the powerful weapon in Chen Tian’s hands, so he couldn’t avoid it for a while. The arm should be connected to Chen Tian's Yinlong swing stick. After all, if the arm is interrupted, it can be repaired by itself. If it is hit in the head, it is life-threatening. Aojiashe directly put his arms up to prepare for the hard connection.

Chen Tian guessed that he would win the game, so Chen Tian tried harder to break all his arms directly, and then smashed his head, so Chen Tian fell from one hand to his hands. Clenching the stick and slamming it down directly shows how much Chen Tian wants to solve him.

But at the moment when Chen Tian’s Yinlong swing stick was about to hit Aojia Club, Chen Tian suddenly felt that someone was passing by him, and he hadn’t waited for his hands to hit Aojia Club. His upper body had been cut with a knife It was cut into two pieces, which Chen Tian did not expect. This man had cut him over with a knife through Chen Tian. Although Chen Tian found it, it was too late.

This man's speed of attack was very fast, which was synchronized with Chen Tian's attack, which led Chen Tian to find that it was too late to turn around and defend. Therefore, Chen Tian continued to smash Aojiashe due to inertial clenching his stick, but his body was suddenly The tall man appeared cut in two with a knife, and the upper body did not hit the body of Aojia, but was suddenly appeared by another boy who didn’t look tall, and placed it directly on Chen Tian’s face with his knee. Chen Tian's upper body directly flew several meters away.

Now Chen Tian’s upper body and lower body are completely detached. Although Chen Tian’s internal organs are exposed, Chen Tian can control his own blood without wanting to spill a drop, but because the wound is too large and the waist is cut off, Chen Tian cannot quickly The body is repaired, but Chen Tian's upper and lower body can completely move on their own, which is generally impossible for strengthening people.

"Aojiashe! How can you be so embarrassed if you have a copper skin and iron bones? Don't you feel ashamed that you are as famous as a few of us?" The person who said this was Raleigh. On the other hand, although he is tall and does not look strong, the slender Western knife he holds in his hand can tell that he is definitely a very stylish person, and the other is relatively short. Chen Tianyi's knee pad flying boy is named Pruss. These two men are one of the six men of the same name as Newcastle. He is currently here. More than these three men have arrived here, and one is wearing black. The man in the coat with sunglasses, holding a book in the distance, is even more mysterious.

For a while, Chen Tian has become somewhat passive from his previous confidence. After all, although Chen Tian’s body can move on both sides, he has been given by the sudden appearance of the two plus the Aojia who is not seriously injured. Surrounded, although Chen Tian has a similar immortal ability, but it is only a super fast repair existence, it is not really impossible to kill, and the heavier the injury, the greater the energy consumption. Chen Tian tries to connect the two bodies with blood Combine them together.

But these three people are not just the garbage of the six self-proclaimed six major powers. These few people are the core real power of the entire organization. Everyone has the power to fight against Chen Tian. How is it possible? How could it be possible for three people to surround him alone, so that Chen Tian could connect his body so easily. The blood on both sides of Chen Tian had just been connected together, and before he could drag the two bodies to each other, he was once again given a direct knife to Chen by Raleigh. The blood that connected to the body was cut off again.

At this time, the three people seemed to be playing with Chen Tian. Chen Tian wanted to connect his body again and again, and was interrupted by the three people. These three people wanted to consume Chen Tian like this and let Chen Tian's physical strength After completely exhausting, there will be no control of the blood, and the blood of the two bodies will immediately flow out and die. Chen Tian also sees the intentions of these guys, so sweat beads appear on his face at this time. It's really exhausting. Chen Tian wants to keep his body's blood and internal organs completely undead. The physical energy consumed is really large, and there is no entity around it. He can't use other people's blood to restore his physical strength, so go on like this. The sky may soon be unsupportable.

"Damn it! These three guys want to play me like this!" Chen Tian began to panic at this moment, after all, he didn't want to die in this place along the way, but Chen Tian really had no choice at this time, Chen Heaven wanted to let go of his lower body. A pair of blood wings appeared on his upper body and wanted to fly over to escape. As long as Chen Tian could fly back to the place where the corpse had just been covered, he would soon use the flesh and blood of the corpse to let himself repair himself. Even if there is no lower body, it can be completely repaired, and Chen Tian's lower body will lose its living state as soon as time passes.

So Chen Tian stretched his blood wings and wanted to escape from here, but how could he escape the siege of these three people, and soon Chen Tian blood wings were cut off, and as a close-range attack, Pruss, who was very flexible, moved Chen again The sky fell down from the air, and while the three still wanted to continue to play Chen Tian, ​​another man in the top six not far away, wearing a trench coat, closed the book and said, "Okay, don't tell him It's a waste of time. He should be Chen Tian, ​​who was very powerful recently. His ugly appearance and few eyes are fully in line with his strength. He caught him alive to meet Newton Kress.

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