Killing God Island

Chapter 848: Chen Tianpian. Copper skin iron bone

This person who didn’t seem nervous at all took the noodles in the last bowl, threw the bowl backwards, wiped the mouth with the cuffs and said, "Even if you say my name, you may not know it, why should you Ask?"

After hearing this, Chen Tian smiled: "Those who are capable, even if I don’t know, want to meet even enemies, just like those wastes just asked me my name, I don’t tell, because they don’t deserve to know my name, and you think you Let me know your name!"

"Really? That's really an honor, but the name is just a code name for me. Since you want to know that, I'll tell you. My name is Aojiashe." He said this to Chen Tian walked forward, and Chen Tian saw him walking towards him, and he also showed an excited expression while walking towards him: "Li Shang Shang, since you told me your name, then you should also remember Uncle Ben My name is Chen Tian!"

After Chen Tian said this sentence, his body didn't arrive. The blood scattered around Chen Tian first showed various shapes. For a moment, Chen Tian as the center was like a multi-touch monster. The blood surrounding him was like a big octopus. At the same time, Aojia, who was rushing towards him, directly attacked, and this Aojia saw the so dangerous scene in front of him, but he continued to move forward in disapproval. When a sharp blood touched the tip of the blood and was about to pierce him, he turned out. Directly turned on the state of Heavenly Tribulation, and the instantaneous opening proved that he was not an ordinary strengthening person, and that the Heavenly Tribulation ability opened by this guy also calmed Chen Tian. This guy’s ability was bronzed and his body became Metal like gold, the body is as hard as metal, especially his two arms are red copper color, Chen Tian’s blood attack is not as hard as he is, but he is very strong by all his intentions, and is very hard At a fast speed, Chen Tian came straight ahead. Chen Tian saw that his blood was punched into a blood drop by Aojia Club. The overall plan made Chen Tian have to instantly disperse the blood in front and at the same time he was facing the sky at a very fast speed. He came running forward, and at the same time, he lifted his right fist and directly hit the right fist of Aojiashe. This strength and hardness really made Chen Tian's expression change, following the direction in which the two were all shot. After five or six steps back in a row to stand firm.

"You guys are pretty good at punching, and they can get back my copper punches." After Aojia said this, relying on the jacket and jacket and then said to Chen Tian again: "Just so many people in those buckets It’s really uncomfortable to beat you alone, thanks to Newton Kreis, let me take a look here, otherwise these wastes will easily let the three of you take over here, it seems I really can’t believe this The waste management ability, but even if you have some strength, I will tell you clearly that you can’t get here today."

Chen Tian also replied: "That may not be necessary!" He stepped on the ground again, all the blood just went deep underground, and there were very sharp blood thorns directly on the ground standing by Aojia, although Aojia At this time, the whole body was covered with very hard copper skin iron bones, but Aojia still jumped directly due to conditioned reflex, and of course Chen Tian also knew that this conditioned reflex is the first reaction of human beings many times, even if he is not afraid of this level now. Attack, but he will not enter this state in many places, so he will directly avoid it in the normal state, he will also react the same at the critical moment, in fact, Chen Tian guessed right, Aojia indeed Jump directly, and Chen Tianzao jumped directly with the impact of his shoulder and rushed forward directly with the impact of his shoulder. After raising his head, Chen Tian had hit his chest with his elbow on the head. This was due to Chen Tian’s good advance, which resulted in a very consistent move, and the hit rate was also 100%. Chen Tian flew out directly, and Chen Tian was absolutely strong enough. The Aojia who was hit from the top hit the ground directly into a big pit. Not to mention, the whole body was still sliding back a deep ditch. When Aojia stood up, not only the clothes on the upper body had been worn away, but also the rags of the trousers were rubbed all over the soil, which looked very embarrassed, but Aojia was not as furious as imagined Instead, he naturally stood up from the pit and stared at Chen Tian using the blood wings to stay in the sky.

