Killing God Island

Chapter 834: Chen Tianpeng. I would like to introduce to you the few present

When Chen Tian introduced Angelina, Angelina only slightly nodded to Lin Xue because of her serious injury, followed by Chen Tian and pointed to the masculine glasses man of the scholar's house: "This It’s Xu Shun. Don’t look at his ordinary appearance. He feels weak. In fact, his strength is very powerful.” Xu Shun looked at Chen Tian and introduced himself. Like Angelina, she smirked at Lin Xue. Waving, Lin Xue also whispered to Chen Tian: "I have just seen the strength of this little brother, and it is really great." Hearing Lin Xue who praised him so much, Xu Xuan scratched his head with a more smirk. It feels as if someone is embarrassed.

After Chen Tian introduced Angelina and Xu Shun, he pointed to Yao Jun and said: "This middle-aged uncle is named Yao Jun. Don’t look at how he didn’t shoot. He is the captain of our team. I have to find him for any major incidents. It was also the oldest senior in our team who was deliberated." Lin Xue looked at Yao Jun with a surprised expression on her face. She did not see that Yao Jun shot too much in her observations, plus Chen Tian exaggerated In a word, Lin Xue suddenly guessed secretly, could this middle-aged uncle be the strongest of these people? It's really unsightly. I just thought he was weak. I didn't expect to be the captain. I just thought that this ugly man was the leader of the team. I didn't expect to be the middle-aged uncle.

Hearing that Chen Tian said he was the captain, Yao Jun suddenly blushed. Although it was indeed Yao Jun who led the team at the beginning of the creation of the team, now all decisions of the entire team are made by Ye Minyu and Chen Tian, ​​basically It was Ye Minyu who planned Chen Tian to lead the team. The name of his team leader is nothing more than a fiction. Perhaps if Ms. Zhao did not let Chen Tian and Wu Yifan take orders from him before entering the island, the two will be proud of each other, while the other looks Ripple will not obey his orders at all. Although Yao Jun is no longer on the team, the first is because he has recognized his strength, and the second is that he has no credibility in this team. Except that Chen Tian and Wu Yifan may listen to him, basically no one will listen to him. Children Wu Yifan and Chen Tian take orders from him, not from him, but from Ms. Zhao’s instructions. Now the whole team is the most popular It is Chen Tian.

So when Yao Jun heard Chen Tian said about his captain, if he might have been secretly happy in the past, after all, he also really wanted to let him lead the team, he really took orders and recognized himself, but now Yao Jun heard Chen When Tian said this, not only did he not feel the slightest joy, but felt that Chen Tian said this sentence as if he was insulting himself. After all, in this team, who is currently in charge of himself is also very clear, so Yao Jun returned to Chen Tian with an awkward expression. : "Is it interesting to mention these things?" Chen Tian smiled naturally after seeing Yao Jun's embarrassed expression, and then casually said: "Of course it is necessary to say, no matter how the team grows, I will still take orders from Ms. Zhao The original order, after all, she is a very attractive and beautiful lady! And for new recruits, I must let her know that you are the real captain of this team."

Yao Jun was obviously hurt by Chen Tian’s few words: "Are you deliberately raising me up, or sarcasm me? And Ms. Zhao doesn’t care about you, you give me less to worry about her!" Lin Xue looked at the expressions of the two and asked inexplicably: "Who is Ms. Zhao?" She subconsciously looked in the direction of Qian Da and Han Li. Obviously Lin Xue was the Zhao of these two populations The lady moved closer to Qianda, who was extremely fierce, but she didn't actually mean Qianda. Of course, Qianda also guessed her thoughts from Lin Xue's eyes, so Qianda strode forward to Linxue. After taking a step, she just took a step forward, and Lin Xue, who was scared, took a step back. Obviously Lin Xue was very afraid of Qian Da, not that Lin Xue was very timid, but Lin Xue had seen this with her own eyes. The battle of women is a powerful suppression of absolute power. The fierceness of the battle is unmatched by everyone present. Although Chen Tian is also very hard-core, he is almost a fist, but he is very powerful. This woman is really incomparable, the two are obviously not at the same level, even if Lin Xue is not a strengthened race.

However, Lin Xue is also a very talented person in fighting outside the island. It is a pity that she is different from Chen Tian and other people. She was not selected into the god-making plan when she entered the island, so she was not strengthened before entering the island, but as long as Being able to enter the island is generally not a mediocre ordinary person. Of course, Lin Xue is also a very rare person among the unusual people. The main reason is that she is an ordinary person with fighting and shooting talents. She is also outside the island. A murderous professional hired killer whose combat strength may be slightly inferior to Wu Yifan, but she is definitely stronger than Wu Yifan in shooting talent, so she is also a trainer, and who is more powerful in combat can definitely be distinguished. Although Chen Tian’s strength is definitely not weak, Lin Xue has been translating and observing the fight of Chen Tian’s group at the beginning. In front of her heart, this woman is much better than herself and has a long-haired woman holding a knife taller than herself. The strongest.

