Killing God Island

Chapter 838: Chen Tianpian. Make him quiet

Lin Xue looked at Angelina so seriously, sighing long after an embarrassed smile, and then took out a cigarette from her pocket to hand to Angelina, but Angelina shook her hand to signal herself No smoking, but Lin Xue lit a slender cigarette for herself and closed her eyes to the sky, as if this could engrave Angelina feeling an inexplicable sadness from her, this woman must have an unusual experience People.

"You are right. I did not hesitate to accept the conditions of joining you at first just because I was afraid that you would kill me directly. But what he said did make sense. It would be safer to follow you, as long as You don’t want to kill me, then it’s undoubtedly a good thing for me to follow you.” Lin Xue finally expressed his true inner thoughts, and Angelina also gently clapped her hands and said back, “You said so, I I believe you are sincere!" Angelina finished this sentence and walked a few steps in the direction of Lin Xue, then offered her hand and said again to Lin Xue: "Welcome to join our team, But before you shake hands with me, I want to remind you two things clearly."

Lin Xue also reached out and held her hand with Angelina, she asked again: "What two points do you want to remind me?"

"The first point is also the most important. As long as you don’t betray us, we will never take action against ourselves, but if you betray us, then you will definitely die miserably." Angelina said The tone of this sentence is really very powerful, and the volume is also in place. It is neither roaring nor shouting at her, but the slight change in tone makes Lin Xue feel a sudden chill in the whole body. It seems that if you really betrayed us, you will definitely die. The threat is definitely in place. Lin Xue continued to ask with a slightly stiff expression: "What is the second thing to pay attention to?"

Angelina suddenly changed her attitude suddenly, and then her mouth suddenly filled with a smile, as if jokingly said: "The second thing you should pay attention to is, don't grab a man with me, the one-eyed man is already my man, but he I don’t think he looks handsome. I don’t think you will be optimistic about him. Moreover, handsome guys like Wu Yifan are also in my opinion. The second point should not have much to do with you."

Lin Xue couldn't help but laughed when she heard it, and Angelina saw Lin Xue laughing, and she also laughed. She could see a trace of mocking from Lin Xue's expression, in fact Lin Xue was also secretly mocking Angelina at this time. After all, Angelina had a much lower face value than the previous face injury and disfigurement. She also lost one arm, which was half disabled and not very beautiful. The red marks of burns and burns do not look directly proportional to her previous cute face value, so when Angelina said that Chen Tian was her man, Lin Xue couldn’t help but want to laugh, just laughed The sound doesn't feel very good, so I have been tolerating it. In Lin Xue, I think Chen Tian and her are both ugly. It really is a perfect match.

Although Lin Xue wanted to endure a big laugh, watching Angelina said that it really made her a little unable to hold back, so that she couldn't laugh, but followed Angelina and said another sentence: " Since it’s all my own, calling him One-eyed Dragon or One-eyed Man really sounds awkward. Just now he introduced everyone to you, but he only forgot her. Chen Tian, ​​did he think His name is domineering?" Angelina's last domineering description of Chen Tian has made Lin Xue unable to bear any more. She burst out laughing and raised her thumb while bowing and laughing. In a word: "Yes! I also think his name is so domineering, this name is too handsome to match him." After this sentence, Lin Xue couldn't help laughing anymore, and Angelina also It can be seen that Lin Xue mocked Chen Tian for appreciation. Although Angelina was a little angry, she also laughed with Lin Xue with her anger, only one person was really laughing and the other person was smirking, of course Lin Xue smiled and found that she had just lost her gaze, so she immediately said to Angelina with a serious expression: "Sorry, just lost her gaze."

Angelina saw that Lin Xue was not laughing anymore, and she stopped smirking and then replied in a disgruntled tone: "It's okay, it seems that you are a person with a low level of laughter. A name can laugh for so long, but No matter what kind of character, as long as the companion invited by Chen Tian enters, no matter what kind of character I am sincerely welcome, so I also hope that you let go of your burdens and don’t think about it.” Lin Xue nodded embarrassingly and replied: "Thank you Enlightenment, rest assured that since I joined, I will not betray everyone, you can rest assured at this point!" Lin Xue's words with her extremely firm eyes, really like that, but Angelina is not optimistic, Because she can choose to betray her organization for so long at a critical period, and organize the life of her companions to achieve her purpose of continuing to live. This alone can no longer fully trust this person.

Of course, Chen Tian also knows that since Lin Xue can betray his former companions at a critical moment, he will inevitably be threatened by her betrayal at a time when Chen Tian’s team is critical to life and death, so Chen Tian also knows that she may be a time bomb, but Chen Tianyongren never considers the shortcomings of others. If the team is strong, it will never be in a desperate situation. Since there will be no desperation, it means that Lin Xue is not necessary to betray, so Chen Tian is interested in Lin Xue’s Ability, this is also a point that Chen Tian is very strong in hiring people and looking for potential people. Chen Tian likes to seize the advantages of everyone and magnify it to make it stronger and stronger.

