Killing God Island

Chapter 8: Followers (on)

The younger sister of the two sisters stared at the front with dignified eyes and said, "Sister! I said he must not be an opponent of these five? But even if he wants to play with our sisters, he will not be so desperate. Right? Is this man too stubborn or too stubborn?"

The elder sister of the two sisters also bit her lip and meditated: "I think most of them are abnormal brains? But it is not good for us to see him killed like this?"

"Sister, do you want me to help him?" Angelina said directly: "This man is very interesting. He was beaten by a team of five people who exceeded his strength by at least three times. He has not been killed for so long. Wouldn’t it be better if we saved our bodyguards in the future?"

Chen Tian had not fully climbed up from the ground. Suddenly his hands were stomped on his left and right hands. At the same time, his legs were stomped on. He was wearing a suit while Chen Tian was restrained. At the same time, the fifth person kicked Chen Tian’s head straight and Chen Tian was trying to defend, but his hands had been crushed by the other two.

At the moment of crisis, the younger sister of the sister behind the suit man, Dai Lingsi, kicked directly from the suit man behind the man in the suit. The woman seemed to have a weak body but the kick strength was not at all. weak. The man in the suit who was suddenly attacked from behind was kicked to the ground directly by her, and the other four were shot by her sister and shot all in the head as soon as they looked at Darlings.

Chen Tian also looked at their sisters with a surprised expression. At the same time, the man in the suit who had just been kicked up also stood up from the ground: "How can you have a gun in your hand?"

Angelina, the sister of the two, pointed his gun directly at his head, and returned with a sweet smile: "Go and ask God!" A bang shot and a bullet directly penetrated the man's eyebrows ! !

Chen Tian stood up from the ground with his chin covered: "This little girl's marksmanship is really accurate, I just thank you for saving me!" Chen Tian's words just fell, and this blonde-looking woman with a loli-like appearance pointed the gun. Chen Tian.

Chen Tian’s expression also slightly sank and asked: "You don’t even want me to kill? If you kill people to get medicine to maintain life, then you don’t have to kill me. The five corpses lying on the ground can Get ten pills of relief, should it be enough for you to use for a few days?"

At this time, sister Angelina also directly spoke a bunch of English that Chen Tian couldn't understand. As a result, Chen Tian seemed to understand incomprehensible in Chinese: "Please speak Chinese, I don't even know what you are talking about?" "

The sister next to her said directly in a language that Chen Tian could understand: "I will do the translation! My sister just wanted to say that there can be no relief pills on those people. Their identity is the tracker on this island. If you don’t want to He died under the gun of my sister and promised to be a slave to our sister!"

Chen Tian laughed at the word slave. Slave: "When your sister's slave. Slave might as well kill me directly, but I don't mind if you are a friend!" During the period, Durse Agwen, who had just been stunned, happened to be awake.

"Old. Big. Have you evened out these people?" He staggered up from the ground when he saw that the five people who had fallen on the ground were dead.

Chen Tian motioned to raise his hands above his head, but Chen Tian still showed a fearless expression on his hippie smile, and his tone continued very frankly: "Since you haven't shot for so long, you should have taken me as a friend , Since I'm already a friend, how about sitting down and discussing in detail?"

Sister Angelina put her gun away and nodded slightly to Da Lingsi. Da Lingsi pointed Chen Tian’s finger at sister Angelina’s left hand and said, "My sister tried to avoid chasers from the island a few months ago. She cut off her left arm by herself, so she is not wearing a watch on her left hand. This means that she has lost many functions that the watch can give.

Besides, it’s easy to understand because she lacks a watch. She can’t understand what the two of you said, and naturally the language she speaks cannot be translated into your country’s language through the watch. "

Chen Tian suddenly realized: "It turns out so! No wonder my watch keeps showing only one person with red dots. It turns out that your sister is afraid of being hunted down by this group of people in suits. You want to take off your watch so that the coordinates don't reveal your position, but Forcibly removing the watch will turn on the device forcibly injecting the toxin into the watch.

Once the force is removed, the toxin will be injected into the left arm and cause death, but if the left wrist is directly cut off to allow the watch to automatically fall off, the toxin device will still be turned on, but the arm has been detached from your body and the venom cannot spread to the rest of the body through the blood, so Your sister is still alive on this island even if she doesn't wear a watch on her left arm. "

"My sister don’t look at her looks like a little girl. In fact, her body has evolved much better than me. At first, I was rescued by Sister Angelina to live to this day, hesitating that we are all Americans get along next In one year, we became sisters in trouble even closer to each other."

Chen Tian’s younger brother, handsome blond Duther Agwin, suddenly asked: “Your sister broke her arm to avoid those talents. If you were with her, wouldn’t you expose her through the positioning device of your watch?”

"At first, I thought so too, but then my sister told me that after entering Zone 3, which is Zone X, she would basically not survive without a watch, so she had made too few decisions about the broken arm, so her sister now needs A translator like me and her companion from a country do her translation, and the function of the watch will be more known when you go to other areas.