So at the moment Qian Da walked towards her, Lin Xue felt timid and took two consecutive steps backwards, but Qian Da came to her not to attack her but said to Lin Xue: "Just now they Ms. Zhao mentioned in the mouth is my master!" Her statement definitely shocked Lin Xue and shocked Chen Tian beside Lin Xue. After all, he did not know before, and Yao Jun has long known that Qianda’s melee kung fu was taught by Ms. Zhao, which also made Chen Tian feel comforted again. Chen Tian now has such a rapid increase in the strength of genes in the body, and of course he can also understand Being aware of who is strong and who is weak, at present Chen Tian does not dare to provoke the lady Qian Da before him, or Qian Da dare not speak so arrogantly in front of Chen Tian. Chen Tian re-introduced Lin Xue to the last person in the team with an embarrassed smile. Chen Tian pointed to Wu Yifan, who was very handsome in appearance, said: "I have to admit that long one His handsome boy is also a member of our team. His name is Wu Yifan, and don’t touch his right arm easily. That guy is a man with a unicorn arm.” Chen Tian is actually a very funny person who likes to chat. Some of the practices exaggerated by others, although not malicious, made Wu Yifan hear very embarrassing, so Wu Yifan directly defended: "Don’t listen to him, little girl, I don’t have a unicorn arm at all, and I don’t like that. I just replaced a mechanical arm after breaking my right arm, but this arm does have power that is hard to predict and even I can’t easily control, as Chen Tian said, so as Chen Tian said, it’s best not to touch Come to my arm." Wu Yifan's warning was actually what Chen Tian wanted to convey to Lin Xue. She didn't want to touch Wu Yifan's right arm just because she thought Wu Yifan was handsome. But his right arm had the property of split attack group attack. Yes, Wu Yifan seldom uses his right arm in battle, because now he cannot fully control his arm with ease, and often hurts himself by mistake, so in many cases Ye Minyu will not let him use it. Unless self-protection, Wu Yifan is generally difficult to use in actual combat.

When Lin Xuezheng was waiting for Chen Tian to introduce Qianda and Han Li, Chen Tian sat down and said, "I've finished the introduction. At present, we only have you except for the three of them!" Lin Xueting After squinting, the other two women asked, "You don't seem to have introduced me to those two?"

Chen Tian directly stretched his back and said: "These two are not necessary, because the two of them are not members of our team. Also, don't try to approach the two women. It's dangerous. It really angers them. , Even if I'm not at ease."

Just then Han Li suddenly came over and squinted at Chen Tian and asked to Lin Xue: "Is this guy just saying bad things about us?"

Lin Xue shook his head very cautiously and said, " he just introduced you to me, but the two of you are missing from the introduction, so I was planning to ask him "Han Li is also very beautiful. Although she is less than a thousand in size and size, she is also regarded as the best among the top beauties. Lin Xue can actually be regarded as a very young and beautiful girl, but she is the same as Han Li. Standing up, the comparison is slightly inferior, and it can be seen that Han Li is quite outstanding in appearance. Han Li is a kind of beautiful lady with glasses and a cute lady. Her glasses are not true myopia, but are similar to round ornaments, especially The tall chest did make Chen Tian swallow and apply after seeing it.

"I didn't say bad things about you. I still don't want to cut the beautiful woman next to you in half." Although Chen Tian had several meetings with Qianda in the previous districts, the two didn't communicate at all, so Ye Even if it is a relationship of knowing, if not for this opportunity, Chen Tian may not have had the chance to meet with Qian Da, so although Chen Tian and Qian Da have also talked to each other, but Chen Tian does not know the name of Qian Da, but is there anything? Reason to ask.

Unexpectedly, she learned the name of Qian Da in Han Li's mouth. When Han Li heard Lin Xue's words, she immediately pointed at herself with a smile and said, "My name is Han Li, I am older than you. You can call my sister, and the other woman that scares you, she is called Qian Da. Wilson has a bad temper, so if you want to live a long time, don’t provoke her.” Of course, Han Li introduced the comparison between the two. The clarity is imposing, so not only did Lin Xue hear her two names, but Chen Tian also really listened.

"It turns out that the crazy machete woman belongs to the Wilson family." After all, the people in this family are rich and powerful. This is what Chen Tian has heard. Chen Tian and Han Li are two new members. Lin Xue initially recognized everyone around him, and Chen Tian cleared his throat again and said, "I just said two important points. Of course, the last important point is also the most important. That is, my next complete plan Of course, this plan is meant to be heard by Lin Xue, and it was also given to four other people, Angelina and Xu Shun."

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