Killing God Island

Chapter 833: Chen Tianpeng. It turns out that he is the most powerful

Lin Xue was young but very clever, or she could still be alive in this t-zone. She saw Chen Tiandu had said this. She could not postpone it. She immediately threw the gun in her hand to the ground, and She directly apologized to Chen Tian and bowed her head: "I'm really sorry, I was just a little excited. I hope you don't get angry." Whether Lin Xue apologized out of intention or to save her life, she now behaves very sincerely.

And Chen Tian also turned back and waved to the rest of the people: "Let's find a place where we can sit down and chat and talk slowly. After all, everyone is tired and take a break."

Lin Xue suddenly inserted a sentence at this time: "Since you want to find a place where you can rest and have a better environment, then you come with me. After all, I am more familiar than you here."

Chen Tian nodded and agreed, so Chen Tian and others followed Lin Xue to a place that seemed really quiet. When Chen Tiangang sat down, he motioned to Lin Xue to sit beside him.

Originally, Angelina and Xu Shun would sit on the left and right of Chen Tian, ​​but this time it was Lin Xue who was sitting on the left side and Xu Shun was sitting on the right. Chen Tianxian said: "Now I would like to announce three happy events to you. The first thing is that everyone is okay to make all the restricted area smooth. This is a team that everyone can't separate from, and of course, can't do without the help of Miss Qianda and Miss Han Li. "

Qian Da heard it coldly and said, "I have no time to listen to your compliments. You promised me something to do for me. If you can't find the place of madness, I will definitely make you regret asking me to help." When Qian Da said this sentence, the horrible and cold words made Chen Tian and others feel cold in the back.

After all, this woman's strength is indeed a bit scary, and she angered her to tell the truth that Chen Tian and Xu Shun did not necessarily fight together, so Chen Tian also responded with a bitter smile, while replying: "You can rest assured, you can help me settle the speech here. In other words, Chen Tian will never be an errand. After all, I don’t have the strength to fight against you, so I won’t be stupid enough to find my own way, so rest assured."

Chen Tian was panicking when he said this. After all, if Ye Minyu fell to the ground, could he find someone who could not even find Qian Da and Han Li? Chen Tian could only gamble. With the help of people, Chen Tian and his gang alone could not win the restricted area, and it was impossible to catch them alive.

After Chen Tian said this, he immediately said, "The second good news is that I am going to let Lin Xue join us, because I think she will definitely become a very important partner in our team in the future, Chen Tian said After this sentence, he turned back and said to Lin Xue: "Of course, I want you to join is also my wish, because I think you are perfect. "

"I am perfect?" Lin Xue felt more and more puzzled as she listened. In Lin Xue's opinion, these people are much better than themselves, so Chen Tian's sentence is perfect when you are, but it makes Lin Xue feel this sentence. The words are too high, I think in Lin Xue’s mind at this time, I feel that Chen Tian is fooling himself, but this is indeed Chen Tian’s real idea, because Chen Tian has long felt that his team seems to be missing some Regarding important things, although Chen Tian and his gang were considered to have been killed all the way from Zone Z, they are really not weak in terms of strength, but Chen Tian always felt that a team really needed a sniper like Lin Xue. This wanted to fight Chen Tianzao and had privately talked with Ye Minyu, but Ye Minyu’s point of view is that no special members are needed so far, although in professional combat teams such as external mercenaries , There will be a special sniper as a guarantee for long-distance observation and unexpected situations, but from the current situation, it is true that the value of this member in the Chen Tian team is not important. Ye Minyu’s focus is more on the whole Very strong talents in one aspect and one aspect, the most important are the potential development and the members temporarily needed under special circumstances, but Chen Tian usually wants to do what he wants to do, as long as he thinks it is That's right, so when Chen Tian discovered Lin Xue's sniper ability this time, Chen Tian immediately decided to let Lin Xue join.

However, Lin Xue is currently unable to refuse Chen Tian for self-preservation, so she asked again: "Do you mean you want me to join your team?" While she looked directly at Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian was looking at her directly.

Chen Tian nodded: "Yes, I think what you might say to me is not new yet? But it’s okay. I believe that time will prove everything, and it will make us believe each other more. Now I just want you to know Joining us is not only more beneficial to your survival, but also a great help to us." At this time, Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan really knew what Chen Tian was thinking in their minds. In front of her eyes, this woman who looks like a girl is a very ordinary girl. In fact, she is indeed an ordinary 16-year-old girl who has not been strengthened. Anyone present can do it as long as she wants to kill her. Some sniper talents are not too rare priorities for them. After all, whether it is Yao Jun or Wu Yifan, as long as you give them a sniper, let them assassinate or execute an assassination in a certain place, these two are definitely both Professional grade, so it's no wonder that Ye Minyu rejected Chen Tian's proposal at the time.

