Killing God Island

Chapter 837: Chen Tianpian. You two are a perfect match

Chen Tian and others also killed so many people. They didn’t even deal with the corpses, so they chose a place to rest. After all, everyone killed too many people along the way. Immunization, killing has become a daily routine for Chen Tian and others. With more and more killings, it has become more and more casual and not taking life seriously.

People who can survive on this island and have walked through so many areas have long been killed and weakened, so now even Xu Shun, a weak otaku in his bones, now looks natural in the face of corpses everywhere. Chen Tian could not find a trace of fear and cowardice in his eyes.

Instead, Chen Tian felt that Lin Xue, who had just invited her to join, was still very vigilant to everyone present. Chen Tian secretly took a selfie of his forehead and said to Angelina: "To be honest, I really don't understand your women, Why don’t you go and talk to this little girl, I always feel like she is afraid of us."

Angelina laughed after hearing: "We just killed so many people, even if you are afraid to kill so many people in front of her, feel nervous or depressed?"

"Well! You said the same, how can she let her guard down?" Chen Tian whispered this in Angelina's ear, but Angelina replied directly: "This is not easy to say, After all, it’s hard to guess a woman’s mind, but I can go talk to her and let her let go of her wariness a little bit.”

"Hey, hello! You didn't kill her companion just now. According to you, I'm afraid it's useless to talk to her."

"That's not necessarily true!" Angelina blinked at Chen Tian and returned to him again: "All women, it's easier than chatting with you." Angelina walked away after saying this sentence Lin Xue was froze ahead.

Lin Xue Leng Shen is thinking about the character of these people in front of him. In Lin Xue's eyes, these people are very strong, but to Lin Xue, these people should feel that Chen Tian gives her more like the leader of this team. However, because Chen Tian looks very ugly, Lin Xue’s first impression of him is not very good. He accepted Chen Tian’s invitation, and he did not hesitate to accept it because he was afraid of the strength of these people. In fact, Chen Tian This kind of appearance does not seem to have the appearance that girls like. It is indeed not very uncomfortable to contact and chat with others. Except for the supremacy of interests and the surprise of those who need him, the other ordinary people are of course as intuitive as Chen Xue. Feeling very disgusted, after all, people who look bad, whether they are outside or here, are the same. Only Angelina and Xu Shun or Chen Tian who have lived in love with each other, will not He cares about his appearance, because they already know Chen Tian as a person, and have established a relatively stable trust and friendship with him, otherwise people who first contact with Chen Tian will rarely have a good impression on Chen Tian, ​​so Lin Xue His emotions are very normal.

Of course, Chen Tian also knows that it is really not easy for him to look for a friend who is really intimate. He used to be inferior before, but now Chen Tian has adapted to this mentality, so Chen Tian is actually different from normal people. He actually It seems that there are three kinds of personality in the normal heart, one is inferiority, one is arrogant, and the other is the ability to calmly and calmly understand the adaptability. Of course, the third kind can also be said to be Chen Tian’s self-control ability. Chen Tian’s inferiority mentality is actually It is the side that he always wanted to hide, so in order to hide this side of Chen Tian’s arrogance and arrogance, it will be very exaggerated in many cases, and even exaggerated to the very exaggerated side, sometimes even some people will I think Chen Tian is a very arrogant and brainless person. In fact, Chen Tiantian is very calm, but because he wants to hide his negative inner self-esteem feelings all the time, many complaints will often be aggravated by the other party’s few words. It is difficult to control, especially with the continuous evolution of Chen Tian’s own genes, his self-control ability also needs to be strengthened, but it is clear that Chen Tian will sometimes let himself fall into a violent state because of the loss of self-control ability, but most of this is Chen Side effects that only appear after days of using too much power.

Of course, Chen Tian also saw the faint changes in his eyes from Lin Xue’s expressions, and he was familiar with those changes, that is, those people thought he was ugly and disgusted, but Chen Tian was a talented person, When he sees that the potential that he lacks on his side is too large, he thinks that there is a person with great potential for development, he will want to let this person join, although he does not ask all the people who join him to be optimistic about him, but Chen Tian wants to be in In the next battle, Chen Tian sincerely considered the safety of the entire team.

After all, what Chen Tian wants is not only to ensure that everyone is safer in the battle, but the main thing is that Chen Tian wants to take all the members he agrees to leave this island together, so Chen Tiancai wants to try to follow the components as he wants. The battle is very comprehensive, so Chen Tiancai wants to win over Lin Xue. Of course, her fancy is her potential. As for her degree of discrimination against herself, it’s easy for Chen Tian to say, so after Chen Tian let her join her team, she didn’t. I talked to her too much, because Chen Tian's discriminatory thoughts were also very delicate. Although his IQ knowledge was not as good as Ye Minyu's, he was smarter than most ordinary fortified people. Chen Tian didn't want to interfere with her thoughts just after Lin Xue joined. This will only make her more alienated and cause her emotional tension.