The group of Chen Tian is currently divided into three groups. One group is Angelina and the newly joined Lin Xue. Of course, the two of them have obviously shortened the distance between each other after some simple dialogues just now. Angelina also wants to indirectly substitute Chen Tian for Lin Xue. Since Angelina loves Chen Tian, ​​she has been slowly and wholeheartedly assisting Chen Tian within the organization of Chen Tian, ​​including of course Ye Minyu and her The relationship is also very good, which means that let Ye Minyu understand whether Chen Tian is the core of the team, or whether it is centered on this general and not-so-atmospheric Yao Jun. Of course, even if she is not watching Lina in the middle, Ye Minyu’s The character will not choose Yao Jun. After all, it is not as good as Yao Jun to let Yao Jun really be the captain of this team, so Ye Minyu can’t be willing to help the incompetent, so Ye Minyu has long recognized Chen Tian’s fighting power and potential. Of course, there are many people with fighting power and potential. The reason why Chen Tian is chosen is that besides Chen Tian’s huge potential, it is also because of Chen Tian’s personal character. She appreciates it, mainly because she dares to take on the help of the entire team. With his strong personality charm, everyone is convinced, so even if Ye Minyu wants to control the Chen Tian team with his powerful wisdom, he cannot be the captain, because he can only serve as the brain of the entire team, the team’s At present, there is only Chen Tian.

At this time, Angelina and Lin Xue were chatting not far from Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian and Xu Shun were drinking, Xu Xu later found a lot of wine. Anyway, he had to wait a day before the big team arrived, and It was the most comfortable thing just after the war ended and ordered a little wine and then took a good sleep. Of course, Chen Tian and Xu Shun walked relatively close in private. When Chen Tian team just entered the island, there were less than five people. Yao Jun is the leader of the entire team. When he was the captain, Chen Tian almost died because of several times to cover others. Among them, because of the many times of covering Angelina and Yao Jun and Wu Yifan lost many times, this caused Chen Tian and Angelina's relationship is much better than the relationship between them, and the two of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan recently walked through Chen Tian's group because of two points. The first is that both genes have evolved very slowly and there is no sign of awakening at all. People, the strength is the last and second in the entire Chen Tian team, and they were the strongest in combat power and fighting before they entered the island, so the inner blow led the two to go closer, and before the two were also before There are more when working together, so these two are the best in the whole team.

Qian Da and Han Li were not originally part of the Chen Tian team. Qian Da was not familiar with Chen Tian at all, but she had been interviewed a few times before and was not familiar with the rest of the Chen Tian team. The only one was more familiar with her. It is Wu Yifan in the team of Chen Tian. These two people knew each other outside the island. It was just that Wu Yifan blindly followed the steps of Miss Qianda. Unfortunately, she never got her attention. The appearance is still the funds in his own strong home, etc. belong to the very outstanding young people, the second generation of rich people, a good man even has some fame in the killer world, the main thing is the appearance is also an absolute standard handsome guy, These three points of Wu Yifan's chasing girls are basically at hand, but he is not even a scum in front of Qian Da, the main reason is that Qian Da's outstanding level is too wide. She, the outstanding teenagers who have seen the strength, the powerful and even the appearance are countless handsome. Although Wu Yifan seems to be perfect, but people can not be compared, the most important thing is that Qian Da itself is also very good Women, from head to toe, look and figure are absolutely impeccable. The main reason is that there are not many men who can match her with family background and their own strength and skill. In addition, her unique vision wants another A man who is stronger than himself, so the love in Wu Yifan's heart is destined to never get on Qian Da, but he just does not give up the kind of person who is very obsessed.

Therefore, since she saw Wu Yifan, she was very bland and ignored him, but he kept showing her affection and wanted to take away the attention of Miss Qianda, but unfortunately, this trick made her hate him even more. If Qian Da had had several contacts with Wu Yifan before entering the island, it is likely that his enthusiasm was already killed by Qian Da, because Qian Da is a very proud person who likes quiet, and Wu Yifan is in order to attract Qian Da Obviously, her attention has angered her, but Qian Da has been suppressing her anger. If Wu Yifan's father had rescued Qian Da's father, and her father had said to Qian Da in private at that time, even if you didn't like this kid, Don’t you understand him?

Qianda, as a member of the Wilson family, is also more in line with the influence of traditional concepts such as gratitude and gratitude, so Qianda has been tolerant of her temper for a long time, because Wu Yifan just drank some wine with Yao Jun, plus On this journey, he suffered a lot in order to follow Qian Da's footsteps, so he wanted to talk to Qian Da well through wine and then confess to her again, although Wu Yifan knew that the result of the confession would definitely be rejected. , But he is unsuccessful again and again, maybe this is also a manifestation of true love, Qian Da sees that drinking too much Wu Yifan is too grind, he wants to stun him in the past, but he is afraid that he can not control his own arm strength Killing him, this is tantamount to breaking the family’s sincere rules of gratitude. Even if the strengthened people have a certain ability to fight, but Qianda’s natural divine force is very hard, even if it is very light, it’s also a knife. The location of the hit is usually the neck, so Qian Da is really afraid that she will miss Wu Yifan’s cervical spine, so Qian Da ordered Han Li: "You give me the man who drank too much in front of me, don’t hurt She, I just think he is too noisy, you used to keep him quiet."

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