Killing God Island

Chapter 7: The strong appear

After all, the two blonde sisters are two girls. Although they have strengthened their body but their physical strength, they are still far less powerful than Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian is very easy to chase them.

The distance between the three people was getting closer and closer. Until the last three people were only a few meters away, Chen Tian saw these two blonde, beautiful, female and running postures, and some inexplicable momentum came up again. The speed has also accelerated.

But the two blonde women were getting more and more tired and running slowly: "Sister I can't run, the ugly man runs too fast, it's better to turn him back and give him a shot!"

Another foreign blonde woman with a body like a little girl has better physical strength than her sister who is much taller than her. It seems that she also thinks that the ugly man who has been chasing after her is too annoying, so she really from behind Take out the gun.

Just as she was about to turn around and give Chen Tian a shot, she suddenly heard a scream from behind, and the two sisters immediately looked back and saw a beautiful man with golden curly hair, posing a very cool look, and then I flicked my hairstyle and asked, "Is the two ladies okay? There is no need to be afraid when I am with you!"

The sisters directly ignored Chen Tian who was lying on the ground, and the sisters said thank you at the same time, which also made the handsome blond man more justice and awe-inspiring, he pulled a flower from the ground, and then slowly Walked towards the two ladies.

But he just walked two steps, only felt. Chrysanthemum. Flower. A burst of pain instantly came out, followed him by flying more than one meter in front of him, and then snapped his two front teeth with a face, handsome The image of is directly reduced by more than half.

At the same time, these two sisters also looked at Chen Tian again, but Chen Tian smiled and put on a Bruce Lee pose, a small broken step moving under his feet, shouted loudly in his mouth: "Dare to play handsome in front of Uncle Ben. Sister? Can I give you this opportunity? My person hates two kinds of people in my life, one is handsomer than me, and the other is handsomer than me!

Your kid happened to take both of these things, so the uncle you want to fight today is lower than my face! "The older sister Angelina of the two sisters was about to draw a gun. Suddenly, the handsome blond man in front of them stood up again, but his mouth bleeds blood because of the two incisors, but he didn’t seem to care about the bleeding in his mouth. Not forgetting to get his own hairstyle, and then said to the two sisters behind him:

"This kid dared to attack me. He decided that you two would wait a moment. A **** scene may appear in a while. This scene is not suitable for girls to watch, so please ask the two ladies to leave first."

Angelina, looking at the confident face of the blond boy, secretly put the gun away, and took the younger sister to escape to the rear again. Chen Tian looked at the blonde foreign boy who appeared inexplicably ahead, and Chen Tian's face exaggerated as if mockingly asked: "I said Xiao Huangmao, are you looking at more heroic rescues?"

This handsome and handsome yellow-haired man wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his expression changed dramatically from the just and awe-inspiring image: "You thin Asian, I am not interested, I originally thought you killed the thin ugly man, by the way Get the hearts of the two women just now, and then kill them to get their relief medicine.

I didn’t expect you to dare to destroy my plan, and still kill my two front teeth. Don’t you know that I eat by face? "The yellow-haired boy rushed towards Chen Tian with an angry face, and his angry blow Chen Tian dodged in the slightest, making him hit his face firmly: "Ah? "

The loud knocking sound of the fist pushed Chen Tian's body straight up. This handsome boy does have two punches. This punch is more or less hard, but this strength may work for ordinary people. For Chen Tian... ...And it's useless!

Chen Tian, ​​who fell to the ground, sneered even lying on the ground: "Hehehe...Your fist is still a little bit hard, but it is unfortunately useless to me!"

Chen Tian sat up from the ground. He rubbed his face and sighed: "Don't think that you feel great when you fly me out. In fact, I don't feel any pain when you punch!" Chen Tian stood up , And step by step toward the handsome blond man.

The handsome blond guy also immediately felt the aura that Chen Tian exuded at this time. This is a look that does not fear everything. This look only contains a powerful, suffocating oppression that knocks you down. Feeling is a very fierce look like a beast. Chen Tian deterred him only with this look for a while.

His body shivered and took a few steps back, but anyway, he was a first-class black boxing master before entering the island. Use your own housekeeping skills to spin the side kick.

When Chen Tian chased the two sisters, he was kicked and flew out with this trick, so now he still wants to use this trick to knock Chen Tian down again, but did not expect that this trick not only did not knock him down, but also his right leg Chen Tian caught his hands directly, "What? How could it be..."

Chen Tian grabbed his right leg in a horizontal round and then released his hand. He flew the whole person directly out of the wheel. After losing his balance, he directly landed and slid out more than one meter before stopping. Before he stood up, Chen Tianqi was under him. Chen Tian looked at the young man's front teeth and smiled slightly: "Foreign handsome boy, Uncle Ben will help you make a facelift with your fist!"

"Hey! Brother, I'm wrong, please forgive me!" Chen Tian punched his face hard with one punch after another. Because of the ability to fight black punches on the face all year round, the ability to fight against the face is much stronger than that of ordinary people. The repair ability is double that of ordinary people. Even if Chen Tian punched so many punches, he still did not die.

But the handsome appearance has been beaten and swollen like bread, and his lips have been beaten like. Diao. Liang. Xiang. Intestine. "Big brother I'm wrong, please take my life!"

Chen Tian suddenly stopped and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Huang Mao, who was beaten and uglier than Chen Tian, ​​immediately replied: "I shouldn't have bravely provoked you. As long as you let me go, I will definitely not appear in front of you!"

When Chen Tian heard this, he gave him another punch: "Do you think I beat you because of your bravery?"

"Why is that? As long as you say it, can I change it?"