After all, the team of Chen Tian is all-round talents. If you really need the career of sniper, whether it is Yao Jun or Wu Yifan is fully competent, so when Chen Tian made this proposal, Ye Minyu did not expressly refuse, but Obviously, Ye Minyu didn't agree too much that Chen Tian wanted to find a full-time sniper, but Chen Tian always wanted to let the team have a full-time assassination shooter. Of course, Chen Tian entered the island in the past few months. I did not meet any talents in this field. After discovering Lin Xue’s shooting talent this time, Chen Tian immediately felt very interested in Lin Xue’s talent, of course, if it was not because Lin Xue’s talent made him appreciate it, even if Lin Xue Anti-Shui wants to beg to forgive himself, maybe he will die, after all, killing so many people, it is impossible to leave only one person left.

In fact, if Lin Xue is not fancyed by Chen Tian, ​​she wants to be her partner. Even if she shoots so many friends, she will be killed by the people in front of her, even if Chen Tian is a principled one among many teams on this island. , But in fact there is no reason to survive on this island. The truth here is that whoever is strong is the last word. Of course, Lin Xue, a person who secretly hurts his team members for his own survival, If it was Ye Minyu, he would never take the initiative to invite such a person to join this team, but Chen Tianxuan is more self-willed. The first is his temper, the second is that he thinks that he has great strength and potential and he thinks he will definitely be in the future. He can only invite him if he can use it, but Chen Tianxuan and people are very accurate. Whether Xu Xun or Ling Zifeng he actively invites, they are people with strength and potential, which is enough to explain Chen Tian. The candidates are still very discerning.

This time Chen Tian wanted to choose Lin Xue who seemed to have a strong sniper ability. Of course, everyone saw that Chen Tian did not want to kill her. After inviting her to join, Lin Xue was still alive. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to leave here alive.

"Okay! Since you invited me so sincerely to join, then I agree, and you are so powerful, I am honored to be able to join you!" Although Lin Xue said so, in fact, she was still very panicked. After all, these people have just killed so many people, and these people have known each other for a long time. Unlike Chen Tian, ​​these talents have just met, and they forced themselves to join. Look at their posture. If I don’t join, it is definitely a dead end. Too.

Therefore, Lin Xue directly responded to Chen Tian’s invitation, and at the same time, Chen Tian also said to Lin Xue: “Since that is the case, I will first introduce the people around me!” Chen Tian pointed his finger directly at Angeli, who was missing an arm. Na: "She's Angelina!"

When Chen Tian introduced to Angelina, Angelina just nodded to Lin Xue because of her serious injury, followed by Chen Tian and then pointed to the glasses man with a scholarly nerdy atmosphere: "This It’s Xu Shun. Don’t look at his ordinary appearance. He feels very weak. In fact, his strength is very powerful.” Xu Shun looked at Chen Tian and introduced himself. Like Angelina, she smirked at Lin Xuezhao. Lin Xue also whispered to Chen Tian, ​​"I have just seen the strength of this little brother, and it is really great." Hearing Lin Xue who praised himself so much, Xu Xuan scratched his head with a more smirk. , I feel as if I am embarrassed.

After Chen Tian introduced Angelina and Xu Shun, he pointed to Yao Jun and said: "This middle-aged uncle is named Yao Jun. Don’t look at how he didn’t shoot. He is the captain of our team. I have to find him for any major incidents. It was also the oldest senior in our team who was deliberated." Lin Xue looked at Yao Jun with a surprised expression on her face. She did not see that Yao Jun shot too much in her observations, plus Chen Tian exaggerated In a word, Lin Xue suddenly guessed secretly, could this middle-aged uncle be the strongest of these people? It's really unsightly. I just thought he was weak. I didn't expect to be the captain. I just thought that this ugly man was the leader of the team. I didn't expect to be the middle-aged uncle.

Hearing that Chen Tian said he was the captain, Yao Jun suddenly blushed. Although it was indeed Yao Jun who led the team at the beginning of the creation of the team, now all decisions of the entire team are made by Ye Minyu and Chen Tian, ​​basically It was Ye Minyu who planned Chen Tian to lead the team. The name of his team leader is nothing more than a fiction. Perhaps if Ms. Zhao did not let Chen Tian and Wu Yifan take orders from him before entering the island, the two will be proud of each other, while the other looks Ripple will not obey his orders at all. Although Yao Jun is no longer on the team, the first is because he has recognized his strength, and the second is that he has no credibility in this team. Except that Chen Tian and Wu Yifan may listen to him, basically no one will listen to him. Children Wu Yifan and Chen Tian take orders from him, not from him, but from Ms. Zhao’s instructions. Now the whole team is the most popular It is Chen Tian.

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