Killing God Island

Chapter 788: Brothers and sisters. Open the eye of evil emperor

In fact, the ambush arranged by Zhuo Yanxuan is very simple, but the effect is very obvious. In less than a minute, Starrudi ordered the cadre members to deal with the situation in two groups in the past, and the rest of them except the rear The outside is ready to follow Starudhi behind the breakout, and the so-called breakout is directly in front of Zhuo Yanxuan, and this is the only route back to the Krum site, so if you want to go in the past, you must go to Zhuoyan Behind Xuan, a battle with Zhuo Yanxuan is inevitable.

Zhuo Yanxuan was still standing in front of him, looking at the front. Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to see what emergency measures the other party would take, but at this time, Starudi, who was in a panic, asked directly Tida Li, second in command and military division.

"What should we do now?" Although he already had his own thoughts in his heart, he hoped to have a better plan to deal with, so he would ask Tidari next to him, and at this time Tidari What he thinks is not the comfort of the whole group. Now he is thinking about how he can get out of here and find a relatively safe place. I don’t want to be wiped out with you here, so I have to find a way to leave. This.

Just as Tidari thought of his retreat, Staru Rudi asked himself, "What should we do now?"

Without thinking about it, Tida Li directly replied: "What else can I do? Things can only be fought with them. If you kill a road, that is the way of life. If you can't escape, each of us can leave here alive. Isn’t this the current form? In addition, there should be no better plan. Now, the gibberish of reconciling with him is not easy at all. You see his sister’s crazy killing method and that ugly face at this time. Is fierce, what do you think will happen if we don’t rush to kill the past?"

These words of Tidari, in Starudi's opinion, were extremely true, because he felt the same way in his heart, he asked this mouth just to hear if there were better opinions he didn't think of, but from Titi The conclusion reached in Darry's mouth is exactly the same as his own, so Stararudy said directly to Tidari: "You are right, you don't have to think so much about the moment of life and death, and now we only need to preserve our own Life.

Starudi’s words are actually very encouraging to the people around him, but don’t look at the fact that these people have just more than three times more staff than Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters, and they have killed a lot in less than five minutes. People, now they have more than a hundred more people than Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters. Looking at the shrinking men, Starudi finally shouted out: "All brothers, we have no more Retreat, the other party wants to let us die, but we must not die, we have to live for our dreams and hatred, we can survive the person in front of us, everyone will kill this kid together with me."

After Starudi said this, he rushed forward in front of Zhuo Yanxuan, and not only was he rushed together, but also had nearly 50 elite members of his cadres and second-hand Tedali They rushed in the direction of Zhuo Yanxuan together, and there was only Zhuo Yanxuan in front of them. The two rows of people shot arrows at that side at the same time, but for these people, the arrows above didn't work for them. Big.

Zhuo Yanxuan looked at the many masters who rushed towards him, but just raised his left hand and looked at the watch, and said to his sister: "Wenxin time is up, the original plan is open!" Zhuo Wenxin directly heard Jumping in place, stepping directly on one's head and jumping directly, as she jumped, she also opened her own eye of the evil emperor, and Zhuo Yanxuan also looked at the eyes of her sister at the same time, Zhuo Yanxuan Also opened his own eyes of evil emperor.

The eyes of the two evil emperors are together, and the pupils in the eyes of the two brothers and sisters seem to open the password. The dense lines around the eyes begin to rotate regularly. At the same time, everyone running to Zhuo Yanxuan only feels The space in front and surroundings slowly began to twist, and at the same time the surrounding things began to change instantly.

Tida Li originally had a clear mind. Suddenly he felt that the changes around him began to change with the beginning, and his consciousness seemed to be missing a lot of things. He seemed to have forgotten many things, and his memory seemed to be slowly disappearing. But what disappeared is not all the memories, but the memories from the time I wanted to kill Zhuo Yanxuan until the surrounding things began to change gradually. Although Tida Li tried hard to let himself not forget, there is also a sense of danger, but These memories are indeed disappearing with the change of things at noon. This is the trick used when Yan Xi and Zhuo Yanxuan were fighting. Of course, after the brother and sister of Zhuo Yanxuan were presented with the eye of an evil emperor by Yan Xi alone, with the brother and sister After you can use the eye of the evil emperor, the efficacy and ability of the eye of the evil emperor is simply too magical, there are too incredible things, but because the brother and sister, only one eye is the eye of the evil emperor, so when In the case of one, although there are many abilities and moves that can be developed, there are certain limitations, but when the two brothers and sisters open the eyes of the evil emperor at the same time, this ability will be expanded even more. This is also regarded as Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin's combined moves, and the power of this move is also very powerful, of course, the two brothers and sisters together in addition to envy the intimacy of others, the two brothers and sisters will often practice each other in the form of fighting points to the end, because the two have strength They are very tough so they may get injured occasionally, but injuries are small things for their siblings.