Chen Tian clenched his fists again and shook his head, sighing: "It's because you are too handsome, I hate that others are more handsome than me!" The words just fell and he punched him in the face again.

"Don't fight anymore, it's because I, Dad, Mom, Miss. De, gave me such a handsome appearance. I'm also very annoyed at this point. In fact, I like the ugly shape like Big Brother, so you are right !But please don’t kill me, just give me a breath. I haven’t got married yet and have children, so it’s too much for me to die!”

After listening, Chen Tian gave him a hard punch and said, "Dare you say that Uncle Ben is ugly? You are so handsome, even if you didn't have a family, have you been an object? Uncle Ben is still a boy, you compare with me? I dump you ten streets! "

"Yes! I don't dare to make comparisons. I didn't say that you are ugly, I mean you misunderstood. I mean that you are masculine and very heroic. I compare you to a dog. Fart. No, so please don’t kill me. I’ve seen the bravery of my elder brother, and I’ll decide to do it with you in the future!”

Chen Tian thought about it and sighed, "How much do you have a bit of strength, but you become a bear like this when you punch me a few times, and you want to be my little brother?"

"Brother, I swear you let me go, and I am absolutely loyal to you. I swear by me. Male. Root. If you betray your brother, I will never lift it!" Chen Tian looked at him with such sincerity and stood up to him He stretched out his hand and pulled him up: "Since you are willing to be my little classmate, I still don't know your name, so please say your name first!"

"Yes yes, my name is Durse. Igwen, Igwen is my surname, so you can call me Durse!" Chen Tian nodded and said, "My name is Chen Tian, ​​but I don't allow it If you call it that way, you must respect me as the boss!"

"Boss. I'll be confused with you in the future. Now where should we go next?" Although Chen Tian was wearing a suit at this time, he seemed to point at the front with fury: "Give me the two first. Niu. Grab, the food and medicine on me are on both women!"

After hearing this, the governor immediately said, "If you are the oldest, you are looking for the two women, not to solve the problem of men and women. If you are worried about drug problems, let them go, because I have eleven to ease evolution. The drug, I have killed five people before you and the boss.

In addition to turning over five unrelieved relief medications on their bodies, they also took out one of their watches each, so now with my own one, I have a total of eleven, to show that I am right. Old. Da. For your loyalty, I can share these drugs with the boss! "

After taking five pills from his hand, Chen Tian immediately patted Duther on the shoulder and praised, "It seems that your kid is still a bit useful, it seems that multiple kids are also good!" While chatting, the two sisters who had just escaped suddenly ran back from there.

Superintendent pointed to Chen Tian and shouted, "The old lady. The two women you are looking for are running towards here!" Chen Tian looked back: "Aha? Really they are!" But behind It seems to be followed by five men in suits, the dress is exactly the same as those of the men in suits just now.

Could it be that these people and the two women were not together? Chen Tianxin just thought of this, these two blonde sisters have ran to Chen Tian: "Hey! Help us!"

Chen Tian was stunned for a while, then asked with an exaggerated smirk expression: "What good is it for you?" The two sisters saw Chen Tian's smirking death, and the younger sister Dai Lingsi of the two sisters replied directly. : "As long as you help us get rid of the next five people, then how do you want our sister to follow you!"

Chen Tian immediately gave the newly-received younger brother Duther an apprehension: "It's time for you, Ying. Xiong. True character!" Duther nodded: "These five people are handed over to me!" He Tossing his blond curly hair, he rushed straight at the five men in suits.

The two sisters were also stunned. It felt like this blonde fat-faced man had seen it somewhere, but they could not recognize that this was just the handsome and handsome man. After all, he had just been taught by Chen Tian’s fist. Finish.

Chen Tian knew that the strength of Supervise was absolutely not weak, so he should rub the five men together, so he was going to nag with these two women alone, and carefully asked about the return after saving them, but did not expect to be confident. The governor was beaten by these five people.

Chen Tiangang finished blowing with this sister, saying that his younger brother could easily solve the battle in less than a minute. As a result, the governor was beaten down by these five men before the minute: "I. rub! even my younger brother. .Dare to fight?" Chen Tian took off his suit jacket and rushed to the five people in front in his shirt.

The younger sister Dai Lingsi of the two sisters said to her sister: "Sister let's go first!" But her sister said with a smile on her face: "No hurry, let's see, I think this ugly man is very interesting , I think he should be able to fight, I also want to see his true strength."

"Sister, you overestimate him, and he will beat those rookies. These five people are trackers out of the x zone. Their strength is no longer within the scope of the early z zone managers. This ugly man can't have any point. The chance of winning!" my sister shook her head and said: "We always avoid it. If he really can't do it, I will kill him with these five people with a gun!"

Chen Tianchong only realized afterwards, why the governor was beaten down without even persevering in front of them for a minute. The strength of these five people is not a small role level. Chen Tianmian reluctantly captured their attacks, but because the attack speed of these five people was too fast, even if they could see clearly, they could not escape their attacks at all.

If it weren’t for Chen Tian’s super ability to fight and fight, now he must have been knocked down to the ground as early as Durse, but Chen Tian is also a very stubborn person, even if he can’t beat the five men’s joint, but also prevented them Any one of them wants to get past him to catch people.

No matter how many times he was knocked down, he would still stand up and die with the five of them. This even moved the sisters a little. The normal person was beaten down so many times and gave up long ago.

Chen Tian's forehead and half of his face were bleeding, and his chin was also distorted. Many parts of his body had already been fractured, but he stood up again and desperately torn up with these five people, preventing them from jumping forward again: "Look The situation is not so good! How are the strength of these five people so strong? The injuries on my body have exceeded the speed of my repair, and I will really lose to them in this way!"

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