So I won’t say much, I’m going to talk about some things that are relevant to you, of course, these are also related to your life and death and the life and death of me and my sister! Chen Tian heard this, with a slightly exaggerated expression and interjected with a big mouth: "Do you want us to be your bodyguards?" "

Da Lingsi's expression suddenly froze: " do you know my thoughts?"

Chen Tian suddenly pointed to the body lying on the ground and said: "You have been chased and killed by these people, of course, someone needs to protect you, and these people are so powerful, even if you two girls are very powerful and have guns in their hands, it may not be necessary. Can be completely successful when all the opposite sides are alert. And you have a lot of bullets in your pistol?"

After hearing this, Dai Lingsi smiled: "It is indeed a man whom my sister admired. Although the person looks ugly, he is quite clever. You are right. If the gun has no bullets, it is no different from scrap iron. It is also a reason why our sisters want to ask you two to help!

Of course, our two sisters will not let you desperately fight for us. After all, what kind of benevolence and morality is said on this island is too much, so how many times have you saved our sisters, our two sisters will give you special rewards. ! This return from us is absolutely amazing! Hey! "

The handsome blond guy Durst. Egwin nodded directly and said, "Yes, it looks like your sisters are very kind, and I like your kind of woman with a clear interest! Should you save this time?"

Dai Lingsi directly nodded and said: "Our sister never said anything, but this time these people were killed by my sister, so I am sorry that this reward can only be seen to touch you. But a great gift to you!"

Darlings swayed his body casually. The movement of this magnitude was really hot, and the blond handsome dug. Aegwynn's eyes were about to fall. Not only did he slobber down and down: "I didn't expect this woman's figure to be so good!" But Chen Tian suddenly got up to stop her spicy dance: "Hey! Enough! We can protect you for the time being, but I must know those who wear suits and have extraordinary skills, Why do they have to chase you down?

Just now their goal is very clear is to capture you, if I don’t stand up to protect you, they don’t seem to want to embarrass me. So please tell me the truth why they chase you down. I am not afraid of desperately trying to be a woman, but I definitely need to know the ins and outs of the whole incident! "

Dai Lingsi looked back at her sister, and the sister also signaled her to say nothing: "Since you want to know why they have to kill our two sisters, you have to talk about the pattern of this paradise island first. Before landing from the helicopter before entering the island, those soldiers should have already explained to you?

The island is divided into twenty-six areas, each of which is arranged in alphabetical order. The outermost area is the z area where we are now, which is the so-called lowest area, and the penultimate area is arranged in order. The 26 letter y code area is also much better than the z area. At least the y area is no longer a jungle zone. Then, the deeper the island’s overall architecture, the more luxurious the side will be, and the people encountered Will become stronger and stronger.

First of all, this island will have many helicopters every month, and these prisoners who landed from helicopters will also continue to advance to the y area according to the location of the island’s terrain and the distribution of people on the island, but in fact these are in accordance with The routes designed on the island proceed from different locations on the island to the destination. That is, no matter where the landing point is, the direction and route of these newcomers, they will eventually gather at the eight different entrances in the y area.

Each of these routes will enter a group of newcomers a month, and the eliminated people are either killed or unable to obtain evolutionary drugs because of their incompetence, and eventually die due to the gene collapse caused by excessive evolution and die! This paradise island was originally an experimental base for the God-making program, a human evolution experimental base born from more than 2,000 researchers.

On the one hand, they can enjoy the real live murder, and at the same time, they can also bet on the life and death of the selected person they bet. Generally, the minimum value of a person is a few hundred, and the strength is tens of millions. The stakes are even over 100 million, and this kind of gambling sting is extremely unparalleled. "Delings said here, she scanned Chen Tian's face with the watch on her left wrist.

Chen Tian's series of data was immediately displayed on the watch:

Name: Chen Tian

Nationality: Chinese

Death code: 463

Known as: ghost man

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Height: 1.79 meters

Education: Middle school

Murder index: 10

Danger: 80

Potential value: five stars

Level: z level

Enhanced genes: ht series.ym mixed variant genes

Ability (unknown)

Sky Tribulation (not turned on)

Weapon (unknown)

Grade a. Death. Penalty. Offender (three years in prison)

Family members: mother, sister

Introduction: Organized, killed, murdered, and sentenced to three years in prison. During imprisonment, he was quarantined many times because of multiple involvements, fights, assaults, and fights because of his ugly appearance. Ghost man, the right eyeball was shocked by a punch in the living eye, but its potential was amazing. After a month, the prisoner of the entire district could even submit to him.

He was convicted and imprisoned for participating in a major event to kill, commit crime, be sued, and prosecute. He is an extremely dangerous prisoner.

Today's status: A w-level tracker has been killed and a great reward

These light blue fonts are displayed above Dai Lingsi's watch, and even Chen Tian and others can clearly see them. Chen Tian glanced at his data and asked: "Is there anything in your data that you care about? The people who enter the island should be all guilty and evil, I think you should also be a prisoner?"

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