Aojiashe lifted her head and raised her head directly to Chen Tian. After Chen Tian radiated a golden light on the whole body, the whole person instantly felt a dazzling moment in Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian couldn't help covering his eyes with both hands, just when Chen Tian was looking down There is no one there anymore. Chen Tianyi froze and looked around all the time. At this time, Chen Tian was basically used in the rest of the auxiliary purposes because he was in a state of micromanagement and proficiency. This trick can quickly sense any movement of the enemies around him. Because Chen Tian is useless, he just doesn’t look around. At this time, Aojia Club has already jumped over Chen Tian and split his leg directly above to miss Chen. The sky was directly struck. When Chen Tian found that there was something wrong with the airflow above, Chen Tian had already seen this foot kicked towards himself. Chen Tianxiang seemed to be too late to avoid it. He blocked blood with his hands up and controlled blood. The wings let the blood wings form a layer of defense above, but the attack of Aojia Society was so easy to take. Chen Tian’s blood wings were directly penetrated by the heel of the lower leg of Aojia Society and directly hit Chen Tian. On the erecting arms, the tremendous force made Chen Tian's ultra-resisting arms numb. The instantaneous pain directly caused Chen Tian to fall from the sky. The ground instantaneously exploded like a burst of smoke. After the smoke dissipated, the Aojia Society also fell from the sky to the bottom of Chen Tian's landing. Before the Aojia Society had landed, suddenly his arms were raised in the air. Sure enough, two blood-red sharp blood in the haze of smoke The stabbing came to the left and right sides of Aojia Club, and the Aojia Club, which was caught by both hands of the Aojia Club, had just landed. At this time, Chen Tian had punched the face of the Aojia Club firmly and firmly hit her. On the fist, Chen Tian was very hard. Chen Tian’s fist was able to penetrate the three-meter-thick rock layer, and it hit his face with Aojia Club, and he felt that his five fingers were in pain. The club is all right.

After seeing Chen Tian’s surprised expression, Aojia burst into laughter and threw both of Chen Tian’s blood spurs out with both arms. At the same time, he said to Chen Tian’s serious expression: “I’m the real six major combatants here. One, I’m here to stop you."

Aojiashe said that this sentence is quite domineering, and of course Chen Tian also knows that this kid does have a skill, mainly because his blood boundary does not seem to have much effect on this guy, and the whole body of this guy should look like a knife and a gun. It's harder than Chen Tian's super-struggling body. It's too much. The main thing is Chen Tian's strong punch. The guy who hit him in the face didn't even have nosebleed. On the contrary, Chen Tian felt that The five fingers of the person were very painful. Chen Tian helplessly jumped back and pulled out his weapon directly. Chen Tian threw his silver dragon throwing stick and once again poses: "It seems that no weapons are needed. It’s a bit tricky for you to be invulnerable!

Aojia saw Chen Tian took out a stick and still said with a smile: "Do you think the weapon is really effective on me?" Aojia said to Chen Tian after saying this sentence. He ran away again, and Chen Tian didn’t flinch towards Aojia Club. Chen Tian’s whole body was very sluggish, but he was beaten all over the body. Gray, although neither of them suffered too serious injuries, it is also obvious that these two are not easily injured. Although Chen Tian does not have these two hardnesses of the body of Aojia, Chen Tian has just suffered. The wound can be healed in a short period of time. How can Aojia Club easily defeat such a strong healing ability? Today's Chen Tian can kill his strong man. In addition to the world's top combat power, few people can easily kill this person, even if the strength crushes Chen Tian, ​​it is impossible to kill him, so the battle between the two is actually physical. It depends on who exhausted his physical strength first to determine the victory. If Chen Tian exhausts his physical strength, he will lose his super healing ability, but Aojia’s physical exhaustion will not be able to maintain the state of Heavenly Tribulation and restore it. The ordinary state of Aojia no longer has the ability to be invincible with copper skins and iron bones, so the duel between the two has always been fighting for the combat power and the ability to fight between the two. Chen Tian’s attacks, including fists and feet, as well as any state of his blood control attacks, can’t hurt him, but Chen Tian’s repeated attacks still make Aojia feel weak, mainly because Aojia wants to maintain this. This kind of state is very exhausting, and he tried to solve Chen Tian in this form and failed many times. No matter whether he hits any important parts of Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian is fine, so these two people are incredible about each other’s abilities. Until Chen Tian felt that there was really nothing he could do to hurt him, he withdrew his silver dragon stick and launched an attack on Aojia Club again. When Chen Tian jumped, he shot a stick directly to Aojia Club. The door hit.