Their brother and sister's recovery ability is second only to Chen Tian's repair ability, and they are not afraid of minor injuries, but they are basically shot when they learn from each other, so they will continue to become stronger, of course. Know that if you want to survive on this island to the end, strength is always the first condition for survival here.

When Zhuo Yanxuan and his sister Zhuo Wenxin's pupils faced each other, the original two completely different pupil eyeball lines suddenly reversed themselves and connected with Zhuo Yanxuan pupil lines, which was the moment around the two. All things began to twist gradually in an instant, which is why Zhuo Yanxuan distributed all his men so far away from the brother and sister.

When the evil emperor's eyes were opened, the surroundings instantly turned into a scene of human hell. There were many flames flying all over the place, and even the sound of ghosts crying and howling was completely resounded in the auditory nerves of each of them. Fear of loneliness, despair and other emotions make an individual start to fall into different memories of his own. The enemies and relatives in those memories all appear one after another. Many different despairs hidden in everyone's heart, their greatest fear, and fear Things are coming soon.

The stronger ones, led by Staru Rudi, can barely resist the influence of these emotions, and even a trace of memory does not interfere completely, and the rest are not so lucky. There are many good signs, and they even kill each other under the influence of hallucinations.

Of course, this move is only the initial illusion of the evil emperor’s eye. The real power can even be virtualized and even let the affected people die on their own. However, the two brothers and sisters can only use the initial stage at present, but this power has allowed the brother and sister two People feel very good. At this time, Zhuo Wenxin has come to his brother and snuggled in front of him, leaning his head on his shoulder and said softly, "These people are still crazy after they fall into illusion. Next, my brother next step What do you want? How long do you intend to trap them?"

Zhuo Yanxuan said directly to his sister: "We don’t have time to waste time. After all, in the middle of this area, after different forces fall, various changes will occur. In order to carry out our plan steadily, don’t waste time on it. The boring things are up, the business matters.” Zhuo Yanxuan said that he made a gesture to nearly 200 people in the distance and sent a message to everyone with a universal watch on his wrist, shooting all non-cadres Members, their cadre members can see a clear distinction from the clothes, and these people were originally members of the Starudi organization, of course, those who are cadres are even more familiar.

So these people took their bows and shot directly at the people below. These people were shot through the body like a target and fell to the ground. There were fewer than fifty people left in the Starardi army, and these fifty Man does not seem to be completely affected, but he cannot escape the shackles of this illusion.

Zhuo Yanxuan once again said to his sister: "Now unleash the illusion of the evil emperor's eyes on them, and let them fight with us, they will choose to escape because of panic, so that our next plan can be carried out smoothly. !"

Zhuo Wenxin nodded his head to show that the brother and sister looked at each other again and lifted the eyes of the evil emperor. With the surrounding scenes regaining their original condition, these people were also scared by their own illusions and sweated when they again After restoring the original consciousness, the corpses on the ground were all their own people, and the other party didn’t even die. This originally made each of them have the idea of ​​not wanting to continue fighting. The ability will not be used, so including the leader Starudi, the thoughts in his mind at this time are to quickly escape from here.

At this time, the situation around them is exactly the same as before. The two rows of people who are far away only shoot arrows. It seems that it is impossible to come over and engage them in close combat. More than fifty cadres and elite members, in the face of this pair of brothers and sisters, in fact, everyone has a little guilty conscience, this pair of brothers and sisters is the most terrible person, this time the pair of brothers and sisters stand in front of them, only two People stand fearlessly in front of more than fifty masters who can definitely be called masters. This kind of momentum, in addition to domineering, also reflects the kingship of this pair of brothers and sisters.

I saw Zhuo Yanxuan standing in front of Staru Rudi and others, and naturally stretched out his hand and said again to Staru Rudi: "I remember, I gave you two gems in order to let you trust me, now I To take it back, I hope you can hand it to me. If you do as I said, I will definitely not embarrass any of you."

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