So Chen Tian found a relatively leisurely place to sit down and leaned against a big tree to look at Angelina who was walking towards Lin Xue. At this moment Xu Xuan did not know where to take two bottles of beer to sit Beside Chen Tian and handed Chen Tian a bottle of beer and asked, "Tiange, why do you want this girl to join? Is it really because she shot accurately?" Chen Tian pulled off the beer cover in his hand, collided with Xu Shun and took a few sips back to drink: "It's just what you think, just because she shot accurately Although we may not need such talents now, I think they will definitely be used in the future."

Xu Shun took a sip of beer and listened to Lin Xue and Angelina with Chen Tian’s eyes. At this time, Angelina was chatting with Lin Xue and the two were girls. There are more topics in the past. At this time, Chen Tian and Xu Shun looked at the two women. They felt that the two people were chatting very hot at the moment. Both of them seemed to be chatting and laughing, but what did they talk about? Of course, Chen Tian and Xu Shun can’t guess. Although the enhancement of hearing is three times that of ordinary people, it seems that this distance is really difficult to hear and can’t hear clearly. It can only be analyzed from the movements and expressions. It’s the same thing, they laugh each other from time to time.

"Do you really want to join us?" Angelina asked Lin Xue when she saw Lin Xue.

"Of course I really want to join, do you have anything to worry about me?" Lin Xue also said this sentence in a very easy-going manner, the two women smiled at each other, but soon Angelina He said again: "In my opinion, you are not sincere. You only want to live to accept Chen Tian's invitation without hesitation?"

"Hehe... how could it be, I totally wanted to join because of the invitation of the one-eyed gentleman, and the respect for your powerful group of people, at least I regret to join as he said. My own survival is more guaranteed. After all, I am different from you. I am an ordinary person, and your body is so strengthened. It is naturally better for you to survive than me alone."

Angelina replied with a long sigh: "You said this is half-true and half-fake, which makes people impeccable, but you don't need to tell me these outrageous things. I'm here to listen to you compliments The words on the countertop." Lin Xue said with a hesitant expression: "Then you come to me, do you want to ask me something?"

"I don’t want to ask you anything. I’m just here to chat with you, and I don’t want to talk about these grandiose memes. We are all women. It’s not easy to survive on this island. I know better than you. In the face of life and death, anyone will prioritize what is beneficial to me, so I know your current situation very well, so I just want to talk to you about the truth, I hope you don’t tell me these hypocritical countertops, I I just want to let you know that we are already a person on a boat, and I have treated you as a friend, so I don’t want you to treat me as an outsider in the chat." Angelina said this again, just again Looking at Lin Xue with her eyes straight, she looks younger than Lin Xue. The blue pupils of her eyes are as deep and clear as the ocean. There is no trace of impurities, and she seems to see through Lin Xue's heart at this time.

Lin Xue looked at Angelina so seriously, sighing long after an embarrassed smile, and then took out a cigarette from her pocket to hand to Angelina, but Angelina shook her hand to signal herself No smoking, but Lin Xue lit a slender cigarette for herself and closed her eyes to the sky, as if this could engrave Angelina feeling an inexplicable sadness from her, this woman must have an unusual experience People.

"You are right. I did not hesitate to accept the conditions of joining you at first just because I was afraid that you would kill me directly. But what he said did make sense. It would be safer to follow you, as long as You don’t want to kill me, then it’s undoubtedly a good thing for me to follow you.” Lin Xue finally expressed his true inner thoughts, and Angelina also gently clapped her hands and said back, “You said so, I I believe you are sincere!" Angelina finished this sentence and walked a few steps in the direction of Lin Xue, then offered her hand and said again to Lin Xue: "Welcome to join our team, But before you shake hands with me, I want to remind you two things clearly."

Lin Xue also reached out and held her hand with Angelina, she asked again: "What two points do you want to remind me?"

"The first point is also the most important. As long as you don’t betray us, we will never take action against ourselves, but if you betray us, then you will definitely die miserably." Angelina said The tone of this sentence is really very powerful, and the volume is also in place. It is neither roaring nor shouting at her, but the slight change in tone makes Lin Xue feel a sudden chill in the whole body. It seems that if you really betrayed us, you will definitely die. The threat is definitely in place. Lin Xue continued to ask with a slightly stiff expression: "What is the second thing to pay attention to?"

Angelina suddenly changed her attitude suddenly, and then her mouth suddenly filled with a smile, as if jokingly said: "The second thing you should pay attention to is, don't grab a man with me, the one-eyed man is already my man, but he I don’t think he looks handsome. I don’t think you will be optimistic about him. Moreover, handsome guys like Wu Yifan are also in my opinion. The second point should not have much to do with you."

Lin Xue couldn't help but laughed when she heard it, and Angelina saw Lin Xue laughing, and she also laughed. She could see a trace of mocking from Lin Xue's expression, in fact Lin Xue was also secretly mocking Angelina at this time. After all, Angelina had a much lower face value than the previous face injury and disfigurement. She also lost one arm, which was half disabled and not very beautiful. The red marks of burns and burns do not look directly proportional to her previous cute face value, so when Angelina said that Chen Tian was her man, Lin Xue couldn’t help but want to laugh, just laughed The sound doesn't feel very good, so I have been tolerating it. In Lin Xue, I think Chen Tian and her are both ugly. It really is a perfect match.

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