Originally, Aojia Club could directly avoid it, but he was just to prove to Chen Tian that any of your attacks were invalid to me, so he directly used his forearm to defend upwards. That is, his copper arm is not full of hardness. Although it can block any defense and attack from Chen Tian, ​​it is very powerful, but the hardness of his arm is not as strong as that of Chen Tianyinlong’s throwing stick. Bleeding, which proves that he will not be harder than the silver dragon throwing stick in Chen Tian's body.

This blow also shocked Aojia. He had never seen anything that could break his skin. Chen Tian originally thought that his sky-tribulation turned all his body into a metallic substance. It’s the surface. If you want to turn it into metal, you won’t bleed from the inside. Since it will bleed from the inside, it proves that his hardness is just the surface. This means that Chen Tian can use the weapon in his hand to cause damage to him. Prove that as long as he hits his deadly position, he can be killed.

Of course, Aojia also had to fear Chen Tian’s weapon, and Chen Tian saw that this effect worked, and immediately gave Aojia without any breathing time, immediately followed him again, Chen Tian Of course, it is impossible to know that the person in front of him wants to betray him, and he can only be treated as an enemy. In the face of such a difficult opponent, of course, to seize this opportunity, he must be solved in one go, otherwise I'm afraid things have changed, so Chen Tian directly hit the stick without saying anything. This time, Aojia didn't dare to make a hard jump, but jumped back three times in a row to increase the distance from Chen Tian. Obviously, Aojia wanted to create a broken time to repair his right arm. Chen Tian knew of this guy’s idea, of course, so he quickly stepped **** the ground with a single miss, followed by a leap, and again from behind Spreading the blood wings to speed up his movement in his direction, it can be seen how quickly Chen Tian wants to solve the person in front of him this time, the most important thing is the strength of this guy. He was unable to resist in front of me. Aojiashe saw Chen Tian coming to himself again. He also turned and chose to run to the distance. Although Aojiashe was also running away, he was not true. Fleeing from the desert, he wanted to go to the center of the square to pull out the sword of victory. This sword was a weapon of Newton. Cress. After a clear site was originally defined, in order to prove that this was the first line of defense on the border, it was also because At the beginning, there were six major forces defending and defending Newton. Cres was very at ease, and hereby inserted his own sword under the statue in Victory Square, and this sword is what Aojia wants to draw out the other party Chen Tian. Weapon, so he quickly ran towards the center, but when he ran, he was hit by Chen Tianyi’s heavy swing and fell spitting blood. Chen Tian’s silver dragon swing stick can pass the user’s The strength is increased by the strength, and the hardness exceeds the skin bearing capacity of Aojia. Therefore, Chen Tianyinlong hit the back and spit blood on the back. Although Chen Tian stretched his blood wings behind him, he flew in the air. Soon, but the running speed of Aojia didn't fall behind. The two men's speed was basically the same, so Chen Tian couldn't catch up when Aojia first ran, and it was held in the form of human hands with blood His own silver dragon throwing stick with the ability to control the blood gave Aojia a heavy blow behind the run in the distance.

This blow was really hard. It fell to the ground of Aojia Club for a long time and did not get up. At this time, Chen Tian also narrowed the distance and fell from the air. With the blood, the silver dragon was thrown up and accompanied by the stick. With Chen Tianfang's whereabouts stretched forward, he directly caught the Yinlong swing stick and struck the head of the Aojia club who had just stood up and wanted to kill him.

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